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Show The Ogden Valley news Your Community Newspaper May 15, 2017 USPS MARKETING MAIL POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 EDEN UT POSTAL PATRON EDEN-LIBERTY-84310 HUNTSVILLE-84317 OGDEN CANYON- 84401 HCR 843AO Ogden Marathon Offers Events for All Ages & Skill Levels On May 2, the GOAL Foundation will host the 17th Annual Ogden Marathon. The race has become a family favorite thanks to events such as the Granite Construction Kids K and Kimberly Clark 5K and the 1-mile Mayor’s Walk on Friday night. This year the GOAL Foundation is introducing the Sunrise Canyon Bike Ride as part of the schedule of events. Bike riders now have the unique opportunity to ride their bicycles from Nordic Valley Ski Area, down a closed Ogden Canyon, to finish up at Rainbow Gardens at the mouth of the canyon. The Ogden Marathon is a major component in the GOAL Foundation’s mission to get Weber County residents and visitors out and active. To further its mission of encouraging participation in outdoor events, the GOAL Foundation has integrated youth and family activities into race-day participation. Nearly every event hosted by GOAL has a youth component that recreates the adult version or allows youth to participate directly. At the marathon, families can choose from the Kids K or the 5K, which take place during the marathon, utilizing the same finish line. Ogden Canyon will be closed from 6:00 a.m. until 1:15 p.m. for the events. Ogden Canyon residents with access passes will be permitted to use the Utah Highway Patrol shuttle service to travel to and from their homes. Eden, Huntsville, and Liberty residents are asked to use Trappers Loop or the North Ogden Divide due to the Ogden Canyon closure. All Valley traffic is expected to return to Ulla Kaufman of Huntsville captured this photo on Trapper’s Loop Thursday, May 4. Domestic Dispute Takes Life of 69-year-old Huntsville Man MARATHON cont. on page 8 Concerns Raised Regarding Care of Liberty Cemetery By Shanna Francis In 1891, 2.5 acres in the community of Liberty, Utah were purchased from James Burt, and another adjoining half acre from Joshua B. Judkins. The property was to be used as a cemetery for the small pioneer mountain community. Monies were collected from donations in the amount of $1,200 to pay for the property. Fast forward to 1949 when a share of water was purchased so the cemetery could be watered and more adequately maintained. In the summer of 1950, all of the headstones were removed so the ground could be leveled and grass planted. The headstones were then replaced to their proper order. In 1964, Liberty resident Woodrow K. Shaw met with Weber County Commissioners asking that arrangements be made to form a cemetery district whereby taxes could be collected to purchase maintenance equipment for the cemetery, such as a tractor and a lawn mower. Someone, who wanted to remain anonymous, donated $1,800 so an automatic sprinkler system could be installed. On July 6, 1966, another $2,000 was donated so a fence could be erected around the cemetery. A historical record of Liberty, “Echoes of the Past: Liberty 1982,” researched and compiled by Lyle J. and Zella Chard, states that among the According to a report by the A search of the area was conducted and Weber County Sheriff’s Office, on Erekson was located in the back yard of the May 10, at 7:01 p.m., deputies home. Deputies attempted to take Erekson into were dispatched to the 7400 E. custody but he refused to comply and resisted block of 400 S. in Huntsville Town arrest. Deputies used a Taser to take him into on a report of a family disturbance. custody. Gundi McClarin, 72, reported that A search warrant was served on her adult son David Erekson, 42, had the home and investigators from attacked both her and her husband the Weber County Sheriff’s Office Roger Haven, age 69. responded to the home to collect eviWhen deputies arrived, they dence and investigate the incident. found Haven had died in the resiThe investigation was still on-going LIBERTY CEMETERY cont. on page 13 dence; he appeared to have been at the time this paper went to press. assaulted and stabbed. Resuscitation Erekson appears to have acted efforts were attempted on Haven but alone and there is no current threat were unsuccessful. to the public. He was arrested and McClarin had been assaulted and booked into jail on Felony Murder; suffered severe facial injuries and Domestic Violence Assault with David Erekson This year’s Ogden Valley Balloon Festival the full medley of local foods. The views lookwas taken to a local hospital for treatSubstantial Injuries, which is an in Eden is scheduled for August 18, 19, and 20. ing northeast over the Valley are just wonderment. Her condition is unknown at this time, but DOMESTIC DISPUTE cont. on page 3 The Balloon Festival is being held at Eden Park, ful, and the visual connection to the balloon her injuries are not considered life threatening. with morning hot air balloon launches, arts and launch site adds a new synergy to this year’s crafts, kids’ games and food event,” states Murphy. booths, as well as continuous The return of the funlive entertainment. The popdraiser breakfast for the ular Balloon Glow will take Ogden Rescue Mission is th place Friday and Saturday back! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, beginning at 7:00 Make July 28 and July 29 the days you zations. Over the past 18 years, the garage sale evenings, August 18 and 19, a.m., a buffet breakfast will stop by and find a treasure at this year’s Ogden has made almost $140,000, with $16,000 com- at dusk, at approximately 8:45 p.m. at Eden Park. be served at Eden Park in Valley Charity Garage Sale! You’ve heard about ing in last year. “We are so happy Eden memory of Gary Dowdy. it every summer for 19 years. And this year will The garage sale will be held Friday, July be bigger and better than ever! 28 and Saturday, July 29, at 9520 E. 400 S. Park is allowing us to take advantage of this All proceeds from the breakfast will be given Proceeds from the Charity Garage Sale go in Huntsville at the home of Mike and Cindy wonderful location,” commented Terry Murphy, to the Ogden Rescue Mission. Other food vendors include BBQ wings, Navajo tacos, BBQ directly to charitable causes. Make-A-Wish Hillstrom. It will run from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 Chairperson for the festival. “The site offers a nice shaded area for the meats, snacks and treats such as kettle corn, ice Foundation of Utah is a primary recipient. For p.m. on Friday, and from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 the past several years we have been able to noon on Saturday. The garage sale is made pos- arts and crafts vendors, a perfect viewing area cream, and shaved ice, which will be available sponsor the wishes of two local wish children. sible by donations of items, which can be deliv- for all of the live entertainment, and a spacious so bring those appetites! McKay-Dee Foundation Labor and Delivery ered to the Hillstroms, starting June 1. We have area for our food vendors with a lovely bowery BALLOON FESTIVAL cont. on page 11 Bereavement and Brigham City Community received tremendous support from Valley resi- with picnic tables for diners to relax and enjoy Hospital Infant Bereavement are also recipi- dents throughout the years. Please feel free to ents. Many other Ogden Valley youth and their donate good furniture, working appliances only, families who have had medical situations have sports equipment, clothing in great condition, also been helped. Five families with Valley con- shoes and boots, craft items, dishes, seasonal nections were assisted last year. Unsold items decorations, toys, games, and books in good from the garage sale are donated to Deseret The Weber County Sheriff’s already on the reservoir conducting training Industries, Ayuda en Mexico, and other organiCHARITY cont. on page 7 Office has identified the body that was and were able to recover the body in a short recovered at Pineview Reservoir. The time. According to Sgt. Matt Jensen with the male is identified as 44-year-old Weber County Sheriff’s Office, detectives do Jason Sullivan from Ogden. not suspect foul play at this time. “They will On Saturday, May 6, around 10:45 a.m., a be conducting a follow-up investigation in the boater located Mr. Sullivan floating near the coming days, but there is limited information It’s the middle of the Cretaceous period, on known fossils measure this impressive crea- shoreline by Port Ramp and Wind Surfer beach, as to why Mr. Sullivan was at Pineview. The between 112 and 97 million years ago, in what ture at about 50 feet long and around 8 tons in just off of the shoreline on the west side of the investigation is ongoing . . . but it appears [the reservoir. Weber County Search and Rescue was death] to be a drowning.” will become northern Africa. At this time a vast weight. swamp covers the area, nothing like the Sahara’s Discovered in Egypt in 1912 by German scorched terrain of today. It’s hot—over 100 paleontologist Ernst Stromer, the history of degrees. The humidity is stifling. The odor the study of Spinosaurus could have inspired of rotting vegetation hangs an Indiana Jones plot line. heavily in the air. The swamp Stromer excavated and transteems with life above and ported the bones to Munich, beneath the water. and there the only known A 6-foot lungfish moves fossils of the species were slowly along the muddy edge destroyed in the later stages of the brackish water, unaware of WWII during an Allied of the fate that awaits it. The bombing raid. eyes of a giant predator stare All was lost until a 2014 piercingly from the water, but discovery of bones in a the lungfish does not seem to notice. Suddenly Moroccan marketplace offered us another view the Spinosaurus strikes. The lungfish reacts far of the Spinosaurus. The newly found bones too slowly, slipping wildly on the muddy sur- preserve evidence that the Spinosaurus spent face in a hopeless attempt to escape. Piercing, the majority of its time in water. Many of these recurved teeth impale its soft flesh. The lung- bones are denser and resemble modern whale fish struggles in vain as the Spinosaurus slides bones, which act as ballast and help the animal effortlessly back into the dark water. control its position in the water. Denser bones The Spinosaurus was the largest carnivo- and limbs specialized for aquatic travel may rous dinosaur to ever exist on land, though have forced the Spinosaurus to adopt a fourit was also supremely adapted to life in the legged gait while on land—a feature not seen in water. It may have outweighed both the T-Rex other carnivorous dinosaurs. and Giganotosaurus. It remains unclear how Fortunately, you will not have to travel Weber County Search and Rescue recovered the body of 44-year-old Jason Sullivan while doing trainlarge the Spinosaurus could grow because of ECCLES DINOSAUR cont. on page 13 ing exercises Saturday, May, 6. incomplete fossil finds, but estimations based Balloon Festival Offers Arts, Crafts, Entertainment, Local Food, and Fun! The Event of the Year: Ogden Valley Charity Garage Sale—Now in its 19 year! Weber County Search and Rescue Recover Body from Pineview Reservoir Eccles Dinosaur Park to Open New Spinosaurus Exhibit July 1 |