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Show Do you know," said Joan, that Prince Ivan and hla Muscovites are within a days march of Courtland, and that Prinre Conrad has already gone forth to meet them? What?" cried Margaret, within a days march of the city? I must go Now, Mr. Barnatead, turn, If you the foiluwlng Thursday Wiiat did you do that day? " Wultcd In Portland depot for Hurd a good hour. I luke him for puiii'tual'.iy."' read Barnstead. 'Now which of these dates waa i he one you saw the men niett?" The fit si." Where did you nnd Hurd go?" We went to Mechanic Falls. What did you do then?" Took orders for goods." pleast, to THE MISSING MAN By MARY R. P. HATCH and find my husband. irtef&tfdcRi do Author of The Bank Tragedy "Walt! said Joan. I see my way. Your husband come shall hither. (Copyt Ighl. lhsfK, l'juu, by 8. K. Clock oil.) Copyright. ISOS, by Im ud Shepard She weut to the door and clapped CHAPTER XXVI 1-.- Continued. chair of I.eopold von Deiaauer, Am- - her hands. Send hither instantly How could he, demanded Joan, bassador of Plassennurg. von Orseln, Alt Plkker and the Werner For alniuHt five minuiea they stood Count von Locn." CHAPTER XX. death of this man. We will suppose the aoldler'a daughter, sharply, be "Together?'' then Joan drew was on duty! j thus without, speech; that he saw him approaching the "Yes. He fur his Ann. I for mine. She the of waited with the latch ' . re-You Are Henry Ashley." Hamilton house and shoots hint from away her hands. "Well, answered Margaret, still door In her hand till she heard their Did you stay all night" sentful and unconsoled, he would not j "You forget," she said smiling, that footsteps upon (he theu spoke of the examination, hia window and then rushes upon the Yes." stair, They en- of lie and have done that before we were mar-- was forbidden In the bond. one when side, being found of unsound mind scene flinging the pistol "I 'id you drink?" tered and saluted. together we he wus sent to an asylum, of his eswas there, as we know he was, berledl And it Is only the first day My lady, he said, was not the "Gentlemen," aald Joan, the enemy 'Yes, sir; n glass or two." bond for Isle Uugen alone? Here we la at the have been together, too, since and supposed death by drown-'.rg- . fore Mr. Carter could get there. Or. cape shall Did you not drink more than a We of the gate city. must In We strife. comrades the are since "With the cunning of insanity it we will suppose Unit some other per- glass or two. Did need every man. Who w!ll ride to you not driak nearnow appeared that Mr. Hamilton had son, Solomon Murks, for instance, go) And sbe buried her head In her ker- save our fatherland. I hare laid aside er a dozen?" Kernsberg and bring back suncor? ami Dan chief. minced to a my priesthood. If I live, I shall appeal of possession Fry's pistol vagrant Your hlghm-ss,said Werner von "Perhaps." Then came a knocking at the door. to the Holy Father to loose me wholly Orseln, .xchr.nge clothes with him. and with followed Kdea, shot him, and disapIf the enemy be "In short, were you not tonsidtr-ahlrespectfully. he river. Enter! cried Joan Imperiously, yet from my vows. the .down thus afforded succeeded disguise peared so near, and a battle Imminent, the worse for what you d.'unk, so hla she In arguand eager not a little glad of the Interruption. in Smilingly put The It Is well krown Grovedale, getting clear of the town. man Is no soldier who would willingly so that you had to slay la bed much man who resembled Hamilton In gen- can be proved by half a score of wd a Werner von Orseln stood In the po- ment by. we servants. be absent. But are or two?" your day 1 It was of another vow I spoke. Murks was rtal My lady, he said, will you bid wns afterwards nesses, that Solomon appenninre Choose you one to go; or, If it seem eral "I did." work for and am not his this the leave the Count von Loen Holy Father, more than one. Bid us drowned atq identified as a patient twice closeted with the defendant, to "Wasn't your head In a corfounded We goodand you. and take some rest and sustenance I will not give you absolution. on our heads it shall be to of the asylum chiefly by his clothcu, and that he went to the Fry house, muddle, and didn't you tell Huri so?" go. are comrades. It Is true that and no escort you as was he found He thinks of nothing but his drill. to Is the body suppose easy unrecogi ixalile from when It "I presume so." safely to Kernsberg and I ride to Kernsan opportunity to get possession of Oh, yes, he does. cried the Prin- more! having been so long in the water. back reinforcements." bring "Could you swear to any event that cess Margaret; how dare you say It, berg. where I will muster every man, "It must have been a strange fatal- the pistol, to make It appear that took The Princess came closer to Joan place within a week or two of even call the the me! from of down hills, He fellow? Why, thinks shepherds committed suicide for that time?" ity or blind lustluct which led him to my client and slipped a hand Into hers. and be back with you by the