Show I 2X y Sun-da- ?rile 5nit Morning U S Naval Convoy Escorts To Britain Appear Likely With Iceland as Main Base Navy Marks Plan Tactics for War Gaines "Tin Hats' rri '"1- ' if Launching Of An" Giant Veteran °Many Submarine Battles Gets Command of Arctic Outpost Where Major Expansion Is Planned - Noyember 9 1941 gake Treibune e 4 " ' Official Indicates Ship Only First Of Fleet Planned N'N - 'Thousands Help Prepare' Wealth of Inforthation For Chief Executive's Use -- '4' Army of Experts Filters Material From Entire World Into Brief Reports for President to Utilize ' Nti lit4s 01 1 BALTIMORE Nov 1 WASHINGTON Nov 8 (The Salt Lake Tribune Special News WASHINGTON Nov 8 (Al—Designation of Iceland as a s 49 140world's ? boat 1k largest flying d naval operating base stirred conjecture Saturday Service)—When President Roosevelt makes up his mind thou44' t 000 pounds of winged might cai — 'i '1''yet: sands of persons have worked on the idea first night that extension of American naval patrols and convoy escorts pable of flying to Europe and back 7'" Ite ' '' ' ''': In shirt sleeves cutaways business suits or uniforms they all the way to Britain was imminent c was launched SatWithout i k RecretJ'kry Knox assigned Rear likiitoor 6 probe and analyze in Washington in the 43 states and throughout urday with full naval ceremony t4k ' I i ' ' I I Admiral 'James L Kauffman 54- f ' s ' ' thtb world 'What they learn is es' an honor heretofore reserved for i ' k veteran of World war "11' year-ol- d sembled coordinated and evalr men o ' war of Uncle Sam's navy vitt:00 : : convoy battles against pubmeS1040 ekdn(rsanld ficisnallyuthrse With champagne glistening on t: rtnos to command the Iceland ' Into nceontvithmetti 4 '''‘'' to'' 1 ' ir'''' her blunt snout the flying battle17 ' 01' ' ' House by cable telegraph mast '''"6 4 " 4i''' 4 :'' k Th announcement followed by 4 '1e- - s 4ri x‘ ' 1 rolled ilowly down a ramp and in crisp little memo- ship t I ' to vote senate's the '' air 2': i day permit 4 i are handed to the Glenif at L the Martin aircraft to go into American flag vessels across ' his desk ' '''' Si-a-Year 71 ''' factory splashed into the waters belligerent meaning especially In this critical era a special While the house British ports of Middle river and settled easily gToup of informers are at his elhas yet to act authorities foreon hull massive bow delivering much of this inher ' -i cast that if cargo vessels are pert I formation serving a purpome apart Leaders Use Hint secL Gates Artemus assistant mitted to make the whole trip to from that of his cabinet and the routes of the will Notes for travel whose air President navy retary England they Of ''':::!!':" ': heads of the various agencie s who Offices 1:'6'"4 WI! christened the great flying protected by American warships ' f'i in ordinary times are tho presi- '': 4NtuPP:'1 Avisiowtz1 ' - "' Gains Moral in ' ' ' ' boat bearing the appropriate name ' dent's principal informants 4' ' ' 4' ' i ''''' Operations Grow i Business Tie-Up- s ' ' '" '' ''‘'''t ' 1 44401i 1::'?'A:i 444 The names of Donovan Hopkins ' of said "and Jing"Mars" that it !e add Should the Atlantic fleet 4t Physical Defense '' VOIX1 Lubin Currie Coy Met lett and this job to its present assignment -- -I ler ships will add greatly to our WASHrNGTON Nov $ : Winant some day probably will inof guarding the sea lanes between The dozens of "dollar-a-yeto : navy's growing strength' men" 2 Nov wAsmNaToN trigue the historians who will (UP)— America and Iceland the island That assertion indicated the ir search their secret files to learn - ' :WI Satursaid Roosevelt President ' '::: ti 1 :'''' outpost would become the scene of defense assignments here faced navy had plans for building a fleet 44 ''' f President Roosevelt acted of even more intense military and investigation Saturday from th of the huge craft if the Mars a in day night proclamation desig- why thus and so naval operations than it has ex- senate and house sides of the cap- proves successful but Glenn Marnating Thursday November 20 Bursts of Labor tin builder of the ship went even perienced since American forces itol as Thanksgiving day that the moved in four months ago further by saying: nation's "moral and physical deIrrom until late at Chairman Truman (D) Mis- ' Such intensive development of "We have designs for a 250000-fenses against the forces of night he morning reaches repeatedly into