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Show I i C. freight secure state in jvhlrh it is situated, lot also from advantageous Uiiranlec-- it is in a position to I .latronage not .mly from ho EDITORIALS This paper la on file at ine Aiuencau Mining Congreaa. Denver, Colorado, AGENCY. M'llurd Tillies. Kiwer It looks as If the were Riving more attemlon ami the imwer a little leaa attention than the Hltimtlon actually requires. It doea not liaik altogether so (llgnllled for a ataie to cxiend much of its force iiiain ho liintguillcant a subject, which In turn la cwrre-KKiroHr liugly dlgnlHed beyoml If any ordinary jierson proiairtloiiH. violates the law the remedy Is ulwaya at hand ready made, requiring but the ngKresBlve action of those who are chosen for that iuriose to give the violator the needed lesson; but when it comes to a tussle with the Luke gentry there Is a failure right along and the legislature is invariably ap pealed to for i remedy to lit the case. This is a commentary that is not pleasing to the good citizen who gives it thoughtful attention. of the present The predecessor county attorney Tor Salt l.ak county had as many as a dozen erl initial complaints on file at one time against the notorious collection concern, and not one of them wns prosecuted to a conclusion. Others before him did better and had the culprit headed for jail several times, from which he was through the influence of presumptively reputable mercantile concerns; and the present prosecuting crucial hns at least one such case on his hands, whicli seems to be sleeping the usual Kip Van Winkle sleep. This is all wrong. Kxperlence as well a? common sense show conclusively that with the vigorous enforcement of the laws they will be found ample for nil emergencies, bills aimed at. Luke and his outposts ;tre in the legislature, having imssed At this writing some half dozen one branch nn-- likely to become laws. What good will they do if they shall lie treated as cl hers have been? They cant enforce themselves, and the record shows that the celebrated defend aitt does not stand in awe of any of them; he goes ahead in his own wny, defying statutes, courts and Individ upalB alike, and in the very Infrequent case of a "show down manages to escape by some hook or crook usually suggestive of a loosening up of III gotten money. Not only this, but he has the elTrontery to occupy large spaces in easily subsidized sheets setting forth his views m jusl Ideation or his career, saying, other nmong things, that no one who does not honestly owe has ever been compelled to pay through his methods u brazen, unmitigated lie in Itself. Those who never owed, or having owed have paid, have been sued improiterly and without due process, and becu compelled to go to serious trouble and expense in order to save themselves from unjust and outrageous judgments which, being obtained, mean further annoyance and exitense, to avoid which the victim frequently elects to pay as the lesser of two evils, and this is one of the prime factors In the Luke collection mechanism. It da a bad thing and ought to be stamjied out. Those who owe and are able to pay ought to be compiled to do so if they won't on any other terms; but even they have a right to the protection of the laws. g ir res-cne- il NO PANIC YET. Plata I'oursiut. After gold and silver, tbe metals of which the great west generally, and 1tah lwrticularly. look for commercial activity and anbstaiitial progress, are coiqier and lead. The Increase In the production of all these is sleudy, with a ronstamly rising ratio of advance. It does took as if those who have for some years been predicting a great panic would have to keep oil conclusions, each time revising tlu-iresult far keeping ihe calamitous enough off to keep their reputations us prophets from becoming confluent with that of calamity howlers. It Is i.et necessary to Is; overly optimlstio to reach the comforting side of the proiMmitlon; one has hut to refer to lie facts as recorded, the cold flgures as developed, to obtain full satisfuc-u- i n as to the financial situation. Just look. The results for last year not completely tabulated, but consider the showing for the imniediare-- i previous period; The production d copper increased rrum 812.537.267 pounds, valued at ytilfi.iillP.S4ri. in '''14, 10 POt.Pd7.S4d pounds, valued at ill ltfo.'i. an Increase of !. 