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Show ) ( i v 'ft J 1 i ?. r- -t Official Paper of The United Republicans of Utah . , i l)t RtttftljRepublteiiti Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday, March Vol. If. deed lie well along the highway ol (lie Industrial and llnanclul greatnesB which belong to us. E EDITORIALS MERCUR 17, ' 1907. No. 7. MENTION8. February Jtidi. 53 cents was asked Foil. Mercur stock and 47 cents bid. In llosiou 125 shares sold at St) ecu is. lor Slurkton Sentinel. Some or i be iiupcrx occasionally mention the coming or the big comet in a scary sort or connection. Fudge! copThursday, 7 Silver. 68 Mrs. Anderson and her daughter hose heavenly tramps are, next to a lead, $6. per, 24 have returned to Nephl after Norn, News Deseiel the thinnest editorial, copper, Friday, 8 Silver, 68 Mrs. Thus. dnugluer, things going; one of ihein (Ihe corn- visiting her 24 lead. $6. Howarth. Hie past, winter. IT it wouldn't, hurt earth the els) 68 9 enji-peSliver. Saturday, bumiied right up against our sphere, 24 lead. 96. The ingot shaft ff being got luto which it won't. Itesldes. this particuahnie preparatory to prospecting the Stop one won't he lar till the visible middle Sunday. 11 Silver, 69c; copper. or 19 It). level. There are good realead, $6. sons to bellevn good results will fol24c; Tuesday, 12 Silver, 68c; cupper. Mllfuril Times. low. lead, G. 4 Whether pending movements in 24c; 13. Silver. 68 Wednesday. I Iml. direction Tlie till insi., I .non shares of or accomplish anything lead, $.00. copper, 24 sold at 9 cents a share. The not, tt is sincerely to lie lioiied the shares of Ingot sold coal situation will be no worse next same day THE COMMISSION QUESTION. winter. cents a share and 3.onn at 7 That one thing Is bad ai 6 cents. enough. Milford Tillies 4 .4 I The proposition to run the chler Alin ' l . Ingot w$is hid in ai 5 cents on Moncommlxslon'of a case now The Thaw state of the by being practicity ihe 2iith. and a.nno shares limited numbers, is one that is of gen- cally ended. If not actually so by the day. hands at iliai price. The changed should as scheme the if lime this reaches its readers, we can lowest hid was I eral interest, was and ." it successful lie applied and prove look forward with interest to the next asked. would be extended to all the other criminal with sensation wealthy .4 P municipalities of course. At this time. actors, Fad I'relile made a Hying trip lo without the benefit of local experiHe the metropolis on Suui'day. ence to base conclusions on, all com- Mnlf Ciiiinnil. of the from service railway speaks to as much is on ment the subject llari'lmnn'H testimony in the railg to Fairfield in very be said on one side as the other. The way Invest Igatlon would in places Salt l,akt terms. condesirableness of such a form of read like that of a crank, if he were 4 ,4 trol has good and bad features, these not so wealthy and isiwerful ns to preIngot stuck is geueiously distribuconother somewhat upon clude such a conclusion. depending ted through local investment circles, ditions which may or may ont exist. and considerable interest is centered as the Sturkiiin Scntlml If the case Is in equlllbrio, upon i lie company's activity, as it is Hurry up some of those, big prise deemed certain that, the recent delawyers would say unquestionably the proper thing is to treat the sub- fights! Society is becoming stagnant velopments upon Us Idg neighbor, the ject as one for discussion only for for want or that particular form of ( onsolidated Mercur, have shown another two years at least. i cry clearly where the resources are we are see wherein Is difficult to It to be expected. to receive much if any benefit by cutting down the number of MERCUR NEWS FROM LAST WEEK A WINDING TRAIL Jamestown Exposition. and executives from a score or more to three or four. The Roman triMrs. Alma Swenxcn ,was umvirate was more mischevious than antimony in the United States, and the akc visitor this week. were the decemvirs and these could ore is the most nearly pure. It assays ITEMS. COUNTY BEAVER 4 jt concoct more deviltry within a given James White went to Salt Lake as high as 75 and 80 per cent antitime than the republican assembly metot is carload a Cactus The sending Saturday, where it is reported he mony and is nixed with no other was able, apparently, to think of. als sulphur. The quality is MARBLE SPRING WHISKEY, (In There never was and never can be a high grade copper concentrates to the married a charming Salt Lake girl. said except by experts to be even better than Up to that time he was mixologist at infamous and smelters every day. Bulk A Bottled In Bond) more pronounced. of Ihe . Japanese antimony. .4 Hie Oquiirh Bar. The proprietor, that is gaining new friends every day. bloody reign of terror than that come cents One dollar twenty-fivlie and town left had for good thinking Wont you try itf For Sale Everyparatively modern one of the French s the price asked for Horn Silver replaced hint by engaging the ELECTRIC SPARKS. where. triumvirate; those choice spirits. Dan-to- was of Doc Chinaman.'' Marat and Robespierre, could en- stock in Salt Lake last Monday. RIEGER A LINDLEY, J .4 The democratic senators arc said Jl J The Whiskey Merchants." act a rule of public conduct, create