Show nit Sail gake Zribune October Births Granite P-- A ISalt Lake Church Services Set Record 130 Schedules 730 r tstIi For Salt Lake Two Programs unity Slimly tali' Funday Morning: Acre Pension Cheek-U- p Call Sounded SANDY — Working in - Few Iltahns have availed themselves of the opportunity to check the status of their social security insurance accounts with Uncle Sam Williarri B Hayward of Den- er assistant regional representa- tive for the bureau of old age and aurvivors insurance maid Satur-- day in Solt Lake City "The law allows a period of four years after the year wages were received during which a correction of any error may be made" Mr Hayward pointed out This leaves less than 60 days for workers whose wages for 1937 were not correctly reported to re quest a change in their wage record for that year he said A special post card for requesting a statement of wages received by the individual as recorded by the social security board may be obtained from the Salt Lake field office in the Union Pacific building annex or at others of the board's field offices The only charge connected with this service is one cent for a postage stamp to --mail the card Utah records now going to the social security board are beirg found to be 98 per cent accurate" Mr Hayward said "Of the two per cent found in error for various CaUlletil 13 per cent later - — 'rho Ityv 1 W A Malloy raatar atrart —Radio proaram BBL ll'45 a m m a an anI f 3II leM10111 M "À tIAM roc both inc Aadneady Mao": orvirea aift th 411lraUut I a I leiritt awl in rhombi A rt noretiolt th Wrilitsoplity r I nt : iotlito PAW chtirvh 2 Thomas E IturiwY C B B Louisville Jay— Moult" Class 'soaker ptiblie library Mntath $late street 2:30 p M their Stork Brings 480 To Top Mark For Last August spare time Sandy firemen have remodeled the lower floor of y brick building purthe cased by Sandy for the volunteer fire department headquarters and are expected to finish upstairs club rooms in about two weeks City Recorder L Van Dam reported Saturday Most of the work is being done by the firemen themselves The fire truck has been moved to the new headquarters following construction of double doors on the lower floor and installation of new windows A "house warming" program to celebrate the hail's completion probably will be held when the large upstairs clubroom and kitchen have been completed Mr Van Dam said Deadline Nears To Report On Pay Errors Deaths T Sandy Firemen Push Work On New Home - November 9 1911 B 19 two-stor- Parents' Day am! Welfare Events Planned Apparently catching the spirit of national emergency Mr Stork worked overtime in Salt Lake City during the month of October to deliver a record production of bundles for Salt Lake parents According to reports released by the Salt Lake board of health 480 birth' were recorded for the month of October 22 above the former record of 458 made last August and 175 higher than October 1940 Births for September were 328 Deaths for October 1941 were 138 compared with 147 for October 1940 and 149 for September 1941 Communicable diseases showed an increase during the month of October with 343 cases reported compared to 137 for September and 120 for October 1940 Cases of chickenpox had the highest total with 225 or nearly three times as many as all others combined Other diseases reported Include mumps 65 whooping cough 31 scarlet fever 11 measles 7 poli1 One omyelitis 3 and typhoid was redeath from poliomyelitis ported It was the only death from these diseases I NSItilace nr 0 sirmerao I 10t110 ggtigitactr1 1 -- :30 si m ot In ho 111st1q gigot Monday at 2 Int v go ottgi Wins bY tx Fn sp Unitarian 7 tetthral Oorv t"t te tr 1Jintip litatar rd who died 1 htgrogia 1 Central Christian rourth Routh and Third East treets—The RPV J I Wilrm First irisitariaa Pnelety Thittnth kinson pastor nehnoi 0:45 a ot resit-M- r Sunda Y and Sixth Soul h at teet church worahip aervire 1045 a m a m 11 M a service 7 930 morning Christian Endeavor p Ertel pen Professor P: guest sneaker of Universits of 1! in h rho offing club ik : SOUTH SALT LAKE — Ninth Congregational rind Contretatkutal nest South and annual "Parents' Day at School" Fourth East streets—Th Itv Goworit Weber minister school 945 m : topic program at Granite junior high a m sermon11 a Sunday the Chat 'fount Peott the Preeent Crisis" school and the annual welfare pro- letice Dis society 8:30 p m Knot and rim South gram at Granite high school have streeda—The Seventh Rev Floyd 8 Bailey min Church phool 0'45 a rm: sormon been scheduled for Wednesday toter m 11 a Wor14 Ionic "Smith In (e()rge Barker wal Births mortuary le chapel T Saunders of 0lon Fourth tilOhgVig ward Friends' may call at the mortuary Sunav and entnt and day 1!1 atterninm t tm on! Burial will bo of spricoa Ogden city' cemetery 15 p Christian IStatisties Plmersou club ' ntatisties m fi Marriage Licenses Deaths Salt Lake County A rdmund Braila(' Ada Cook linteratimi 24 Pelt Lahr Lana ard 27 Rudolph Larsma 39 Salt trisa Guntato at Evanston Vytt Mormon Mr Imber Deism" pting' 1114 r Mrs Kessiork ota of a rwl 14 re ov e m be r font 00k Plop Rock Deaths Salt Lake City W it i ia Lis inn 0344— Itoonnui liririnspoon 43 770 Ro moue a saauo islipboltio Nos v ember 5 - 4' ha r Truest