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Show POSTS OF DEM HOTELS AND ROOMING 100 . NOY VAN Discovered by Gov prnmont Experiment. APARTMENT rs. Mary Marriott, PrppM. BY THE DAY. 1 creosote by an exceedingly simple process. The demand for durable posts by ranchmen In the vicinity of Henrys lake haa hitherto been met by the uae of red cedar, but the supply of this species la now completely exhausted. The only native trees at present available for poets are lodgepole pine, aspen, and Douglas fir. quaking Though durability varies with the soundness and dryness of the posts when placed in the ground and with the character of the soil with which they come into contact, In general, aspen posts last from six to ten years, i fir posts from five to seven years, and pine posts only from three to four years. Lodgepole pine without preservative to treatment Is thus too short-live- d make desirable posts nr po. e. The Idea of treating It was suggested by the requirements of forest management on the Henrys lake reserve. Large bodies of dead lodgepole pine, both standing and down the legacy of severe fires in 11)02 are a serious handicap to the forest there. This timber must be got rid of to make room for young growth If the future forent is to be well stocked. Properly treated lodgepole pine should last 20 years, which equals the life of the former favorite, red cedar. By treating the pine, and ihus making It serviceable fur posts, the forest service has found a way of removing the encumbering timber ut a good price and supplying consumers with valuable posts at a reasonable figure. Since the success of preservative treatment has been demonstrated the value-othe wood has risen from 25 cents to approximately 40 cents per cord. The treatment was given lu a tank fitted with steam colls, in which from 40 to DO posts stripped of bark were placed upright. Enough creoaote was then run Into the tank to submerge the butts for r about two and feet, heated to' 200 degrees ftilir., or a little above the boiling point of water at that altitude, and afterwards allowed to cool. timThe large quantity of ber on many of the forest reserves, the pressing need for durable wood, the steady rise In Its price due to the increasing difficulty of obtaining It. and, finally, the ease with which post timber can be treated, indicate that the preservative treatment of timber is to have an Important development throughout the west. This, besides meeting the demands of the people and reducing the drain uion the for est, will lead to the Improvement of conditiona on the reserves and Insure better crops hereafter. It Is the Intention of the forest serv-- . ice to establish experimental treating plants where there are bodies of dead timber on the reserves and a demand for durable wdbd cannot otherwise he met Experimental work will be conducted with xlnc eWorld and other processes as the needs of the different regions and the thorough testing ot each process may require. As a result of the post experiment, it Is understood that a company will take up the treatment of dead lodge-polpine on a commercial scale In the spring. They are satisfied that the simplicity and economy of the open tank process Introduced by the forest service will enable them, with certain modifications of apparatus, to treat and sell not only fence posts, but telephone poles and posts used for irrigation works. They count upon a local - market already in good part developed the fence-pos- t . by the confidence which haa Inspired. experiment three-quarte- fire-kille- d 14 No Rooms by Day Week or Month Real Estate and Loans, Investment, Securities, Trades and Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. 41 West Second Bo. St., Salt Lake City. Utah. 28 West Third South SL, OUR MOTTO: Quick Sales In Real Estate. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, llat your property with us for quick sales. We have the buyers. West First South, ga;t i nV ESTABLISHED w. Second South 1893. Street, city, Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. A. L. Brattaln, Manager. business? For Instance, a saloon, cigar store, restauIf you contemplate such a bargains, guaranteed to be Have you ever thought of getting into grocery store, rant, or, in fact, any business enterprise? move, see me. I have a number of genuine money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department. A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. good paying rooming bouse, BUY a LOT or a HOME before We advise you re prices advance. gardlng localities and make your interests ours. MARINGEll INVESTMENT CO., 40 East Second South Manager "Seeing Salt Lake Cm Cars." Salt Lake City Has Caught Her Stride. (From Goodwins Homes for rent and sale. prices. Easiest terms.. Salt Lake City. Lowest Main St. 251 FOR REAL ESTATE See Peterson Real Estate Investment Co. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates Old reliable and agenev. Correspond or call. 330 So, Main St, Balt Lake City. Utah. LOCAL MANUFACTURERS CARD8 SMOKE THE BEST. BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W 3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. have established a plant fettlithis most popular drink and we want an agent in every town in Utah to handle It Good profits. Write ns at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Bottling Co. We ng Coca-Col- a P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. BOY8 AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH Many bright boys and girls are making 85 weekly after school working for us. If you want the same chance, send us your name and address and we will send you 93 worth of our quick-sellin- g Household Specialties. When sold, send us 81 end keep 81 for yourself, You can do this in one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. H. Groesbeck A Co, Sprlngvllle, Utah. And others, when they make money Weekly.) In our home mines look Did you hear a whistle Just now, and note how beautiful Is about them the situation and do you hear a bell ringing ? of the clty and exclaim: "Men dream was on That the whistle the great of having monuments when new locomotive Progress, and it is shall have died, I will build mine they here her hell that Is ringing. while I am yet alive, and so they buy They mean that a new time table lota and make plans and It la in this has been adopted and if you do not year of ur Lord 1907, that those mon-hurr-y umenta are going to begin to mater-you will not get aboard. Bd that ,B why we raise the most It is a magnificent train that aboard or ou w11 1)0 the new locomotive Is hauling. It has last year's Increased values , on board and is on the way to make a ,e ,t,rain B already moving; the of the locomotive are but respirations display of them to the world. ,t,he throbbing life of the What are they ? Why, you must be aa ec which now rings out a t,.e a stranger. A gold Increase over 1904 , will for you, lest you got of 83.0GO,000; a sliver increases of a farewell, if you do not $2,000,000; a copper Increase of $2,- 000,000; a mercury increase of 14,- - huJ'P for the great train Is already In 000. This In the metal line. But P10011 and n another day will be there Is plenty more, In sugar, in wool, Jf wut;, which Is the Shoshone for e' In livestock, and 83,000,000 in the In- Beautiful upon toe mountains are creased value of real estate In Salt the feet ot 111111 that bringeth good Lake City. There Is another difference In this tidings, and now no other tidings are brought Listen to the message last item A ywr ago th values being m on our wlrelesa: , were dreaming were latent-pe- ople from Park City: "Better and bet- Increment now the ofan unearned values arTactive and the man who ter. This year we will eclipse the puts off a purchase until tomorrow jjat The Silver King has become an will pay more than he would have to Einperor. From Bingham: "Do not bother pay She has turned That is, too boom is on. That is tou( Bingham. the sharp edge upward what this train with the Locomotive wedged-ahapeand all the work done is but an ern- Progress attached to it means. And if you do not get aboard your eat ot far mightier works in the ten years hence, will be tore. From Cottonwood: We have wait telling of the mistake you made. Because you must know that the ad- - ed Tong, 1907 Is to bring us reallxa-vanc- e In the mines has only Just be- - tion. Fro Stockton and Ophir: This gun and, for it all, Salt Lake Is the year we are going to surprise you. clearing house. From Beaver: "Hurry up your new When on the morning of Austerlitx the sun rose In glory over the Car pa- - furnaces, or we will swamp you