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Show Page 14 The Ogden Valley news Volume XXIV Issue IX May 15, 2017 Calendar of Events Community Reading Group For location, confirmation of date, time, & more info, call Martha at 801-814-1698, or Darla at 801-391-5143. Everyone welcome. Monday – Saturday: Visit Carver’s Cove Petting Farm now thru September, every Monday & Tuesday by appointment; or Wednesday – Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (weather permitting) for drop-bys. Open most summer holidays but closed Sundays. $8 for general admission. Visit www.carverscove.com for more info. Mondays: Children’s Discovery Time, 10:30 a.m. @ Ogden Valley Branch Library. All children infancy - 5 years of age & caregivers invited to hear stories & participate in learning activities. Children introduced to books, music, & art. Program runs on 7 week cycle with 1 week off between cycles. FREE! For more info call 337-2660. Tuesdays: Films @ Your Ogden Valley Branch Library, 6:30 p.m. More info at 801-337-2660. Tuesdays: Weber County Commission meeting, 10:00 a.m. at Weber County Bldg., 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden. Public hearings held Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. as needed. Meeting minutes & agendas at <www.co.weber. ut.us> Every 3rd Tuesday: Community Foundation of Ogden Valley (CFOV) Board Meeting at Ogden Valley Library in Huntsville, 6:30 p.m. Meeting open to the public. For more info, call Dennis at 801-791-1036. Every 4th Tuesday: La Leche League meeting, 10:00 a.m. Mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding & pregnant mothers. Meetings held in Ogden. For more information call Sally 801- 621-4844 or Erica 801- 6482849. Email LLLWeberDavis@gmail.com or La Leche League of Utah’s web address at <www.lllusa.org/UT/ Utah.html> Every 4th Tuesday: Ogden Valley Township Planning Commission, 4:30 p.m., Weber County Bldg., 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden. Wednesdays: After School Program @ Ogden Valley Library, 2:30 p.m. A free program recommended for children kindergarten - 6th grade. Offered throughout the school year. For more info call 801-337-2660. Wednesdays: Sr. Lunch in Ogden Valley Library community room, noon. $3 suggested donation for seniors, $6 for those 59 & younger. Call 337-2660 for more info. Wednesdays: AWANA club for children kindergarten 6th grade @ Fellowship Bible Church, 4783 N. 3300 E., Liberty, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call Danielle @ 801-745-7393 for info. Wednesdays: Wildlife Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. @ Ogden Nature Center. All ages invited to learn more about some of Utah’s native animal species. For more info call 6217595 or visit <www.ogdennaturecenter.org> Wednesdays: Dinner at American Legion Post 129 at 6:00 p.m. Open to general public. 604 S. 7800 E., Huntsville. Beef & chicken tacos & salads. Chile Verde Burritos. Every 1st Wednesday: GEM Committee, 5:00 pm, Huntsville Library. Ogden Valley GEM (Growth with Excellence Mandate) Committee is an open-to-all citizens group working to sustain the rural atmosphere of the Valley & promote the other values expressed in the Ogden Valley General Plan. Committee works thru County officials & processes toward keeping our Valley a great place to live & visit. For more info see <www. ogdenvalleygem.org> Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday: Open Studio/Music Circle @ Eden Community Center/Bowery, 6:30 p.m. Come work on your art projects or music skills in the company of other community artists. Experts on site for help and advice. Every 2nd Wednesday: Eden Park Board meeting, 6:30 p.m. Call Nicholas Froerer, 801-510-3210, for location & other info. Every 2nd Wednesday: Ogden Valley Recreation/ Transmission Special Service District Board Meeting, Ogden Valley Library, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Public invited. Every 2nd Wednesday: Ogden Valley Land Trust board meeting, 7:00 p.m., Ogden Valley Library. Call Shanna @ 801-745-2688 for more info. Every 2nd Wednesday: VFW Fred J. Grant Post 1481 & Ladies Auxiliary, 6:00 p.m., 907 W. 12th St., Ogden. Join us to learn about our involvement in the Community & how we may be of service to veterans. For questions, call Post Commander Doug Ferguson at 801-633-0610. Every 1st & 3rd Thursday: Huntsville Town Council meeting, 7:00 p.m., Huntsville Town Hall, 7309 E. 200 S. Visit