Lyon 73 1111) Taft 14 30csita South at root 8rt arsios roLagt heart et Lossoo Nosossaor Ississe —C ro Jenson 13T lunar pi 32 First Wsot ot nun pulmonary tuberous Novmhor 4 Griggs— Mariam( tram& Pistic 114- - goo 3? a oa gt vini eat mei anocooes aoma 1)o November 5 11 Divorces Asked 1an: Mrs Ada Cook 75 formerly of Salt Morturrt Imam Vontes 32 Salt take Toutts Peonies moolloc 7 o to Lak Salt Lake County City died at her home in Santa evening William B Maughan Storm": m of eat Hall Irrosoy 23 Pan Lrandre p Monica rut( Saturday at1242 Plymouth 2201 West Third North street a iclipn Narita' Harris tress WIHtan ?varies eat heart ailment relitschool principal announced Saturat 930 a ni followed by church Harris aronetto A1141414 Salialoury 20 Salt here learned iiv orso °NA school Htwwea Ceram Gareim trIbut R4 iret so Alto talus a a a born in T t 'tier day 1 Fort ltalia redr M i ha 701 Lit Voryto tAtio UM treia York Salt Curtis R IRAN liocember The welfare program proceeds À lbs rt Absent-rcm 1111wator Mnrist Morris 20 of Plahno daughter t and Saphronia of which will augment the GranDO JIM141 J011100111 20 It It Lakc of nod 1103 West nest Smith Henry COurh Lorhiln Conk With Green River Wye -- Ray A Ruth talasholn (nrstralter 20 Salt !triton rochcs manisi or husband Marvin her ite district welfare fund and the yity4arakt M or lip Id to m M 10 a Irmyyt Net to and 730 L Cook Rho repided ''44elltik orohip One Joan koch Doss Mildred Kocfund will be pre- p m prayer Wednesday 7:45 so nt in Fairfield tintil 25 school pupil-ai- d aso ritaarrali 'rota )tauseten years ago when the 1410ffinr: 8:30 p m in the high sented ''' gssissit hWebet County Lensto rldredge Andrus trial tie BM- family moved to Salt Lake For about City school auditorium and will follow faday 15 resided C11 years boo rAimber they toomett Arthur rwsno 2 Salt lAk $t msrie Cathedral 231 East First at 127 Yale avenue Clara Randolph the theme of "The School in- Ac- South Rev Franklin L Ten years ago they l'N' LOSS Marthaal 23 Salt take ttest—The Marian Very — the tion" arranged by flitmott dean linty communion a a fn: m 0 v d to Pabta Utah unty ftmflv service 9:43 a m followe4 Monica I various departments of the school church k- - Wedding Spacialtias LAI Is school closet" for all ages: the For severat year mart from Llne pawl have been prepared to highlight deon's adult a m: class 10:15 study Mr and Mrs Cook service and sermon by the dean spent the summer iNECIAL barrattts cm an tiro at arfttart the entertainment Admission fee morning in11 a m: den's adult confirmation 4iinfltrwaro etsaawars reveltivi on their ranch near Ifrei N Nye Chink tilhotk 312 Po Ptato will be 25 cents for adults and trurtirm chilli' 4 nt: Thursday holy Mackay Idaho and communion 10:30 a !rt their winters tn Salt L—ithoddlig Mimi& 19 15 cents for children Weber County AN Moats Miashas Garfield -- - Rya A Lake City She was Pboe irouretnents ' School" Leonard Wood vicar Pundav school 10 a member of the The "Parents' Day ort a Groom wood Lloyd from ll'ultoolp nocial prtem on wooktins tnvitationa Gwr m a Cools sch Mr services It 8 church first r) Punnay vening How the 'United Commercial B Lloy d m 7 in Prose Reason Arteraft blir p program will begin - — month 7 p other Sundays service Surviving in addition to her husband! Travelers are caring for the famtn a are 11 school at T of J four Roberta Mrs the Granite junior high daughters Pit ilies of those of their members who ?elves 657 Nogur Pecond Wed Brigham City Mrs J A Carson of Fair- Each parent is to receive copies otrett W C Snarr of Huntington field Mr A W o —Rev o Leonard 9 vicar In to the have been called duty of their child's daily schedule of Church ehool 10:30 a m first Sunday Perk Cal : Mrs A Y °hien of Santa CAL:Monica Salt Lake County was described four sons Dean Cook of Weber County services In military holy communion 0:45 a m: Idaho Falls Idaho: classes and will follow the pro- othermonth Lee A and Shirlev Minot 0110Pa Otto Dorny from AVIS HO Melt Mier Taylor 21 0114011: Sundays in month evening service V Cook of of hash Idaho Coot nornv cruelty 10 Harry Deleadostl' in Saturday night by Edward S Moreach Mem minutes former stoma 7:30 Ai Rryaolde Norris 21 0i141trt gram spending Balt Lake City and a half slater Mrs restored Christnoem I ii d ris of Kingston N Y supreme r T St Patti's Chorea child has South and Ninth T Rigby of Episcopal it Lake City 24 grandof the six classes the Jcita Weed McLaughlin 30 Ogden LUir11 G 11(ttlioy front Gottilre M Well East Crests—Theo Rev Seth children and 10 counselor of the order Dorothea table Sorkion4L 2S O each day rector Communion cruelty Mrs Kele awarded ildri 'nowt's e nd Nitta' will ha Alwyn E Butcher ervices Funeral a banquet don Mr Morris spoke $75 attorney' fee former somas Garrett reboot Bible ei 9:45 The parents' day program said 6a am m: church sermon Tilatiday in Brigham City at a limo reotored 11 a tn to ha 1111011fierd Friend may call at the morning at the Newhouse hotel arranged become a popuhas Mr Perth Day from tloMen S Day croo M Boise Maughan Idaho horn a re of at Roberta 125 Secemd Pt Martell Cheerio 60 West daughter Plaintiff soatrelen euatmly of thilot s $10 by Salt Lake council 81 He said South Fifth Weal treet in