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Show x DOES YOUR BACK ACHEf Cure the YOUR and the Pain Will Never Return. OBLIGATIONS Kidney Only one mire way to cure an aching back. Cure the cause, the kldneye. Thouaanda tell of ciirce made by Doan's Kidney rills. John C. Coleman, a proml-e n t merdinnt of 3 wn I n h b o r o, (la., "For several giiyx: y e n i h my kldneye were affected. and my back ached day and night. I was In the languid, nervous ami Ihiiii morning. Dmin'a Kidney I'llls helped me right away, and the great relief that followed has boon permanent." Sold ly all dealers. GO ceniH a box. FoHter-MIllmrC'o., Buffalo, N. V. SOME OP THE THINGS YOU YOUR OWN TOWN. YOU SHOULD EUY OWE AT HOME n n Winston Churchill when he has an Important piece of writing before him eats very little meat and cuts his allowance of tobacco In half. He Duds that this regime gives unusual clarity to hia mind. Worth Knowing About. s If you need a laxative, there Is nothing belter nor safer than that old family remedy. Ilrandreth's Pills. Each pill contains one grain of solid extract of sarsaiMkrllla, which, with other valuable vegetable make It a blood purifier of excellent character. If you are troubled with constipation, one pill at night will afford great relief. Brandreth's Pills are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used. They have been in use fur over a century, and are for sale every. where, either plain or first-clas- prod-net- sugar-coated- Bank of England. The Bank of England employs about 1,000 people, pays $1,260,000 yearly In wages and $175,000 yearly la pensions. Important Co Mothers. Examine csrefnlly every bottle of CA8TOK1A, eofoeadeere remedy for inflate end children, end mo UK it the Slgaetareof hi U(0 Tor Over SO Yesrs. The Kind Too Have Aleiyi Sought. No cord or cable can draw so forcibly or bind no fast as love can do with n single thread. Burton. Can Be Made Place to the United The Country Town the Very Beat Live In State. (Copyright, by Alfred C. Clark.) who was a crank on doctrine wearied his congregation by constantly harping on baptism. A brother that longed for a rest handed hlin a text he thought safe, The way of the transgressor Is hard." "Friends, said the preacher, there are three things suggested by this scripture: First, the transgressor. Second, his conversion. Third, his baptism. We wdll pass over the first two and come at once to the third." Many reasons why people should trade at home rather than send their money away have been given, but suppose we pass them all by and come at once to the one vital reason: It Is the right thing to do. For after all the fundamental question In every transaction is whether It la right or wrong. Not will I save money, but Is It Just? Not Is It more convenient, but Is it fair? Not whether Is It good business, but whether It Is good morals? For you and I know, pnd nil tbs world Is coming to know, that not ova dollar Is ever saved or made by uafair means that does not curse the possessor. And a man may be as dishonest In saving money as In getting A preacher town you meet your neighbors Saturday afternoons and exchange news and experience. You go to It for a day of recreation when the enow comes, the. fair, or on holidays. There during the winter lecture course you hear great orators and excellent musicians. The political rallies, the church conference or association are held there. By and by in the pretty little village church, whose spire you can seo from your farm, you son will preach the gospel. In the brick building two doors from the corner, n farmer boy will open a law ofllce, and In the little frame two blocks away another son of the soil, just back from college, will begin the practice of medicine. There is the high school to which you send your children, and then after awhile your daughter will teach. And some day when you find the farm work too heavy for your age, and wont to get near the children, you will build oil that grassy corner lot two doors from the Methodist church and move to town. Yes, the town is a mighty good thing to have, a pleasant thing; and the more you put into it the more you get out of It. For it grows according to the trade It gets and the more it grows the more it can boy and the higher will go your land. The Moral Obligation. But the last and strongest reason why It is right that the country people spend their money at home is the moral obligation. The town Is yours, yours to ruin oi prosper. The same sense of obligation should prompt you to support It, ns prompted our old Teutonic ancestors in the forests of Germany to stand elbow to elbow in protection of their village. The same spirit of loyalty should Inspire you ns fired the Highland Scot to spend hia blood for the welfare of his clan. The country town with nil Its faults Is the best governed, most enlightened, most moral, and happiest spot In American civilization. It is n good safe place. Not too swift, nor yet too alow. In touch with the current of ACCOUNTING FOR THE FLY. Explanation That Probably Satisfy