Show PittsliiiFgli Foirdlliiini CI (East stories on Page Islander ' - - Sfe fcW — -- — — --- — 12 EBayler ——— — — — 13 (Midwest stories on Page 14 B) (West stories on Page 13 B) (South stories on rage 12 B) B) tose BYU Wins i Ags Lose Duncan ®BlMSI'Star' finish of Touchdown Jt NoTtmber Sunday Morning 9 B9 "" j Y Backs Sparkle Strike Riddles —— 1 j Riddell Utag Line To Lead D U 5500 Fans I See Micks Win 20-- 0 ' A' I -- ' ' I ""H f i " ' A fManninql J a Cougars Back Hard To Cop Win - LARAMIE Wyo Nov 8 iA — Undefeated Brigham Young university rolled out an unstoppable running attack here Saturday afternoon and left the clear-cu- t stamp of a 23-- 7 victory over Wyoming university before a horns- coming crowd of nearly 4000 Under a bright November aky and mild temperature fans watched and applauded the tricky and running of a T I i ': ifof Cougar backs — Long-hur- st quartet 1 A By Marlowe Bran&ran Gardner Wing and Jackson n thrilled to Wyoming" They school fridden McKinley high which asserted itattack passing ef Honolulu a refreshing as an self with authority in the second i i vening brteze playing across the quarter It was then that the Mtcn ai waiKiKi — ana as ruuucaa Cowboy faithful began to hope that their time had come Wyoas a gale which blows in on their leading 2 as the first ming Uland homes from the waters of half drew to a close But that was the vast Pacific— hung a 20-- 0 sheltheir only chance to cheer ' lacking on an outmaneuvered East ' ' ' ' The Cougars struck back with UA r high eleven Saturday beforeseesome A V ' a sudden fury and with a half the WOO fans who gathered to minute of the half remaining had Hawaiian crew in action crossed pay territory They left Playing tag with a baffled the field at intermission leading which machine spent Lopard 9 to 7 most of the day wondering how ene football could spend so much No Doubt Then time in so many different spots on Seven Big Standings When BYU converted a one clav the Micks exponents of W rtK OP "U 3 to blocked Wyoming kick into a the old shell game the likes of S S I Uh IS at the opening of the lit which hasn't been seen around 1 3 ( otr4 Itn ft3H touchdown "A-- j Cr— 1 third quarter and a Cowboy fum1 i 'Athese parts completely dominated 1 ta ble paved the way for another a t lvrr A the game Saturday" as they gave I la fltete 4 W Mar-Tin 13 ITT few minutes later there was no ywnsfsc He clicked second touchdown toss Hank shovel the for after every proof that pregame raves Denver's favorite Walsmith'g dodged receiving pass open doubt in the minds of the fans were spoken with not the slightest Tfcla Wifk'i headed Bell halffWk Riddell and State the Utah into It's out that Brigham Young was to keep goalward again Aggie Ckra4 I breaking against touch of malarkey 1'tak at nrm4m Btat its record unblemished I tma Mai at KrM McKinley had every weapon tn It was however an inspired rtara4a MIm at Itruvrr modern football — lightning-fas- t on the part of the on the performance and finesse Tasses speed with their diminutive backs put Cowboys at times but under the decks line a lot of swivei-nippe- a up a game fight and held their Cougars withering attack they and an utter disdain of their rivals own with the husky Denver crew could not meet the challenge They Not once all afternoon even when The victory made the Denver made a final bid in the last quarthe pounding Leopards were eatthe beat road crew in ter but by that time the Cougars Pioneers chunks in large up yardage ing the league They have played two had the contest neatly sacked and did the expression change on the games away from home this sea put away faces of the imperturable Micks Tribune Intermountain Wirs on and won them both Earl (Shadow) Ray who was to These 1 They took good and bad as it -- rare the only games that the squad be heard from with his passing LOGAN- - Denver's Pioneers "stole" the color out of the game eame and-- asked nothing more than and kicking gave the Courars has won ulinlu V4 ' First it was their bright gold and "red uniforms ' their first two points when he Incoring guns at a rival which asked taturaay Gets First Doun Edge tercepted Longhurst's pass on his and gave no quarter In a football sparkling in the November sun that caught the eye and focused for the third time In own goal line and unavoidably Utah SUte classic v tVi red Boh Riddell'a wu lvnrh Xffir it — vUitnr' — four conference games managed stepped into