firisham City event "It gives parents an North street Provet—Sey W sermon I Howes Jae it Circa Iaitt Si Provo lar mnnth suppnrt molter furntettro 11 trouchartat nd Marto Rarrrit traat at Holy litarataUtah that members throughout the too poilry $trut allotooy a in opportunity to become intimately Pastor front Hien Titefle Potters yew? ra country are paying dues and asand teachers the with I John's 2597 141nth rast Street— Stwarde4 tad Of acquainted nonsupport Plaintli sessments to fellow members' m a in 9:4N chool Church of chill Sart Inniath support etreiry the administration as well as the Mrs Hoyt F: Henriques Worshipcharge Twin Falls Idaho Cr corrected" ervirea John twins Ithermn 111 of rign TAk flettstr called into the army and navy so from Itrn?trrtati rphrstm William 11' Mattkra I a m with sermon by the Right Rev Preston: street tied at 5 45 a m Saturdy at his daily schedule followed by their at etterttoe Plaintiff 'warded custody matt Mr Hayward formerly man- - that famillen will be adequately Br4 Screen 34 Sail W WOnla Moulton Arthur of horns of Episcopal bishop anemia of child pornielotta from children" he commented Utah Ite w as born t ager nt the Salt Lake field office cared for in the event of deaths due 109Showing a decided drop Veto rtnrs Weiler Crabtree from Alward Mlin14 R Deane' 29 Scotia Blurt Parkin the previoum week 68 births TAnnalitinist 1121v0et'191 12 'l a' ertiolty rtpferwlnt conferred here with J Golden Hun- to war Nrh: etf child mown ed ruatods $25 roars eupoort 1ennea 23 Freetoa hitt '' Lake Salt at the recorded 6"11 of Ramie! ft anti '' saker who succeeded him money furniture former giants Parkin f The speaker was welcomed to were board Mary Elisabeth Conk of health for the week restored s Glade City rt Firthert Sherman Davis Salt Lake City by Earl Fort Irta Marie Perri from Loots Inseeet Illouglas—Captain e CountyWhim 21 Salt Lake November 7 Thirty-ninthe death of Catholic mass 9 a m: ending Aftr Piaintiff awarded per chaplain champerrin eirttolty Ole Lake Salt of the (larvae president a his tn first wife Mrs school 29 10 Prottatant ronla and were Sunday $50 antimers fee tarIof property Mar Lou Moan 20 Salt Lake girls boys Ex-Utam Eranees n mnrman tont a 11 church the con- Thethese ber of commerce and Lake reetored Bait and TIPr In Sneed pam worship of Notifies service h more is seven than for neighboring churches which appear each I filo 11 Williams 26 Ogden January 5 1940 he Genrci ritifit Moore from Pmts"( WO clusion of the program was pre- the total married IP16room Medreott 26 Ogden tate M Ile? eruerty Plaintiff iterareted in 1940 week in The gait Lake Tribune muot timidity corresponding Wheat who survives if tf 11141 toelV of child $45 triorith sented a set of book ends made be received at the city deck 1 Intraday One death was recorded for the noon He was a barber f restore Heal Pro Church 73R Pevonth htm port money $50 attoroey's lea property preceding date of publication Idaho Preston from Utah copper a and of member the i'''''' N to notices Kenneth Kest handle settiement be street passame period compared with four Thensvali It will approved impoosible L ram R Broom 36 Brigham City: I church Anna preoeon Morale's from IMAM Leo School 10 a m: werlhirs 11 received 111 ter that LIMO in the church tor O for 1940 In additinn tn his Piamtiff awarded per (midi globitertte ttiorniev adult widow Brigham City column 'melts Young People's meeting 7 P In 'K la he survived serial property $300 alimony forgoer same prayer meeting 715 p m: evengellotic fly a half Plater Chickenpox again led the numLaere C Freeload 23 Salt Lake tm Mi ' Austin' K Tierplui 69 former h restored Nelson midweek and rft service 7:45 p prayer rance D4'144004 20 Salt Lake two Beat ber of communicable diseases with I k 'Naomi A Lay from Addle Z Ler nemBible study service Wednesday 7JO p m Minn ie Salt Lake mining man died unii t laif brothers Theo- Plaintiff's termer soma Azirlia sopport 71 The others In order were: Manta Laurie 22 Platt take Arthor lore and Rat street-Rupert 1840 East Seventh restored Day in home Eighth his iteld 21 Lialoo 0: Holly11 Ogden expectedly 27 lifetili itenOOL B cough W nephews whooping Sabbath Mumps Mattison pastora and wood Saturday friends here were nieces all of laY Orin Wsitar Pkardabear 24 FOtt I m worship 11-- m m Wade's: German measles 3 measles and 9:30 Utah County 3alt Lake City Y P p Yliday 745 meeting Stkiond prayer advised Douglas: 517 Full Fest Gospel Aseembly Pr u n two each rat services fever scarlet Jat a rlor'le Dray:of Cl art from A ?toy ra M V 7:45 ov Barnett 11 Salt Lake A Betty Nicholas street—C Pluvial! will pastor A life member of the 'University be conducted of sopa rate lin a mums not Clara door school 10:15 a m evening sondem Monday at 1 p m 26 Utah: Walter Byrum Sadoway month 150 pee rranto4 for ortbeity 7 club Mr Tiernan prior to 1923 of m piaintiff with R Brymor of Portland Ore conducting p Drafting plans n the Forest Dale 27 Byrum lerna 'god a 'Marro all speaker weekday service Lt evangelist Mr Sherman' D 11 ward chapel was interested in the Revenue a mass meeting in Salt Lake City m and 'Young p 730 Tuesday nel venuo Thursday -lastiton strsetSixth Smith Trinity 243 test Whloolt 23 mine at Alta and