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Show ICE QUARRIED IN THE ALPS. Swiss Communes Maks Money Ship ping Glaciers. , Washington. quarrying Is a new Industry that has sprung up In Swltserland, according to a report received here by the consular bureau. While blasting Alpine glariers threatens to destroy some of the magnificence of the scenery, Swiss communes are making mouey granting concessions for quarrying these great masses of ice for distribution In large cities of the continent. According to the Information received here, large sums have been expended constructing Ice slides, or troughs. In which blocks of ice. often of large sise, blasted out of the glacier are transported to the vicinity of the stations for conveyance. In carefully refrigerated cars to Lyon, and other large cities remote from th Alps. The method of blasting with black powder so as to avoid the discoloration and soiling of the ice. and engineering ability displayed in erecting slides and in providing sufficient friction by mrans of curves to avoid excessive sjeed In the downward journey of the Ice blocks, are spoken of as examples of considerable Ingenuity and skill. Glacier ice, which is perfectly pure and transparent, and which has many qualities greatly appreciated by consumers, commands a higher value than that of the usual kind obtained from the surface of frozen ponds or lakes. A singular feature in connection with the preparation of the ice for the market la that it has been found necessary to store it several days In special warehouses, formed of a double thickness of hoarding with a stratum of sawdust interposed, in order to remove a coating of frosted or nontransparent ice which tends to form on the surface of each block as it leaves the glacier. Ice W. A. Mitchell, dealer la general merchandise, Martin, Ga., writes: Mr wife lost In weight from 130 to 68 pounds. We saw she could not live long. She was a skeleton, so we consulted an old physician. He told her to try Peruna. She gradually commenced imlittle proving and getting a strength. She now weighs 106 pounds. She Is gaining every day, and does her own housework and cooking. VALUABLE FORMULA AUTHORITY CLAIMS of others on what is said about thorn. IT IS MOST EFFECTIVE. Garfield Tet has been famous for years aa a remedy for conxtipation, Liver and S4 In Says It Will Break Up a Cold kidney diseases. Guaranteed under tbs Purs Food Law. Hours and Curs Any Cough That la Curablo Inexpensive. Satan Is willing to let men go to A noted authority on diseases of the church on Sunday If they work for throat and lungs, who established a him tho remainder of the week. camp for consumptives in the Pine NLTOXB BOMOttl'INIXB Woods of Maine, and whoso remark- That la LAXATIVE SKiiMu Uaiaiae. Hinllarl, aaaiatf rrned.H MNusUaM dreaira. Tbs Sn aaS able cures there have attracted great orislsal Cold Tallin la a WHITS HAL'S AUK with B tha blur Ol attention from the medical world, says A WiwlsOi 1C. IMthat his entire treatment consisted of fresh air, nourishing food and the Pure Reading furnishes the mind only Virgin Oil of the White Pine Trees with materials of knowledge; it Is mixed with Whisky and Glycerine, in thinking that makes what we read our. lxcke. the following proportions: Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure).. Vi os. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS2 " Glycerine A powder. It cures painful, smartGood Whisky 8 " nervous feet and ingrowing nails. Used in teaspoonful doses every four ing, It's the greatest comfort discovery of hours. the age. Makes new shoes easy. A It is claimed that the above mixture certain cure for sweating feet Sold will heal and strengthen the lungs, by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no subbreak up a cold In twenty-fou- r hours, stitute. Trial package. FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. and cure any cough that is curable. The Ingredients can be secured from The average man disliked to give any good prescription druggist at up his seat In a crowded car to a womsmall cost and can bo easily mixed in an because he Is afraid she will think own home. your he Is trying to flirt with her. Inquiry at the prescription department of a leading local pharmacy Clover A Grata Seeds. elicited tho Information that .Virgin Everylwdv loves lots and lots of Clover Oil of Pine (Pure) Is put up only in Grasses for hug, cows, sheep and swine. e vials for dispensing. Each vial Is securely sealed in a round wooden case with engraved wrapper with the name Virgin Oil of Pine We are known ns I lie largest growers of (Pure); guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, June 30. 