www.huntsvilletown.com for more info. Every 2nd Thursday: Nordic Mountain Water Board meeting, 6:00 p.m. @ Peterson Builders Bldg., 4793 E. 2300 N., Eden. Meetings open to shareholders. Nonshareholders need to call a week in advance for placement on agenda. Call 745-2605 for more info. Every 2nd Thursday: Piece of Mind Quilt Guild, 6:30 p.m. at My Heritage Fabrics. Participants share quilts they’ve made & learn new techniques. Also produce quilts for charity. The guild is part of the Utah State Quilt Guild. All welcome--beginner to advanced quilters. Come join us! Call Jinny Dominguez @ 801-393-4845 for more info. Every 2nd Thursday: Utah Homemakers Association, monthly meetings designed to promote stable homes & satisfying family living. Speakers share educational info. Come gain skills that contribute to your interests & needs as homemakers. Also participate in service projects to help others & the community. 10:00-11:30 a.m. Nursery available. $12 yearly fee. Contact Renee, 745-2468. Every 3rd Thursday: Ogden Valley Business Association Meeting (OVBA). For more info visit <www.ovba.org> Refer to web site for time, click “Meetings.” Saturdays: Zumba @ Ogden Valley Library, 10:00 a.m. Zumba class taught by certified instructor. Come enjoy an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness program that’s moving millions of people toward joy & health. More info at 801-337-2660. Saturdays: Cinema Saturday Feature Films @ Ogden Valley Library, 2:00 p.m. More info at 801-337-2660. Saturdays: American Legion “Cutterzone Karaoke” with Kent Cutler & over 100,000 songs to choose from. 8:00 p.m. Come show off your talent or just for the party. Also, come in for Pool Player’s Challenges. Huntsville. Sundays: Breakfast @ American Legion Post 129, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Open to general public, 604 S. 7800 E., Huntsville. May 17: Reiki Healing Hands Circle at Double Happiness Studio, 7:00 p.m., located at 1778 N. 6250 E. Eden. For more info call Marsha at 801-941-1015. May 19: Story Time on My Dime! Hosted by Liberty’s master storyteller Douglas Dickson and featuring YOU! Ogden Valley Library in Huntsville, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. The theme is “Beautiful gardens can grow in fertile soils; beautiful memories can glow in heartfelt souls,” what memories form today will I recall with fondness? All are welcome to come and participate. May 19: OVBA monthly meeting, 5:00 p.m. at Sterling Automotive Solutions, located behind Iverson Dental and East of Eden. Come review OVBA member benefits as well as learn b out the serces Sterling Automotive has to offer. M e e t i n g catered by Lost Texan BBQ. Free for all OVBA members as well as new members who sign up as a member at the meeting. May 19: O g d e n Marathon Fun & Fitness Expo. Activities & health vendors for the entire family. 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Weber County Sports Complex (Ice Sheet), 4440 Harrison Blvd, Ogden. Join Bart Yasso, Runner ’s World Chief R u n n i n g Officer, for a free shake out fun run at 9:00 a.m. prior to the expo opening. More info at <www. ogdenmarathon.com> May 19: O g d e n Marathon M a y o r ’ s Walk, 3 rd Annual Mayor’s Walk. Join us for a community, dogfriendly walk, with Ogden City Mayor Mike Caldwell. Starts at High Adventure Park, 18th and Grant Ave, and ends at the finish line. Registration includes a shirt & Mayor Challenge Coin. Register at <www.ogdenmarathon.com> May 20: Zions Bank Ogden Marathon & Sunrise Canyon Bike Ride. Entries available for the full, half, 5K, Relay, bike ride, and Kids K. Join us for Utah’s largest one-day running event. Registration includes shirt, medal, fully-supported course & finish line festival. Register at <www.ogdenmarathon.com> May 20: Armed Forces Day May 22: Snowcrest Principal Curtis VandenBosch is retiring after serving 30 years in education. He has served our Valley students well these past two years. Join us for an open house in his honor in the Snowcrest Jr. High library, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. See article on page 5. May 25: At 7:00 p.m., a commemorative rendezvous in Eden’s historic Valley Chapel, aka the Hearthside, the story of Peter Skene Ogden and his entrance into Ogden Valley in in May 1825—in all its intriguing glory—will be told by leading history experts Jay H. Buckley (BYU) and Lynn Arave (Standard Examiner and Deseret News history columnist). Discover