with thlan Mountains, Napoleon, who was ore. From Newhouse: "We will this riding with his staff, stretched out his sovereign hand and said: "Behold yoar put aside some millions to com the sun of Austerlitx, and the awed plete those 10 and 12 story buildings to Balt Lake." staff doffed their chappeaus. tl Is like that here. When now, at From Old Ploclie: "Redemption is dawn, the rising sun turns to purple nigh. Walt until our little road is and gold, the snows on the lordly War completed from Caliente and see for old Pioche. satch range, that is the sun of Salt Becond-birt- h From Ely: "Before this year is out Lake, presaging triumps greater than were achieved at Austerlltz( for it has Ely will make other copper camps come to the knowledge of men that all seem second class and all our milliun this great region. Utah, with her cop- - alres will want residences In Salt City. per and gold and silver and lead and From Goldfield, Manhattan. Rhyo-wool and sugar, turns to this city as Hte, Tonopah, Yerlngton and Fair- point of adjustment. We, before toe year Is out, More, half Nevada feels the same view: way, and is bringing hither her gold will make Salt Lake what Jerusalem was In Solomon's day when gold was and her silver. The railroads that center here can- - soplentlful that men no longer made not do the work assigned them, and any account of silver. The air of Salt Lake Is filled with more are coming. The new smelters are being hurried the ringing of the joy bells of lr-td completton lo meet the Increasing represslble business; this train ed by Progress is compassing the land for reduction works. As men in the mines grow rich they and the fame of It fills all the space are saying, "We must find a place between the seas, Its smoke by day 1b a cloud; its with great schools, great churches, theatres, stores, libraries, a good ell- - headlight by night Is a pillar of fire mate and joyous surroundings for the pointing all men of the desert to this children. city as a Mecca where the banners Instinctively they turn toward Salt of Hope light all the air, and where has all they want the temples of a marvelous fruition Lake, for Salt and still Is so near that they can run are about to begin to soar upward In in, make a visit, and return, before marble and In steel. Get aboard or surely you will be left. they are missed. aoai, to-da- Frank Y. Taylor. Moses W. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Sail City, Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the best investment in the world. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest In the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange. CARDS. LOCAL MANUFACTURERS ur. birojri French Tansy Tablets. An ac- wltn quaintance these tablets will result In a pleasant surprise to suffering women. The ladles' safeIn cases guard. of poinful or sup-' " Pressed menstrua tion THEY SUCCEED. Price, 13.00 per box. At all drug otores or mall, securely sealed. Doull Drug by. Co., ssk Main, Balt Lake City. Utah. V CPAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of ron fences, Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Copper In all the Latest Finishes. Write for Prices. State St Salt Lake City DRINK. 627-29.3- 1 TEA. o Mrrrrrrrvri;rrjiirii!yitgiiil V MAXHELD VINEGAR - Manufacturers of J PURE FOOD a Factory: head-deman- Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO, N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. Doles Out 83 a Week In Coppers to His Wife. PAHMlEr BVRISIAN THE NEW YORK DY& WORKS SALT LAKE CITY. 55 W. fleeced South. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 00 NOOMO avsnv suits with bath HOT ANO COLD WATEfV IN BVBRV ROOM RATIS RBASONABLS ALEX J. STRATTON, formerly Clerk of Calls HISTORIC WORCESTER. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE OBNTNALLY LOO AVID. H HLOOK WBOT OP POST OFPICe 48 o Betel, Proprietor. Designs Copyrights Ac. On See the the Labels L John by Lake, and A M. Ask M. your Asross Maniac srtstrb addseertgUoiaray ear Cileklr ssssruln is probably pslantaMx HANDBOOK oa'hum Mont strictly sonSdsritlsI. . OMsst aaency tor sseuniiapstaata. Patents taken taroeth Mona Ik rscsltt not lea, without chanra, la the SW t Scientific American. ban (homely flhtstnuwl weekly. Tarrant r letnsmsl. Terms, e a of any year: fnsr months. 