other proper- which will join with other assemmooting Friday 730 p George S ' Ingeboo 1ak street with Carl Bitehnr bishnp nffiThe Rev R C Patterson pastor &chisel People's ihaito Mont Burial will be In Wasatch Lawn flan Ofilip Pi eitapol 244 West ritth elating ties and during the World war blages in various parts of the 9:45 a itn sermon 11 a tn Communion south Orden 23 Smith Zimmer m :45 a Memorial park Margaret street—Sunday school Ansa Christian Endeavor' 12:15 9 in served in the IL S secret service world in uttering a protest against Friends may call at 36 East Seventh IN breaking of bread 11 a m evening &or's tmon $30 D ni 630 Catden D 'Telford Sterna South street until Sundisv VPrlinfl and at ice g clock B0171 June 28 1872 in Salt Lake mass murders of civilians by I Ogden sada Areas the family realdenee Monday rout 9 a m WASHINGTON (APle—Artay orders' until tiM Of liOrtitCeS City he was a on of John and armies of totalitarian nations was Charles Thomas Illoollen 33 Naples Ill Lucia Tiernan He attended the begun Saturday by local repreBrigadier Generals 28 Salt Lake Ittiolitred lirremmaa Brigadier General Walter H Peatorostal A essmbly of God — 'romp° University of Utah here and was sentatives of the Committee- - to Frank former commander of the Lary P000nd Woot and 'Mira LeRoy Lute 0 I C Saa Francloco t Trinity address a2 West Third North street &MitRely A 41 ntrtillnl Little Joao h troota The Rov Harry ()ovals Ritchie minister Mundity C Potter WasttthstDwight C graduated from Columbia univer- Defend America Cramp Haaa: Wald 39 Leona bombardment wing Twentieth Ogden m a orvire 030 servies Proliminary 10:45 a tn worship Funeral services have beset erinducted as a civil engineer ors Asdareort SOL Oltlia John Tort tn The meetings will be held next Fort Douglas has been nominated school it masa aormna by tho Macleod sity tn memorial to John Do ores 7 :45 D pl: oe h no !OS 26 Millard Alberta for Ernest Hunter Ogden Meftry Morteles - Since WaxtUngtnts to Fort Sara Houston Joke 20 Ogden former Utahn who died Septmtver 23 Ana Forret moving te California 18 Sunday and will include lectures for advancement to the temporary prayer msstina Weelosada v 7 45 D an pastor 1030 a sa friends in ball Lake City learned SaturCoulter Fort aleade 1 D to Fort years- ago Mr Tiernan had been by prominent citizens in the re- rank of major general according Edmond J Marteataa 20 van Wert ' day Whin associated with the Edison Elee- spective locales A complete list to word received in Salt Lake City Htintett was born Sopternber 19 Colonels Milt1111Pii Middia Point K DeVall 20 IPSO in to Salt and Isaac Mary Iak City tHc company in Los Angeles as of speakers and designation of a Immisauct Baptist ehtireli corner Second H 1111Pit Hooter and with his Parent (At innvet Robert $oon 0 D Rrerwrtspood Tomas General Frank commander of South Kingdom Hall 531 Westa Elrod Pruitt and Fourth East treete—a W Ly- street IV& an engineer at an early age 'to Ms Provo river Wed—Watchtower study to Presidio of Pan Feersensen: Dueina D p m for the Salt Lake meet will the Third air force interceptor ons' school 9:45 a m place Sunday pastor near non hit There lived 19034 book study Kama' Ponth nesday ehligitonil p Ore 0 n Asa Antonia to Rartordet Rao His widow Mrs Lucille War- be decided upon at a meeting of command at 11 a Nyanat in from 11:30 meeting at 1238 Ninth East treet worship to m giber' this famtly moved to Canada P?bdIS Pniiip 0 Si t Wbinr 0 0 D PkIrPOIL? to Tampa Fla xerved morning service Is broadcast over KLITA: Wedneaday 'Award ans Smith k‘rat age Pore 1 IL PeyHe wax well known throughout Canada service wick Tiernan survives to Pan Antonin: at Francisco meeting Friday the local Defend America commit- as chief of the fort bombardment B T12P this service 7:30 130 to no 6:30 p in: evening telt° Idaho: a of the Canadian Hereford A director C to Prorstot ton Coinmnia I Botee Moo fireside P p fellowship age M: Jeanie legal was Cappark Breeders osociation and in: tee the Hotel Utah N I : Stewart W Litanies recognized C Waamoittoo Wednesday from February to March prayer nicotine at 5 p m Wedneedav 3 Idaho as one of the first cattlemen to import to Presidio ot Pao Francisco Places outside the United States wing Ilethol 952 East Ninth Routh etreet— 1941 blooded stork to Canadian Hereford herds Unmarried ha is survived by two sispastor James G Baynes where meetings will be organized Lieutenant Colonels Lieutenant Colonel Elmer E H Lyon Baynes M rs Margaret SITIIPPOn and Mrs Utah County pastor Sunday echoed 10 a m: At Jabot's Evangelleal Lootheran Claneelo ters Include London Chungking Mex- Adler former commander of the associate Daniel Waa limb 2o patAarvtin: Hunter and five brothers Stephen Martha morning worship I I a ris topic "Why (Misaouri A Oln Fr:inertia to trt" ft Ir street-1030 truth East a S a nt synod) in Clod qn Casa Ta31nr Does Wiloon Hunter and EUuø Howard Permit James Ilin?": ) People's The Roe V E Schumann pastor Punday Joseph ico City Buenos Aires Montevideo fort's Thirty-nint- h Camp Ria4ing: Frei 1 Conon 0 n Fort bombardment meeting 8:43 p m gospel Young was whom aervic M p m In he the with associated cattle In Itobort A S et Ppnwnwesosi Wo1 and Bible I 10 a no: regu1eonrd Slain