the place had not previously been souri announced that the special pound airplane which will carry a mountare threatened ?k aggression of nearly 'the basket" indicated but the establishment senate defense investigating com- load of over 40 tons to Europe or 1 ing daily in magnitude and effec- all the papers repository await his that 20 tons twice that distance of a naval operating base there mittee was It tiveness" In normal times it IS tention checking carefully on will have a speed of over 300 miles within itself an administrative I I "La the interest of our own fu- formidable ) all the f business executives and but nowadays numerous showed naval 0 that step A '4 per hour ture we are sending succor at it piles up enough i 1 in bales It' is taken aetivities both ashore and afloat other experts who have flocked to) —00' — "It is our concern to design and i i increasing pace to those peoples with htm on trains on the yacht had been or were being set up abroad who ars bravely defending Potomac to his nMce at I to accept places in build the ships that the navy tHyde While officials were silent on Washington wants whatever they may be That I their homea and their precious Park to his stateroom set-u- p the defense 7 mushrooming voy- were during taka details these activities will always be so Whether they be La liberties tannihilation" 0 litr ages a t sea But it never gets i a' against ) 1 t ''' I se to include ship and plane re"Nobody can live here on a dol- warships with wings air cargo '' 4 ' said a ) I I Roosevelt him When pressed he and lar a year" Truman said "We or passenger liners we will go forrtit' " pair facilities for both British amus ask the Divine beyond can Let 1 bib clear it up in a buret have asked for all information t tworaisewikl always American craft fuel depots dein on (4646 with ward the our further decision and navy bleasing concentrated solitary labor connections other sal- our national de Major General George S Patton left command- division wear the army's new type helmets as termination to protect Our way of The rounitionsupplies hospital facili- corporation aries and defense contract awards strengthening rapidity and thoroughness ties and the like fense' the forces of evil with n'hich Ing the Second armored dhision and Colonel they go over maps in field headquarters near of life against he masters the mate-an- d Even if American bases are set to former or present employers" A in thousand of several crowd which in these seek slavery Second armored S C during army maneuvers chief Chester of On the house side Representa- - which staff astounds those who work with rill Keyes Geoffrey up on the British Isles themwas braid set off to navy gold days encompass us" him One tive Coffee (D) Washington a of his intimates said develotia not selves unlikely the dungarees of aircraft ' Text of Proclamation he has a photogrephie mind that liberal bloc against rnent — it was considered prob- leader of the workers witnessed the kind of intellect which can able that Iceland would remain said that group expected to "ex- - which took place at the launching The text of tho proclamation: —the same spot a page of reading matter absorb the most important fleet 'base in pose the connection of dollar-ayea- r - where the pioneering China Clipper D "I Franklin Roosevelt pres- in the time men in defense agencies with first took to the water in 1934 it takes art ordinary the eastern Atlantic ident of the United States nt to read a couple nt lines Yet In addition to its strategic po- big corporations" with an aim of No date for the first flight has America do hereby designate and man doesn't miss a detail of what sition on the sea lanes to Britain ousting these officials set aside Thursday the twentieth he been set The ship first must reedit And he eta recall it he The It is alsoin a watch-do- g outspoken repreaentative position extensive water tests She day of November 1941 as a day years afterward on the route over which much of said that 100 members of the lib- dergo to be in has and observed her static thanks passed giving At press conferences—dramatie the new billion dollar's worth of eral bloc hoped to show a con- - already to the heavenly source of our structural tests Force Battle SlowMoving leatee-len- d Against Infantry which the president move to will nection between of award performances equipment huge earthly blessings Russia Nia the port of Archangel defense contracts to large corporaobviously immensely—h enjoys Leads in Carolinas beloved Offenses Advancement To Test free is Both "Our country IIMPLZPS his staff by being able to "dollar-ayea- r tions and of activities and strong Our moral and phytil- answer Figures la Action men" with other officials questions on minor details Gets Initial Other Nations Workout Full cal defenses against the forces of of Cavalry Regiment In affaire on wilich Iceland has here governmental figured Already mountare threatened aggression no information Dollar-a-yehad more action than any other Amermen first came they To Imitate America ing daily in magnitude and effec- ever man ican naval center since the World Into national prominence during CHEStER S C Nov 8 - tiveness blitzkrieg methods war The toll of dead in patrol the World war when business men Explains Chart so successful in France the lowlands and the Balkans will be and eonvoy work in waters &dia volunteered to serve their country CAMDEN S C Nov Send Aid In Owa Istemst eent tn the Island mounted to 125 without salary Under an 1870 act Two ago a mu of econtried out in the Carolinas' army maneuveri next week a mechan- armies of other nations are tak"In the interest of our own omists years on prices prepared working Saturday when the navy added a however they had to receive same succor at for him a highly complicated g division ized units battle the ing a leaf from Uncle Sam's book future we are sending new name to raise to 101 the total compensation to prevent the possquare chart infantry Tribune Washington Bureau pace to those peoples —the sort of thing even scientists et men lost in the torpedoing of sibility of subsequent claims for Cooperation between the air and increasing of all armored! The alignment defend— are abroad who 0 WASHINGTON Nov 8 The units attached to the Fourth army bravely for hours before they tan the destroyer Reuben James salary Records show that techground forces—considered an out- ing their homes and their precious study understand it One of the The admiral placed in charge nical consultants paid only nominal growers of sugar beets and sugar corps on the "Blue" side in the fully success in of the factor standing liberties against annihilation men explained the chart to him of the new base earned recogni- sums were employed in Washing- cane will get no benefit payments second phase of the German armies—has been devel"We have not lost our faith and the on their 1942 crop unless congreas tion during the World war for ton long before 1917 was hailed Saturday president nodded and said exercises his service in the Atlantic A citaoped by the U S army so that In the spiritual dignity of man little: the economist wondered it Truman said the senate com- speedily enacts some kind of sugar by military observers as an interbelief in the right of he really comprehended all that tion given him with a navy cross mittee would get data from gov- legislation The existing law under esting experiment others now learn from America our proud to live out their lives was being said all An hour later people The entire First armored corps praised his work as commanding ernment agencies not only on "dollar-- which these payments are made General Herbert A Dargue in freedom and with equal Major treat- there was a press conference arid 31 will December officer of the destroyer Jenkins a-year expire made up of the First and Second men" but ón men draw said here Saturday ment The love of democracy still the president explained the chart But that is not the only threat armored divisions the Fourth moertgaged in the exacting and ha ing regular government salaries He is the commander of the burns brightly in our hearts to the reporters more clearly and tardous duty of patrolling the wa- consultants' fees and other pay that overhangs the domestic sugar torized division and several engiWASHINGTON Nov 8 (R) — First air force which has the task "We are grateful to the Father accurately than the economists ters infested with enemy submaThe chairman said the senate industry Senators and congress- neer units will be attached to the rines and mines and escorting and committee previously had learned men have just begun to wonder Blues daily had explained it to him Exactly 100 days after President of protecting the vital northeast of 111 all for the innumerable Rix beneficient of manifestations When he is listening