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Show A. D. TOBIN, ELECTRIC SPARKS. Hon. John Barrett. Utah Dental Co., Furniture House nomin-te- s New The Chicago Record-Heral- d and Second Hand Furniture Chancellor Day aa the personal Sold and Exchanged. Bought, of Baroda. d visor of the Gaekwar Home for Comfort Ranges Agents Vliat has that paper got aglnst the and Supplies laukws. 33 West First South I.mt It about time mat the preal-lon- t SALT LAKE CITY were hearing from Harrlman Bell 1287-Ind. 783 Phones, with is damming tow he getting along (Mention this paper.) up the Colorado River, which has .ioiii iisninivl the country. We sre expecting the defense In the Thaw trial to move that the Jury be drawn rrom the insane asylum, on the i henry that a man must be tried by s jury of his peers. A Minnesota woman shot five times at a burglar nnd hit her plate glass mirror every time. Of course, she had to look into the mirror to see if her pistol was held straight If senator Foraker only knew it the negro is a good deal more concerned with holding office, than he Is with upholding the Brownsville M. (kart I 114-11- FREE US am, b.1 The decision of the. N. Y. Supreme court that a streetcar transfer must he issued on a transfer, will enable a man to hold onto a strap all day for a nickel. by Umterwoori 6 UndtrwMod, M. T. BUrfuRrapli, Our former minicter to Colombia, juet appointed director of the International Bureau of American Republics to which Andrew Carnegie has donated over a half million dollars for a new building to be erected in Washington. Mr, Barrett has filled several important diplomatic positions, among them are: the position of Minister to Slam, settling by arbitration claims involving three million dollars and securing first exact interpretation foreign extraterritorial jurisdiction, Asiatic countries; undertook several diplomatic commercial investigations in Japan, Corea, Siberia and India; war correspondent in the Philippines in 1898; was Minister to Argentina and Panama prior to his appointment In Bogota, Colombia. WGVS RUN Since I lie congressmen raised their own salaries, you eiin't convince them that Ihe country isnt getting along all right. FOR Is IrunsniiUed by spur pinions oil crank shufts (o pinions on Ihe front end of the driving shafts. On Ihe rear end of these driving shafts arc atMounted on Sleds, the Machine Hauls tached bevel pinions which mesh In Great Loads of Logs Has Novel large bevel gears running on quills on the main bearing. Traction Device 6peed of ' These bevels also have a spur gear Five Miles an Hour. attached to them which carries the Minneapolis, Minn. A new and isiwer through an intermediate gear powerful snow locomotive for use in and another spur gear to the shaft of large part in hauling logs in the the rear sprocket s, the rear being the All gearing is cut pineries of northern Minnesota, Wis- driven sprocket. consin and other northwestern states from solid steel. The runner castings, 'has been built and put into service. sprockets, tread chains and all 'parts A portable boiler, firebox pattern. Is subject to severe strain are made mounted on a heavy channel iron from a high grade or cast steel and are frame which extends from the extreme built for severe work. The cab Is fitted up In the usual lofront to the rear of the machine. The channels support the rab and the coal comotive style, each engine having tender. A water tank is carried under quadrant and level for reversing. The the boiler on the same frame. The regular type of locomotive throttle Is latter In turn Is supixirted by the used. These engines weigh about 15 tons heavy traction wheels lit the rear and by the sled in front. The boiler is ten without coal or water and about 18 feet In length, 35 Inches in diameter, tons when ready for, the road. With 200 pounds of steam pressure they detubes 1 Inches. Four cylinders are provided for velop alwut 100 horsepower and have transmitting power. These are at-- t a speed Of from four to five miles an