Alla benow seek employment at Ills own mill, there Is no doubt put that the shot Von Lynar shall go! said Joan. 1 can swear I went to Be:hel and She looked once more out of the fore the Muscovite can attack you. I. his ami a hoarding place at. the house of was fired to kill him. Now. it Is per Mechanic Falls." down held Maurice Whereat Inface. it! her of the Sword Hand, promise Joan Mrs. Fry, a woman previously well fectly clear to me and must be to window, a smile upon Yes, that la in your note book. Did She stamped her foot, half in earnknown to himself and wife, the reclpl you, that, the false claimant under stantly she drew In her bead again spiwk of meeting the tiro men. est and half In mockery of the sonorand sprang to her feet. ent. as she avers, of many favors look, either by his own hand, or an- you or them meet, to your friend seeing ' him see cannot ous name by which she was known. from himself and wife. Oh, he Is gone! I other's, to rid hlntsclf of a trouble- that, week? so never I I and of were she would Joan rather saw because cried, "He his wife some you atul children at anywhere! person troublesome, I don't recollect." much as heard them go! Joan, I am the Grange at Isle. Rugen, and l your Church. Ilfs wife was greatly moved the true claimant. But did he sucCould you swear It was net Thurshave not by his resemblance to her husband. ceed? No; the very shot fired to send going to find him. He should jerklned servitor, cleaving the wood you saw them saw them meet?" day me goodwithout rebidding bread. He that of out gone ,away the world you might bake the was, also, much excited by her Vane Hamilton sir, I couldn't ; hut I think it No, looks and those of Ierley and Clan). stored him to the full possession of "Conrad." said Joan, shaking her bye! It was cruel! She flashed out of the room, and head wistfully, such thoughts are not He knows nothing of all this now, his faculties. Strange, yet true! Can was the Friday before." Mr. Barnstead, slightly flushed and without waiting tor tiring maid or cov- wise for you and me to harbor. We but I can prove It by the testimony we doubt, after such a manifestation of Dan Fry and his mother. erture, she ran downstairs, dressed as must stand to our dignities now when From In the overruling for good of the Irate, left the witness stand. Mrs. Hamilton's testimony came she was In her light summer attire. the enemy threatens and the people that time he began to watch her Divine Trovldence. which so often Joan stood a moment silent, looking need us. Afterwards, an It like us. we house. Ills former home, one night says to crime, Thus far shalt thou next, and was given In a .;raceful, She reshrinking manter. after her with eyes In which flashed a may step down together. standing In a pouring rain until he go, but no farther, he recovered to though tender light. Werner von Orseln was drenched and made sick in con- prosecute his claims to his family and lated the various tests to which she Joan, said Conrad, very gravely, had subjected the two claimants at smiled broadly the dry smile of an do not fear for me. I have turned sequence. Although he knew little of estate?" various times, and said that both had adancient war captain who puts no once from a career I never chose. five an and music previously, he purchased a viowas then o'clock, It bounds to the vagaries of women. It Death alone shall1 turn me back this lin and became a good performer In a journment was taken until the next responded readily, but that the defendant invariably hesitated for a was an experienced smile. time. abort time, but now he has returned morning. Tis well for Kernsberg, my lady, to hla normal Ignorance and cannot 1 knew It, she answered; I never When the little court house bell be- moment before replying, but that the said Werner grimly, that you are not doubted it. But what shall we do with play at all. I shall call to the stand gan to ring next day the streets rap- plaintiff did not. the Princess Margaret The judge at this juncture proposed an eminent specialist who will ex- idly filled, and soon the small room this poor lovesick bride of ours? said Joan a little And why? And she told him of her Interview plain to you that this sort of dull was thronged with eager spectators. that she subject them to some teat existence Is not unknown In science, The work of the day was entered in the presence of the jury. If there haughtily. For she did not like Co- that morning with his sister. Conrad nrads sister to be treated lightly even although it is so uncommon as to be upon promptly by the calling of the was any point which remained unsetlaughed gently, yet with sympathy. A man must not be hampered by afto the tled in her own mind. by her chief captain. Mrs. Hamilton shared witness, George Barnstead, remarkable. me Von Orseln, and do you Leave Ah, love, love! said Werner, nod- take the young man, said Conrad; In the feelings of her husband, but stand. fection In the hour of dangerl There Is one," said Mrs. Hamilton. It Is then Margaret will go with you willtestia He reding his head