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Show Ac,yafcl i; I Jp iiave in my v''VV - possession cn? cat brawn XCO.W, 7 orS years' oid branded to 1L left horn and left npt.Isgible; One red fouryearro5d .BTEERwop'.oflT .1 sJ. each' ear- - and slit in-- the left.On? light J red yearling STEER. white face tr.dre cr.i fcr S .x' around the eyes. Q r.e brlridle.OX, cr IS years old white face and crop oft'eacb ear, not claimed, .they wUl he I?;they are to 1m sold few. ..'A.accorir ITf ' 5 - T blp-r-bian- A?-.- . Jr - 'S'-.- 9 m - fj - rl 1.' -- t'i; " - I: I - jJ Iw-e-x::- 2 ii-C--.- vfji-sLhFork- L , V5. TrS'V , C7 33 ' W YLiil ;TROHASi?oxind - y:.IIAYE- ?& a nii3S.. r CKSsmr., i'-- i3 cfLIit-LirsiiK- - ' for aile a limited, no mbet f - .tlev real; '.whits, I.iATEIRA i GRAPE prown from seeds Imported.' Also vir, rr.TTIV TREES GRAPE3;;i,:v A r Ana-othe- ;; - - : : tv C. r . m ft . . c . : : i C Exahace for eiain .at. 'fair JLT.'O . V-- ; ED, .MEEC HAM,.; J ,Aroro,."tJ "a 1 of tay rates'?-- - Ar rniTE GREY .or THlBER WIIr--; It Lar::t, : ; t. y LOW,, Grows rapidly, makes a' good yr:mtftacf is the. Cveyeara. Splits well,-ani.ncr c ixrpr:r:rty tedfsin fiiel. softwood for Cuttings Amt Is er L at the 3 fall, by, mail, :;. r. jcrecon; : a . keeper , -- - rr cpon iy p -- - . d r . ? - k r tvV,V . .. w ' .1 I v hdredl. rrarsery JUll, P,0.,.0toe buntyiTfehraska "V. . ' ' k - .r - '; . 3 t . - , 1 ;v K'j,llod?g f A will bs sold p n r e asonable term-- X ' cf CZLead, Wood and all' Dhinds' n t.t toTgitr- -' duv taken in exchange. " .K7 .EiiRSST. sCRRIRTeacxs, '.LEY cr COEU, , . ft ; rices'.,-- f .V .it of HILL and LI ; , -- t , . f; r- -- -t 3 -- