OCR Text |
Show rU:'r';. j.; : ft Ik'-- If . . J. t .. . ' r-.- . ' '. 1 v?, . . ... . . . j . --. rl' . ; . '; '. v - - "- ; , "': . ' ; ., ,- v:V . , . v ESTttATIB.Vf. 'jjrJAVttiMWc'.n j j.5:. f OLTRINS ibr.ssl at fair G of the best grewn in the prices. iitory. Apply soenM . - fine improved One Tcr- 11 ' - ' ' I v r ' ;V'. . i for sale; cheap; V coupl 8et ARCHITECTURAL GliAPESiGKAPKS. - .v. flK'O RvA'''-ft-T.if- r f .VV' -. v;. " ;T.'H.-15 Mvertisemehts; s V.'U 't':-?"- y INSTRUMENTS, TINA snd u BRACE- - - ds and complete 4p J SET f - . . - I ''''-??. - r ; I-HAV- W-y- ar $ ..fe i" . r. 4-y- ear ; ARE " K A S; - T-f-.- Vina ' IWiD?!5ffbirPa98o' tarexcp. M f . , !. n ; 'rfi , ' :k : - . . ! rt !:' Freiclit, per t -- - - pro-"part- . FLU- - fn my posMiBion'tlie following Z.C0LTRIN. Spanish iork: OF BITS.' Apply tok JOHN.F. BERET 'v-- v ESTRAYSy vin: i'r , : v r . Patera. On OX; black bead, 'neck.' and belly; FRUIT I TREES. HAmBUROU GRAFE81' ; ' IV fsyVe fork ears; brown back. Er&nd P.- Wkbb, for IAVE snio assorted vtoek of of the" BLACK-HAaigood Boon on nizh hojn. f Old brand on nlh IhaveaTew budded the best'va ' TREES, vines xooted, which ' I.1 and cd;'of graft ' V hip. About atria or ten year1 old rietica ' Ape, POar,' , Peach, fiO cents each.: offer Plum; at Cherry, ." (hi - Red STEER,' about old, Apricot, Xectarme Ac.: ' Also ebrubs.' .t. '' f THOS., DAy; Spanish Fork. . r';- for ipark or brands. :G,S.L. City. ' -f L. S. HEMENWAY. ' ' "v4.,' ...'" 2ffoOaa'Red feet GALF brockle face; ; 1 : rsdblod feet white.. C A littl whit on th : breast, belly and hips. About 9 month old BATTLE CREEK, Utah - County, r. TENNjTy A FINLAYSON CC y, ; The owner will please call, prove old OX,. white ini the ne'Red at the old Btanid manufacturihg the 1 pay eharfea and take thera away AB SPINNING-WHEELleft on i face, EDWIN (joined) crop hipi.sqnare WATTS,;' : ' Proro. r. f Pound Keeper. off both ears.:. SASH, FURNITURE, and a.hundred ether , 'One. Black STEER; crop and thidgsj at reasonable erirea. underbit-ilit. In right ear "and left ear: .Grain and Ceuntrjr produce taken ; in I FOR THE. EAST !.-... Brockle face and seme white oh belly and payment, and, the J-higheat premium allowed freight STEAM ENGINES, and leys. 1- CALVIN W. .v. MOORE,-on rWILL ( Gold.:, MA MILLS and all kinds of ... Pound and lew Keeper P.S.A good Carpenters ' CaM-n- et CH INERT and MERCHANDISE, v makers wanted T immediately. CARRIAGES. STOVF.S, &e., from f ADSHNISTR NOTICE. tie br In ATOMS NE W.TORK BOSTON; any City : been': appointed by the Pro- -. v;' Eastern r WeaUrn State, for GSEiriilj:- LlM CI r POTTffl HAVING of AdmlnUtra tor Utah," 15 cents on ponnd Delilvered ,ln Salt iAke City; with ten the Estate of CHARLES HULfiTlV.de-cease- ON SECOND sbuTH TEMPLE ST, 1 therefore require all those having per cent, commisaion on tbe firat edst'for Opposite HqN. W. H.' rioorsns Re?i--' to : all. .in The money, ng. dance, inj.the. baszment of the Store ,. ceiei, property in- - their possession belonging to be paid in advance for purchases, freight sald Estato to .deliver the' same forthwith .formerly occupied by' Moore A.Greene. . to aid 'Administrator."'- - And ' all having sod commission. W e have en and are , constantly ..1 will deliver in O. S. L. City, Donhlo-r- .- just claims, against aaid Estate to present manufacturing, hand, a superior article of POI for payment by-- the 30th of next TERY WARE of .every description, which" them; Cylinder Wool Carding MachiDca, -- ; ' istV with Picker Card, Clothing Belts, ke., Will ,bs sold on reasonable terms.. ; j? v. bJSSELL, - : 5$M00 00 . " complete fof. - .V Administrator. SpringTille. StOM W.'. J. Mi. (pSTLea .Wood and all kinds' of Pro--: Nasi eU eempUt r S3 00. du-- 6 taken: in exchange. ' Dont forget j Jnir tiHir,waMi j . Gttot 00 40 00 Reaper, Mism Him, aomplata:15C0 vSPRIlfOVILLEi SWMi CLOtl SHOP, IN THE BASEMENT ThraahiBK Ifacbiaai. 