Traveler. Did Not Before sailing for Egypt for the winter James Haxen Hyde said at a , , Magnified 45 Times, Professors Parker and Wood, of Dangaroue. Do yon consider yachting's danger-lumbia university, have discovered n oua pastime for a man who cannot new filament which they hare called swim?" hellon. It magnifies toe efficiency "It la a dangerous paqtlme for a of electric light 45 times na compared man who can awlm. Why, the moat with the carbon filament.. Tbe lamp expert swimmer I ever knew met the also burns twice as long without woman be afterward married on n breaking. yachting trip. Houston Font , Co- ' , farewell dinner in New York: The only drawback to a tropical winter is the files. In the hot sun of Barber Philosophy, Ruaaian a Child at 25. January day in Egypt, Morocco or A la not of age until he said tbe as Russian he There, barber, files an are the incredible Algeria a customer, that's what la 28 years old. Until that time at pest. You see them In the corners gashed four-fifth-s of hia earnings must of the eyes of native children and comes of always keeping n stiff upper least to his go Up." parents. men lie asleep In sunny places with files crawling over their HpS. To Make Btonss Stronger. To Clean Rag Rugs. The natives dont mind the flies. In A rag rug, after months of hard Almost everybody knows the rale fact, they like them. At a boorj or usage, should be thoroughly beaten, of the masons that stone used In native inn in the Sahara a traveler then hung up on the clothesline nnd n building should be so placed that it said to the waiter, pointing indignantfull force of water from n garden hose will lie as It lay In Its natural bed ly at his stew of barley and goats should be turned on it After the when quarried. But Francis W. Hoyt, flesh : rug Is well dampened, s washing pow- In the Engineering News, says that How conies this dead fly In my der must be rubbea Into tbe tufting this familiar rule needs In many cases couscous?' nnd the water continued until the to be supplemented with other precan-tlonThere are three planes of frao-turMonsieur, replied the waiter, I water that runs off begins to look can not tell you. Perhaps the fly had dear. Let It drain well, then turn on known to quarrymen. The rift" a third stream for a final rinse. Leave la tbe direction In which tbe stone not euteu fur many days and throwing himself ravenously on the cous-cou- s It on the line until dry. Unbleached splits moat easily; the "grain that cotton and linen can be bleached In n which la next easiest; the head that fed with too great heartiness, thereby contracting an Inflammation of the similar manner and save much labor. which offers the greatest resistance. stomach severe enough to cause Pin the cotton securely on the line, In a paving block the two aides repredeath. The poor little thing can never drench It thoroughly with the hose sent the rift fracture, the top nnd have been strong. When I brought and leave It hanging; as soon as It Is bottom the grain and the enda the It was dancing and humhead. But In n quarry the natural the coua-cou- s dry renew the spraying. bed la sometimes conslrerably Inclined ming merrily on the surface. Perhaps Had Proved Hie Worth. to the plane of the rqlft; hence the this idea has Just presented Itself Christian England laughed when to me it endeavored to swallow too Imperfection of the ordinary rule for Sydney Smith sneered at William placing the atone in building. a of meat. The morsel piece large ns a consecrated gostuck In Its windpipe. A terrific Careyon a fools errand to cobbler, convert the Romance of 8ecret Coffer. ing coughing fit. Inaudible to our gross heathen. But when Carey died at the national archives of France In the ears, ensued. Alas, soon all was over. age of 73 years he was visited by the la an ancient secret coffer which, for The waiter wiped his eyes and bishop of India, the head of the some reason or has never been other, said In a broken voice: Church of England in that land, who since It was confiscated from I can account in no other way humbly Invoked the blessing of the opened its original owner, although the key la for the poor creatures death. with it dying missionary. s. - Whisky was Not for Hor. woman who apparently bad boom A was The traveled girl It explaining the ' It Is right to spend our money with Mans Eloquent Prayer Really a Sim- strange looking locket she had about averse to entering n saloon approached the bartender In n fashionthe home town and wrong to send It her neck on a thin gold chain. ple Proceeding. It Is a Buddhist charm, she said, able North Side place the other evenaway because we are under obligatones called for a quart tions to the home town, but not to Joslah Main, a grandson of the first to keep off bad luck. A swarthy lit- ing and in low or alx men were Five of whisky. In to Tibet house. It woman mall the ms. She order gave settled minister of Rochester, N. II., tle near the end of the bar, says whose bronze statue adorns the cen- took a great fancy to me. It Is hand- standing Financial