the end zone for a Fans who were on hand for Sat- to turn in more first downs than safety The of field were a down the rolled legs that atop shirt sturdy pair game ball tirday-grand v A'-- its rivals but the pay-obeing Wyoming's only marker cam mazed at the speed the Micks un- well worth the far said Riddell were 1nnMnwn nmev on points scored it was the fourth in such a freakish manner that rorked in their first scoring drive Missed at Saturday's game was ©f the day They sent little Gordy straight conference setback for the fan hardly knew what had e always colorful flag raising the press box would have aclulback over the Logan Aggies a- pint-sii- e After being denied happened f I Sing some commodated the paying customers The injury jinx which has trailed when they reached the Cougars Saturday for Mne before the ceremonies d from the Glory" was with comparative ease the Farmers all season hit again stripe the Cowboy cam first quarter was barely five min- reason unknownin "Old the mild breeze At halftlme the Spurs did some Coach Dick Romney back aided by a pass interference loafing lazily Saturday utes old fans entered the stadium field demonstrations Some uncovered a brand new fullback and scored from the even on pass Once in the third quarter and when to hear the band blare the thought they were a week late on We like with both size and speed a junior over the line and attempted lateral nce more in the fourth heat the th 'an their games as they first formed college transfer from B A C named which was fumbled the ball rollMick a if to dispel any doubt "fttonal anthem jsnd Just before the a huge "Y" but they came back Gail Duncan a to their ability to shake off the ing into the end zone where a —don't you? kick-of- f with a giant "D" and ended up Duriag the early part of the Wyoming man fell on it effect of breathing air much thin game Duncan looked like the Aggies' two by four press forming a gigantic "A" Wing Longhurst Gardner and ner than they breathe at home boxThewas in bad to of limit a crowded on the back The Jackson the field and showed themselves as the couple got greatest Aggies across the barks hunted Leopards' fact several members of the work- - breaks tn the first half of the with some hard fast ball toting fanciest ball carriers of the day "' goal line Their attack razor-edg- e lne press had to sit on top Just game Gail Duncan who looked he led the Farmers in a driv when they picked out holes in the sharp caught d the Leopards and another reason why the three Utah like the answer to a coach's prayer j that csrried the ball to the Denver Wyoming as they prothe crowd line and- - slithered 1 ZeZL their press for fullback was carried from the line But after a flashy through for 10 15 20 and 25 yard duced their final touchdown mld- - schools should increase From the nine-yar- d box space One wise Aggie blurt- field on a stretcher run he went down and gains repeatedly A jaunt way through the final quarter -was carried off the field with "Better put the press In the hospital Saturday night came the A And here's Mr Riddell to was a riddle Riddell by Wing set up the Cougars' first about at With the ball at midfield and ed: quite jaunt just a in crowd suffered sit the had let and Duncan stands broken leg report touchdown inavin oniy one uuwn f VirU-otime yrni-touchdown the Aggies at Logan Saturday 11HS of his 52-yar- d (Continued on Pm Immediately? the Aggies' of Bird Blocks Punt fense bogged down and on three and exactly half of the players on It was Ken Bird crack sophoplays the Farmers lost two yards the field! — these being the Leopards and what appeared to be an un more tackle and a Wyoming boy And what —expected a kick stoppable touchdown drive with who set the stage for the second Her happened 7 Duncan running the ball fizzled counter when he blocked Ray's man Grambert up and passed to out when he was forced out of punt deep in Wyoming territory speedy little Charley Bassette and the line-u- p About the only weakness the the Mick gobbled up 50 yards and Both teams found their line Cougars showed was in punting six points a lot quicker than it plays ineffective as the forward averaging only 29 yards per try Kekumano Uke to tell about it charged fast to top the ball car Meanwhile Ray's kicking was outWas Keynote riers in their tracks As result standing averaging 47 yards per Sing both team turned to the air but try That one play was the keynote