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Show on the Cth day of March, 1907, an asaround us to lighten our burdens. tha he was a "home man" and there- but its eastern disposition Is to be cent per shire was None can tell how our hearts sing fore the prating ldolts who heard the made of this stock remains for the fusessment of took announcement to the occasion to at , haul ture when with stock of the corlast on levied the Its but eastern Joy determine, capital Published Every Sunday, hammers and trend has been connected with stock CHr arrives and we have only a out their little pee-we10th, 1907, to April payable poration, by the fraction of a second to get on board begin their killing act. Fortunate- exchange listing rumors that make L. H. dray, treasurer, at 14 Eagle WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., after being allowed to wait so long, ly the best people in the audience, their appearance with many earmarks Any building. Salt Lake City, Utah. TV stock upon which Jhla assessment and getting in, shut our eyes and Im- those of Intelligence and brains dem- of authenticity. (Incorporated) mal de case their of Mr. onstrated real on the 10th day Jt Jt approval of agine we have a may remain unpald Publishers. A. O. Jacobson, superintendent of mer (that's sea sickness you know) Robinson by giving a recall and a of April, 1907, will be delinquent and Office of Publication R U advertised for sale at public auction, although the closest we ever were to warm and fervid demonstration, of ap- the Columbus Consolidated company's 402 D. F. Walker Block, an ocean was slipping down a schoon- proval. But that la not the thing. bonanza mines at Alta, has been makand, unless payment Is made before, FOR "GREATER UTAH?" Salt Lake City. er at some convenient point, where It Is anything to knock at, anything ing an inspection of the Emma Copthe 30th day of April, will be sold-oU R. COURSE OF Subscriptions: the cars don't stop or some such to kill. Why some of these peo- per companys property, east of the 1907, at the hour of 13 oclock m., at THE 8UCCE88 OF THE U. R. 14 . Eagle building. Salt Lake City, place. Who can tell the joy that Is ple when they reach the gates of joy that the reports that have been made Om Year. $1; Sis Months, 75c. wo on car at last as ours the when will a REPUBLICANS OF UTAH) Utah, to pay the delinquent assessIn reach the GUc. Emma strike. the stop sacred get concerning (UNITED they Three Months, and curried along, two whole blocks, portals, pull out their puny little bann- property and expresses the opinion MEANS AND ment, together with the cost of adA SUCCESSFUL y matter before the power shuts off or the car ers and try and hammer their way In, that, next to the Columbus Consoli- GREATER UTAH. Entered as second-clas- s vertising ' and expense of sale. L. H. GRAY, Secretary. 20, 1906, at the r0d office at blows up or the dingbat that controls little realizing that the after-plac- e dated, It is going to develop Into the Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Aot the electricity breaks or a fuse or prepared for them Is wide open wait- biggest thing in that portion of the FULL PARTICULARS ON REOffice, 14 Eagle Building, Salt Lake of Congress of March 3, 1879. something blows out and we only have ing to receive them, where hammers district. Mr. Jacobson states that the QUEST OR BY CALLING AT City, Utah. Ihrco miles walk ahead of us In the made of molten metal from the dev- strike has been made in one of the STATE HEADQUARTER3, First publication March 10; last mud to get home? The joy of that il's hottest cauldron will be waiting well known north and south veins of March .30. 402 D. F. WALKER BLOCK, two blocks of bliss lingers with us for them 'and from whence they may the camp and that drifting Is now 8 ALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. for hours, some times for days. It be able to look at the realms above progressing through ore for the Inter NOTICE OF 8PECIAL STOCKHOLD just depends on how long it takes to and see those who they so assiduous- section with one of' the numerous ERS MEETING get the mud off our clothes. None ly attacked sitting on their Jasper east and west, fissures in that part of of the but w who know can tell the bliss thrones, waving palm fans pityingly the camp. Even now Mr. Jacobson Gold Mining and- - Milling Co, Morgan a of being able to pay our car fare as toward deal 81c them. of ore says, and great the milling semper A Corporation, soon as we get on, so the company considerable first-clas- s knocker. Is being openFeb. 