3L SoM by all newscast- - y A ssletHHi ROMNEY AND RYAN, LINOTYPE US. Ml SOUTH VEST TEMPLE ST. SALT UKE CITY. The I.ergret MrpreBtet Llastypr Pleat Went wf China an. Type Pvttlag from Agate tw llea Promptly aad Skllfwlly. Special Edltloaa, Tax l.lnta, Hrlrfx aad Pmptrlm a A Full l.lae af Marhlae Harder A I way a aw Ilaad. Write metre. Address P. a. Bax 1U1, Salt Lake City. Bell Phone All 82.50. You get the Idea? Culver's skates take the place of a 82.00 pair of leer and a 93.00 pair of rollers and rot-, just half as much. t BtNGnrc COS, The idea is most simple. The Kind-- foot- rests of Culver's Combination skate? are used for both. The icebladex and rollers are detachable. Can be put on or taken off in exSKATE COMPANY. Now, young man, there is an ad. that will bring business. Am 1 right, my boy. am 1 right? "Why, yes, sir, answered the secre- MARKET STREET SALT LAKE OITY Manufactured Reeves Co., Salt Indorsed by the Ass'ii of Utah. Grocer. w Good morning, sir, answered the secretary. "What's the matter this morning, my boy, questioned the promoter; what are you looking so sad about? "Why why, air, I slipped," replied The walks were icy and I Simpkins. fell down, sir; It shook me up considerably. "You ought to wear skates, laughed the colonel. For a few minutes the olfice was quiet. Then the promoter said: "Speaking of skates reminds me, Simpkins. Do you skate?" "Why yes, sir," replied the secretary, "I may say 1 do at times, that is. I can, but I don't. 1 don't have ton time, sir." "Well, my boy," continued Culver, you should skate at any rate. A bracing dash on a pair of steel runners is the greatest of tonics. I saw that to a skate ad. the other day, young man, and 1 believe it. Skating Is popular these days, isnt It, young man? "Why, why, yes sir, I may say it is," ventured Simpkins. But, sir, roller skating is really more popular." "Roller skating. O, yes," mused the promoter. "Quite a winter sport, too. Lots of people skate on the Ice to the afternoon and then go down to some hall and roller skate at night. Am I right, my boy, am 1 right? "I may say that you are, sir, came the reply. "The two sports are interchangeable and usually when one does the one he does the other, too. "Skates are exjiensive, aren't they?" the promoter broke off again. "Why, yes, sir, answered Simpkins, "I may Bay they are. llul roller skates cost more money, sir. continued Culver, Yes, they do, but at. most of the rinks the roller skates are rented. People, as a rule, don't own them. Now, young man, renting is expensive. It costs 25 cents to use these rollers for two or three hours. During a season a man would probably spend $5 or 9$ Just for rent. Of course, it comes In small bunches and isnt noticed, but the fact remains. Most people own their own ice skules, but they seldom think of buying rollers, because they cost more and aren't used as often. The greatest Now, to continue. fault hardware dealers find with this line of merchandise la that they have to carry it over from season to season. These articles are not quick sellers. My idea, my boy. Is to make them quick sellers and alto reduce the price and generally benefit the skating public. It is most simple, my boy. Take any ordinary lea skate. The makeup Is simple. A foot rest, with shoe attachments and a blade. Is all that Is necessary. Take the ordinary roller skate. Tho foot rest practically Is the same. The rollers make the only noticeable difference. Now, my idea simply Is this; I will patent a roller attachment for the common ice skate. That will give it a double use and a double selling capacity. Tl will tickle the dealer and appeal to every user of skates. It is a great Idea. Am 1 right, young man, am I right? Why, why, yes, sir, ventured Simpkins, "but how, sir, will you put It on the market? That will be easy, laughed the promoter. "Easiest thing lu toe world. It will put itself on the market There will be no difficulty at all. Take a dictation, young man, a dictation. The promoter dictated. Do you skate? "In other words, do you akate-e- r not-- ' "That is a poor Joke, almost no Joke at all. It la something like our competitors skates In that respect. There are three kinds of skates not human, mechanical, meaning skates. "First, ice skates. "Second, roller skates. Third, Culver's Combination skates. "You get the idea? Culvers skates are both Ice and roller skates. There are three standard prices on. skates. First, ice skates, 82.00. Second, roller skates. 