sententlously. not could them. Is It of a nature to be conclusive? She gave and straightforward explain her hands, head, Margaret clapped well that I ever trained you up to care ingly and gladly. cessed them, therefore, as much as mony, corresponding to Mr. Morley's he asked. two stood other the awaiting stolidly for none of these things. Teach a maid I think It Is. It Is something that But she will want to return that Instructions, as became their position. to fence, and her honor needs no cham- la, if Maurice comes, too. I do not know myself, but that my I depart, my shall At hour what g and you pion. Qlve her Conrad. lady?" said Maurice. Isle Rugen? husband does. suggested a fool of herfrom her making keep Sefid your ten men who know the Please stale It. So soon as you can get the Now! self about the first man who crosses road. If they could carry off Joan of horses ready! "I wish to know the whereabouts of -her path. Strengthen her wrist, teach the Sword Hand, they should have no a small diamond button, or stud, that But your Grace must have time to her to lunge and parry, and you difficulty with lifTle Margaret of Court-lan- make her he gave me. It was his mother's, and preparations!" do But you strengthen her head. I told him I was afraid I should lose I am not going to Kernsberg. I You have credit to your Instructor. it if I wore It. He laughed nnd said fact. a said with here!" her hands Joan Joan, pleasstay stating clasped never troubled about the follies of ure and Imvon Orseln was just going he would take care of It for me, and Werner that all unconscious relief, love. Therefore are ye Joan of the he did. I never asked to know where behind her Margaret had out of the door, confiding to Alt Plkker mediately 8word Hand! he kept It,, and he never told me, and now stood arrested that as soon as he saw the Princess entered softly soft. Joan sighed another sigh, very hand in their ladys he knew name. her own of her sound the put One claimant may be taken Into by ly this time, and her eyes, being turned Oh, they will have no trouble, will they were safe. At the sound of Joans the next room while the other one and were soft Von from Orseln, away they not? she said in her own heart, words he was startle ! into crying out answers," said the Judge. The plainIndefinitely hazy. Isle Rugen? Thank you, loudly, What?" At the same time he and amlled. tiff, as the first party, may remain Yes, she answered, I am Joan of very dear brother and sister. You faced about with the frown on his and answer first. the Sword Hand and I never think of my would get rid of me, separate me from face which he wore when he corrected There was a decided stir In the these things! Maurice while he Is fighting for your nn irregularity, in the ranks. rourt room at the proposition, so out Von Orseln salutedwith a face ex(To be continued.) precious princedoms. What is a counof the usual course; and as the depressionless as a stone. He marched try In comparison with a husband? I fendant arose and walked into the to the door, turned a third time and would not care a dolt which country I NEW CURE FOR SNAKE'S BITE. small office adjoining the court room, saluted and with heavy footsteps debo long as I had Maurice to, belonged yet beyond hearing, the uudlence scended the stairs. Follows Plan of Hair of the Dog with me! hardly breathed, so deep was the At the outer door Prince Conrad was v. A moment or two Conrad and Joan That Bit You. in expectation of something was in It of feeling his two men when her little saluted but boy The presentation opening dismounting. Take a hair of the dog that bit possible; discussed the details of the capture, unusual about to take place. efforts argument. lost the and returned each other. through while more softly than before Mar- you," is an old saw that, as a sug- of I sat in Portland depot, near to Is the Duchess Joan within? said But the answer was tontmonplace rrinius Kdes, as he was called, garet retired to the door. She would gested remedy, has led many a man she allowed her heart to rule her the newstand, waiting for Hurd, who unhis eagerness Conrad, concealing enough. out but that out of the frying pan Into the fire, have slipped altogether, I took It to the bank. of showing her was to go on with me to Bethel. I hands to der the hauteur natural to a prince. paid the happened just them which and It cannot certainly be recommendhla personal saw standing, irresolutely, at a little plalrtlfT. for I have Just left her! answered the something gifts by gratitude cure froze her to the spot. modern a suitable for as ed comfort and convenience at Mrs. distance, a man whom I now know tc chief captain. For what purpose was the button A blew without once, twice times, when an antidote Is inure be Vane Hamilton. He was dressed used?" Without a word Conrad sprang up and trumpetIn short and Frys. blasts. thrice, stirring the steps three at a time. Werner Now comes the false claimant, Mr. exactly as described by the advertiseMy wife fastened her night-rob- e Hardly had the echoes died away when Dogs are