to reports imarrange- - Bulwark of Foress protecting convoys of troops and that William S Knudsen director about the new lease-len- d Roosevelt asked congress for in affairs both public and he takes no notes except memoFactor mercy Deciding of 0 P M gave up his pay with ment with Cuba announced by supplies" the house mediate action banking the bounties of the iranda which he intends to pass on The bulwark of the defending General Motors and is serving the Secretary of State Hull an agreeThis teamwork he said will be private for Satcommittee ment as secret to reported for formally still details harvest but diviopportunities to la- to some member of his staff Whoa will "red" 43rd forces be the without government compensation under which Cuba will be in war the factor any deciding to serve and for the written reports are prepared for a bill which control and bor persion 318t division Third cavalry urday and that Sidney Hillman 0 P M price labor director also received no mitted to repay the loan made 107th cavalry Sixth cavalry 74th Chairman Steagall (D) Alabama of the future and the army has continuance of those homely joys him he prefers them to be no government pay but was drew- to her by the United States with field artillery brigade and a gen- said contained "all provisions nec- striven with that goal always in and satisfactions which enrich our more than a page or two long He must economize his time to the lives ing a $12500 salary from the In- sugar tobacco manganese and a eral headquarters antitank group at this time" to combat in- mind utmost and when he desires more ternational Ladies Garment Work- few other products but chiefly Major General Oscar W Frig- essary To further this aim of combina Divine Blessing Asked detail he isks for it wold commander of the Fourth flationary prices ers' union sugar ' Nov 8 WASHMIGTON How much Cuban sugar can be army corps outlined the general In talk) with his advisers he "Let us ask the Divine blessing Dargue who But Representative Kopplemann tion of effort General nation-wid- e Mrs a tour has ended on the American market situation for the new exercises determination on and our decision asks PecretarylKnox designated just dumped frequent questions: and when memConnecticut another Howard L Merrill of 7420 Hemp-eo- n of airplane factories and bases to protect our way of life against the questiona stop coming the under that agreement nobody can at a critique iti 'Winnsboro Satur- (D) 'measure as a streett New Orleans La Satascertain for the Cuban quota day The maneuver opening Mon- ber denounced the suggested a regular- schedule of the forces of evil and slavery plan sneaking with him knows that urday to sponsor the destroyer still stands Nevertheless the day will center around Chester "nonentity" that was "no damn large scale exercises like thnae in which seek in these days to en- the time has come to end the Carmick scheduled for launching in The Blues will be commanded by good" and predicted its defeat in the Carolinas with the armies in compass Ile agreement seems to contemplate at the Seattle-Tacom- a ShipbuildThe presidentiat advisee that from Cuba Major General Charles L Scott the house unless it was changed the field at least four months of 'On the day appointed for this expanded iMports the our us at observers are watchirg otherwise they cannot repay the commander of the First armored ing company 1 Seattle Wash reflect year let capitol purpose The committee decided last Satabout February "It would top off training in homes or places of worship on with closest attention today WASHNGTON Nov $ (N Y loan with sugar and the Red forces will be corps The vessel is named for Mrs Times) — The The first congressional move headed by Major General John C urday on all major provisions of home stations" he said "It would the goodness of God and in giv- Colonel William J Donovan co reassignment of Merrill's four this session "to clo something for Persons commanding officer of the bill and the past week was be the greatest thing for morale ing thanks' let us pray for a ordinator of information His job several of brigatlier generals of the ma- whom Major Daniel Cern-licat war with the competi- speedy end to strife and the es- Is to assemble for the president were promoted sugar" came with the introduction ttle 31st division recently spent in putting these decisions Playing rine corps tive from colonel was announced