Show 4 IC Sunday Morning November 9 1941 Mit 5alt gnkt Tfributte r' A4" Home Building and Planning No Serious Housing Problem In Salt Lake Survey Shows The report states further that this overcrowding is "serious" Dwelling unit means any Portion of a structure which cr By John Winterateen City can expect a of the present rate aetviity "for sevif the movement follows cycles observed over the past 60 years according to a property inventory of the city recently completed by a WPA staff While the survey was made during the fall and winter of defense priorities began to affect the construction industry—building activity has experienced a rapid recovery from the dull years of 1932 and 1933 and there is every indication that it will be sustained because of the need for more housing Closely tied in with the survey's findings on nede for more housing is a recommendation for comprehensive planning for the future Survey investigators said in a report submitted to the city commission by Mrs Virginia P Probes: director that "well planned use of a city's land is of direct benefit to that city" Drives People Away "To allow one section to become undesirable results in migration of the population to outside areas both within and outside the city limits - "This movement means Increased expenditures for street construction and maintenance curb and gutter construction installation of sewer and water eystema increased fire and police protection and removing homes outside the original taxing jurisdiction "It results also In the abandonment of schoolhouses In the undesirable sections and building of new structures in the more attractive areas" the re-port continued "Residentialis property particularly sensitive to land uses not in conformity with residential purposes Stability of real estate Increases when protected by a controlled land use policy" 'The report's discussion of need for controlled planning is as signifIcant at this time with the city planning and zoning commission urging employment of a city planning ex- Salt Lake continuance of building eral years" ' 1 1 1 4 I - No Slum Areas Salt Lake City functions as a social and economic center for the entire state and a large por tion of surrounding states many large companies have central and regional offices here there is a large group of fed- eral and state employes and important army and defense activitiee—hence the need for increased building particularly of homes the survey experts found While there are no flagrant alum areas substandard hous ing 13 scattered all over the city affecting adversely the high rental value and high property value areas adjoining There are a few scattered 'neighborhood" slums and a considerable number of "pocket" slums in the interior of the large blocks which formed the citys original pattern the re- - 1001 WAYS TO EIT11011Tal UP t voutz1100Eti 007y40-k- JUST BORROW PlIS COLOR STYLE GuIDE t Ifs the famous I Sherwin-Willia- Paint and Color Style Otaide—World's largest collection of giant full-colborne and room photographs Pcnd Its yours to borrow or m N I 140)4 7 e - - -- - 1 4-55- ‘r7:4- - SOUTH 221 - ' A7 f AP1°4W litoIj:1: f411:ie Jensen-Morga- n Illidr-2141Na"arir- 1 4- 1'' - ' ":m"'$- --t -- 4 - r- - i 7 tt - rar'P' '' !-- V 4 f ' ''': ' : - t li Ir 1 1 ' r! etot 164 4 - - :it tt- - el -- ' ik - 47: ''' i' 4 I I ki' T °'' :011 ' - "4'' : - ' 11':: '- ' i:p ' 4 ti -A : - ') -- 4'4 - 7' i' - 4r -- -' - - -- - 1-- - - - ' -' 'r"'"' ' ' 04' i ' )14'' ' ' 1 S' ' t '''t‘tfr' i A 4- -- - - ' - ' ' '" 4)4 7 " )' - : $ 1- I t 'c '4' A " 1 :''''- - - a 2 - ter Last year according to the records of the tr S department of agriculture 513024 families in 1804 counties reported savings by putting up 62388132 quarts of fruits and vegetables and 16076399 quarts of jams and jellies Generally speaking a family - ' : :1 - ' ' i ! "ail' A i'iti k t ' - Homes Are Sign of Times 'i 141 t- s 1$' Vs 04- - Prefabritated '4:t ::‘ t ''t ' t 1 - $ t p pt I 'r '4 i' I ' ' '' 4'4 4 ' 0 3 IR- - - - ' '-- - 4' :'' 44 4 ' i '''''A ' e:el 1 t it I - - - 1 quantities at the proper season not equip the basement for fruit and canned goods storage this winter If you have a garden you no doubt have on hand a