25, 1907. we should ed up and that great bodies will has our fare in case preNotice is hereby given, that a specfer walking. None knows the joy but State headquarters. United Republi- make at the Intersections, just as MANAGER L. H. GRAY ial meeting of ' the stockholders of do In the Columbus Consolidated we, of being allowed the privilege of cans of Utah, 402 D. 7. Walker Block, they Editor being the Morgan Gold Mining and Mill J. G. WEAVER, he has no doubt at all. cussed and mauled around by ing Company Is called for March 30, cent an hour Salt Lake City. some little twenty-on- e 1907, at 12 o'clock m., at the office TOOELE COUNTY peanut who wears brass buttons and FOR UNITY ONLY. DELINQUENT NOTICE. of the company, 14 Eagle Bldg, Salt who the company for, courtesys sake conductors. Ah, who knows terms & Smelting Lake City, Utah, for the purpose of the 8TOCKTON. Dugway Copper Mining No organisation can or ever will go the bliss of directors and officers for the these things except those company. Principal place of business, electing amiss that haa as Its underlying mo- who a In year. near ensuing what afUut we spot picturesque It of like Utah. them? Location Lake Salt enjoy City, This meeting Is called by reason tive that of unity.- 8 rollers and In ter all. was once a considerable lake, and mines, Dugway, Tooele county, Utah. There Is nothing like being flanked on two sides by natures great politics scoffers are .only those who brought up In the way we should be. Notice. There are delinquent upon of failureonto hold the regular annual look for much, and, Justifiably, get We are so accustomed to It that wo ALTA AND NEIGHBORHOOD. the 1st Monday In Januupheavals, sits the pioneer mining the following described stock, on ac- meeting little are wont to deride ami hold contemplate the Improvements that Mr. ary 1907. and smelting town of Stockton, Utah. count of assessment No. 3 of one-hal- f GOMER THOMAS, Pres, back In the tracos. Iiui like the other Hardman Is by the stalwart soldier. Gencent per share, levied on the going to make with awn. Saturday 645 shares of Columbus Founded First publication. March 3, 1907. jackasses who attempted the same No more our gentle swearing eral P. E. Connor, soon after leading 28th day of January, 1907, the several on Con. sold at S6.65. feat, the collar draws too tight and street corners; where then will be the his command .hither from California, amounts set opposite the names of the Jl . they choke to death. But, waiving the lyoiis the place has ever maintained some respective shareholders, as follows: contest NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 100 guessing Columof shares 25tfa, guessing question of jucknsBes In politics and whether that car down the street two busMonday, of the characteristics which brought No. No. of Con. sold at $5:30 a share. there aro many and dealing with the miles is our car or the other fel it Into being: push and pull, advance Name. Cert. Shares. Amt. ARTICLE8 OF INCORPORATION Jt Jl question in the abstract, unlly of pur low's. No more the guessing how 22 1,000 $ 5.00 of the Altas day Is coming and 1907 will and climb, keep doing and planning Wm, A. Deke pone for good can never fail, especial23 1,500 7.50 MORGAN GOLD MINING ft MILLblocks we ride before we have almost be sure of that glorious day and never give up the ship, no 'matter Wm. A. Deke many ly if that union has for Its great ob- to get off. No more will we be alING COMPANY, 2,000 10.00 though. It be becalmed at times and Marcus Jones coming within It cycle. ject the solidification of a state. not able to make much headway. The A Corporation. And tn accordance with law and an on whether the lowed to aft The United Republicans are for waters in speculate Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 28, 1907. or the trees the On the 5th. 200 shares of South Col. worst is past now and the best is order of the board of directors made canyons unity. The United Republicans aim on the sidewalks are going to get sold at $1.80 a Notice Is hereby given that a meetStockton has caught the on the 28th day of January, 1907, so 300 of Colum- to come. only to cement together the close balky and cripple the power lines; bus Con. at $6.35,share, O. P. PETERSON, of the stockholders of the Morgan and will be seen, heard and felt 200 at $6.40. ing gait and bonds now existlug In the hearts of no more Gold Mining and Milling Company Is Treasurer. communities of among the gentle push of the conjl jt those loyal to the principles of the ductor as,the 330 So. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. called for March 30, 1907, at 12 oclock he squeezes us Into a hole The management of the City Rocks this prosperous state. Grand Old Party. But, unfortunate- Into the car that was made for First publication, March 17, 1907. m. at the office of the company, 14 Jt Jt Is to company Mining getting ready ly, the principles of the Republican three weeks' old baby Instead of many shares of each parcel of stock Eagle Bldg., Salt Lake. City, Utah, for ' a 8HORT-8TOPenter 8TOCKTON upon very developvigorous party in this state have been largely d as may be necessary will be sold at the purpose of amending the Articles man; no more will we be ment campaign. relegated to the background by the de- able to get Into the ship business-schoonof said company by . cent was One J asked for Dalton public auction330atSo.the office of the of Incorporation sire of certain sets of politicians to Main street. Salt adding an article to make the stock treasurer, at while waiting; no from Columbus Fifteen buying the 11th on the Inst. assays so regulate civic affairs that any na- more will Lake City, Utah, on the 7th day of of said company assessable, sold arthe gentle soda fonntain Con. averaged 119.87 ounces' of silver, Jl Jl tional party shall be merged into and have time to us from our van- 8.88 per cent copper, $4 and $5 gold, allure April, A. D. 1907, at 2 p. m., to pay ticle to be Article XVI and to read as ' 2 25th the cents uit., Monday, 4 become a part of their own, private the delinquent assessment thereon, follows: from where we can guess 28.18 Iron ar.d 12.83 silica. point tage were for asked stock. Cyclone As to a name, that Is on the organisation. ARTICLE XVI. with costs of advertising and of the car coming our together Identity Jl Jl Jt jt not material, that Is, to their way .of of of this corporation (exstock sale. The expenses way. Woe is us! Time's are changCo100 Geo. M. Baird, of the shares of President Wednesday last thinking. But If those same men had ing. These beautiful dreams will lumbus cept as may be exempted for serCon. a 550 sold at from $6.45 arrived Honorlne, last share, Chicago of the welfare a state at heart; If soon be over, for soon we will be NOTICE OF A88ESSMENT NO. 2. vices or In payment for property by at $6.50 and 100 at $6.55. The same week. those men could see an inch beyond the Board of Directors) when Issued "move lively" or miss day 200 shares of bouth Col. sold at to compelled Jt jt their own narrow vision, they would the car. le assessable, and the Board of DiCITIZEN SALT COMPANY A $1.80. Wednesday last, 9,000 shares of Cysee that a broadminded way of handrectors are hereby authorized and emLocation of place 3 principal clone stock sold at cents a share; Jl Jt ling public affairs would react to their powered to levy assessments upon the of Salt Lake Utah. United State business, City, RepubliOn the 16th ult, the lowest bid on and Thursday. 2,000 shares at 3 greater credit than any course they cans of headquarters. Notice la hereby given that at a said stock In way and manner providcents. 402 D. F. South Columbus was Walker and the Block, $1.75, Utah, can possibly pursue under present meeting of the Board of Directors ed by the laws of Utah. .4 Jl hlgheat $1.90. One hundred shares conditions. It is not a matter of the Salt Lake City. Also to add Article XVII, as folheld on the 6th day of March, 1907, The Western Utah Pa500 and sold at $1.82 Western at $1.85 a and ' lows: destiny' of a city or a state with them; r an assessment of cent share per cific of Deep Creek, are doing excel share. it is merely a question of control of ALAN LOVEY. XVII. ARTICLE was on levied the stock of the capital lent work in their Gold Hill propJl Jl office, and control of office by them 1st. Three of the board of directors payable April 10th, 1907, 100 shares of South Columerties, the Brewer Gold and Copper corporation, means the repudiation of all those Friday fields diamond of L. to H. that 14 Eagle rihall be necessary to form a quorum, the at They say treasurer, Gray, 100 a. a at at has bus sold $1.1 The force $1.77 of company Mining good to transact tbe principles sacred to proud American Kimberly, Africa, were found by accimen at work, and J. P. Gardner has building. Salt Lake City, tUah. Any and be authorized and exercise tbe corporate citizenship. The flag to some of dent, that one shining stone was the same day 25 shares of Columbus Con. business which stock assessment this upon a t contract for extensive them should be an emblem to be forerunner of the greatest diamond sold at $6.25, 500 at $6.65, 100 at $6.70, let privileges and franwork on his Maple and Sun may remain unpaid on the 10th day powers, of rights, and 100 at $6.75. shown only on the fourth of July, and fields In the world. Bo It this chises corporation. of will be 1907, and April, delinquent shine groups of claims. There la al , Jt Jt ' the rest of the year hid In some for- with men. Occasionally a happens 2nd. The board shall have full auadvertised for sale at public auction, bright Sell or exWednesday last, 200 shares of so considerable increased activity at and, unless gotten attic where the cobwebs and gleam In man Is found and the world payment is made before, thority to bond, mortgage, of the mildew could gather and dim the lus- takes notice. Such a man was Alan South Columbus sold at $1.80 a share. Dutch Mountain.. stock or the property will be sold on the 30th day of April, change Jl Jt Seven hundred shares of Columbus tre of the red, white and blue. In whole or