ached in pairs, two engines on each hour. side of the boiler, lxilted to the frame When the roads are well graded and and boiler In an upright position. Iced these engines will handle from Bach pair of engines Is equipped with seven to ten heavy logging sleds. Sev eral engiues hauled CO, 000 feet ot reversing link motion. The traction device consists of two green hemlock and hard wood to the heavy runnels, one on either side of load and made three round trips every the engine, which are rarrted on a 54-luc- ten hours on an eight-mil- e road, or 60 Iron shaft. On each end of these miles a day. The builder of these snow loeomo runners is attached s pair of heavy Isixes in which Iron shafts run. Bach lives, a manufacturing company of shaft has a heavy sprocket wheel and Bau Claire, WIs., has delivered several these wheels mesh into and carry the of them to lumber firms, principally tread on log chains. The latter are in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and suc12 inches wide and about 28 feet long. cessful records were made. One enBach pair of runners also has two gine near Walker. Minn., took nine tool-steroller chains. These chains sleds to the landing, each sled carryare shown on the sides of the sprock- ing 12.000 feet of white pine and Nor ets under the tread chain. This trac- way logs, and one made four trips e tion device is novel and certainly the on a road every day. This most interesting part of this locomo- engine Is particularly serviceable when the timber is scattered or tive. When the engiues are started power stands in small bodies. NEW BUILT NORTHERN PINERIES. LOCOMOTIVE Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. Best pants on earth, to order, $3.60. 14-1- IIT A CLEAN MOBILE MOUTH.. ....IS E. H. EARDLEY of Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural la appearance, restores lost expression $.0S A Gold Crown, made of the very best gold, will not come oft or wear out $4.00 to $MS Bridge Work, the kind that lasts, mad of the beet gold, will act break ead fully guaranteed $4.00 to $Mt Gold Fillings, absolutely par gold, end guaranteed not to oooe out $1.50 ani a Alloy Fillings, tha next beet fillings to purs gold and guarantssd 76e to fLOB to preserve the teeth from further decay BOO tad sp Sliver Fillings, guaranteed not to come oat If YOUR teeth are crooked, decayed or broken the ELECTRO DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do It perfectly. They have three doctors each aa expert la hie breach. A Bet Everything 64 Market SL Both Phones WASH IT AWAY. Beesley Music Co., 40 South Mala Street Salt Lake CM h kimieWifil Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrnfi Mnllii, n.katrh ind dMcrtptlnn mar wbatnar an Ml. namtain oar opinion rraa Cwnmnnlrn-tkm. Invontiou la pmbahlr HANDBOOK on Patanla t rirt Ir mull dant aent freo, OI.UM aaancr fur accurnwnaMnu. rwania taken thnwab Mnun A Co. raeatra portal aottrr, without charwa. In tha plift five-mil- 4 -- 1413-- 2 and jsMWMiaMP-tsmebOeW- I 3 For go to St- - Waahinatnn, EVERYTHING RubberGoods 1419-- . ui ai-r;- I I gui-liras- A!&-fc- $11,-500,0- j k a WWMl9SUMaMW3a3aWraMMMr.Mm4IMM44allM4w5 aa TRAINS DAILY 4 Established ISS7 Tbs Oldest Electric Supply House in the Stale. G. HOLDING E A S T E. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION VIA MOTORS. CHANDELIERS. GLOBES AND SHADES 53 W. FIRST SOVTH STREET This Includes the famous OVERLAND LIMITED and the new LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Vest Electric Lighte.l Steam Heat ed Trains operating Pullman Palace Sleepers; Incomparable Observation-Libr- ary and Dining Cars of tbe very latest manufacture. HOURS, 8ALT LAKE TO CHICAGO. City Ticket Office, 201 Main SL SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. ONLY 43 1 ! the ? 9V SALT LAKE CITY. VTAH woomwwKroomowmmKim Wtk)niSMSilMjSMilifS4MSS4 '444S444444M4M4MlMMM)l J Salt Lakes Greatest All Year A'lractioh II. Baths. Sanitarium ;The ! H 1906 MODELS. Grand Prize, Paria, 1900; Double Grand. St. Louie. 