miscellaneous assortment of fruits and home preserves awaiting proper storage space Every can and foods of such home-kejar means just that much less cash outlay for food duririg the win- ---! e' es t44 ''t ) t'' to -" 4it'- -- I - 1 AA )- ---N 1 - '4 - - - rt4-- - j1t i t - if" r : '- - 1'' -' t ' 44-- ' - 1 rr ' r:"' ib)alr ::' '' ''- ' -- 14'1 ":11t11rk -'' - -' I- ' 00 - irir I 0 '''r'-- '' 4 f--l' ' t - ' 1 A'A:( pi' 4' A o ' S 1 -- - T: - -- i- t -i ' - The tempo of the tirnes speed has struck another industry— t of homes the 4 4 11414 t 4 building ' - ' 4op t-- ' ''s ' ' )' is prefabrication or 0 Net leresult I 1 i I7e'it-- 4 f'-''-41'4":ii )11 9' eaekftt the mass production of - house 7-' 'r 4 tA " '' I sr in tr ''1ti C44 sfae°ti°rnie3s Anonadsisttaembkleys ileistha ‘ 01:tot-ve PN ' i 4 i '1 ?I--:t i4 t 4 f Alj a working day to erect these t )3e tk i A A '' 1 ':i1 into livable attractive units ? 1 f k 341 'Aii Att it'740 ' Ili cost less homes i 7 that t I 1 f t ''" 44 i 4 t it '' ' ':1 4 :A ' : ' t:"1: ''1 ' t' t' : : e it nation's fastest growthe 1 It Its ( ''::ftl ev s tL 9 t14 tt4CI 4 - 'I I ti f'L most talked-abo' it I4'1"t'e 10 ''t ing industry ti k st: t 4 t! 1‘ 4 P' ''' k tr Long in infancy the method ! t I ' ' 0 ' i i 4- - t — i !N i -401K' of ) "''' -large sections 41 t"Ne it '" 4"4 ':--' i4t-- ' t" tt of walls and other house parts 7A"'" ' 4 44 ' '" '' "':' 'f''"' 4 Vft ''N wowfotS 4f14 A : 'It :' 1'"7 el l 11 'eolt i ialti ) t t s f ' At ts It 470111110NOMPI7en40500NWOOS '4111414110Log Alibiltamumsamiseibaidisoil' has been rushed through aclples' '4 ss'0 4 L'4!::'s'motAL 1 'N:if'701 1 it Ahiet:r a t : ell W cence by acute defense needs At top a front view of the Raymond J Ashton home at Kays and dislocation of population porch The picture at the bottom shows the south end of Now prefabrication is a potent vile showing the bow window on the west side and an old the house where the old and new parts are joined The force in the American way of home overlooks a panoramic view of the valley spinning wheel which occupies a prominent position on the life Indications are that after the emergency a great portion of the homes will be prebuilt Originally prefabricators built standardized houses Today this systematized building permits of a wide variation jn design through changing arrangement of panels varying floor plans and architectural planning KAYSVILLE — After search- of them is a genuine Chinese d There is a choice of interior teakwood chest ing more than five years for a and exterior finish also beeause was This with Mr a lining camphor view with site building is the what Just like fir plywood a son materials When painting doors Krease a R a Ashton from relationship J Mrs gift Ashton and Raymond J between an architect's drawing the knobs locks and hinges no standard among prefabricators who sojourned in China for a an old hut purchased of a home and the finished prodIs susceptible to popular finishes that you can wipe the paint time Draperies are used only at on a lot in Kaysville and In will other the words uct? Lumber plywood shingles and to windows the full view drops off more easily to permit remodel began house look as good as the picother materials are used for exof the countryside Even the lock To make a burglar-proo- f Situated on the top of a high ture' terior siding are rooms of flowers the within bend an amid elm hill and locust copper heavy stately Just as working plans for the This rocketing industry has varieties to lend wire like a hairpin Leave the trees the little red brick build-in- k drawn on developments in other building of a house are made "to the proper atmosphere was one of the oldest homes key in the lock Put the wire scale" so that parts are shown Farm animals roam the types of manufacture to make in the city and commanded a loop over the spindle back of in proper size relationship so a the shop-bui- lt houses possible the knob and draw the ends grounds outside to add still a full view of the valley from can be note to "perspective" drawing further the air down through the head of the Notably the stressed covering country either side It was this panoplotted to accurate scale and be principle developed for