or Mr. Deni, secretary and treasurer to be considering the advisability of Manager llanchetr says more men vacate an office and cut off a bead Salt Lake City. This are at needed Newhouse. wi Gold of to a leader the without company, Ingot Mining trying get along Sole Dletributore. with equal facility; and while it is all Beaver true of our be to senate. in seem that if stated would as county tbe It the company expects hardly to be supposed, that we would camps ere spring has fairly oppned. begin operations on the: first of Hltoy might, the party not having be in Imminent or even remote dan4 i. I W Griffin cf BMfLalce Thf.ed auy thftig more than trailer v Mtr:h, ' Vf 2T of jrlft!u Into suph a condition of "things as that, it is still an ob- 'ManafctiKTafayette llanchett of the City, the vice president of the Ingot therefor a good many years. interests Thursday night company, will make a visit to the ject lesson worthy of consideration. Newhouse There is no especial danger in the made a thorough inspection of the property at Mercur within the next Germany, it is announced, is unwilfew days, and upon selecting the be?t ling to discuss disarmament at the property and particularly the grei Niagara river if you are far enough bodies now of ore are rich that copper spot upon which lo begin develop- Hague conference. And Germanys either way from the falls; but if opened np on the 600 level find ment work the management will pro no will offset all the other naabove, it matters not how far, if no being widen about fifty tons are being cecd at once with the campaign. tion's talk. attention is given to the natural pro- from . of the gress of things a situation that is dan- dally sent to market. . ,4 .4 V. Accompanied by Director A. The complaint is made that it is gerous if not fatal, is upon you before It was in Sail Manreported Ijike during Chesterton of Boston. General you are aware of it. The moral of costing Texas $5o.0UU to investigate this being that tyranny grows by the first of the week tlmt the "Lint- - ager George H. Dern went to Salt Senator Bailey. Weil, they cau l hold what is feeds on. Besides, and heav- ited" had been called off and all trains Lake Monday evening. The object that againsl the senator, he did his en forbid that this should have any were run only as far as Milford on of Mr. Chesterton's visit to Utah at best to prevent it. Recognizing that there now exists tablisbiuent of religion or prohibiting line. This is a false re- this time Is to make his usual inpresent local application three men the through ns In been have trains tlie State of Utah a condition of the five exercise thereof; no religious port, of the Consolidated Mercur A Milwaukee contemporary says "a running spection come cheaper than fifteen, but for regularly to Acnma, Nevada, and will property. be being one of the large steamer ought to be able to get out affairs political unparalleled In any Hist shall lie required as a quallflca-Stat- e goodness sake dont say we told you. run further as fast as Ihe road is stockholders in (he cnmpnny. Mr. of tne way quicker than a schooner." in the Union, which condition Is tion for any office of public trust, or for them to do so. Dern stated yesterday that this faith- Nothing in this world can gel out of ready UTAH'8 IRON WEALTH. of much recrimination for any vote at any election; nor shall ful old dividend pawer was going Ihe way quicker than a seauonnr In productive Its citizens and which has any person ho Incompetent as a at among ahead full ANNIE LAURIE. capacity at the present Milwaukee. Mercur Miner. time, and that there was little out especially sundered those feel- - ness or juror on account of religious Occasional reference has been made of the ordlnnry to report for The King of Italy is a great in these columns and elsewhere to Front The Tribune. tugs of amity which should and must belief or the absence thereof, but unless he has a few exist In a State and Ita communities, Richfield. John F. Cox, manager THERE SHALT, HE NO UNION OF the immensity and general excellence trusts and life insurance companies, we reel that the time has come for CHURCH AND STATE. NOR SHALL of the iron deposits of the county, of the Annie Laurie Mining company, cm the side, he can never heiximc BAND CONCERT. Business ANY CHURCH DOMINATE THE such condition to change. which adjoins Beaver on the south accompanied by his wife, on his way real captain of industry. STATE OR INTERFERE WITH ITS and which obtained Its name from from Salt Lake to Kimberly, has been interests, the right of No pphllc money or The concert given by the Kemp's and all those things which make com- - FUNCTIONS. Being compelled to lay over here for a few that superabundant metal. An Indiana man threw a handful of inunltieH and Individuals successful proiwrty shall be appropriated for or thus a near neighbor of Milford, it days on account of the illness of Mrs, juvenile band last week was of a very is reasonable to suppose that somei Fox. As will be noticed by refer- high order, considering the time the giant powder into 'the stove to clean demand that such change should applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction or for the sup- Quite a out the pipe, so we art informed. It ecute. measure, if not a full one, of