1904. Send coupon below, filled out, to our nearest dealer or to us and get our Free Trial and Easy Payment Offer to responsible parties anywhere in the United Staten Dont delay. This is your opportunity to secure absolutely the best Talking Machine made, on payments that will not be felt. Ye accept old machines in part payment. A written guarantee from he largest and most successful manufacturers of Talking Ma chines in the entire world. Columbia Phonograph Co, Gen'I. Nam Street and Ctty No. Ftute If s ? Swimming Pools! Turkish Booths! Private Baths! . 0 Hotel IX C. His Trade Growth in Two Years Is Philippines rrom $5,000,000 to a little over $7,000,000. More Than $31,000,000. In the Shipments or merchandise from enormous growth noncontiguous territories to the Unit Washington. Tlie in American trade with its noncontigu- ed States during the same period have ous territories in the last calendar Increased as follows: Hawaii from year as contrasted with the preceding $25,OOfl.l)Oii to nearly $30,0o0.000, Porto line Fresh Stock. me is. shown in figures compiled by IUco from $14.mm.trfi0 to $20,750,000 All goods guaranteed. Send ue your the bureau of statistics of the depart Alaska from $10,500,000 to $12,000,- mail ordere. 0. while in the esse of the ment of commerce and labor. In value Philip-ELITE DRUG CO, 'his commerce aggregates $131,000,-000- , pine there is shown a slight 338 Main St, less with than tlon. compared in 1904. The gold Salt Lake City, Utah. from Alaska, the Of this trade $59,000,000, in round total of domestic production, was in numbers, consisted of merchandise 1!"4 a little over $9,000,000 and in 9ii H. 51.11. hum. hipped to those territories and $72,-00.000 worth of merchandise receivIn addition to this ed from them. Rare Violin Is Found. , there was received from Alaska over New Yuik-- A violin, which the $18,500,00') worth of gold, being Its police said hud a label marked An forown production, and $0,5011,01111 of tiiriius SiradivurliiK. Crenionensis, eign gold, principally from 'lie British Anno 17.!tl, whs unearthed territory adjacent. ameiig a quantity of supposed stolen Of the $59.otHi.ooO sixth of mer- goods. The violin and goods were chandise sent to the found at ihe homo of Krnst Brinkert. territories about $22,"tMi.iiiiu worth who is under . An expert will went to Porto R ro, $17.5"0.Khi to j Im asked to eMimine the violin to ceitniii if it is a genuine tlemmia. Alaska, $12,500,000 to Hawaii and to the Ihilipplti'-- . vl'ilThe following figure! show bow $12,500 Paid for a Vase. American shipments of merchandise . luir.dun. Twenty five hundred have increased In 19iii as. compared a record pi Ire, was paid at M. K. Colnmlils PhonoRraph Coin ..eral 327-2- 9 S. Main 8L. Swlf with 1904; Porto IUco 101a $12,000,-(Hl- : Christie's for a square-shapeChinese Like City. Utah. a I vase or from to $22,000,000, the Kang He period 20 'A 1lontie .end ma your Freo Trial and Itros. were the Ks.y Payment Offer with lllustrafed llt- to $l7.&cu.0t'0. Hawaii from inrhi i high. ersture. $11,000,006 to $12.5fi0.0oo and to the be era. $100,-iOO.OO- First-clas- s New York MUNNICo.618 ; a n Ithntralad weekly. lanreet ot any ariantlttn Journal. Ternia, I fnnr montha, ILr Sum brail newadfwlea Rraneh OSoa. Ok F 1 P. H. CANDLAND. A handaoma- i- Uncle Sams Commerce Is Booming. 1 New Southern Hotel. Scientific flmerkan. rear: tv Nice Room j Block, a Salt Lake City, Utah. 