not, however, the only anion the scene, ment. He looked about 1.1m as If he with it." or turned about and watched the young she Ashley, Hamilton, heard her brother say. Adieu, best mals whose bite is tn be feared; and did not know what to do. Finally, anmans firm, lithe figure till it had dis- beloved! In what part of the bank did you It is the signal which tells those people whose travels have led safe, aa he supposes, in hishisfraudulent other man entered who stopped to keep It?" he thinks wronged because appeared. claim, a Ivan Is within me that Prince days them to far lands know that poisonFaith of Saint Anthony! he mur- march He Is the exact stare at the first. Then, as if recol"In a small drawer of the sufe." of Courtland. I bid you good- ous snakes are much more to be brother la dead aa we all know, lecting himself, he went off a little mured, I am right glad our lady cares "Is It there now?" of the caBhier, Image meet we never if If should and dreaded. looked at him. not for love. If she did, and if you bye, do not still Grovedale but The I don't know. I had forgotten the was received way, he and by forget that I loved you Though by far the greater proporhad not been a priest well, there again, arms. His extra- first man was aware of this scrutiny. matter entirely till now." with open people as none could love! else loved you those of bitten thus tion die, persona fertil- It appeared, for at last he walked up might have been trouble. (To he continued.) He held out his band. Joan stood there Is a certain number who re- ordinary nerve, Ingenuity, and to him and asked; him resource through carried of ity but to the rooted her a spot, lips moving, to thank measures, cover, prompt CHAPTER XXIX. and "You appear to know me. Who MUCH NEED FOR no words coming forth. Then Mar- and thanks also to the administration various tests and examinations, CAREFULNESS. of the sin I? What is my name. the installed in was place he a hoarse break from heard cry which exact garet parthe of any remedy The Broken Bond. "The other seemed disconcerted a true and lawful owner and tenant of Men on and her who had contemned love. ticular snake bite requires. Above, In the dusky light of the But there was moment hy the Inquiry, but answered Beekeepers CommonNewspaper estate. the Hamilton cannot aha cried. I let thus! Ground. you go on been It has that, lately stood reported and Joan Conrad hall one, gentlemen, who tlid not receive in a second or two. vow It la too bard the principle of the old adage menAt a recent convent ion of beekeep" 'Your name is Henry Ashley. each other's hands. It was the I cannot keep the She I ers in Jenklntown, Pa.. Archibald H. for me! Conrad! I am but a weak tioned above which thus Berves a him. It was Mrs. Hamilton. well. know husband you could not believe lie was her woman after all! of Sunbury held hundreds of Mayhew turn au almost certain cure for and what They talked together a few min- bees in l.is hands and testimony is belter than And In a moment the Princess Mar- snake bite Is the injection of a amall permitted the who for seven years utes, Imt In a lower tone. I did not little Insrcts to wander l through garet saw Joan the cold, Joan of the portion of the bile of the reptile that of a wife snd came to know all hear what they said, and shortly after- Ills hair and heard. Some even lived with him Sword Hand, Joan Duchess of Kernsgot whtrh has attacked any one, and his off went his ward tricks they together. his movements, ways, up his sleeves and down his shirt berg and Hohenstein in the arms of which the snake being generally to "Mr. Barnstead. of manner, everything which goes wiihout causing him any lnconve-iih-nc-her brother. killed on the spot Is naturally at make up personality, which we all Mr. Ferguson, you any the first man Whereupon, not being of set purpose band. know does not consist entirely of looked ahotti him as If he did not an eavesdropper. Margaret went out "But," said Mr. Mayhew. The gall bladder Is extracted, Its features, height, voice, complexion: know where he was. The lovers door the could not conduct this and abut and softly. smiling. fluid and contents the filtered, injectWaa it had neither heard her come, nor go. ed under the skin. The method Personality is of t a more subtle, expression? start ling exhibit im with any but Cau" elusive nature. It may elude recogni- certain or And the wife of Maurice von' Lynar sounds somewhat casian bees. A novice at but tion complicated; sir. as if he did not if he should Intimate more "Rather vague, all the sne .except as by was smiling very sweetly went, no snake-bitte- n attempt to imitate me person will complain friends. In this case it evaded all but know where ne was. but In her eyes lurked mischief. with an ordinary spericR would take means he escapes a rapid that of the wife, the true, loving womIf this by "Was this the other's expression?1 Ills life in his hands. Conrad descended the stair from the as death. No. sir; his waa the reverse an who, through all would not be a matter of fact, is a pretty dangerous apartments of the Duchess Joan, diThe experiments made have given cheated by a false resemblance." watchful, vided between the certainty that his mutter for persons to take the best- - results, those recovering Their expression wa totally un up. An ignorant, reckless beekeeper In a low, impressive voice Mr. and Then unutterable the Joy tasted had Ups from the poisonous bite of a South the fear leRt his soul had Binned the Morley broached the matter of physi- like, and yet their eyes lroke.l alike.' it Iiire.e among a lot of valuable hive American snake coming off with noth- cal "Yea. sir. odor which, exhaled from the masin. 