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Show Volume XXIV Issue IX The Ogden Valley news Page 3 May 15, 2017 Utah Adopts Third Standardized License Plate Spring Brings Hazardous Conditions to Forest Driving around the great state of Utah, you may be seeing, more and more, a Utah license plate that has joined the ranks of the two already standardized plates—that depicting Delicate Arch and, the other, Utah’s “greatest snow on earth.” In March of 2016, Utah became the 19th state to standardize the “In God We Trust” license plate. Gov. Gary R. Herbert signed HB 127 into law, removing the popular plate’s $5 specialty fee and providing the way for more Utahns to have plates bearing the U.S.’s national motto. “John Adams said our Constitution was made for only a religious and moral people.” Gov. Herbert said. “Our nation’s motto bears extra importance at a time when free worship of God and religious rights are being challenged.” With 10,736 plates sold as of December 2015, the “In God We Trust” license plate is the state’s most popular commemorative plate. Effective January 1, 2017, it became one of three standard Utah plates for Utahns to choose from. Herbert added in his comments regarding the license plate, “As we see what’s happening in the world, for me, it’s a reflection of God’s omnipotence and his love for us as his children, In 2016, Governor Herbert signed into law a bill removing a $5 specialty fee for the “In God We Trust” Utah license plate. The law became effective in January 2017. so I think this is a good reminder for us that in God we do trust . . . . That’s where we should put our trust, not in the arm of flesh. I think that will help us guide this state and help us guide this nation.” The Deseret News quoted HB 127’s floor sponsor Sen. Todd Weiler, R-Woods Cross, who addressed criticism of the bill to standardize the plate as violating separation of church and state, as saying, “It’s been on our coinage for over 100 years. . . . It’s our national motto, and it’s taken on a meaning other than just religion. . . . I think it will be very popular, and I think it’s very appropriate.” Spring is a great time for residents and visitors to take advantage of the recreation opportunities available on the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, which is within a short drive of urban population centers. However, Forest officials are advising visitors to use extra caution for the next several weeks while recreating on the forest. The wet spring has resulted in numerous hazards across the Forest. Important visitor safety guidelines are listed below: · Parents: watch your children and pets – swift water is a natural, but potentially deadly magnet, for curious children and pets · Don’t wade across cold, swift water – fastmoving water can be deceivingly dangerous, especially for anglers · Stay off unstable stream banks – added weight can unexpectedly cause them to collapse · Avoid walking on iced-over lakes and streams – rapidly thinning ice may be hidden by a layer of snow · Be aware of wet soils on steep slopes – may produce falling rocks that are dangerous for both hikers and vehicles · Watch out for weakening snow bridges – especially a concern for snowmobilers at stream crossings · Stay out of avalanche-prone areas – avalanche hazards remain considerable in many areas As the ground begins to thaw, and rain and melting snow saturate the ground, hiking trails become especially muddy. Keep these considerations in mind: · Trailheads maybe dry, but you may run into increasing mud and snow the higher you climb. · Never hike alone; if you have a cell phone take it with you. · Always let someone know where you are going and when you will return · Wear the proper clothing · Always pack food and water · Always carry a first-aid kit In addition to hazards to humans, the wet weather has created potentially damaging conditions for forest resources. Trails and roads are particularly vulnerable. To protect at-risk roads and trails from unnecessary rutting and erosion, wheeled-vehicles and horses are prohibited on many Forest roads. Utah outdoor enthusiasts, traveling in the canyons this time of year could result in an unpleasant encounter with these hungry hitchhikers. Moisture from spring rains and snowmelt creates perfect living conditions for ticks. · From March to mid-July, avoid areas where ticks and their food sources are abundant, i.e., grassy and bushy areas along the edges of woodlands and fields. · Use tick repellant on clothing to provide for protection for the amount of time you are In addition to hazards to humans, the wet outdoors. weather has created potentially damaging · Keep ticks off your skin. Wear long pants conditions for forest resources. Trails and roads and tuck your pants into your socks to keep are particularly vulnerable. To protect at-risk ticks off your skin. Light colored clothing will help you spot ticks more easily. tory to a repaving project that will occur on roads and trails from unnecessary rutting · Check yourself, your children, and your pets Wall Avenue at the end of May from US-89 in and erosion, wheeled-vehicles and horses are prohibited on many forest roads. Please call for ticks daily. Harrisville to Riverdale Road in S. Ogden. your local Ranger