70.376 pounds in quantity and of 1 165.871 in value. The production ir lead in 1903 was d02.0iU short tons. v against 1107.000 short tons in 1904 imd 282.000 short tons in 190d. The .. ' ue of the production in ltf03 was .690.000, as compared with $26.- ooo In 1904, and with 2d.u20.0b 903. While lead suffered a small ine as compared with the inline-- . it gained ely previous year, 'igh over 1902 to make the general id upward, and tbe figures for last : will make this still more r The (lad iis mine, In ' Pn.iptlr obtained at Ogden The groundhog mude good this Now lets see how near March year. conics to maintaining Its legendary Oft F. write or come to D. C. waSHINSTON. g J. LyS PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, ...WINTER RATES... Shortest and best line to Bullfrog and Nevada's Miner! Belt vis The Lets Vegas A TonopaJi Roilroad. Ask the Agent, but specify San Pedro, Los Angeles Salt Lake VtAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF We Cure J. No Pay Unless Cured Consultation Free. STAR LOAN CO. WE ARE THE Without Security. No Indorsers. Quick Action. Any Amount. Lowest Rates. I'ni-lfl- - s k SALT LAKE 15 to I JO; Sundays, 9 a. m. to MEDICAL S. MAIN ST., SAIT K k k k a a a a a1 a a a Ia 12 I INSTITUTE, CITY, UTAH. SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. EAGLE RIVER CANYON. OF NATURAL WAGON BEAUTY ALL TAILORING CO. - GARDEN The only house in Salt Lake City planing the Union lael on popular priced, custom-mad- e clothing. SUITS FROM $22.00 UPWARD. PANTS FROM 6.50 UPWARD. Every Garment Bears Nothing but guaranteed all wool Thla Label. goods made iff. Rooms Eagle Block, Salt Lako City. ed buckles ARIOSA Coffee, that tod. care of the nerves and of your grandparents, and ln been the leading coffee of ih world for 37 years. Youll never have to ou!f drinking Arbuckles. 18-1- 9 PLACE YOUR EYE8 IN OUR G. Those That iii If you want to talk with every Dizzy Eye town in Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have 8pella 8train. the "BELL. CANT! KoniH-rlAlexander Optical Co. Atlae Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444. "18 k WPSWtJMSXBMM M. T. MARKS, Prop.. 0 mill Ohreal, aad BLACKSMITHS, Marytvale, Utah. PP.0.0 OO ( o ooo JOHN HAWES. Marys vale.. Utah. Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. fkllina. tanka! Dtire CANADIAN PACIFIC 3 RAILWAY ire. Lret 1( an hood, ahzaaia 91 dli un l CONSULTATION FREE Dntitaal tm tka galak Xya pre Siting af glaaaaa U aaaaaJlad, kalag la 1 aad Adviaa Oaaamltatlaa taadlng. On. Bharea A Special Department for Men. Sfceraa kava a Saarfal Dapartmal aariaatvaty tka traatimwt aad C TORONTO, OTTAWA. MONTREAL. BOSTON. PORTLAND. QUEBEC. And all principal points in Canada and New En gla nd, jvia Detroit and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Through car service from Chicago. Rates of fare and further information from f A. C. SHAW, General Agent Passenger Department 232 South Clark Street. Chicago l, TrrablM, and aU f Kin, Wsmaa ev 919 far a far Oath I didare bu far all Dr. Salt Lake City.; kkNlZkartsNNNNkWsklrtrtnnzkilk Bertelaen Bros, WHO CURE Hi Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, INSIDE. UTIUH sad all euraMa Anth Ilnuti th. Bara Im Threat Stank- - livat, Xldn.yi, ,f ad Bewal Haart DInih, SMa DImmm, OhIbni, Flta, Vrl-tat- Chares HkwunatlM. raWEMIH k Telephones hsve this OUTSIDE. DOCTORS Bulldl, GEO. W. PARKS, hifi "18 TUXEDO! Balt Lake City. H Otherwise you Pure Gold Rings New Home, New Furniture, Elegantly Furnished Room. Single or En Suite. J For Elders, Booklets, Etc, Address! . . BENTON, Ge As P D, Salt Lake City. Hit Opposite Elks' Club, Salt Lake City, 44 8. State St Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Public and Private Bath. Rates Reasonable Independent Phone 2117 QATRBLL Dl F. Walker AND J Co. Alexander-Dlbbl- e Attorney A Counsel er. 6U IruirSrn achea. 