1906. Pre- Grasxe. I 'lover. (.lain, Harley, Corn, mill Farm Seed, in America. Opcr- pared only by I each Chemical Co., Cin- ste over 5,000 acres. , O. thereon. cinnati, plainly printed I'HKR Only the cheaper Oils are sold in bulk, Our iiiuminolh catalog is mailed but these produce nausea, and never free tu all intending Oiijcik; or send Mi: IX M4MI- effect the desired results. Planted by Spaniarde in New Mexico, They Have Borne Fruit 300 Year. El Paso, Tex. Tho oldest apple orchard in America if not in the world is In the center of the ancient town of Manzano, 18 miles southwest of Estancia, Torrance county. New Mexico. Many of the trees are more than six feet in circumference, but all are still fruitful and vigorous although Little is neglected for generation. knowu of the history of this orchard, but the oldest Inhabitants of the valley of the Rio Grande remember tbe orchard from childhood and claim that the trees haye not chauged in appearance since then. Venerable Mexicans and Pueblo Indians tell of visiting the orchard as far back as they can remember and finding apples on the ground In all stages of decomposition at least two feet deep. The Estancia valley has been peopled for ages, probably by the kinsmen of the natives found by the Spanish explorers at Gran Quivtra. Abo and other ancient cities. Probably in the early days of the Spanish occupation some Franciscan monk found his way to Manzano and there planted the seeds that have developed Into these venerable trees. They are no doubt fully 300 years old. Close by the orchard is a little lake fed by a large spring. A short distance away la a grove of pines and cedars, making an ideal place for picnic and camping parties. Bachelor Uncle Makes Short Stipula tion for Hit Nephew. STOP WOMAN It is hard to form a correct opinion WELL-KNOW- MOST ANCIENT APPLE TREES. MUST WED, ELSE NO FORTUNE. PUTNAM FADELESS DTES do not stain th lianda or mot tho ksttle, except green and purpls. 10c per package. AND CONSIDER First, th at almost every operation In our hospitals, performed upon women, becomes necessary because of neglect of such symptoms as Backache, Irregularities, Displacements, Pain in the Hide, Dragging Sensations, Dizziness and Sleeplessness. Second, that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, made from native roots end herbs, has cured more cases of female ilia than any other one inediuine known. It regulates, strengthens and restores women's health and is invaluable In women for child-birtand during tho period of Change charing Third, the great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn. Mass., many of which are from time to time being published by special permission, give absolute evidence of the value of Lydia E, Tinkhaiu's vegetable Compound and Mrs. h Pinkhanq's advice. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound For more than 30 years has been curing Female Complaints, such as Dragging Sensations, Weak Rack, Falling and Displaoementa, Inflammation and Ulceration, and Organic Diseases, and it dissolves and expela Tumors at an early stage. Mrs. Plnkhams Standing Invitation to Women Women Buffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to write Mrs. Iinkliam, T.ynn, Mass, for advice. She in the Mrs. l'lnkham who has been advising sick women free of charge for more lliantwenty ara, and before thatalie assisted her mother-in-laLydia E. 1 inkha ling. women hack to health. Write today, dont wait until too late. half-ounc- -- e and Maniple uf "perfect lialanee ration grant recti,'' together with Fodder Plant., (.'lover, elc.. ele., and big Plant and Seed Catalog free. John A. Malzer Seed Co., Box W, La Crowe, Yi. rei-en- "She has a fine mind, hasn't she? One of tboae minds Remarkable. that, when you are with her, you can't decide which makes you the more happy to listen, or to realize that you are not married to her." Life. Catarrh Cannot B . I Just Because To it storms I FREE! dont confine yourself indoors PROVIDE FOR YOUR BODILY Cured CASE OF ECZEMA IN Antiseptic her health and do all wo ala' Improve for It. W cleanses snd heals COMFORT mucous by wearing i, any that Pax. wlU tend her absolutely (rea i box ot raxUne with bonk tion and yrnulnn testimonials. Bend your name aiul address on a postal card. s' brine m m -- af- fections, such as naval catarrh, pelvis catarrh and lnflainnuiiion caused by ill; core eyre, sore Umax and mouth, by direct local treatment Its curative power over t liras trouble Is extraordinary and gives Immediate rolltl Thousands of women arc using and reo omiurndiiiR H every day, to cents at druggisr or by mall. Be me mb'-- -, however, IT (DHTX TO V NOT MlBO O THY IT. TUK tU riXTUX CO, Boston, M ). 