Obligations. the Chicago Inter-OceaIn the first place the country Is un- progress, but not racing with greed. tral square of that thriving city, was some, If the back Is of tin. The face Now, I dont want you to think local character, celebrated for his Is of turquoise. They make them like der financial obligations to the town. The place from which come nearly all this la for me, aald the woman In In The little Tibet. huswomans that Of course the town Is also Indebted the great business men, lawyers wit and skill In argument, and as cunway of explanation, at the same time to the country, but the town cannot scholars, preachers, physicians. The ning in his speech as Jamie Sout&r, bands came up to her one by one, glancing furtively at the men near the to home with her go them, begging the Drumtochty cynic. help but pay Its debt. Its very exist- place where men are neighborly and end of the bar. My husband, who la On one occasion a company had but ahe wouldnt till she had finished 111 sent me tor the liquor and I did not ence does that Hence we are merely helpful. This town, my farmer friend, Is gathered at the popular grocery, talking to me. I felt very much flat want to coma became I thought yon discussing the country side of the she had three husyours. But the city beloM to ths among whom were Elder Runnals nnd tered. Oh, yes, might think it waa for me, and X 'Siah Main, and a bet of two quarts of bands. The women are very scarce, naturally would feel embarrassed. rum was made aa to who could pray you know, in Tibet. It was lovelx to "What do you drink, wood alcohol? see them dancing attendance on her; the best, the elder or Main. the bartender In n matter-of-fareturned band-somtall fallows they were, too, and All had taken several portions of way. The men near the end of rum or else It la hardly likely that She asked me how many husbands the bar laughed aloud. the elder would have consented to join I had. It was 1 didnt come In here to be Insultvery humiliating to have n the sacrilegious test. The elder to returned the woman savagely, at ed," to her I that hadn't acknowledge the same time manifesting her conprayed first, and his petition was so any, she sighed. tempt for the loungers with n vicious long, loud and fervent that a considtare. erable crowd gathered before he finDefinitely Fixed. ished. Blackbird for Market. a says "Expert legal testimony, n Then Main bdfean and prayed with member of the New York Among tbe annual exports from Cor to much greater fervor and eloquence bar can easily be made a ilea are about 400,000 blackbirds. They come to that Island every winter to that he easily won the bet The elder weapon in court. A clever nod capable mining en- feed on the berries of the myrtle nnd declared he didnt see how he' did it ' I began gineer was obliged to take the stand arbutus with which the mountains are Why," declared Main. where you left off, and put in what na an expert in n suit in Nevada, n covered, becoming very fat, and their you left out, and thats how I did couple of years ago. The caae In- flavor and perfume as food cause them to be much esteemed by the gourmets volved large issues. 1L" ; The examination waa conducted by of Paris. n young nnd smart attorney, who FEW KNOW THIS. Retort Courteous. patronized the expert with all the auHa (mockingly) Most men like Gives Simple Home and thority of half a doxen years of practhe soft pillow of a woman's mind tice. Directions to Uae. She (cuttingly) Yes, because they One of hia questions related to the feel they need somebody else's opinDon't Let the Catalog Houae Batter Down the Wall of Civil and Industrial A specialist is authority form In which the ore was found, a ion to bolster them up. Solidity That Makes for tho Safety of Your Community Interests. that Kidney and Bladder Troubles of form generally known na 'kidney Find 200 acres of good land almost mall order houses and the devil. With all kinds are in nearly every Instance lumps.' Now, air, said the attorney, how Anywhere that Is 20 miles from town Its corrupt government. Its overflow readily relieved by taking a few doses large are these lumps? You say that nnd you can buy it for $25 an acre. of population, and Its vice, the great of the following simple home-mad- e they are oblong In shape. Are they The same land within ten miles will city Is the menace of our morals and mixture: aa value our Its five miles long aa my head? liberties. within $35, bring Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-hal- f Yea, replied the expert, but not The city like tho dragon swallows ounce; Comixmnd Kargon, one ounce; Is $00, within two e.ilies $85 an acre. Thus that town has Increased ths the vast throngs of country boys nnd Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three nearly ao thick. " Harpers Weekly. land within s radius of ten miles an girls that flock Into It, and by nnd by ounces. average of $35 dollars an acre. As when health, and virtue and hope are A Real Lemon. The dose 1b a teaspoonful after meals that Is about the age of country towns gone, spews