2 GORGE. . THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPER8. TO DENVER. Stop Tho.e Head, 230-31-3- ROYAL a over to coffee that pays him profits at the expense cf your heart, stomach and nerves. Cuasilipfl with all rrqunmi ul Law. Cnunnfcc No. 2041, tiod al Vt'uiir;:. THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT STONE CO. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANUFACTURERS. ROLE AGENT8 FOR Concrete Block Machines. Want to establish a plant in every city, town and village In Utah. Block machines from $100 upward Start a small plant and become Independent. Correspondence solicited. P. O. Box 1181. Salt Lake City. lnd Phone 3806-7- . THE k Of SPRINGS. HANDS. Dont let any man switch yo. CYRUS a OF THE GODS. MANITOU TRAINS. m m GAP. of the GUNNISON. CANYON THROUGH m m WHEEL GLENWOOD 8PRINGS. THREE V of the GRANDE CANYON PANORAMA THE WAY. INDUSTRIAL WORKERS v -- v ta k iur evenings, ms s . p. m.; t SALARY LOANS Not only In gait Lake City, but In the whets West. The results of our professional work are bringing to our office men from every state and Territory In tbs West. We use the miscroacope to make our dlugnoala. If you want a permanent cure, consult us. We cure all forms of Blood and Skin Diseases. Nervous Ducliiu- l'li.-Fistula. Kidney. Bladder and all Urinary DIseuM due to Weataew and th.l result cf specific diseases, and all Private Diseases OUR SYSTKM OF TREATING ta superior to ny of fhU and our cures are the result of these methods. We never fall to country, effect a cur. In taka, if you suffer from neglect, from want ofmoney "r P.f; Is an opportunity to get the services of a or from practice-her- o skilled specialist, a graduate physician, with years of ripe experience complicated and apeetef disorder, of MEN ONLY. It will t5 nothing talk to us, and may be the means of restoring you to health and thePdcto verr vnntm. You e WhA."0,al!J0ltarT !t enables many who are afflicted only Pul! to procure tho b!" highest scientific medical assistance. Terms made to suit if necessary, so that anyone need not go without treatment. I ATLAS BLK. 507-- 8 Leading Specialists 9 a. m. to J NO ONE REFUSED MONEY. We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Wr Us About His Ailment. You grt a heaping pound of the five Salt Lake City H. BURTNER D. P. A.. Men For ft I BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND POPULAR Maryevele, Utah. Hours: Into commission. I be enterprise starts active work r favorable circumstances and with 1 Located at the if filtering prospects. lines of railroad, of four large un-I'-- Unm. Itand Patent v Local & Nows Items 1 Iter l, vvmutKMRwwttitititiMstitstsmatstjf report ;imm(oiatAru I i ii: eyor-Qeoero- Bolt Lake City, Utah. or no fa. Write tor oar uiri h'-l- p inventor. to anoaam. Hrnrt model, photo nr iikrtch, and wa Mud on pat- I NT ABILITY. M yean praetloa. Bagla- - s reputation. a 300-30-1 Ingots or the Maj.