4ttnsP i WATERPROOF CLOTHING IQJLED MU .. OUH Every Garment Guaranteed World's Dairy Intereeta. Mirr. The importance of tho world's dalrv 1 industries Is attested by the fact that .hey warrant ihe calling or Internat- DEFIANCE STARCH urebaa ional congresses for discussion of the best methods of dairy conduct, the third of these having jus) been announced for convention at Tbe Hague, during September of next year. The general secretary of the congress Is Dr. A. J. Swaying, of The Hague. wtth LOCAL AriI.U'ATIOXX.aa they eaaiiut roach tha Mai ot lha dlneaaa. Catarrh la a blood fir nonail-tutlutidlaraaa, aad In urdrr loenra II ruu in Dal uka Internal nmadlaa. Haifa Catarrh Cure la lakra on Ilia blood and mucoui and avia dlm-ilsurface. Haifa Catarrh Cura la not a quack Biadl-claIt waa preacrlbed by wa of the haat pbjralclana thheunatry f.r year, and la a regular prescription. It la eonipoaad of tha beat tuulra known, combined with tha beat bioud purl II crv.artlna directly on tha nueuna aurfaora. The perfect combination of tha two laarodlrnta 1 what produce, luck wonderful rm alia In enrlnx catarrh. Send fur imilnniBlnla. free. r. .1. UIK.NKY A CO., Trope., Toledo, O. Sold b DrunrlMi. prtratte. Tihe Hall'e Family TIUi fur eoutlpntlua. eonvlnee n eleuioa olcaob W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 11, 1907. SOUTH. Suffered Three Yeara Hands and Eye Most Affected Now Well and la Grateful to Cuticura. Matrimonial Infelicity. Divorces are, happily, rare in society circles. Separation by mutual consent, however, grows more frequent every year. Every one haa upon hia or her visiting list husbands and wlvea who never meet If they can help it, but between whom there has never been an open breach. Incompatibility of temper is the usual cause, and the reason for that is, one Imagines, the still common custom of encouraging the younger generation to marry before they have begun to approach years of discretion. Loudon Throne. My wife was taken badly with eo-- 1 zema for three yean, and ahe employed a doctor with no effect at all I until' Bhe' employed Cuticura Soap One of her hands and Ointment. and her left eye were badly affected, and when she would atop using Cuticura Soap and Ointment the eczema came back, but very slightly; but It Then we did her a sight of good. complied with the instructions In using the entire set of Cuticura Remeed ies and my wife Is entirely recovered. She thanks Cuticura very much and will recommend it highly in our locality and In every nook and corner of our parish. God bless you for the sake of suffering humanity. I. M. Robert, Hydropolis, La., Jan. 5 and Sept. 1. 190G." Never Overldoked a Chance. When Bishop Talbot, now of the cential Pennsylvania diocese, was the cowboy bishop of Idaho and Wyoming he never overlooked an opportunity of securing contributions for the missionary work in which he took i.ich delight. On one occasion, while attending a meeting of church When doctors disagree it la well fot dignitaries in 8t. Paul, he was chatting the patient to get up and see If anywith some other clergymen on the thing really alia him. steps of his hotel when several hoboes came along. One of them approached and asked for aid. Bishop Talbot took him aside snd after a the short but earnest conversation other tramps saw something pass from hand to hand.- - What did he give you?" asked ihe other hoboes Didn't when they all started away. It I good was the disgusted give me nothing. to for hia a him dollar I gave reply. keep propblamed new cathedral in Laramie. JAQUES MFC. CO. Chicago BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Findlay, O. According to John B. Lowery, of Toledo, he will soon, he hopes, set out for Australia to lake possession of $20,000,000 left to him by an uncle. Duncan Cameron, the uncle, wax a erty toned resident of that country and acciinm up. WHOLE THE FAMILY. lated his money in mines, bank A coat of stocks and ships. He died at the age PureWhite Grown-UpsFood s Mather for Finds ) of 90 years. He was a member of Lead Paint and Children as Well. parliament and a man of influence, ac not Corns, only! to He the story. never took cording Food that can be eaten with relish a wife and by the terms of the will thing look $1,000,000 is to be divided among the and benefit by the children as well better and aa members of the older the family, servants. give them a higher selling value, but I 0ne of the provisions of the will is makes a pleasant household commodit makes things wear better and gives to that Lowery is marry before he ity. anaBCaUtirylngtllCSKllIg them a higher value fur long wear. . Such a food la Grape-NutsIt not and for that rea receives the Puis White Lead gives an opaque, Hands. son he will legacy, not consent to have his only agrees with and builds up chilScalp, durable coat that protects and prepicture published, fearing an ava- dren, but older persons who, from bad serve from the ravages of time habits of eating, have become dyapeplanche of letters from many Irrespon and weather. tic. alble women. He will marry as soon a' HiniW Ckartrrk arid. Prospective buyers of Pure A Phiia. lady, after being benefited I Rm da as he finds a woman to hia liking and MNni Aw3k,ltmi,(fSin White Lead have heretofore! MfOnlnmbut anaa. Am. rwarDnsaCWm, herself husband to her to Australia to will then go claim the persuaded try) been subject to much attempted I Three Sizes. 