McNeil Carlson Spanish and several others according to group has been nominated to the "Justification by Faith" prayer meeting school business in Macleod Mord I C Fort Monmoollt to Comp lar morning worehip and holy eommuntort York 6 at in p Thureday C Int no gnaw liseraltast W Crowder: Moulton temporary rank of brigadier gen1S John 11 a the Rt Rev Arthur Lenna Fay &hyphen' vesper services 1 p Spanish at San Franc-weirBurlington 1400 Indiana avenue—C S Department to Presidio Fork avenue E Tabor and street—Ptintos First a of Utah and 14 Z F Weeks Chureh and R Lake San Otto C Salt Proem Ramsey Episcopal officer left Piero bishop eral The pastors CaL e P Loft pastor Church school with ea Salt An address on 10 a C w Young People' meeting Utley Anil: Robert H the local chapter for aU ages at 10 a m Divine worship in May after his appointment echool claim 6:30 p m: worship - Lake 6 p rit adultin: 'Titans In Edgenvetod Areerial: lbaoCity P7 GY)--- Auottn Hall was given by Ben member ofresolutions PORT Mrs 3tvaaphine m a 11 at theme We Must Haws City "Why S service 7:30 p in the Rev C 1 C at Preiedwe ot Plan Ramsey H les Itunalcker in of D at Q died as the air 8 adopted I church Major chief staff worker A corps prominent It so midweek !service 71ture4ay at aRibIrcprgiving Pnirit": Tuesday at Adams at a meeting of the Span- the meetings will be collected by to nosene refuted Walter C Main Portage Friday preacher: Fenne" Luther etas: Salt- Lake City Cleveleague Wjneedsv at berShehome ro command at club a 4 maintenance P 7:30 ?rider Boys' Lettui nt: St w to ler Omaha in born It afterclub to 8 m ish' Literary Ix reformstion ser- Leon Iowa June 201 Friday Saturday nd ports Leon Ida rt the Free World association in New land Ohio Calts—Jortre ' Calvary Third South and illeventh East ete: Saturday 10 a no confirmation 1154 a rcxin at the Art Center 59 South York Keate 201 Second Last street Saug- Captains nt treets—Rev C C Moonset pastor Sun- class daughter broadcast to Europe and City sermon 21 a 10 achool S October Miles htr Ellen and Hall 1130 in: day State street Zino (Amoriesn Lutheran conference) children's miesionary program I p in all languages it was announced was brought to Beidel—rteloon She and tAW a none 144 Thnenan A Itnirooy W e trPliantreone 9 t 075 East &wood South treet—The Rev and treet son October 29 roil pa se peutelg FtWS: PLApet Other features of the program Utah by bar parents Logan 241 Rio Breads 1040 Weal P000nd South Cart R Anderson pastor RIM el Ruth and James rattle rntlittL 0 Id C Fort Wtryato ta Fort as years R eight rintoy—Hnry Z F Weeke treet—C and were showing of two motion picno Remsey a and ser0:45 settled! Ocmorning worship son M street 256 Last C Fort Lewis to Tha Irtith Q Nilson Frsna J family pastors Church school 10 a in: worship mon by lb pastor 10:45 a no In southern Salt !Atk tober 26 tures by Gordon Marks and singing attte: Ernest :4 Jame Q tt C Camp Leo eorvice 11 a Young People's meeting 41 Clorlat Zlot Lath and Bertha Bernatets—Samuel Cumbeerianet where (Missouri VP to Nsr Pynod) Murray city eounty Pt : Clistott 7 p in: Midivtish service they WedneadaY by Mrs Barbara Eldredge firemen's hall Murray — The Rev Allen resided until 14117 nick 227 Thirteenth Last street daugh- non 0 D Fort On to Fending PA : Ware 7:30 p at w Hawn-toschool SchUldheiss P and in M to 29 brief C October ter Adolfo Quezada chancellor Sunday pastor Following Hagen Camp Grant MFort — South State street !tibia class 10 Taylor Aveatia 2400 a in: worship 11 a m C Cam Joel and rioraldine Atte" residence In Malad leadttre C Midelleenan Boyden—Welt' 8 Ramsey and IC F Week pastors Young '4 moved to fttotroors second and fourth Sundays 621 Labs street son 00-- Grant tn Canto !Inset: Fretiestiett - C Tbe hcharge of the Mexican consulate People valley they 125 employes of —C a 10 Church Approximately school service worship on in: Polft Mr& ft where tober to 20 Pine Cilia Fort Catnipp int Portage arid sponsor of the club an a in: Young PeoN's meetina 6:30 Vt'"' Bralotick---Oewa- d Hall bad aims re-andZ'llabeth Deetortra Boltron Perana A C Res Loa Aitases to City business licenses of h e the Railway Express agency from n11 in: Awe service Wednesday 730 inth Pt Paul's (Missouri evnotroRate489 Twenty-nexcursion Copper nounced that a 30-d2 son aided October street 1008 Ma)or Moffett at inn 20 East Second South over the state auembled Satur- P In G street Ogden—The Paul duty gibe wail married Bartow—Albert Edmund and Kate Mande school 10 a M planned particularly for Mexicans street have been suspended by day 'Muth Hansen pastor Sunday In 1872 to Comer the Newhouse hotel to plan etreet—C Murray 62 Vast Forty-eight- h KilerOW 1516 Fourth Last a traeL on who have not seen their homeland the Salt Lake City commission on with district and national officials 14 Green who died In Ramsey and E F Weeks worship 11 a daughter October Proms Evangelleal 10 a (Missouri Her 1880 Synod) March Worship service Aresrat—Mloront Harold and Merry Vto for many years will leave Salt recommendation of Chief of Po- of the organization ways and ministers c on d church school 11 a in husbnti Young People's Third North and University avenue Provo guile sae 4206 Ninth Last street 6 p in: evening service 