airkey With this precaution the ramic view of the mountains the so drawn that it is as correct in nor be cannot planes is used The rigid plyturned inkey pushed lake and its islands that as a of wood proportions photograph In from the outside panels are glued to wall spired Mr Ashton an architect the finished house taken at the so they give strucframework To frost a clear glann window to the by profession redesign same tural viewpoint strength just as does the con150 modest home and have it apply a strong solution of The average house illustration "skin- - of an airplan0 wing rochelle salts and warm cater verted into the attractive Includes imaginary trees and a Basis for prefabrication of When you w ant the glass clear home of rambling early The government has allocatfull complement of shrubbery course is the assembly line deAmerican architecture that it is ed funds to construct rnore again wash with soap and reand in is' this It vised automobile manufacplanting by warm water homes for defense workers and today that your finished home Wall panels the size of turers spect a One of is home the feature families of the army's and navy's To restore the finish to may not resemble the picture plywood (four by eight feet) or bow window in the dining room enlisted personnel than now are washed chintz curtains dip up from which you selected it eventhe full length of the room In eight cities which adjoins a long porch overand down in a mixture of starch the site you choose are formed to exact dimensions Naturally and The defense housing division and gum arable and iron while looking spacious grounds not have the trees shown may in jigs or dies well planned rock gardens The estimates that the 111383 homes in the artist's picture and you damp on the right side to be constructed with governflagstone porch and all walks on Faded or shabby CIIIIVaJI covmay not have planted as much are stones the sidewalk ment funds in the United States grounds on Russian Olive can be furniture greenery as has been indicated ering porch taken from the walk of the old and its territories will total There is one other point which painted any bright color Two The Russian olive is a handmore than the houses in Salem Salt Lake theater In keeping If not watched carefully can coats are usually enough to resome small tree with gray with the country atmosphere Mass Pasadena Cal Mobile cause variation between the picstore the new look leaves It is splendid for a tall which has been maintained Ala Charlotte N C Reno ture and the product That is Finger marks on white enamthe home and Nev: Joliet Ill Cantoti Ohio hedge and thrives well in poor the grading around the house throughout el are best cleaned with turwet or alkaline soil an old wheel Rock combined and Little Ark and grounds spinning the of house the height pentine and a soft cloth This on the attracts much 150 attention this homes total of above the Most only houses ground does not remove the gloss as will be built in Utah the govlook best when placed near to porch soap and water often do For ernment tables of the ground without too much Unique reports knotty pine finger marks on painted wood have been fitted into old wagon foundation showing and most deuse a damp cloth dipped in wheel steel tires found on the illustrate them that and rub Rinse whiting lightly Gives New Effect signers If actually built several way Paint feet grounds at time of purchase CHOICE with a damp cloth and rub dry and are quickly rolled to any above the level intended by the TAKE YOUR on marks varnish Finger yield of lawn the for outside To Maple Furniture part designer in his drawing your to washing with a soap jelly to new horn o Will compare unfavordining which whiting has been added loKnown as and Crestwood colonial or Dutch ably with the picture you sePennsylZAP Polish with cheese cloth dipped lected cated on Crestwood road the vania Dutch furniture for din-i- n in water and moistened with a of native constructed use now room is house is prebeing few drops of lemon oil field stone The west and south sented in maple walls were left as original and Coal Supply Is Ample with authentic motifs New white- to accent the finishes for the maple wood are painted