In part as may 12 of corporation at the hour 1907, at Lovey. He was a gleaming treasure Con. at $5.50, 150 at $5.55, 525 at oclock m, While the Western Pacific railroad It is to eliminate such elements that in the 14 Eagle building. Salt Lake City, In their judgment be deemed best In sordidness of the hardly did for Deep Creek all that $5.60 and 100 at $5.65. the United Republican's organisation world; a general interest of the company. was man who as true young was anticipated of It. It Is believed Utah, to pay the delinquent assess- the3rd. was started. The Republican party is a friend who The board may appoint agents Jl Jl was a loving father and ment, together with the cost of ada to will be run branch that of part not the only party that Buffers under husband and a noble son. Had he not The first three days of last week for the management of the business, and of sale, expense vertising our county during the present year. such a burden. Every great party been a lowest assay from the Columbns fix the duties and compensations. and L. H. GRAY, Secretary. shining mark, death would the Since Mr. Heinz became a factor in does, and, even in this city a certain not yet have Intervened. 14 Eagle Building, Salt Lake remove them at pleasure. Mr. Lovey Con. uprise between the 500 and 200 Office, added pressure has been 4th. Notice of time and place of party of dubious antecedents and died at Reno, Nev., last Monday foot levels, was 150 ounces' of silver the district Utah. brought to bear to this end and the City, 8 per cent copper. mushroom growth labors under the morning at 1 oclock of and board meetings may he personal or March First 10; last, publication of a large tonnage of ore assurance same disadvantage. There are a great The dispatches say that hepneumonia. Jt Jt 31. by ordinary mall, hut omission to give March was singnotice shall not Invalidate any action many people in that party that are ing up to the very time the end came. Thursday 360 shares of Columbus awaiting the completion of the line la taken If a majority or board quorum really sincere; that believe they are It was an epitome of his life. He Con. sold at $6.50, 100 at $6.65, 160 exercising the proper influence. DELINQUENT NOTICE. .4 . Is present working out the destiny of a state; was a bright young man, yet his at $6.60, 100 at $6.70, 500 at $6.75 and J. T. Brei-kohas been doing engln GOMER THOMAS, that its greatness and expansion lies genius did not cloud his love for his 100 at $6.80. 400 shares of South CoBlue Jay Extension Mining Com work President. for mine owners. He pany, Ltd.,a Corporation. Location o( in their hands. Rut they are Just, as fellow man and especially for his eerlng lumbus Con. sold at $1.80 a share. says that country is getting ready for principal place of business. Salt Lake First pub., March 3, 1907. ' Jl Jt shortsighted as any element or elein the journalistic field. His the boom which is assured witb com City, Utah. ments In the real parties are, for their was a nature that, under the Influence On the 4th 300 shares of ColumDELINQUENT NOTICE. range of vision does not extend be- of congenial friendship, expanded bus Con. sold at $6.40 a share and ing of the railroad. The properties Notice. There are delinquent upon yond the lines of their environments, and grew. His cartoons In the Her- 500 at $6.50. The same day 100 generally are responding handsomely the following described stock on acMontreal Mining Company. Locadevelopment work, considerable count of assessment of of their vision. beyod the line-limi-t ald of this city became known all shares of South Columbus sold at to of principal place of business. Salt tion new work bas already been started cent 400 at $1.85 and Now, It is to adjust not necessarily over this country, and he was rapidly $1.80, 300 at $1.82 levied on the 4th day Lake City, Utah. share, per and many companies and individuals of to placate these different elements forging to the front In his profession. 200 at $1.87 the several amounts Notice. There are delinquent upon are prepared to start work as soon set January, 1907, that the United Republicans was His humor possessed the keeness Jt Jt opposite the names of the respect- the following described stock on acas in the renof material is getting started. It alms for a Greater Utah, that comes only from a broad mind Reports from the Mountain Lake ive shareholders, as follows: count of assessment of a Utah that SHAIX take rank with and an expansive heart, and while Big Cottonwood are in effect that the dered less expensive, which will no cent per share, levied on the 9th of its sister states in this great old he could convey his point, yet he tunnel had opened the vein for a doubt be during the coming summer. January, 1907, the several amounts Jt Jl country. It believes that the destiny never offended. In the death of width of twenty feet, and that the set opposite the