their aerial attempts were a weak BYU outgained Wyoming in ©f the Micks' play Saturday They as or downs 14 to 8 and amassed their weaker first ground did plays what East expected rarely Both teams filled the air with a total yardage from rushing of them to do and they never seemed Cotitinud on Following P (ContinuMl on Following PKt to do anything wrong True enough on occasions they found one play didn t work but the fact go-ie-Denvonly once throughout they punted the game — tnat late in uie iinai period — proves how solid their run Denver Utah State Denver "Utah State ning and passing game was against 268 Gains 8 runhlnr passes Opponents' the Leopards 150 total ' intercepted From description of the game 114 77 3 First half First half 2 led be would one to this point tip 154 73 Second half 0 3 Second half were to believe that the Micks the V Yds lout rushing 12 Number ef punts only one on the field but that 7 First half 4 4 First half 4 would be an utter mlstatement 2 Second half 8 2 Second half to 5 with The Leopards roared twice 259 Yardage running in the ahadows of the Honolulu 43 33 Av for punts net 1U 41 First half 30 eleven! goal posts On two other 107 First half 73 47 Second half occasions they halted the driving 3 I 152 Second half 65 V 'c - Ai 1 Micks when their own backs were Number of kick-of116 forward Yardage pressed against the wall and twice 72 passes alert Bill Shand who with Doug 0 First half 2 87 First half 13 ' Salmon Orvllle Smith and (Fish) 1 Second half 2 i 23 59 Second half 'Av iav J jwere outstanding ball players for S69 35 210 Total 55 Aver rains of kickoffs the defeated Leopards intercepted 194 First half S8 0 69 half First mates to pull his McKinley passes 175 Second half 35 Second half 124 43 P out of danger j-152 Return of all First downs All in all the Micks racked up 10 SO runhlnr kirks yards a tottal of 371 yards to East's 197 77 1 6 25 half First First half The'vMicks picked up 210 yards Saimon 4 4 Second half 75 Second half 5 from pushing and 161 yards via the No downs First fumbles of rushto East' airlane compared S 2 First half 4 passes ing total oM80 and 17 from passes 0 0 Second half 2 First half First down totals favored Uie 3 Second half Opponents' fumMicks 16 to 12 bles recovered Flnt downs penf 4 Gallant March 1 First half 0 2 alties 0 First half 3 0 Second half 0 One eallant march however in 1 Second half 0 No of was the second penalties the prin quarter 1 First half 11 1 IS Tot first downs cipal reason the Leopards got 180 1 Second half 5 First half 6 2 entire the game yards during 6 Second half 30 7 Yards lost from Facing a 0 deficit at that stage 22 26 25 Paaaes attempted penalties of the game the Leopards moved 15 First half 15 First half 10 5 more than 70 yards on sheer power 7 Second half 16 15 Second half 20 to awaken victory hopes which had 7 2 Passm com- Times ball lost faded once Sing crossed the goal 26 on downs pleted line before all of the fans had been jHsrricher 6 First half 1 2 0 half First comfortably seated Even though Davey Kekumano McKinley back floats through the air over Orville Salmon's back for five yards against East in the first quarter 1 Second half 1 Second half 0 5 ) (Oontiauad on Fm ' IO AI :V ' By Jimmy Hod goon LOGAN — Bob (Rambling) Rid dell of Denver roared through the Aggie defense twice for jaunts of 66 and 52 yards Saturday for a pair of touchdowns and personally guided the Pioneers to a 14-- 6 triumph over the Aggies of Utah State before a meager crowd of less than 2500: fans II The fast and fancy stepping 11 Riddell got away in the first quar forma ter on a reverse from ' tion for his first touchdown After the line of scrimgetting through mage he cut back crossed up the Farmers and went across the line standing up Later in the third quarter he received a shovel pass from Henry Walsmith and went 52 yards around the Farmers to score again That was enough to win the game Aside from those two per fectly executed plays the two teams played almost to a stand still The undermanned Farmers Hawaiian Prep Outfit Puts On Great Show xr-- H 'ill v — f: a - 8" - - 9 0 Minnesota 0 Nebraska 7 Stanford 7 :TU § C Texas 13 A - yard-produci- w-a- a 7-- t I- 1 "'A'' V-- 1 ill) Pioneers Steal the Show In Aggie Grid Fanfare X( A) 1 L-n- a 'r (V ff I - one-yar- ch r I flat-foote- a 10-ya- rd 42-ya- rd c Slope-shoulder- ff theend ed I c v v Utah A er Statistics 4 fs M '" 1- 6-- 11-B- ty ' |