District for details. Seasonal Alpine Roadway Openings East Canyon - The Big Mountain Pass Highway, between milepost 3 at the turn-off to Emigration Canyon, and milepost 14, approximately one mile south of East Canyon Reservoir, is now open to all traffic for the summer, and will remain in service until November. Though the roadway is open to travel, motorists and cyclists are reminded that winter storm conditions are possible at any time Each year on Memorial Day, the American Legion Ogden Valley Post 129 through the end of June, and they should be prepared holds Military Honors Memorial services at four Ogden Valley cemeteries. for such occurrences when traveling this route. The schedule is as follows: Monte Cristo - The Monte Cristo Highway from milepost 37, near Ant Flats east of Liberty Cemetery 9:00 a.m. Upper Eden Cemetery 11:00 a.m. Huntsville, to milepost 56, west of Woodruff, 3900 N. 3500 E. Liberty (Mt. View) Rich County, was scheduled to be opened May 5500 E. 2770 N., Eden Lower Eden Cemetery 10:00 a.m. 26. Crews are now working to remove snow and Huntsville 12:00 p.m. (Meadow View) repair winter-caused damage before the roadway 5500 E. 100 S. Huntsville can be opened to traffic. In the meantime, the 5100 E. 2200 N., Eden gates will remain locked and the roadway closed After the ceremonies, a potluck lunch will be held at the American Legion to all traffic (vehicular and all cycles) until that Post 129 at 1:00 p.m. in Huntsville located at 604 S. 7800 E. Please bring date is reached. Do not attempt to utilize this your favorite dish! For more information, call Clay Poulter at 801-391-0919 roadway until the gate is opened. Please note that work may be rescheduled or 801-745-3802. at any time due to inclement weather, supply issues or equipment availability. For up to date traffic information visit the UDOT Traffic website at http://udottraffic.utah.go or download the free UDOT Traffic app for iPhones and Android Smartphones. UDOT Region One Road Construction Report: Monte Cristo scheduled to reopen The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) advises motorists of the following road construction and maintenance activities that may cause traffic impacts in the state’s Northern Region. Weber County South Ogden - Work is going forward on a new signal at Harrison Boulevard (SR203) and Shadow Valley Drive, South Ogden. Underground work is complete and crews are now working on the electrical connections. One lane of traffic may be affected from time to time. Slow down and be prepared to stop. Ogden - Crews are installing pedestrian lighting and an advanced warning system on Wall Avenue (SR-204) at 33rd Street in Ogden. An overhead flashing beacon and crosswalk is being installed. Underground work is complete and crews are now working on the electrical connections. One lane of traffic may be affected from time to time. Slow down and be prepared to stop. Beginning Monday, May 15, Ogden City will begin work to install a pipeline across Wall Avenue (SR-204) at 9th St. Eastbound and westbound 9th Street will be closed at this point, and lanes on Wall Avenue will be closed northbound from 7 p.m. to as late as 10 p.m. Monday thru Friday; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, and noon to 7 p.m. on Sunday; and southbound from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday thru Friday, and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday. This work is prepara- DOMESTIC DISPUTE cont. from page 1 enhancement over a regular assault; Obstruction of Justice; and Interfering with an Arrest. According to neighbors, two additional homes on the same block were recently broken into. In a next-door home, a would-be robber collected a pile of valuable items and set them Memorial Day Cemetery Schedule May 29, 2017 Memorial Day Ceremonies 2017 by the door, reading them for transport when the owners of the home arrived. The would-be thief escaped on foot. Owners of a second home, which had been left vacant for some time, came to check on the property and found that someone had been living, or “squatting,” in the residence. Sponsored by: Leavitt’s Mortuary & Aultorest Memorial Park Saturday, May 27th, 7:30 a.m. Volunteers will meet at Leavitt’s to place over 1,200 flags on veteran’s graves. NOTICE Wolf Creek Water and Sewer Improvement District Two Board Member positions are to be filled at the next General Election on November 7, 2017. Candidates must be a United States citizen, must be at least 18 years old, a registered voter within the District and must be a resident in the District boundaries for 12 consecutive month prior to the election. Those interested must file a Declaration of Candidacy in person at: Wolf Creek Water and Sewer Improvement District Office 3632 N. Wolf Creek Dr. Beginning June 1 through June 7, 2017 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There is a $25 filing fee. For more information call Annette Ames at 801-745-3435. Monday, May 29th Memorial Day 9:30 a.m. The Fallen Soldier/Last Roll Call Ceremony Presented by CPL. Fred J/ Grant VFW Post 1481 11:00 a.m. The Elks Ceremony - Presented by Golden Spike Elks Lodge #719 We wish everyone a healthy and safe Memorial Day. www.leavittsmortuary.com 836 36th Street, Ogden, UT • 801-394-5556 |