names of the respecThe Boston-Utaof a state comes first and that party Alan Lovey. cartoonist, Mining company average copper values of the same tive shareholders, a follows: gentleman filed of articles incorpnra-tioyesterday elements and bickerings should be and loyal friend, the world loses, his was the same was 6 per cent. No. Cert. No. Shrs. Amt Name. with the secretary of state. The Jl Ji relegated to the background. It be- friends lose and the loving wife and 876 M. S. ft J. Admire, owns lieves that Utah stands on the thresh- little baby and his dear old mother property In the Clif866 and 801 Gold ft Copper company 864 to The and' old of an unprecedented era of pros- his constant thought, will feel company filed Its articles of Incorpor- ton mining district in Tooele county. 51,000 $137.50 to 848 lnc perity; it believes that now is the more and more as time passes on the ation yesterday In the county clerks The capital is $100,000. In shares of 20.00 S. Boreman, 849 to 856 3,000 J. value a of cents in The each. par to time get out and push aad help great, aching void he has lert behind. office and in the office of the sec- officers 849 to 856 8,000 , 20.00 S. J. Boreman, are: EvWilmar President, the good work along; that now is the But In going he has left a F. O. Horn, 872 to 874, retary of state. It is Incorporated vice president. William Wilmar time for everybody to get together that not many do he leaves heritage 7.50 friends for 1.000.000 shares, par value of $1 ans; 3,000 lnc and forget old animosities and adopt by the thousands, a wife and child each. Louis LaVine of Providence, Evans; vice president. William M T. Tangwell, not issued.. 26, 000 65.00 Lamb; and a new slogan for the future. It aims who will never forget him. and secretary treasurer, 2.60 R. I., Is the president, and J. U. 1.000 J. G. Downing, 863 Thomas R. Larsen. The board of dl to hold out a hope to those desphir-fn- g mother who may each Is secretary and treas- rectors Is law and an accordance with in And Jr., of offthe above ones who can see no brightness day thank God for the treasure He urer. These, composed order of the board of directors on tbe together with C. F. Jenand Paul ahead; it aims to show those loyal had given her, will have her grief kins. H. C. Cram and Jasper Bil- icers, with P. C. Evans 9th day of January, 1907, so many ones, who, either crossing the plains assuaged by the knowledge that thou- lings, constitute the board of direc- Rodenhouse. shares of each parcel of Btock will be a nr pushing handcart, being born sands of voiceless sold at public auction at the office the go up with tors. The company owns thirteen MERCUR ITEMS. and raised here, learned to reverence hers to the home prayers in the sky from claims in Little Cottonwood canyon. secretary, at 170 State St., Salt Lake those deeds, that the safety and not which will come comfort and at Jl Jl Utah, on March 15th, 1907, at City, Is enjoying its muddy the tolerance of a state is in their last peace, such as he found. There have been several significant sonMercur the hour of 12 m., to pay tbe delinat hands. It aims to educate the people present. developments of late In the affairs of quent assessment thereon, together of Utah to a plane wherein its iieople 8IC TEMPER TYRANNUS. the Columbus Consolidated company. with the costs of advertising and ex1,000 of shares sold can bid all the world welcome, knowat Friday Ingot The annual meeting was productive of 6 cents pense of sale. a share. ing that the past with Its contentions, We are yelling down with the ty- facts more than sufficient In. themF. O. HORN, Secretary, bickerings and strife has been wiped rants" because there is a tyrant that selves to wipe away every cloud of jl jt First publication, January 20th; 500 shares of Ingot sold Thursday out, and that it wants the good peo- has this city and state so firm in its doubt that may have existed In the last February 23d, 1907. ple of all the earth to come and Join grasp that to extricate ourselves seem minds of the stockholders or the gen- at 6 cents a share. in the good work. jt jt In this reference eral public, and the shareholders left almost ASSESSMENT NOTICE. On the 5th Inst. 2.500 shares of In That's what unity will accomplish; is madeImpossible. to the knockers" erstwhile the meeting convinced that they were 2 6 sold at a cents that's what the word united means, killers" who are so share. got The Dugway Coper Mining ft ac- part owners of a richly producing and and the United Republicans can work tive In their warfare. religiously' Jl Jt Their hammer generous dividend paying property. Smelting Co., place of business Salt last for for and 1,500 the the In shares of upWednesday only good Is heard from Lake City, Utah. until dawn The developments during the past 6 2 cents a share. building of Utah, its people and its and from dawn nightfall Notice Is hereby given that at a and so on few weeks upon the 300, 200, and got sold at until night, 4 magnificent resources. t for twenty-fou- r of the B or aodfDerlcrot hours in each seven soon to be emphasized Upon the meeting 1,500 shares of Ingot sold meeting of the Board of Directors of State headquarters, United Republi- days of the week of each month of on levels, ore being encountered up at Saturday 4 cents 5 3.000 6 and at cents. the first two levels richer than year. It has seemed to us they the Dugway Copper Mining ft Smeltcans of Utah, 402 D. F. Walker Block, earh jt at 8 2 jt bid would get tired, would hunt a con elsewhere so far In the mine, have ing Co., held on the 28th day of JanAnd accordance an with law in and was Sacramento ceuls Salt Lake City. venlent hole, hide themselves there- done their part towards cementing one-hal- f of on hoard of order the directors 10 cents asked on the 26th ult tjie uary, 1907, an assessment of in, pull the hole in after them and more firmly the good opinion of those and 4th day of January, 1907, so inanv (4) cent per share, same being, Jl Jl WE LOVE THE 8TREET CAR8. then smite themselves on the head interested. Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Barry were shares of each parcel will be sold at ressment No. 3, was levied on the cap1 Jt with their hammer and so end it all of the stock Issued tal secoffice auction at corporation of the the public Lake Salt visitors the first of the An interesting development last How we love the street cars! None An Illustration of this found was retary. 14 Eagle building, at Salt Lake and outstanding, payable immediately can tell the Joyful contemplation that found at the Orpheum theatre last week was the announcement made by week. Utah, on March 5. 1907. at the to the treasurer O. F. Peterson at his City, Jl Jt Kewhouse Samuel 1m be that of Two had made the turns' Monday evening. is ours, thinking of how we will 13 of hour Last Inm., to pay the delinquent office 330 S. Main St, Salt Lake l.ovo of shares Wednesday of one. Columbus Consolilarge purchases allowed to stand on the corner an had failed to arrive, so to fllle In 5 stock sold at 1.000 cents. assessment got thereon, together with the City, Utah. Any stock upon which hour and thirty minutes waiting for it was announced from the stage that dated stock for investment purposes. 5 and 4,000 at 5 costs of advertising and expense or this assessment may remain unpaid cent. Mr. John Robinson, our local sing- This was a new wrinkle upon the face the car that runs on a twenty-minuton Friday, March 7, 1907, will be de.4 schedule. None can tell the Joy that er. world render some songs. Imme- of the situation, and one that was noBorn: 25th. to linquent and advertised - for sale at once at ever ticeable and February On since. went Bishop wells up In our hearts when we think diately all over the house up Lee W. and a J. public auction and unless payment Is At wife, this leaked out Insidit catthat that girl. Monday of how we will be able to stand out crips, of rats, rotten" blares and made before, will be sold on Monday, to ers during the past week or two have writing mother and child doing well In the open air, watching the crowds, calls. This is only Instanced .4 , NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO 31. April 7th, 1907. at 2 p. m.. at the office stock and automobiles and the street flush-er- a show the tendency to belittle any- made Columbus Consolidated Mrs. Sidney Vawels presenter her BLUE JAY EXTENSION MINING of the Treasurer to.pay the delinquent and every car In the town but our thing that savors of home. As a mat purchases to nearly the $75,000 mark, Loca- - assessment there, together with the own glide by, after sitting cooped np ter of fact Mr. Robinson sings much and while considerable of this stock husband with a flue boy on Monday, Company, Ltd., a corporation. of all day In an office that has nothing better than any singer ever heard on remains In Salt Lake, a generous pro- the 25th. Mother and child doing tlon of principal place of business, osts and advertising and menu Lake City. Utah. O. F. PETERSON. Trent sale. but comfortable seats, and steam the stage of that theatre. But that portion has gone to the east What well.townSid atIs about the hmnlest man Salt Notice la hereby giren that at at First publication Feb. 3. 1907. present. Well, heres disposition Is to be made of this stock in heat, and a cigar In our mouth and was not the question. It was not Sid. at of the Board of Directors held for you to remains the future looking was It a meeting Last publication Feb. 24. 1907. force determine. and of merit question simply busy pretty stenographers The Rural Republican 1-- 4 long-expect- e ' Pel-ruar- TID-BIT- Utah State News - () -- d . 250-poun- er COR-poratio- 1-- 1-- devle-opmen- ' one-quart- 1-- 1-- one-quart- h Alta-Mixpa- h e. :vay-halre- d j 100-foo- 3-- 1-- 4 2 e 1 |