and experience the man behind the name—Ogden Valley—not to mention some tasty pemmican hors d’oeuvres! For more information, see article on page 4 and ad on page 7. May 29: Memorial Day June 2 – 4: Ogden Music Festival will kick off the summer festival season at Fort Buenaventura, as the Fort is transformed into a world-class venue, featuring big names in traditional Americana, folk & bluegrass music. Parker Millsap, Sarah Jarosz, Tim O’Brien and Hot Rize, Amy LaVere, Joshua James and local favorite and rising star Sammy Brue are just some of the artists who will be taking the stage at this year’s festival. Tickets available at <OFOAM.org> As always, kids 16 & younger attend free of charge; otherwise, the cost is $65 until June 1 and $70 thereafter. Single day entry to the festival is $35 in advance and $40 at the door. June 10: 3rd-annual 10-07 Charitable Fund 5K Walk/Run at MTC Learning Park, 1750 Monroe Blvd. in Ogden. Bring your family & friends and walk/run Ogden’s River Parkway. Stollers welcome! BBQ meal & live music included. Bring blankets & lawn chairs for the entertainment. Cost, $30/adults & $10/kids ages 6-12. Children 5 and under participate for free. Registration includes a T-shirt & meal. Participants register at <www.1007fund.com> Registration deadline June 2, 2017. June 14: Flag Day June 17: Nordic Valley Summer Operations Open! Every weekend10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Nordic Grill serves fresh food Saturdays 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. and Sundays 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Cost for all-day lift tickets & water slide: $12/person. All-day, all-activity pass, $20. Ride your bike in the morning & ride water slide in the afternoon! A summer season passes available at Nordicvalley.com for $59. June 18: Father’s Day June 20: Summer Solstice June 24: Bank of Utah TrailFrest, 8:00 a.m. – noon, a community-wide event with the purpose of inspiring the community to get active, discover, play, learn, connect, & celebrate within our expansive network of urban trails. Event to include a wide variety of free trail activities along various segments of the newly-connected Centennial Trail followed by a free trails-themed Festival & Expo at the Ogden Amphitheater from noon to 3:00 p.m., featuring a vendor expo, great food, fun familyoriented activities, and free concert by rising Nashville artists Crimson Calamity. For more info visit www. weberpathways.org or call 801-393-2304. June 29: Story Time on My Dime! Hosted by Liberty’s master storyteller Douglas Dickson and featuring YOU! Ogden Valley Library in Huntsville, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Patriotic program featuring Storytellers from the Utah Storyteller Guild. July 4: Independence Day. Watch for announcements of Ogden Valley happenings! July 6: Ogden Valley Open Market opening event, 5:30 p.m. - dusk with many vendors, farmers, crafters, live music, kids activities and food. Open Market is a free event! For more info visit <ogdenvalleyopenmarket. com> July 20: Story Time on My Dime! Hosted by Liberty’s master storyteller Douglas Dickson and featuring YOU! Ogden Valley Library in Huntsville, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. How our friends and neighbors celebrate Utah’s rich diverse pioneer heritage. July 24: Pioneer Day July 28 – 29: Ogden Valley Charity Garage Sale! Visit the Facebook page—Ogden Valley Charity Garage Sale—and like us so you can receive updates & notifications. To help, or for more info, call Liz (801-710-7221), Leslie (801-564-5137) or Dave (801-458-2737). Items can be dropped off at the Hillstroms starting June 1. Event location: 9520 E. 400 S., Huntsville, at home of Mike & Cindy Hillstrom. Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday; 8:00 a.m. - noon Saturday. July 31 – August 6: Tour of Utah August 17: Story Time on My Dime! Hosted by Liberty’s master storyteller Douglas Dickson and featuring YOU! Ogden Valley Library in Huntsville, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Splashing in the sun! Getting a real TAN! It’s not what you think! 5 Seconds. August 18-20: 2017 Ogden Valley Balloon & Artist Festival. More details to come! Visit http://ogdenvalleyballoonfestival.com/ for more info. More Calendar of Events items posted online at www.ovba.org To place your scheduled event in the Calendar of Events, call Shanna Francis 801-745-2688 or Jeannie Wendell 801-745-2879 |