7:30 —The Rev Emil Lousing son October 19 pastor School Charles Scott Hail Lake City December 20 a- - In lice Reed E Vetterli who report- means of stimulating increased use meeting m E Weeks preacher: 10 a on the Rev 11 E In married whom p ph rnot worship Fort e and Anna Jo tee Wayre Mr Quezada also announced a ed the 1 ki45 midweek service Wednesday at 7:30 p m in died V11111P on Oc1060 14 'Keller was and rail service of air last express by padlocked place a was Mrs Hall PRO° and West 2900 Pouth 21 Magna drive to collect usable clothing month by the Utah liquor control In the expanding defense program 14er B Pare psalm former Church asrcechool Lokine SAlth treets—E and List Primary happe414—Anthonv which will be sent Si a Christmas commission The chief also said a Mrs Han of and worship 10:30 a in iatitin 528 North Tenth West street daughter A W Hayes of San Francisco president yeasong and The following ?ivory officers tuiv tietin L D S wird Waved and th so m 2 nd The Second October Routh iteeond Portage viral 730 Mexico East in to worship City ordroil to ettnded activa diet 4r0Not gift needy be of arrests of intoxicated vice president R A Cox of Omain ward Relief society acnumber — Raymond C Walker r hue John Jr ain't Doris streets Golsen part minister piiminnt at the Jre Pettr tecutii of the Third aniiitary accepted Church school P45 a m burn 111 Argyle court datighter Occlothing will mnrning wor- it itie had - been made on the ha general manager and R G area 'twirled haturdet: Surviving are the following sons and a tn tober 24 10:50 ship Mexican consulate in the McCo- perscms coaled Two Poverty-fiftartillery Tort McLain of Omaha district sales daughters: Oliver C Hall of Twin Falls Willisma----Geor'Edward and Ethel Vio Richardson Shelter nti Stimulus": Play "The Terrible premises Alaska — Seennl Lututoriant t rtick building Idaho: Chester Hall of Idaho Falls Idaho eon Ottis Madeleine 531 at Cathedral the Hifi thotler room 7:30 D m ireet Brooks 2317 Park Idesit" execuof glom t headed list the Richmond the licenses the Jortemanager By suspending Hail of Pocatello Idaho Mrs Routh Temple street—The Most Rev Duane October 1740 Firth East street—The Chariest Davie' Port Ord Cal — To lieverith lesari Stowart and E Andersen— 25 Cal of Oakland 4 rthur W 1111 a vt and Catherine commission leaves the way open tives who addressed the group 0 Hunt 1) D bishop: the Rev Msgr Revere Jack minister School 10 phut Lieutenant Thomas Wheatley Guild Pond Mr and ta Kimball Hall Harris avemasses E Low sylv West 1500 Patrick 'Cosa rector Kennedy Shirley m Crystal A dinner meeting arranged by 6:30 a m 8:30 a in 10 a tn and 7 to restore them later worship 11 a tn Epworth League Terington Nev Mrs Irma Facer of Portage its disnue October 25 p m Nautilus club second and fourth The following Balt take reserve offk-esFuneral StritC111 have been tentatively H C Newman of Salt Lake City W11:15 a tn weekday masses E and Ether and 1L1sto cretion hav been eontintied on active duty a secThursdays 8 p In set for Monday at 10 ar En in the Portage WIlkerses—John in street Second South West Wimmer 230 cliond commercial I D year according to word ereniod front 5 ward chapel agent Liberty Park Eighth Fast - and Ninth traveling Our Lady at Lantdes 670 Eleventh Eaet South daughtr October 25 Ina Ninth corps art& beatiquartars Rev Cecil- R Green streets—The maxed the conference Saturday treet—Th Rey Patrick Maguire pastor minister a sermon school 10 m: Ogden S unday manes 6:30 S 10 and 11:15 11 a in Ribis Ttenbon 'Crnersoa Curtis florra5 14 O 6:30 in p 1Cpworth et tee& league a M rentwheel evening La reen—C1 a m: weekday m m and a dhlowr Tort Ord Cal truth let rect Grace Kishth West and Youri h Rout h J set utt Olsen 3311 Tetent N a service Wedneaday at 7:45 p rd otrasts—Albert and numerCaptains George Reynolds Russet Nadia Pt Lucinda Ina110 TA LTA 'Idaho—Mrs ttennia ministr Pe Novmbot r I SANDY—George F Watkins of ousAmerica's bombers regiment Camp Rt West igata auartrmaatr Routh 3010 Patrick's Fourth Mouth flaWoon lViirsheth a WI ICI of 251 a of til defenses other LI units her nt air Ruth Pilsen Owd and flee Peoill—Cha worship veiling was fined Alphon flcol K r)4YigHt rid Jams $3 Cal Y Saturday Moven etreet—Ths Very Rev Misr A Itidway eastern atentte Idaho F11ii died Friday at Galt 1450 Capitol trivet son Nov riworship at 745 p tctrt noni pastor 10 Ind when he admitted a charge of are second to none Lieutenant I artilory 71entanant gAwiard 74fet parom Sunday Malec a atter her home illness bber long a M: low Milan II a 111 high Mall 10 Irina the army reMrs Rawson was born March 9 lane at riane—Eturton Lvio and Mary Tranete flamuel in- Jclesion and envd trnncing a stop sign before Justice Max R Barber of ' m a a ra: Mho Walt married to Wilspecial music: schnol lackson avenue daugb- tenor Phirley Het gel 254 Payson Utah tiontr-ortiti'raw- - a Terosemrt cruiting service said Saturday 2 7:30 a m of the Peace Reg White weekday in liam F Owen nnM January 20 IR71 in the November : atoaora 14Cal Callan (1 eertT Camp and Kathleen eCullotith Ho died February Ttaleor—Petttr Clarkson Lak L t't flue Divine 111aviluste Reeond Past and temple at equaro---Jr Otien orirane 4are4: To hoolottello 10 night in a talk