25c. 50c end $1. Sold by all Druggist. Onp,Wifhn for stomach trouble. She fortune. He says his wife must be Grape-Nut- s fraud in adulteration and sob-- 1 able to maintain the dignity his vast writes: stitulion. You are now pro--, About eight years- - ago I had a as-wealth will bring. tected by the Dutch Boy trade Lowery was left an orphan at the vers attack of congestion of stomach) mark which is found on the side of From that time on, l age ot 11 years and has been making and bowels. kegs containing only Pure White his own way since that time. For bad to be careful about eating, i The horse can draw the Lead, made by the Old Dutch Process. Look for the boy. years he has operated In the Michigan nearly every kind of food then known load without help, if you thSwobui mining country and owns several to me, seemed to cause pain. AT ANY MICE. . L DOUGUS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT DE EniW-lE"Four years ago I commenced to reduce friction to almost mines. SEND FOR FOR EVERYBODY AT AIL PRICES I SHOES use Grape-Nuts- . I grew stronger and BOOK nothing by applying Men- - Hhm. QS I aiJMI. Hoys Mines. M to SI.VA. Women's Cadets Are Expert Fencer. better, and from that time 1 seldom 4 Minos. ti Children's hhneo. i.tt to S1.0U. In Shoes, A Talk no Paint. " vlmes W. West Point, N. Y. In the firm fenc- have been without it; have gained in tre I,. Douglas recognized by expert juilgu of (outwear ia( giro raluihlfi amiofi on the niat to be the best in style, lit and wear produced in this country. Each ing tourney nf the (canon the cadets health and strength and am now heavHeat Irfil MhjcM't part of the shoe and every detail of the maktrg ia looked after roqmwt. defeated Columbia, winning seven of ier than 1 ever was. and watched over by okilled shoemakers, without regard to - first tinIn fenced. bout COMPANY nine NATIONAL I.FAD the time or cost. If I could take you into mv large factories at I My husband was also in a had cong M vAifAmF of rtf and Ayers tied, and after dition his stomach became so weak Brockton, Maas., at d allow you how carefully V. 1,. Itouglaxl round riffffi id mpurrtf gM ahoca are made, you would then andnataud why they hold their ahspe, fit better, to the wheels. an extra ihe fenced Hew ktaVota, Bogina. he York, judges that they Cjfiwhal could eat hardly anything with wear longer, and ara of greater vain than any other makes. CikHaniti. fhuniL M. lucft BhuacM No other lubriAfter comfort. were still unable to divide. W. I. ikiasla iMne .ml prirr Is Mamred en Hit bottom, ah rh eroterlsIheweaivranHut klsh I got him to try Grape-nutPiUaUzh an Inlrr nr ahoesi Take A. tMbsllinie. eolu l.ylh l SiigekiTLNiiillRQ.OB.1 hoeiUalenorerjeher'. prin. cant ever made the other bouts had been fenced I .urge and he soon found hia stomach aii (Mm- A'mmi j4 unuoni. CVuMaaMm M. I- - IXIIULZS, JSroekloa.Mn the third in bout won this . wears so long period. trouble had disappeared. and ssvrsso much Dwyer won Columbia's other bom from 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT My girl and boy, 3 and 9 years old. DO YOU BURN KEROSENE 1 Halabird in an extra period to decide do not want anything else for break-- 1 If so t mote Ibnilklawll, ilmhaaldSwi1narbao,ba, hone power. Next time W. mr fcr MMlaMlui aa.1 atwnol and (urilMrSafacmry. like BLASS lieht with a lie. Dickinson showed up in his fast but Grape-Nuta- , Simaaiaaaala Orlorr. Vaaaaaam aotaten H aWielMi and mote healthy CONE LAMPICIkEI.The try Mica Axlc Crkasx. aa IS style, qaallty iai priia. form and hapdtly won all children rar.not be found." T liey are Name Wow Standard Oil Co. We arc me I I Is Qc Warld urroi At common lamp, bis bouts. The army team was com- given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, sHHae la tba aaoaaaa WamkaSNn,laaal name I -- uwl'V dralrr yimr I a Dickinson VaUuaa, BISS posed of Cadets Halabird, Mich. Read the little booklet. The rilloa Elkhnrtatyus f a.oW' M No. I or I post paid. I iTuThtTZoTTLiTa. and Ayers. Columbia was represented Road to Wellvllle,' lu Carriage A Barmens Ulg.Cn, Ra.SU. UXS.in.1 1 to. I There's m DEDUCE STUCK 'theMM) pkgs. BI.NG BURNER CO. pack Elkhart. ladiaaa Berne. Urge and Dwyer. sad oomo by wowroo -- wir moitIi Mian, 42, a Miaasseelis, prtro reason. li owly ki. bu-iu- es Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, makes Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Bunions, Galls, Braises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. I (Forfreservin&Piulfyh? Hair, and - :., 1 Dont Push1 W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES !.. TOicaAxK full'-tn- s, - gi-- ear-thi- rd old-tim- e r re YDaFIANCK IS SUPSHIOH QUALITY. Vjiy nu.a |