Raise Remodeling 3lay stone portion "sandwich" a light shade and For Many Centuries The original two rooms were "Sudberry" a darker finish Value of Old Rooms converted into one larg living In these days of !'shortages" Bright blues reds and other rt room 28 feet long where a It is consoling to learn that coal shades are used for provincial Many older homes contain d velhandsome is i48111 the decorations Chairs for almost "forever" painted plentiful rooms which could be rented vet carpet forms a perfect backEven milady won't have to worpainted in the solid bright colors and made to produce revenue for the dark period furor in black and gold are also ground ry about fineries when coal prodexcept for the condition of walls niture of the living rooms On ucts make nylon forrnalm afterprocurable for definite- groupNEW 1941 and ceilings or possibly because noon dresses the sheerest hose delicately shaded walls hang ings they are too hard to heat Either beautiful reproductions of faribbon sandals lingeries and or both of these faults can be mous master paintings while even cosmetics I43 10 remedied merely by covering old Known Poppy tittle the library features an accousBesides milady's uses of coal surfaces with insulating board oil-burni- ng tical ceiling which sounaprools The plume poppy (Bocconis Similarly unused attics basethe room for study ments and open porches can be cordata) is not a well known '1 Every known modern conveniconverted into profitable living ence has been buUt into the most because plant perhaps rrt r t I space Li 2111111V the only prepaOne feature is a rehome it r gardeners move it around too Ir' erect vse ration cessed sewing nook which can often and therefore do not give The apnecessary be closed instantly by its two is a chance to show what it can f?r new or old homes plication of insulating board low doors in the service hall -I: ft do Once well established it room ' is the There ee Otis fret Cie' an modern completes '''' ' thrt4re oill In the bedrooms period color may prove troublesome- as it i 1 ' no additional decorating to be heat at no more than the cost tat many an e '''' schemes and furnishings are of underI spreads vigorously by oldtashooned turnace Nen leveret' aftWrilt " done and the room is ready for - 0 7 c731773 r- - eol fuel economY Forted therm air BIMMent high interest Outstanding in one ground shoots Immediate use '' momm--or ground Soot snyrallatton n zw ' I -- N LY ti 95 Gwen! Met& 51 PLUS '' 4 ' 40 a 1 le ' -- 4 1 t Ppkk s 4 ' A ' 4 il 1 4 4 "0 :4 L - se '''''' ': ' 4"?r-: "- f ' -it- -LJ :: s ''--r 1 ' k!'"'l s 4:i ' '!A 4:' -- '1 ': - 1 1 1-4 t — 4 -- - - 4 r i) -- -- moare -- frrea! -- - --l -- - g'" v 1 !1 3 -li 1- 4'"1- '- - er - ut o6 shop-buildi- e- - 4 c 1 - '- 117 - - 1 )'-11 4 - S 1t '''' td uk-tAl- - - I - — '"1 e irltee4e- ''g These Hints Kaysville Couple Remodel Old 'Will Finished House Look Horne on Beautiful Site May' Help Like Picture? Home °niters hand-carve- two-roo- 21-ac- m re 11-in- ch ed six-roo- m of five needs 150 cans of leafy vegetables 135 cans of tomatoes and citrus fruits 125 cans of rich protein foods and 52 cans of preserves and jellies The size of the cans may be varied to suit the size of the family counting on quart jars or cans for families of four or five persons The minimum quantity of vegetables includes Vi quarts of greens 15 quarts of tomatoes and 71- quarts of other vegetables with a like proportion of fruits and about 10 cans of preserves Once a good set of storage racks and bins has been provided they will serve year after year The material to build new storage space will cost very little and if you are halfway handy you can do the job yourself If there are some vegetables you want to store choose a high well drained place sweep the ground clear cover deep with hay or straw top with 12 inches of dry dirt pile up the vegetables and mound them over with earth inserting small flues as air vents out-of-doo- rs Plastic Walls Save on Iron A shower cabinet made of plastic panels is the newest con- tribution of the plumbing industry to the conservation of iron and steel needed in the national defense program The wall panels of the shower cabinet are made of impregnated