before the SaturTempi VV I AI 0 nue a to 16027 waa Law 21 Greer married tthe Grammorry Ninth Rt Smith Maar street—The Services at 2 a sn RiIF Barber Ist 1alk reerutting of Paul L day Evening Open Forum in the MIDVALE—Trial 2 In Nnymher of 1931 In the Logan debit-November M Rawson F 7 Sheehan TIMM Rectory pastor Wirved tion Conrel of Four Utah junior a tn low mass 8 a rm high masa 10 Stuttnegrer 14 mit Iv M University sent) Jr and Zola Pvphor PAS iiithirt field Lantz of 167 North Went Temple city and county building His temple He died March IR I930 Loa's artillery 1att5lwm Mn son NovemLain Thirteenth street Rawson settled at Ammon In June musle: achnol I a m 14 w intim street- charged with speeding $O røraaei 11 els on "Air Defense by Machines studenta were elected Saturday to aweekmda y special wsih petiaea 11711 IN 2 m m tn ber to a Idaho Falls mmed 19(15 nena ljtkft and 730 John an4 John as serve for committee membere and Porn Lekma Per0lalocks—R zone tun us and Survittlga toclude miles per'hour jr a 1)441 and Men" wax illustrated by modoug1947 entomand nit I Anns 430 Fast Ewnty-fire- t aitrvw Camp south streets htrs Mrs Mary Calkins and Mrs Lenora Pint Pleth Rant and 04 21127 Grant venue daughter Not area rift) rnIth Pafitor San Luis OblatIo Cat Rev J O !wintry Rev Harold W was set for November 17 Saturday tion pictures of the various the Junior promenade highlight at rest —The vmber4a 3 ri P and It a nn ea Solt:croon of Idaho FAlli W F Own of Second Lieittenant !Carl Wflann 116masses 7:30 a In and 9:30 pastor: a m: Church school 10 a rnGrotzinger 47 Unified Sunday aervleo : nodal of the affair Stephens-Ore nt college year John Portland Own Lopan lock Thirty-rtotfield artillery battaitos when he pleaded innocent to the branches of the air service 7:30 a us except Sat- I t a m N1rPit 7 p m WI teen th street daughter November 2 Weekday7 ma'am' vanipitatie OWPTI Of Kellogg and Lorna Owen of Moab Port Lewis Wash which will be held in February a us 45 p m urday service Itandmate—Jmes a ud Virginia Coy prayer Utah: 45 'grandchildren Wednesday 73 treat trandallegation before Justice of the 3 Twenty-fourtm son street committee November a W at to p Our 524 named Those et the meeting Lady Guadalupe children and tour Peace C E Matthews A South street hack of Lynn and LaVon T S 2035 threes Churek of the Navarro are Blaine Kimball of Beta Theta Fourth well 2146 Lincoln avenue daughter W R O E BOUM Grant—The Pm Gerald Worcester Funeral service will be conducted sun depot—The Rev James 4 Sunday masses School 10 a m: worship 11 flat" t 2:30 p m In the Idaho Falls I It 8 TanNovember NV Trgto IMO Pebtiirtito Onemoselp Tumbling 20 feet to the ground Pt fraternity: William Pingree Collinsandadminiatrator am H and roe-ne-e dee wanew---Wi10:30 a tn weekday maws pallor N Y P I 7 p m: a m: Third ward chapel Bishop John A Orme mecums sty rb 11612 tato evangelistic sow Novena topsd North Brown from the top of a tree she had Sigma Nu: Miss Betty Hinckley 8:30 Ogden 7 a m Portal m ward will the of Sixth Thursservice ottirlat p prayer meeting her 41 twill ha In Roue Hill cemetery under the Illirbmen—Let A special meeting of the Utah climbed to look Rev day 7:30 p tn a bird's neat Pi Beta Phi and Miss Barbara Cl OtteE Lady of Lourdes Meerut—Themasses Mtire Wells nd Iral direction of the Wood mortuary ton November 6 Fraegard pastor Sunday Promontory Federation of Business and Pro- Patsy Maim 11 daughter of Mr Adams Delta Gamma 8 and 10 a tu: weekday masses 8 a m: Marton and J uni Metre Thomas—John two Six Mn students each other fessional Women's Clubs board of and Walter Maim of 34f6 20135 Monroe bouievarl son Novearworship 11 a m TIRSall OP striamarmas 6 her of the little Flowsw MMvalp—i directors will be conducted Sunday Fifteenth East street was treated from the freshman sophomore and TheChurch on trioctia William and Prrna May Dant and Sunda Eldrege—Sidnee Pillar at Pim alert's t173 gisth East Rev James T Torsney pastor SunDahl conad Sunda 00O IsaL tie be wilt 11 a-- in In the Newhouse hotel Octo?!PHI—Funeral Salt Lake general hospital Sat- senior classea will be appointed day mass venires North 11 Stalte street—Behool 10 a ni Ogden daughter 12 Se at 9 a is worship wane ducted Sunday at 2 p m for Mrs Ann ber 24 ra: evangelistic service 7:30 p m td0000 Tao ober rt &In t the Imnsaculato Cseteeptleta aFriday according to Miss Lenora Romer urday afternoon for a head lacer- to the committee come time next 172Church Bible study 730 Elle Webb 74 who died at the family ihennion—Verrion Palmer andannIrisNnv ttmmeeting prayer and Nevado Provo— street North West Fifth wyolotol home hers Thureday night following Carver Moreland Idaho week Ed Nfilie lunior prom chair- Father Henry O F M Sunday masses p m- ation and bruises president irawohpr to th Coit0 StOtolle Ill ha in tho Vine her 2 illness Burial gring SIM man announced 9 a in and 10:30 a tn bluff cemetery directed by Anderson fu- lieng—Ira Martin 'mei Mary ?rime!' Hope- Ostia sod Sundae cm niacin 1631i Twnty-euttstreet &wee well neral home Pit Wasatch aveIncest's dePaul 0193 II es a)o tit 'wore moor rho Iritiooe 2 In was born November Y KenWebb Revter Mrs nue Murray—The William Nephl January Sant cite in U United 'taws !toadpt rant