commer- ence to the advertising columns of boys have been organised. also the chimney and Hie roof The Republican party lias ever been lxrt or any ecclesiastical establish-bi- g cial sympathy exists between the the Tribune, all the Annie Laurie number of selections were rendered did of the house. enough and strong enough and mnt. No property qualification shall points, and this alone, if there were company's property on Gold Mountain by the hand each and every one beIf Mark Twain doesn't quit chasing be is to be sold under an order of the ing well received, judging by the wo other considerations, would good enough to right every hold office, except as provided In this inherently around this country In a white llau wrong In and nut of the party and to Constitution." enough to make us deeply concerned United States Circuit court for the verdict of the audienre. We Iwdieve in the equality of man Several vocal selections were ren- nel suit with the thurnioineter toying deal In generosity with ' every men- In all that relates to the present and district of Utah. Mr. Fox explained future of that vast resource of wealth. (hat this affair should be no reflection dered by members of the band which round zero mark, some of those ace that ever rnnfmnted a State or and the right to worship God accord-:h- e alienists are going to get him. Union. .Relieving that conditions ing to the dictate of conscience, This might be regarded as a selfish upon the property. It la the only were excellent. We recognize that, as American in Utah that Jeopardize the Quite a large nixed audienced were sort of feeling, and undoubtedly a quick and practical way old Annie prevuil It is said that Andrew Faruegie is and material' welfare Izens, church leaders as well as lay certain percentage of selfishness ob- ' aurie Mining company could be present and about $40.00 was realized. about happiness to make a gift that will cause or the Slate, the Reptile members ot church organizations Personal checks were received tains in all the transactions of man- wound up and the property go into Mr. Rockefeller's $32.0OO,()uu to look of the people lioan pariy. lo ho true to its Ideals, have a legal right to aspire to and kind; but with this understood, the tbe hands of a new eoneern which from Dr. L. G. Thayer and Hon. Geo. like cents. this the time By must meet and overcome these coiull- hold olitieal office, hut we deem it feeling becomes one of generosity, of would lie in a position to wiie out H. Dern for the benefit of the boys cruel thirty warfare is over, wo fear the tiotis. Only action within the party unwise and detrimental to the best as such things go. the present obligations and enter upon and to assist in securing uniforms. can bring about such results, and for Interests of the state for high chnrch-tha- t because the development and commer- a new era of development. Judge A. II. Dunleavy addressed the price of oil will be about $L9K a or any denomination to become Iron countys chief of people and urged everyone to encialising purtsise this organization is now men for such office or use their candidates effected. source of coming wealth means much courage and help the band. Do You Yant WorkT A Chinaman came very near being influence in behalf of ecclesiastical th4 tore sanctity that nrtv Tin for the whole state and every body WORK FOR EVERYBODY. his of lynched in Wyoming, because believe that such action We and others. of fabric the from slavery therein. law MARYSVALE interests MENTIONS. having Teamsters, laborers. Always Wanted windows' with interfered the laundry of the constl-a- s the lo Is world the spirit before stand to it new some contrary now and then peocaused We Furnish All Kinds of Help. Every race and union, the washing above problem and quoted, and tutioual provision a crime against Christianity Tuesday Representative Long in- i lie color line play no particular ple or new concern has the matter DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. exist-Stai- e made of the entrenched doctrine of further that it endangers the in hand and we are led to suppose 62 East First South, Salt Lake City troduced a bill in the house making es-- ence of political parties and tends to and a heresy an for glaring that thereafter things will begin to Bell Pbone 1872-X- . lights certain appropriation highways Ind. 'Phone nw themselves in Piute County. The same day Senmove; but In spite of all these notes Dr. Wiley Bays man should eat one tablished in lieu thereof an Indfssolu- disinferraie the churches e man man by and of aid against without array movement the the of cheerful States, of ator Johnson Introduced a similar hill per cent of Ills weight every day. hie union A HINT TO THE INVESTOR. warning, of conscience, dictates to the with to Is able Ing It is pretty cope in the senate. Both were referred to But how can Secretary Taft afford does not materialise. agencies To the end that the Constitutional well understood that metals of any on highways and that at his present salary? any evil that may confront the Rcpub- Lake Real Estate is tne Barest, the committee salt Provision above quoted shall become Ite or anv portion of it. kind in their native state, with the surest and best thing to bny hr the bridges. and a living law and thnt the