'Phones 10 tj PtiyaMaa and Burgeon, EXPERIENCE Sundays Ind. Phone Hot and cold running water and steam beat, electric lights and S 2 bell service in every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand-Sa S land. Hotel centrally located at fSN0 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH R. A. HA8BROUCK, 60 YEARS DRS. WARD AND EDGE, Open dally until S P. M. 176 State Street Rooms Qalena Block.. g iWMMUWWMIRMRmillllRIWPWIRWWRR Offlem 60 Ocaunerelal ELECTRO DENTAL CO. MMUO Lead and uremic poisoning ' cured. Castilla Hot 8prings Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at its touch. For rates apply to C. H. Room 222 Southworth, Manager, Commercial Club building, Salt Lake City. Utah. AN ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE OUR PRICES. A BROS., ELECTRICAL. XB3Xf)i2S ft' Musical Instruassatn Salt Lake City, Vtah prrwrKKrsws'WitsKitKR DON'T MIS8 THE LARGE 328-32- PIANOS, Organs And AH ? Ebb! First South Street 6 8alt Lake City, Utah. 36 Main 8L, The sun is now suffering from blistering spots: but wait until July, then he will do the blistering. Senator Albert J. Beveridge has got PETERSON'S DETECTIVE SERVICE Into print again. This time it was COMPANY, 300 pages of the Congressional Rec9 D. F. Walker Bldg, ord. , 8a It Lake City, Utah. Whisky Is all right In iU place,' Wa are prepared to undertake all we if And Nation.Judge said Carrie proper detective business Intrusted to by her actions, Carrie thinks that us for corporations and Individuals. place is in the gutter. Consultation and advice free. Call or The oftener Mr. Jerome loses his write. Phones: Ind. $988, Bell 1316-T- . We want three good, capable, detectemper, the more certain he is to Mse tives. Write for particulars the case. MUSIC, a CO. MVLVEY CUTLER BROS. CO. 1 ON SNO W. 10 9 Pure Wines or Liquors, mail us your wants. We will do the rest. UWtWSWWRSI K that runs to all points of interest Some people wont understand what "with a good guide. Fare $1.00. unless l he Thaw trial is the for, Seeing Salt Lake Car and Autos., j whole tattle of the Tenderloin can he 40 E 2nd So. brought out. was n Pittsburg man Of course 188,000 who discovered u sunspot miles long, so you must make allowance for Ills glasses. Bdays. If you need anything in r nan StfSttS1 I. a$a asdro tszbas with toe; (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowers and floral work for Sail occasions. Thu Hotmion Post calls the case & We make a specialty of shipping against Bailey an epidemic of It is also the Inflamatory S funeral designs. Write , telephone kind. telegraph. gor Whatever our theories about unPhone 106. written law. there are some parts of the Thaw case, that would have been a better unwritten. The examination ofthoseneg ro rioters will help the northern people to understand the difficulty southern ciinrts have in getting at the truth. l aaniii.jttiii to !M 13 Year GnaranU News Item Senator Bailey did not call anybody n liar today. Nlciiragua and Honduras both seem more afraid of the big stick than of each other. Wm Mkw VMA oMa S t ea flsft to Milt 9M89M ta E. 2nd Be. 6 fM MiiiiMf niMoanaaaaaaaaaM oHtaiaaiaoM HUDDART FLORAL CO. V h4 Mkle) MSB. VSkM Fata, Bfl Men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks. Wages paid every night. Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. Cat. freb. Write us. Mqjiler System of Colleges, 62 E. First South SL, Salt wahe City. Utah. RStRWtMWftlWItmW snmwcAB, A. Mtttvdy 52-- 54 Natural Hot Sulphur Water is Brought Right to the very Heart ot the City. OPEN DAY & NICHT. W. 3rdS. St. SELT LAKE CITY. wwrwwvrrs twwrwrwpwrwwwwr. nnnnninaaannnnnnnnnnnannnn S' s 1 b A t A it if reyrrrvrrvrrreyreaHW9; 4444444444444M44444444444 Chiropractic Treatment will curs, Is a new science of healing without tha use of drugs. It Is In harmony with natures laws. SeL dom falls; never does harm. W uss no drugs, no knives. Chiropractic ia common aense. It will bear Investigation. It Is the only mode of healing which exactly locates the cause of sickness and removes the tame. It le not Faith Cure, Christian Science, Magnetic, , or anything alee, but ChiropracOsteopath, Manage, tic. It ia baaed on a correct knowledge of tha nerves. It adjusts all displacements and allows ths Innate builder to reconstruct the broken down tissues. Call and get a book that explains our mode of treatment. Consultation and Examination freo. Lady Assistant Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. THE CHIROPRACTIC INSTITUTE AND CURE 64 W. 2nd So. SL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Bell Phone 1232y. Photo-Therapy- 16-pa- |