's apt to do himself am! them as inueh unpardonable worse than an abscess at the terial When do yon usually make your barm as un ignorant, reckless answers enables a dog to distinA moment Joan steadied herself by ing body,, of penetration of the serpent's the window, with her hand to her point man will do to his to correspondi guish hla master from all other per (rips. Mr. Barnstead." I have no regular time." sons. Lost children, slaves, fugitives breast as if to still the flying pulses tooth. Chamliers' Journal. r and its suhsciilit rs." newspapt This time you went on Friday. from justice, have been tracked by this of her heart. She took a step forward Mr. Mayhew paused, brushed a half What Caused the Noise. "Yes. sir." odor, so powerful and unmisthat she might look once more upon physical dozen bees front his mustache am occasion A to consult takable as to lady, having What date? him ere he went. But, changing her cling to articles of lesnmed: a friend, called at her home, but was clothing worn by the person. The fifteenth of May. Many purpose In the very act, she turned Perhaps yon have never considered at to first obtain unable admittance. How do you know?" "Death alone shall turn me back this about and found herself face to face how Important a post the 'answers to people have the sense of smell strong"I know by my remembrance time. with the Princess Margaret, who was Hideous sounds suggesting the cater- ly developed, as others have that of correspondents' man holds on a newswauling of all the cats, accompanied sight, taste, hearing: and Mrs. Ilamil the day and hy my diary. To such a man the people first time they had been alone together smiling subtly. paper. Do you note the time of your trips rome with all their troubles lawsuits, You have granted my request?" she by what appeared to be the trampling ton was thus highly endowed, he since ' the day on which they had of an elephart upon the keyboard of a said in your diary? said softly. Illnesses, worries, fears, wrongs, everywalked along the sand dunes of Yes, sir." Joan commanded herself with diff- piano, issued from the house. Then the plaintiff's counsel went on thing. The matter being imperative, and t Please produce the hook If yon And unless the answerer Is vise Since then they seemed to have iculty. speak of the shot fired at his client tn leave a at least message, some such paragraph as In the ground! fraudulently held and have it about you. "What request?" she asked, for she wishing and ran-fu- l grown inexplicably close together. To our friend redoubled her efforts at the occupied by the defendant, which lie Mr Barnstead took it from hla this 1 apt to creep into his column loan, Conrad now seemed much more had forgotten. rihglng hard attributed to some person interested pocket and handed It to the defend every now and then: That Maurice and I should first go hell In the hope of her own the man who loved her, to stop the clm-owithin. in removing him beyond rcarh r mak ant's counsel, who, however, did not 'Mrs. T. Willie Pltcoe The reply whom she loved than he had been with you to Kernsberg and afterwards enough a: in last her endeavor, Ir.g trouble. "We will suppose," said take It. Succeeding to on the is'acil. To watch day by day Plassenburg." you last Thursday was a misgiven Mr. Barn-stea- take.- We should have said a quarter "I cannot go." Joan murmured, think-ln- e the din eeased abruptly and the door ?tr. Morley, that Ashley had at last No, read It yourself." for his passing In martial i fire did so. aloud. "1 cannot ride to Kerns- was opered by a trim German maid. recognised the true claimant In Pri of a grain of strychnine, not a quarter brought back the knlcht of the tn irna- was out. and mu of a pound. It is impossible In thin Started for Bethel. Waited and that he realized his oient whose white plume she bad seen berg and leave him In the front of The family, it appeared, Edea, the maid said: own dangerous position, from which Port'acd depot for- Hurd. We went column for ns to recommend unde storm through the lists when, a slim danger!" Ven de rat's avay den plays del "A man mnst not he hampered by akent.' " nothing could extricate him bat tL? on together.'" secretary, she had stood with beating " mouse der piano. heart and shining eves behind the affection in the lour of danger! fiy S R; CRQCXE7rT,4tar of 1 weak-minde- " d y sword-cunnin- the-exten- t 1 e. d 1 wide-awake?- g wide-awake- ." d n'' Ru-ge- r i |