-reKrts very satisfactory conditions at the mines the above named corporation, piriicu-larlthe (). K. and Harrington-llJckor.mines. Ore thrown on to tin (lump by a former management Is now being shipped at a profit. i, 'lth its new machinery of latest . ern working perfectly; with over d tons of ore on hand to start ..cii. and with an ample supply of I'tah ;. both coal and coke, the -Itlng company baa put Us now Attend to all business before United S tat is Land Offloe, Sur Stats Land Board, State Engineer. Lend scrip bought end sold. D. r. Walker Building, lie Copper company pro--uce- indeed; there will be no panic year, and it would be hard to find materials to construct one for You might as well say year. a horse or cow would starve their barns full of hay or corn as igure out a financial congestion i money metals so very abundant so certainly Increasing. Land Attorney. par-liinc- A. CALIFORNIA L. H. GRAY. U. W. K. Page, the milling engineer. In company with J. M. Keynolds, was down visiting the properties of Hit new llccla company, in Heaver county. Aa stated the other day, this company of local operatora has bough' outright the well known Harris' prop erlies near the famous Cave mine. Mi Page went down In the interests n! some of the incoriKirators of the company who had had no opporiuniiy i Inspect the proposition before going In, and Ills report will set their feuis, If they had any, al rest. ,1. taPgWWPWWWWlWMUMMW Salt Lake City. Kpiilar is going some. Lawrence Townsend of the Kewhoiise company has just come from the mine wiih the Information that the body of high a couple of grade i?re encountered weeks ago on the sixth level has now Ijeon opened in the fourth level. This gives at least 200 feet of bucks on a body of ore at least 60 feet wide no one knows how much bigger it is which live rages better than 15 per cent copiier. Two carloads of the ore have been shlpied which went 28 per cent copper 5 er cent higher ttfun the average of the concent rates which have ordinarily been turned out o9 the Cactua mill. Manager CO. HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, COAL, 324 8outh State St. Wyoming, Nevada. Idaho and From hcmtdI points In the last named states much rich rock hits Kleven been received for treatment. cars from Coldfield, Nevada, were receipted for last week, the metallic contents of which are estimated to lie sonu In value. In addition very high grade copper rock has received, those shipping it lo Ogden assuring the smeller people that mini will soon follow. The new smelter it equlpHd in such a way us to handle everything in the speediest muimei possible, and Indical ions Klnl to It, soon becoming one of tha leading In stltiitlnns of Its kind lu ihe country. - if D. COMMISSION Wholesale and Retail. Mon-tan.- i. ThE LUKE 0. .ater, ear. af all Private Dlacaaaa af Man, vkatkar ky tfarnua nwaare ar reatagtea. maa wka Yeung n.a wka kava kaaa lad aatrey ky had rew.anlaaa - relddla-agahave gana to aaaaaaaa aid bmb rka Aad tkatr area at vigor aoaa aalanaaatea wka all ateare wha ared tka af Blaai Patrea aad hara anntrected diaaaiaa tka vlatl: eauaaal aad aid af azpariaaaad aad kladly phyatetan are astdlafiy lavitad te airmail thla dtpartaaaat aad ha advlaad PXXX Or OHABOa fa aura ta tha rare under DM. SHOXXS' ItODW KXTHOD8 la aU Private Direuai. that yea may anaaga la pay tha fan far a saw la await waakly w mtalkly iaaiBlImrata. aa tha aare eregrcaaaa, as yaa may PAT WHKX OOXXD. HHORE8 IrKrt. Daal adrerHaa nlaa, fae any "ingla ailmant" aad Un akarga ya tea tlmaa aa maak." a. lha amoQnt advartlaad kacauaa tha aaae la Dri. Share. Inn that fa Ua raka Madlaal Dra. Khorea gaaraatea that ana fan para laititutea. for ALL year ailmtnta If they treat year aaae aad that tha faa for a CUBE will bo ehaapar than yaa ran be eared to r clrawh art. Ore. Sham alaa farelih year mad-ieiFREE there I, aa "held ay" far "MedlriBaa aad Taklre mart aftrr yaa have areang-- d Ihe faa. Qaaaka ta iurh tnrVi to rah lha anwary- - - bat Legitimate abhor and danuanea Ihnm Hraara uf any fakir wha kidea bablnd a fake lfadl--- I lint:iBta" barau re ha dare net advaitiaa aadv kii u, n naar. Three mn.t ba a reareator far It. limn Tratmnt Cure. Write Fraa Symytam Liat If yen rannnt rail. free. OFtH'K ltol RE: 9 a. m. ta 9 y. m.; Evening T ta 9; Saadaya aad halldara 10 a. m. ta 13. d aampll-catad- ni Dr. Shores & Shores, Expert Specialists, 249 mu' LakS'ciSutih |