6 to 8 mtm pnr, v.' ; " ' OLD Kom-fw- i, li AND for Bre,T-ataf-f. fa. your along BOOTS, : CARTWRIGHT A Go. CROXALL, SEND and have them made into good -: 1 : ' v par hour srid 4 topooror i bsabcla : : dt far oomo V i - 'T'; i SUO 00 easy ..CLOGS, ihdt wilt keep your feet dry . J :V ; risM do.Monodx, ? 3U0 09 O H I 'J and 'comfortable all' winter.'.: Customers powoir f i :5.'.'.pay8'on; My address will be . Box 3S57,:JKew from V a distance accom mpdated' quick.' . -' r- YorkvOity.; Prices from 70 cent8 to $10,; A11 ainda LOG B. GRISTMILL HAjTCOCKS ;: i of Produce takpa fox pay. , ' order. . Geneis in first-rat- e working P.S.S-G-.r residence the J.TAfLOR, (a to alh. be can satisfaction ral guaranteed 14th W trd.) is anthorizdd of : .for The bushel tenth charged grinding: by nfe to receive' orders and monies, receipt Bosiness arranged so that custoiqere from foifth nnd forward until the 6th of Outfitting and Gcneral JUerchandize . v;:V t :,y d; f.t .'J -- ! - -- f j - ' v- ' Ctfat-Mlf- : ' : Veur-hor- ae . I ITiH 4 . f . ! Coao-glU- o. . if : . B...tomrGs; Q , ' -- L John-Teylo- r, same, neatiApril, . .. . .. .. . 1 i. - -- i; - - 1 . FRIJIT(THEE8,'VINES, &C. - f VBIEGE ATEtJ. DBOfi. fc Co oxabul cirf, rbbxaska. j .. r.. EAIoEov'i-'has and will have for EEEP rin HE undersigned Emigrant seasons,1 n choice i". i Vf- ; . other aettlementa can bei.; accommodated i immediaidyj : BENJAMIN HANCOCK, miller. 2-- tf. a complete' Stock of Merchandize 'X sale, in their HW sailed to the Utab ;and trade...: Sales at wholesale or ret Jr. -- r - - -- Jl; CT GRIST v ' - AIEBCIIANOIM'I 'V BaPhifert; : 5 f - .- w r i ' 4' cn f siamessNeedhami 1 sda3aIa'tsaym'ciit':,s-'-A-rVfcvA--':'j- ' i BEOS ""v j'".''-- GRIST-MIL- L - In ;9r Valley, is doing a capital, busi- ness. and Warranted to give satisfaction. Try it for yourselves and see! ' June l5. y s.- - Sxakx CaxxKiV' x'i. (I" ; Wacacu Co., U. - , i Provo- C-'i- - -- . EIECTitlC MATCIIWORHJS, MAIN BTXKXT, T , .K'&t M : ROBERT GREER;, S. - r 1 ' ,v.v. " MILL ! jot XTXti WAGONERS - t .v .v'"-- . ' . f ion,- ; CABINET SHQP Also M ADDER and MADDER SEED" a and of NaturaHeaf TOBACCO, variety & H. UCLUFF, DAVIIt v v " eaeulent FRUIT and FLOWER-SEEDi.' for vrliich all kinds, of pay will be taken.' REfePECTFULLV annouhce to the In' PHEEVEii;- county,' that they Are 't -- iat'Ward.Trpvo. ftred to fill all order's for FURNITURE wltb'dispatch at .their shop in Prove- - on . .i block north-ea- st of the TUblng-offic- e block. w CHAIRS TABLES, BEDSTEADS; 8 O-of my Patrons and EIOR the information , I brg .leave to say that hav-- 'f i ing made arrangements for AGAIN visit : :cjang v I ana pre ; Ing the EASTERN-STATE;J;, ffTA wheelwright Wanted, also two good to to PURCHASE orders': 'receive r.- pared niakers.: v: or. three gooffcahjnet ? apd FREIGHT .for Gold,' Silver;- '' ' ' racks 'or DfaftSr v i WANTED ; V: XT THE CABINET: SHOP, PHOTO; f , ,5- --.,.v-6.000 feet: of 4 x 4 scantling. f . .. ' V .iMFAOOWS': 5.000 feet of 3 x 4 ' do. white pine. ; 5.000 feet of stoves;t and quk 5.000 feet of : to Messrs BOURNE ' ing-as- p ly ' U ' lumber. ,,VvVs' TOKES, at the old stand of W. NIXON 10. cord of quaking--a sp timh er. For which Fumiturc of any .kind wlll be S, :v- "fc GRIST JH1LL 1 V-- ri; I v" ' ' .: : X ' Y ... : -- ; . TH.:a: KEELER have theiT iNew consia- -' tail at the' lowest prices for Cash Furs or SMI Mil running an4 in order on Salt . of FRUIT. TREESyiNES,".Ac,; variety . s V ting of Apple, Tear, Plum, Apricot', Cher 'Skins. Creek, 4 miles above Gevhen. invite Hie patronage of the public, and six varieties of tho best improved ry They ' Strawberry Plants. believing they .will be able to give iull I v ; ' - j.-. - : .; K r v- -: ' - 1 . GBXT "fflsi SALT LAXX CITYj EXCHANGE $ COMMISSION STORE. : BteU.'.-.:';;f ' Best Match's Wholesale " All sorts: oi grain end country produeoJ fjh bought, sold and exchanged. Sajeslow for- : -- is. v j - Cash.Also for aele,Greers Rat DestroyPoison. : , g er,' Remember, Greers' Depot of Exchange, south side of Main street. ' SCHOOL - CARDS ' Cen' b had at the Farmrrr Oracle Officet i Bed-bu- A-- ' .v i-- j |