plastic covered with a triple coat of enamel baked on at a temperature of 300 degrees Tests have shown according to the manufacturer that panels of this material will not absorb water do not rust and are acid-resisti- - ng The only steel used In the construction of the cabinets is a heavy gauge steel for the four uprights and the top framsi Government Allots Homes Utah EWE III 1 I)) I j I 0(1 1 - SAME COST Featuring —1114i - Flaming Forge - paint-decorat- CANER end tit 1144V ed - Lit0--1 MAGIC Hand I Controls :'-- scroll-designe- CONCO - Models Si low as RGE - 1 111 plus ----- latromatoin 11 - - - " 101S - DEFENSE AGAINST COLD rim VIA01113 1 vox 0115 - WO Rock Wool ay 77 ' Tho Superior' Ar Buildlog Co I 1:70 ' -- use"i"- Dial Prinif 64 Phone Per leo sq ft Installed 4 in Thick 71016910 &1410940 A Til WITH ATTIC WOOL $1100 I IFILHELSAIRIM ON o It will give youl Complete ComI fort and Even' In Temperature your home Win-tand Summer Work Guaranteed—Free Poe - 630 -- - is delicious ural food Estimate III i 59 INSTALLATION for Model nat- E Me -Raandengethip Line foe 1941"soda" - $I GENERAL (C) ELECTRIC r p7: 701 SO i STATE-4-- 1134 Intrmoontele moi SALT BOISE Soo NORGE Dial CITY Uptown GRAND JUNCTION 1 Bofors You Buy GRAND JUNCTION Dial Yard-- 13 ' 5-1- Office-4- t 37 Worth Sth West '4 - -- - ' Kearns Bldg 02 I 6 i E 31 1( JFUELE ItCOMPANY Co i I t CONCOI1 Distribstors LAKE Distribefors ' 0A-6- 3 neSalialic WFiu"tunrerDdelteery iiss SEE YOUR NEAREST CONCO DEALER Ha voesSestehenew ar COMPANY - Ranges have a sensational new oven that seals G-- DOM IIISULATIO11 '?"‘ST I - su Fire Relining as You? iltri ‘ ''k Vermin CoSat3NsterCiet It2036kt11S1 of Your Fool Costs It Is Piro and Vermin Proof WOOLSULATE Inc 134? So Mobs 0 Fast Repair teNttr lid OV f'- Our : Insolation IT SAVES A— 0 44 LAKE CITY SALT - L tioe S ellardwarceo 1 - 50 9 alltake M FURNACE --- lust-al-b Terms— FASTEMP It 4 :::::Z1111111 solfor e ':5 ::4 44 ittAv 1 - o - Lir 1 One of the best of many gond old American customs was the storage of the winter's food supply The idea is still good since you can buy cheaper in largo :42--- ' As e 4'4 10 - i'- ' ' 4 s "' to - s- l'i- 1 i ': '' 7- Iii' - : 1 1 L -! 0-:- : 404‘ t't '‘ I 47:-'V"4''''4W7rir'S''likr - ' "' ' ' ' I -- '4'ert '' '' ''' '' :' 4- — - 1A'hy (' 7 ''' " -- ' -z 'i-Jf --2- 4 -- ' ctrR--th4 t f 4' V1''1' — N 4-- - 14- -2 7i pitAe tkit :' I V'--N- ' - ' ' -- V 4 - t113110111141117Z ftbS lbA- '- Al t : Jell 1:44 "'- 4 - 2 1 1044e ' --- tv- fur! ! r' 0 -- - ' ' ' 1 " V lie:I i '' — - - 0 " :-- i:2 Le 1 1 ' ' - 1- °r - - 4 r 'r t Pe 7 w ) 0: ' 1 - 4t " 1 L21 1 it -- - ' 1 ' t r 1 et t"t k ( 164sitt -- 4 t4---- 71 '' !‘'1 Li 71 7'''''t I :: '11"1 4 4" J 4 Ik 1' i -- '"2P' $ AI11 1 ''' A t- V - t 4 ' yri 644 deed 1 1 t1 irt ' f frt'IN' 44Lizi::iiI1 t- a 4)4:111' 4 i I 4- 4 7 es - 141 I 1 - 4 1 : ! 14 Z 4 '' i k -- - s ' IF N PI A 1""- -7 e ) - t ( t ' l'''' ) ''4'04r':-:-:-:""'- IA ' :‘ ‘ ' I li'f y ::' ' ritvli7-- at Im J t 4 e 1 t iI - :ii 2 :-- ‘-a- e '' 1 L12 " 'Or: - - '41 4't 7- 't i 04'Le 3 t - 4' r 4 ! 4 -ru!r—rrir-Trl- ! it t ' - - 447 ‘ "7111:"!1 ' tt ! i I- 'I "'°' 1 4 11:':11:1':1L11':I4d!-1- btrw----It---- it '- Pr 4 re di-pl- Ca f ' 1 !1 "1' ' "' 4 -- ":--- C- zhge r t 1 - 1:ie ff t ! e l 00- - NEW HOMES STATE ' r room' i - - 44s I 2' I 'You are invited to visit our rooms and see over 50 colored drawings of "homes of Edis Unction" We have 10 new General now homes tric equipped under construction at 21st East and Westminster avenue Sherwin-Willia- ms Company 0 fi:11-- - Von The -- - P44 W Just Dial and we will deliver to your home "The Style Guide" without cost or obliga '''''' ':' " '? '' : Ily - 111101121 Iii v A -- ' 41:' - it If ' :7':: ' ':?