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Show Volume XXIV Issue IX The Ogden Valley news Page 5 May 15, 2017 Snowcrest Principal Retires: Open house slated for May 22 Snowcrest Principal Curtis VandenBosch is retiring after serving thirty years in education. He has served our Valley students well these past two years and will be missed by all. Please join us for an open house in his honor May 22, 2017 in the Snowcrest Jr. High library from 3:00 to Curtis p.m. VandenBosch 4:00Mr. VandenBosch earned his Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Master’s degree in Secondary Education from Weber State University. He began his career as a Math teacher and coach at North Ogden Jr. High in 1987. Afterward, he transferred to Fremont High School, where he taught math for several years. Upon earning his administrative degree from Utah State University, he served at Rocky Mountain Jr. High and later Weber High as assistant principal. In 2008, Mr. VandenBosch served as principal of T. H. Bell Jr. High and remained there through 2015. He has been Snowcrest’s principal for two years, which completes his 30-year run. School and community members wish him well in his future endeavors, and invite the public to celebrate his successful career with us May 22. Nordic Valley Announces 2017 Summer Operations Nordic Valley is happy to announce that their summer operations will begin June 17 and run every weekend thereafter from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Nordic Valley’s summer mountain experience includes mountain biking, hiking and disc golf that are accessed by the Apollo lift. The Mega Water slide—430 feet long—is a must try! An inflatable for smaller kids, bungee trampoline jumping, and other fun activities are also part of the lineup of events. For the first time this summer, a learning program for mountain biking will be offered for beginners. The learning program offers terrain features and a beginning trail close to the Barn. Kids of all ages are welcome to participate. The Nordic Grill will serve fresh food Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Free music will be played every Saturday night, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Watch for a detailed program soon to be published online and in The Ogden Valley News. The Spartan Race will return August 12. So get ready to face the most difficult Spartan Race ever! The cost for all-day lift tickets and water slide is $12 per person. An all-day, all-activity pass, $20. Ride your bike in the morning and ride the water slide in the afternoon! A summer season pass is also available right now at Nordicvalley.com for $59. SUP Encourages Community to Attend Informative Presentation on History of Ogden Valley The Ogden Valley Chapter of the Utah Sons of Pioneers encourages all interested in the history of our beautiful valley to attend a free public lecture about Peter Skene Ogden’s entrance into Ogden Valley and the unintended Mountain Green Rendezvous. This happened in May 1825 and will be discussed in detail by featured speakers Jay H. Buckley (PhD, Nebraska), Associate Professor of History at BYU; and Lynn Arave, Utah history columnist for Standard Examiner and Desert News. Thursday, May 25 at 7:00 p.m. is the time and the place is at our historic Valley Chapel— The Hearthside—located at 5612 E. 2200 N. in Eden. Ogden Community Joins to Make Ogden Arts Festival an Experience Art festivals traditionally consist of artwork on display in booths, food vendors, and performing arts. The Ogden Arts Festival works to make their festival more of an experience, rather than an event to simply stroll through. The festival committee is not alone in their efforts. Local businesses and community supporters are collaborating to make Ogden Arts Festival the art experience that it is. PALE, art collective, and the MOR Skateboards team are adding a new element to the festival—the Urban Arts area. This area of the festival will feature live graffiti art, a skateboard competition, and more. Lavender Vinyl, KUER, and Banyan Collective will provide multiple forms of media arts. Podcasts will be streaming live and records will be spinning—along with so much more. Circa3, an Ogden-based video production and video advertising company, and Peery’s Egyptian Theater have partnered with Ogden Arts Festival to start the Ogden Film Festival— an extension of the Ogden Arts Festival—a week before on June 2. Circa3 is heading up the film festival, putting in extensive effort to make sure that the art of filmmakers can be showcased in conjunction with the many other art experiences Ogden Arts Festival provides. Also, watch for Ogden Wide’s photo contest, which encourages professional and amateurs to capture the festival using the art of photography. Another vital community partner to Ogden Arts Festival is Nurture the Creative Mind (NCM) foundation. Last year was the first year NCM directed the festival. The foundation has made sure that Ogden Arts Festival grows art year round for the community. Please join us in experiencing art June 10 and June 11 at Ogden Amphitheater. Admission cost is only $3 for adults; admission is free for youth age 18 and under. For more information, visit <www. ogdenartsfestival.com> Valley Elementary Principal Dave Hales Reassigned to Farr West Elementary We are saddened to away!” – Dr. Seuss announce that we must say goodbye to our wonderful Valley Elementary principal, Mr. Hales. We will miss his happy, energetic, sincere personality and his whistling in our hallways. He has truly touched our lives and has always genuinely cared for every single student, staff David Hales member, and parent. We have absolutely loved working for Dave and wish him the very best! “Congratulations! Today is you’re day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and Thank you so much for making such a difference in our lives here in the Valley! Farr West Elementary is sure lucky you’re coming their way. Mr. Hale’s door is open here at Valley until July 1 for anyone who wants to come by and thank Mr. Hales for his love and leadership. The students at Valley Elementary will be showing their love and appreciation at the school’s closing reading assembly, Thursday May 25 at 9:00 a.m. “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – Winnie the Pooh Your Valley friends love you Mr. Hales! UTVs l Motorcycles Boats l Personal Watercraft Kayaks l Canoes l SUPs Snowmobiles On Site Rentals & Tours Eden (801) Pineview Reservoir/Marina Monte Cristo Trailhead l 745-3038 www.ClubRecUtah.com The Hummers are here! Feeders are bee and wasp proof. Glass bottles won’t leak or drip. 32 oz. Feeders: $14.99 Painted Feeders: $18.99 8 oz. Feeders: $13.99 Instant Nectar: $4.99 Kirsten Healy of Eden captured this scene of a rainbow arching over Ogden Valley. |