them out to die in want, and at bedtime. a lemon said a newly "Talk about These Ingredients generally, you may figure that a town, or wander as derelicts over the face can be obtained at any good engaged man, na he rubbed hia hands pharmacy, inof the earth. na long ns It Is fairly prosperous, and are mixed by shaking well In a wildly through his hair. I thought I And dont you see, my friend, that creases the land around It an average bottle. Victims of Kidney, Bladder waa on the wrong track when I naked when you take the money from the of one dollar an acre every year. and diseases of any kind a girl to marry me. But she accepted Not considering staple articles like country town, you destroy the chance shouldUrinary to make this pre- all right and I gave her an engagement not hesitate cattle, hogs and grain which can be of success there, and the boys nnd ring. up and try It. It comes highshipped and sold anyway, the town as girls will follow where yon have sent scription "Imagine how I felt when I called to ly recommended and doesn't cost much a local market la worth at least $75 the money? her to the theater last night nnd take to prepare. , n year to the ordinary farmer. This town of yours was founded on he greeted me In n hat trimmed with For example: This year the peach faith, on the faith In the customs of Towmcnda Enamel Cream lemons. I almost fainted at the sight, TOOK LONG TO CONVINCE. markets were so glutted no ordinary men for hundreds of years to trade at but apparently she didn't notice my tai attraeilT face ImnedlEtalr. Bnpertor to foes powder, lu u li not deieswd. fruit would pay the express. Around the nearest town. These merchants embarrassment, for she smiled sweetFor asl everywhere. Prloe SO eente the little town in which the writer and carpenters, masons and editor Stubborn Youngeter Finally Satisfied ly and asked me how I liked them. lives most farmers have a few peach aro your neighbors. They have grown Mother Waa in Earnest. And now I'm wondering whether It's trees. The 4.000 Inhabitants bought up amongst you or amongst others nil off and whether I'll get back the A Brooklyn mother has solved the ring." nearly every bushel In the vicinity at like you. from 40 cents to n dollar a bushel. They have put their all In n little problem- - of the incorrigible youngster, More than $4,000 was paid for peaches business, money, time nnd hope. ays the New York Globe. She had To know that your Watch Is fixed Inviting Delinquents. and by competent work within three weeks. Around the corner there Is n little cot- long found It Impossible to take her properly A certain city apartment house men. You can be assured of prompt That was clear gain which must be tage, and the wife and the baby It girl with her into public dweller had been somewhat slow In and efficient work at set over to the credit of the town. niuy be your grandbaby wait; and places without discomfort and embapaying his rent, and the agent finally vegetables, Plums, cherries, early there la a smile of happiness when rrassment called in person to see him. scores of little odds and ends, perishIs "business but tbe troubled good, on an elevated train recently, Ill make It hot for you If you dont Being or not could able stuff that the farmer look comes when business Is poor. he to threatened take child the out that rent Immediately, the agent pay would not ship he turns into cash at They are struggling to live, nnd pay at the next station and spank her said, threateningly. town. home the for tbe little home, and by nnd by edIn the waiting room. Defiance I say, remarked the shivering ten So If a man owns 200 acres within ucate tbe children. They are yonr soundly course. this if I let that remark get out compelled ant, reach of town, he will receive $275 n neighbors and friends, not your ene170 the other tenants in this flat among unless I'll Now, from you value that behave, cash whip year direct mies. They work hard you scarcely rent cent of wont another you get at next the station and at town, none of which he would recelvs realize how hard and are not living you again SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. from them thla winter. from the mall order bouse. have pinned their faith every station until you do behave, high. They dowas mother's the does town not To be sure, the warning. to the town your town. nate him that amount, the town was The youngster. Incredulous, continTheir luccess or failure la In your not built for the purpose of philan- hands. For your trade they will gtva ued in wrongdoing, the result being n thropy, yet ha receives an actual cash you good returns, and all will prosper spanking operation at each of a dozen benefit because the town Is there; and together. If you withdraw your trade, stations before the bridge waa he Is under actual financial obliga- failure must follow. Some poor strag- reached. The child was convinced. tions to return that benefit by spendI've had no trouble with her in gler must go down facing bankruptcy. ing his money at home. The light must go out