Routh Temple 5 DIST a daughter of Edward and Eather litstart—Jamos Earl and Venire I11e11111 First Proshytorian nedy pastor Sunday acheol 915 a-- in Mae ascertain agents J11 site city Int tows )110114 Woodruff son Noymber 1 She resided here all her Dina this daily at C trerta—Dr rioyd W Barr pastor Jones IN key Sunday masses 8 and 10 a In ottics 'Arming 11101 hur Harold 7:30 a m Miry Bells meeting Legion of Church sehoot 9:45 a in: morning vior ills She was the widow of LorenzoSOnaWebb ot also ago and White 2333 Custer avenue son No Survivors include the followinit trio Tribute to a lostriuser ship 11 a m: sermon by Ina pastor subMary Wednesday at ti1043 PToos to ital 4 L Dealt Mra K Webb vember Neobi: eisted Press Tbo alt11004 "flowi's tor Plan Uv daughters: People's jort Ufa": Mammon toe repeoeso— m-T- — too Ivan and Webh rdish to sot tionmer Frost W otitsrd so- Peel Salt Lake City MOlinf 5:30 6:30 to in and ot 1111 noel tttOtt‘thos forodltoll to WI 3174 Adams iv 'nue daughtr S0fli and Carol IA'htt Imo An--li- I 7 a m Cot ba fit Mont t Mt peso of 3 oot Ca bet' otherwise a Wilford erdttod brother Orkv Weatm faster First Weal and Irifth Pnoto James G Smith 29 of 150 North and sloo th Oral ne IPS 11111$1511lhd biP MVO fornia and a half brother David ChAey Sterrett—Henri Taylor and VIrttn la row Chnrch st Christ heatiquartre trerts—H V Commis 1) D mintator bible of NoIf your carrier-salesma- n should miss delivering your Sunday son a:reet Main street was sentenced In Salt pendency r Twentieth 412 survive also Mo1 2040141 Eleventh Nephi rhooL 0:43 a wt: worship hour It a m 110 T trourto to enamor oosot vember 3 2:30 p in sermon 3:30 sod m Lake police court Saturday to atreet—Schoot Ionics Rowarda of 7:30 Tribuno please call ourJ circulation department before Winalow nd Ruth Myrtle Auda Bureau of Cittoiatwo 10 Catvfbal Pflet" and "Mokere or Amerfra p pon NPmbor faker 1411Mili rrrn 1 tdiplue pay $25 and serve 10 days in jail la a aaa obis The Trbub I I a Church of Christ 882 Fist Thirteenth midweek 'meeting Wednralar 7:10 0 411Dial and another copy will be personally m and 4'11 Irrneeett—Itnhert Ca itiPtords Iie rms minister for battery against a south street—Otis Hatewood Third 3703 ICIeernth Kant rirert son Novennher bbcet Cieartield — oervicoa Utah runral LIMISTON rn 11 a a 110V K School 10 m: worship C nnodnr: 14101dAT arid promptly delivered William and Janie Void Naffinger eatlemaJ flt1Prtic Reynold IltSgerlistL tor Mr Cora Alton Haworth 51 widow Monninc—ftov 11 :45 girl October 3 eommunion hoot 9'45 a M : mornint 0viro II of by the pastor nd blow Turoer IQ ontatives Sun47 daughtr OctoFrmington C Haworth who &el Frotay He was convicted of the offense a m: young people 30 p m a in Hiddino Hand of Doi": o"The preach nornte ber 29 trout Ott tees7 and w oettivni at be condileted in Cornish magellne Monday of your Tribune should be remt ing 7 :30 p m : prayer meeting Wednesnlermedlate C E 5 O m ernior C E Jenaen--Ra-inti Now Tr ii City fi15 kladlone aweeee- at Ways th Taylor sod no Imre S ward October 30 when facts in the case day tol in Lewiaton Prot L i 7 P M at 7:30 p m ' 1024 Twntythird I ret Ile It tt Imutitten rItit nusidine Dtrest 029 delphta ehanol by Rishoo Dnw L4wta Rurial in were stipulated Judge Frank E ported before 9 a nu 36(4 Surin livcrtigan ovum: Pulls cab daughter October 30 Lewiston remetry will be directed by mnIftr r II bulidine: Pan timactime Moss said the jail term 'would be of Logan Lindquist anti Piotu atmoritiAry 117 kw 5 Low etreol: ILro Angnb Logan tho Haworth horn Friends may call un Opo&UA NIntli street Lime Ars suspended upon payment of the Josagil Vaasa boaLmt Until w Mr on Jinits and i rarket int :152 Esont Third South t'lmeek Plitorlay evning Itoortanived Choorrit at Jeanie 41104 at inns WI& fine street beessed 660 Kaki South Temple Lattes-stagen Onn Paints 336 Fourth 1ast atreet prior to services Speaker Tells Aid Given Soldiers' at Church of God at Episcopal (r1 — Eightacts Rirsaa e : I : 0- it- Annulment Asked 11 at at - Marriage Licenses Dil orces Granted - d Maus-sae- Baby Boys Lead Girls for Week t John Ivins Sherman Pt? r Fort Douglas Chapel Churches J Mine Leader Dies tI If fib-bon- at Free Church Martha ' 01:o'' ' ITS Meet to Protest Killings Set at l Adventist 7 Id Gospel African Methodist Rank Increase Proposed Army Orders Assembly of God Hellenic Orthodox 1 Ernest Hunter at 111 - Jehovah's Witnesses Baptist 4 at Lutheran Group Hears Of Old S L r 10 : Josephine Hall old-tim- Births at - Board Simpends Inn Licenses Express Men Study Defense Need - r r )11 1 n: - t ay 111 - F4 at Reserve Officers To Active Duty 12 5letliodig r4 Catholic ge at Driver Pays S3: For Ignoring Stan lidig-Pan- at & Lauds Air Defenses Lucinda E Utah Juniors Pick Prom Committee Rawson Mormon V ry - 111 It ttee 1 ad-drea- m - rene ro4 40-mi- te he Falls From Tree BP 1- thD Lieftite---Weale- Directors Meet It ‘Cnkt y Uribunt lli at Pillar of Fire at e"'‘'4 Ann Eliza Webb at tko)i: Our Circulation Department 1—Closes Sunday at 11 a Presbyterian Judge Fines S L Man $25 in Battery Case Dai--nrt- Church of Christ ID East Corn Allen Ilaworilt see-me- n 11 Wu - non-delive- ry e une L e Christian Science une une une y S "4"kAkRik fTM Reorganized LDS |