principles Mrs. Thaw has had a respite from Therefore, while reaffirming 4 ,4 exception of unhampered gold, are of whole wide west. It is cheap, too - Micron shall govern the actions of to the prinour e the allegiance no avail as a commercial factor; they far cheaper than it should be, considwitness The antimony mines are about forty-fivstand, but what about the declaring in 'he State of tl-afwe Republican rest number of the of the country? Republican party, pro- ering resources, geographical location, elides of have to undergo a miles southeast of Marysvale. the RFll'BLI-Fonslitutio- n I SITED we. the 4. Utah 1. Section cesses each entailing labor, expense, rapidly developing firm and endorse Article nearest railroad station. There is oar every region, tributary UTAH.' P edge OF or In Utah. ot the State It looks like a race from now on, FNS which only those who are in posses- climate and the attractions of Salt plenty of timber and water for power of such the to accotiipllshment effort between follows: as Rockefeller and sion of thn means can supply; and and its The are Carnegie, roads entirety, milling puritoaes. Tbe country around about lb conscience of 4. which shall purpose. The live more the die iron and to rights than 0 any far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake good and. in fact conditions general this relates longest OF I' TAIL shall never be Infringed. The State UNITED REPUBLICANS Chairman. other of the metals of commerce. must and will catch up, and while It Is l.v favor the mining on a large scale Hie poorest. S Nouns. Briar. esan law no respecting shall make The working must be on a large scale, catching up is when values will double of this rather rare metal for which From the language used on both to marketable, articles is the most and good money be made. the uses are rapidly increasing. It is evident that the revolver sides. . solid and vndtfng to which it can .4 , TO ANY LADY The Utah Antimony rompnny has has fallen into Innocuous desuetude he put. All tntPyiron kings are Elder Joseph Lovett Ford of of the tnost stable 'characKane county, Utah, arrived in mill at in Texas. plans completed for a fifty-toMarch 4. on his re- Interested In Fancy Work that will the property in Garfield county, which ter and so we continue to hope that of Chancellor Day says that the poor Salt I .akc City 'Southern Stale mis send us 12 cents and the ninte R. & on the rroni their the hilllons awaiting sn opportunity proppurpose turn they building are lazy and drink too much. The wo will send our A ssayers and Chemist, two other ladies, 2S Nov. sent was he which have to come forth from the ground of to erty right, away. Thay already Is energetic and talks too sion. catalogue and a set of six a 1 warding house, assay of- Chancellor our southern neighbor will not have lie was assigned to labor In tinlit Il,W. Temple St, Batt Lakeg completed much. Dollies. Standard Nov. Standard was hut time fice. ore house and stahhs and superto wait much long''?." smith California conference, City. on account o Co.. T. O. Box 564, Salt Iike City, home cond return intendent's and to drive forci the investments heavier and the monquarters A can of asparagus recently Write for Mailing Seeks. Utah. structed a road from the mine to the d in Washington ey thus put out is slower In returning and raised anarchis-imill. This rnnvpany has cnnsidt-rah- l than from almost any other nvenne In fears. Is this a joke on the pure ore exposed, hut will not attemot ree-uI- t iood law or not ? which it cm be pineed. m that DENVER EXCURSION. Fitieen assays or analyses for $3. Oil production until its mill iR compoor man with an irrn mine that he Gold. We will implicate any piece of work 8tlver, l,ead. Copper, Iron. Zinc pleted. cant sell is quite ns poor ns before. A Chicago office hoy looking for a done by the reputed best denMst (n and Calcium round trip, $23.65. Limit Manganese. .4 .4 March However. eMiiiyile as we'.l ns pre- Sllcia, Job. was asked whether he used profor 30 per cent less than the Utah" Write for particulars. 2'Mh. Diverse routes. Through There is every indication tlrr fane cept hits shown that with tbe natural O kin March He by him. All work done language. charged replied price Observation rullman cars via Colora- under a written guarantee. resources at bond in sufficient avail THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICAL i'th's antimony ramp. rImmii s.v'"-mileir necessary." He the place. got RESEARCH CO, do Midland Railway. southeast of Coyote, Garfield able volume, the outlay of capital MECHAM DENTAL CO.. Yours trely. Millions for education." says Rockne'cessiray to the working of such Analytical and Consulting Chemists reunty, is lo lie a permanent and tiro-o- i 65 Main St.. , L. Railroad 54 H. HARDING, Building, rous mining district. The district, efeller. not one cent for the small properties suit reducing their nrodiiet General Agent. it is said, has the largest deposit a Denver, Colo, U. S. A. Salt Lake dty. competitor." Is once instituted, we will the in METAL MARKET. 1 r, 4mi-fiK- it 3-- 2 flat-terin- law-make- ter-vice- n, - . . - . Declaration of Prinicples . United Republicans." I ! wit-mo- re r, J c, publlc-splritednes- arous-outsid- - e -- Ka-nab- n H. Officer Co., Yir-n4- s o I |