by Friday of the it brings is the best tablishment on earth of freedom material of strategic value prispirit Second Phase Into legal language and drafting way to 8 Mrs J Hanson Delvac the value of con- brotherhood and justice for en- marily of a military nature and the war department Saturday bill of impress but presentation it2nd street Elmhurst N Y was to a house the stant In versus mechanized report units measure more include: grind in little during time dealing largely with foreign of is training iThe that than They nothing divisions exercise will be In brief the bill would authorize things? designated Ppon sor for the dewhereof I have fairs In setting up the office the B Coulter now in com- a gesture for it proposes such im- f "In witness John stroyer Kendrick to be launched mand of the Fourth cavalry Fort portant changes in national sugar the second phase of the Fourth the president to appoint a price Commands Air hereunto set my hand and caused president simply made the an at the Bethlehent Steel company Meade S D assigned to the Sec- policy that even its proponents army corps maneuvers Earlier administrator who could fix "ceilat of the United States of nouncement as commander in the San Pedro Cal next May The ond divi3ion with head- agree It cannot be considered or this week the Blues in possession ings" on all commodities goods command The First air chief of the armed forces—not support to be affixed" cavalry America Kendrick was named for Mrs in with Columbia force South the of combat Carolina's rents articles and and in defense at capworking issuing an executive orderof as Fort this session Kan in admit quarters passed Riley They Act17Ivac's other A creation case of General the Lieutenant areas ital the be could Violators after proseHugh B John on theoretically now was invading bill Anderson fact introduced the that ing Master Charles Kendrick of in the office of the chief of duty executive agencies field chiefly to attract attention to the the state via Charleston and Sa- cuted in federal courts and would Drums First army in the two Clipper Lands in Lake the navy Ga were virtually be subject to a maximum penalty months' maneuvers in the Caroto Donovans headquarters Is the the Second subject with the expectation of vannah artillery assigned old naval hospital a few blocks Infantry division Fort Sam Hous- arousing sufficient interest as will hemmed in by die Blues as the of $5000 fine and two years im- linas is part of General Dargue's TO Avoid S F- - Fog ton Texas command His headquarters are from the Lincoln memorial One insure its consideration early in first part ofthe maneuvers closed prisonment in New York SAN FRANCISCO Nov 8 (UP) must have a pass to enter and it Waldo C Potter now executive the next session opening in JanuL officer in the office of the chief ary 'Tersely summarizing his inspec- —The Antic clipper inbound from is surrounded by armed guard S-tion of airplane plants General Honolulu landed on Clear lake in On the staff is Captain Jamel of field artillery assigned to comIn the light of what happened at mand the field artillery replace- the last two sessions of congress Lake county Saturday because oft Roosevelt the president's eldest Dargue said in an interview: The enormous amount of pro- thick fog conditions over Tresaiire non CAMP BOWIlt Brownwood ment training center Fort Sill it would appear that the only duction that is going to pop on ialand In San Francisco bay Pan Texas Nov 8 sugar legislation that can possibly body of Okla this world soon makes your heart American Airways normal landLeRoy Lutes now on duty at be enacted this session would be rrivate Everett Joseph Bird 28 feel good of a the Third Saturwas ing base Lake found reaolution headquarters Salt army simple continuing City "We already have reached a proIt was the first time a dipper day in a drainage ditch on the San Antonio Texash assigned to such as was passed a year ago 50 per cent of the had used the Clear lake alternative of rate duction Thirty-seventcommand the coast Bowie reservation LONDON—Britain offenof launches the life aerial winter the Camp sugar extending great — A bullet wound was in his head artillery brigade Camp Haan Cal act through 1942 without change president's goal-50- 000 planes a landing base since It was estabsive against axis inflicting heavy damage but suffering 4 lished in 1935 and a pistol in his hand year" WASHINGTON