of spine wom- public since, aald the mother. It law It is not an obligation that tbe an's eye, and hardship be laid up for worked like n charm. would recognize, but it Is one that ap- the child. clean peals to those Independent, Even If you could save n little by Dog and Rabbit Are Friends. hearted men of high honor who feel sending your patronage to tho city, do A correspondent tells an Interestthat perfect honesty demands that you not think it the fair thing, ths Just ing story of a friendship between a ! when benefits are received from thing, the right thing, to trade at the Scotch terrier and a hare at Dunstranger or brother, friend or foe, little home town with those you know, fermline, Scotland. The pair occubenefits should be returned. those whose prosperity nnd happiness py the same hutch and lie down aide I are In your hands? Social Obligations. by aide. The dog, evidently considerTen Million LHillnrs now being spent by Bingham Smelters, employing Is For It himself the guardian of his weak-- 1 thousands of men who must have homes. The only town In easy walking Thou love written, shalt ing to It Is right for the country spend er companion, watches suspiciously distance of the works. Only three month old, yet ten IiuhIiichs houses are its money with the home town because thy neighbor ns thyself. and more coming, llarrlmnn electric franchise rune through WILLIAM movements of any stranger who flourishing H. the HAMBT. of the social obligations town. Only thirty minutes' ride to Halt. take City. between near. too 26 Lots and 35 by 121 feet. I'rU-e- $40 to $250. Rasy terms. TYriie for approaches them. When the hare gets an outing In , detailed Information to Idolatry. Ths town Is the center of your comJennings Just worships his solo." the garden the terrier remains In cfinVj BAST-ROOKLIDINVESTMENT COMPANY munity. From It radiates yonr rural I know It In It he lives aad atevae stunt attendance, apparently to afford AGENTS WANTED. mall service; In It center your teleHooper Bldg., S..B take City. such protection na may be needed. Judge. phone ayatejns. On tbe streets of the and has his being. A Trio of Husbands. NOTHING HARD ABOUT IT. n. ct e. Especially worthy of notice ie Garfield Tea, Nature's remedy for liver and kidnev derangements. It is made wholly of ilerlw. No man ever akks a truthful woman whnt she thinks of him more than 5 once. ni.ee rvsn in o to i nave. PASO OIMTUKHZ' I guaranteed to oore ear eaie link na. Hlliid. BlMdlns nr Protruding PIIm la SIteltdnMorreunarrelnndad. Mr. Affection consists not in use carefully prepared utterances. Hra. Window's Soothing Ryran. Par ehtldrea taatklna, aoftaaa the anna, reUuroa la- aUoa, allaa palm, caraa vlad uoliu. McabotUa. Be St for more than you are now doing. Garfield. GENERAL BREAKDOWN well-know- two-edge- well-know- A Condition Which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, the Great Blood Tonic, Have A. t Been Curing for Years. There Is no more perplexing trouble for n physician to treat than debility eases, especially In women. In which there is no acute disease but In which the patient every day sinks lower and lower despite changes of medicine and similar experiments. That I)r. Williams Pink Pills win restore health under these conditions Is no speculation but the fact has been proved In hundreds of cases similar to that of Mrs. Sarah Ramsey, of 1008 St. John 6L. I itch field. 111. She says I never felt well after my first child was born. I had a gnawing pain In my stomach and could not hold any food down. My head au-- 'J a great deal and sometimes the pain went all through my body. I had dizzy spells so that I could not stand and seemed to be hnlf blinded with pain. These spells would often last for over an hour. My blood seemed to be In a very poor condition and my hands and feet were like Ice. I Seemed to be growing weaker and weaker and could not get around to do my work in the house. I was extremely nervous and the least excitement would bring on a dizzy spell. For n number of years I was under n doctor's care hut seemed to get no better. I had about Dr. Williams' Pink rills nnd 1 began to take them. I soon felt bettor and gained In weight and strength. Mr nerves are strong now and I am a well woman In every way." Dr. Williams' Pick Pills are sold by nil druggists or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. 50 cents per box. six boxes for $2.50. by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. Y. A booklet of valuable information. entitled Plain Talks to Women, sent free on request. Oie-ir- V d SICK HEADACHE Positively cared by these Little Pills. They also relievo Distress tram Sysprpsii, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating: A perfect mm-cd- y tor Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dad Taste In the Month. Coated Tongue, pain in the Side, T3RF1D UYEB. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuino Must Bear Fac-Sim- Signature n It is Worth Something 1 four-year-ol- d St Why You Should Buy East Garfield Lots GE REFUSE SUBSTITUTE. d |