- - --"7:' - - Si a vtahluehdv faatr - OF FULL COLOR PHOTOS OF HOMES ROOMS! '' 1''s ''-'i''1'i' A 1 e ) 414bo s t'r t L l 1 t e 459 - "' : : '‘''' t " ' - f4::-1- ry-- 4 vi P ''' -- ' i 4 i - ':' : - eat number of homes throughout the city falling within the $300044999 bracket A large percentage of the structures in each value group HUNDREDS 4‘'':'"' ' ‘i ' l' 4 - ' - 2 11' :- p linitsonaore it til I FREE! I 4 1 I I N1 C Z ' - --t' ' - port found While 92 per cent (38292 out of 406S8) of the occupied dwelling units in Salt Lake City have adequate room with less than 15 persons per room there are units occupied by 12870 persons where the ratio is high s-- ' : 1i' 7t- 44- - 0 - c Illb ''' 'Food Can Be Stored for Winter Use '- - r - ''' 25-ac- 10-ac- re 7 r 10-ac- re pert t44C Page) '" - Church Planning Fails This condition has arisen despite the planning of early-da- y civic and church leaders When the city was laid out in blocks by Brigham Young and his associates they desired to create a beautiful city to avoid an overcrowded city and Its evils of contagion squalor and social demoralization and they wanted protection from the spreading of fire Thus the report said early growth was carefully planned and controlled but some years after Brigham Young's death in 1877 the L D S church withdrew from the control of city planning and it wasn't until 1928 that the city got around to treand zonating its first planning ' ing commission In the meantime the original pattern of the city WWI modified ' with the creation of blocks in the "avenues" and rectangular and irregular shaped blocks in the south and east It has been in the south and east that most building activity has been localized (The actual gathering of information for the report was carried on prior to' the advent of the Salt Lake small arms ammunition plant hence it does ont discuss residential construction in the western portion of the city inmmedi' ately adjoining the plant) Old Homes Abound But in the area south from Ninth South street to the city limits and east of Thirteenth East street there were- as of early in 1940 4511 structures of 'which 3295 or 722 per cent been since 1920 have - For the built as a whole 58 city per cent of the structures were erected prior to 1915 With the life expectancy of a residential building estimated between 30 and 50 years it was found that 128 per cent of those in Salt Lake City are over 45 years old and 328 per cent are past 35 years Classed as "definitely old" is the area included in a circle around the business district from the Jordan river east to Ninth East street and from the north city limits to Thirteenth South street Value Lower on West Residential properties situated west of Main street between' the north and south limits have the lowest average valuation ranging from $1772 to $2345 each according to tabulation districts In the area east' of East street and Thirteenth south from South Temple street to the city limits the valuations range from $4553 to $7818 averaged according to tabulation districts Between ' First South and Ninth South and State and Second East streets the average is $2839 to $3992 Only 3 per cent of the owner- WVLL ' occupied- single-famil- y I - --- ings" 4 on FolionIng (Continued 6 IPSL -- -zh were found to be incumbered by mortgages with the highest ra-- ‘ tio in the PON-SSW- ° class where 60 per cent are mortgaged Above $8000 the ratio of incumbrances decreases' Sectionally the south and east have a high percentage of in- cumbrance undoubtedly due the report said to the great amount houses a family It is of greater social consequence" said the report "if the majority of these 12:870 constitute families with peole children than if they are principally single persons or adults It is found that only 74 per cent have three or more children "In the tenant group 26 per cent have no children and 43 per cent have three or more When considered in the light of these facts overcrowding takes on a greater significance as a housing problem in Salt Lake City" An average of more than 15 persons per room occurs much more frequently in structures in poor condition and when considered by occupancy the tenant group "again compares unfavorably" "Substandard housing is not confined Jo any localized area" the invéstigators learned "Contrary to a rather general impression that portion of the city lying west of Main street is not a slum area Actually there are more substandard dwellings east of Main street "The more serious conditions however are those areas in and near the downtown districts Dwellings are frequently located In the rear of apartments and commercial and industrial build- 1939-40—bef- g trE ' - 141' RIMPIP ' 1 |