Nov It trt — large plane losses its result of sudden storms—Story page An envelope addreued to his Roosevelt said Saturday President 8 1 column Russians reported to have halted nazi drive mother at Salt Lake City (551 future ths that appeared ominous Sherman avenue) containing a to Moscow and toward have throw invaders onto defensive blank piece of paper was found who lack resoluto those 6 column "only in many sectors—Story page I ort his body tion: who fail to Of TIP the Inherent Captain Jack Rhodes of the to States WASHINGTON—Britain United and plan strength of democracy" military police said Bird had been CAMP CALLAN Cal Nov 0 wound up showing him movie-land- s On the eve of the twenty-firs- t strengthen their position in the Orient—Story page I dead about 36 hours He was in W'ASHINGTON Nov 8 12I1-- -8 (UP)—Private greatest number of enlistments annual observance of American Robert A column 5 spots and the 213th general hospital unit night brightiest The navy reported Saturday for the nine months period with Abell of Detroit Mich a tradsome of movieland's brightest Education week the president de1883 New York City was second that Birminghank Ala topped nate of Wayne university was BERLIN—German warships ordered not to fire on stars clared that the challenge of sta1688 with Detroit third with of 's all the navy ketruiting the luckiest selectee Bob met Loretta Young Waste Paper Campaign considered in defense Hitler American page world is ever with ?us except says—Story ships 1391 1408 with nine fourth tions the first tragic Chicago In this coast artillery replaceduring Irene Dunne and Mischa Auer 5 must We column C with N fifth a I of and Raleigh guard against any feelmonths of 1941 with ratio ment camp Saturday and then took a couple of turns Fails to Set Example The shape: of of fatalism 1001329 ing for enlistments 3969 every deAbell Private ran into a around the dance floor with "Gercome ominous is to declares Beaverbrook MANCHESTER—Lord in only to best Moines the Des area turned in things 000 of its population NEW YORK Nov 8 (1111)— luge of good fortune last week Lupe Velez Lupe liked Bob's who resolution: who lack thoae one thousand hundred use Des Iowa Moines in more ratio or mans now have 100000 per recruiting guns" for eventual Two identical publicity releases end when he decided to go to dancing and the upshot of it Inherent the to strertrth fail a of a mark with second for with ranked station September 5 5 column to him lunch "do on was and town" invited the a she Great Britain—Story page an attack concerning defense campaign for Hollywood 1753 Portland Ore WAR next Of democracy who lack faith that ratio of 3853 San Francisco on his $30 pay check with her Saturday at her studio 'weste paper ennaervation" ar 1449 Spin Francisco third we live in a moral universe in Macon with was 3774 third with So Saturday Bob accepted VICHY—French revolt plans of serious proportions unrived at the United Press New Quite by accident he met a truth rightenuanoaa and Portwith 1341: Springfield Mass and Ga 3750 with fourth town was Bob of movie out York desk Saturday night in seppresumHollywood reporter at covered by police at Nice—Story page I column 6 1which will eventually 1s madik to Seattle and 1206 I'he with fourth Ore 3686 with land fifth arate envelopes Each contained a the Brown Derby The reportably in Hollywood lunching with : fifth with 1192 Macon station turned in the er took a liking to Bob and latstis sheet of letterhead paper Lupe Ar 0 L11----Th-e ' r:' full-fledge- f r - 1 mp r 4 I "r 1: '': : Senate Group Cheeks on Men I 1 ?t Ess ' - i 4 ' - I I ‘': '!- ": f - ' ' t uatRooseveit : '''' - - - - - '': ' 4 T Date Nov 20 - : Sets Thanksptelephone ' A ' for -- ii li s " ': ' ' A - 16e ar - 44 4 :'' ': :' SI r' :N At - - - v ' I ' j : - o - bow- 4N o- -- - - ' r - - 1 so-call- ed U S Army Sets Pace With Air Mechanized Units of Army Map 'Blitzkrieg' Practice ar Sugar Benefits For '42 Wait on Congress Ground Forces Un--Ger- slow-movin- corps-conduct- ed House Group Reports Bill To Curb Prices 1 J Knox Chooses Ship Sponsors 7 Army Switches Four Generals er k 0Mahoney-AdamsEllend- er 53-2- great-grandfath- er Officers Find Body R Soldier Of Digest of Major News On Progress of War he Roosevelt Opens Education Week Draftee's Visit to Hollywood Brings Luncheon With Star Birminghcpn Navy Recruiters Lead in Ratio of Eitlistments I to-da- -- - H I 4 11 ys |