83.00. Third, Culver's combination skates actly 30 seconds. You see the saving?" "CULVER COMBINATION EUROPEAN THE Thadc Marne NEW end West! REMEMBER. If your .local merchant does not carry in stock Temple Brand Garments, Fiuims Head Sweaters, 8e-gLily underwear, send your orders to the sole manufacturers, Salt Lake Knitting Works. MATTRESS. EVERYTHING VINEGAR. 720 South Second Telephone 979-- x COTTON TELT SALT LAKE CRTYS EOT EL CO, wrr rrrwvwvrsFarwrararrrReBr uUn New York. MU." We have all kinds of investments In real estate and we wri'e all kinds of insurance. YOUNG & YOUNG. General Insurance, Real Estate and Salt Loans, 202 Whitingham Btk Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. a er James Brown, saloonkeeper at The Forge, Brook Haven, on Long Island, near Southhampton, pays hia wife 83 weekly alimony. He pays it In pennies. Every Saturday he appears at the office of former Justice George W. Hil dreth with a hag full of coppers, dumps them on the office desk and makes a fair count before the eyes of the Justice. Sometimes, when he can t get 300 pennies, he puts in a nickel. If It la a grim jqje. the saloon keeper does not admit it by word of smile. . He says he does business In pennies, and it Is handy to use (hem In allopathic doses when paying alimony. Mrs. Brown, who has three small children to support, accepts the nippers in the same outward spirit they are given. "Never scold him.' she tells Mr. Hildreth. "I am glad enough to get them, and If penulea are his butiness me1 dium. they lire my hard cash. would' know bow to spen I s dollar GEO. M. MeCONAUGHY, Salt Lake City, Utah. e PAYS ALIMONY ALL IN PENNIES. REAL ESTATE CARDS. Richter estate A. ing. dle-ease- s. Third South Street, centa to 3 00 per day. Telephone 1699. all Modern Ita Appointments -- f 75. "Good morning, Simpkins," said Col. Culver to his secretary, as he came down to the office one icy morn- Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure for drunkenness and the opium There Is no publicity, no sickness. Ladles treated as privately as at their own homes. The Keeley Institute. 334 W. Bo. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. HOTELraETROPOLE,Room CWMUTin HITE CMFMU y ROBERT O. BROWN. THE KEELEY CURE. 4 4 4 4$ 35 Eaat TIE 0 e -- OF A PROMOTER 91-6- Week or Month. and Rates 50c, 75c, per Day. . . . 44M West First South SL, Salt Lake City. Bell Phone 5198 Red. fire-kille- d Saloon-Keep- ROOMS 91-0- C- - Throughout Washington. An' experiment In the X A. Van Mrs. Noy, Proprietress. treatment of dead preservative pine for fence posts, Just comIndependent Phone 1424. pleted by the forest service, on the 262 South Main St Henrys lake forest reserve In Idaho, Steam Heat and Baths; Electric Light has given results of economic value both to the people of the community and to the forest service. It has demonstrated that lodge pole pine Is well adapted to treatment with lodge-pol- FURNISHED NEATLY HOUSE, New and Elegantly Furnished GLADSTONE HOTEL. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 119 South Mai Bt Salt Laka City. Keaciy turuiabed rooms oy tne flay, Week or Month. Rates, 50 cents to per day. Sp&lal rates by tha day, week or month. Strictly First Class. trio Lights. HOUSES. PIPE DREAMS THE MIDLAND! d Preserved With Creoaote by a Cheap Preceaa It Fulfills All Require Monte HOTELS AND ROOMING WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Labe City. . .Located ta the heart the sM?. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, dean rooms, Flrst-daa- s In every respect Steam, heat Else LODGEFOLE PINE IS WELL ADAPTED. FIRE-KILLE- HOUSES. wf Kxcratrd Sper-lalty- far Edi. Stir. It seems to me, sir, that the Idea Is most practical and can he . easily worked out Well, my boy. you're righL agreed the promoter. "It will revolutionise the skating world. "Another thing, young man, that will help a great deal Is this: Roller skating Is being revived. This year there will be more roller skates sold than there have been for years. Next year there will he twice as many sold, and they'll all be Culver's. You see the beauty of the combination, young man. .f it?" Chicago yon see the Tribune. tary. j |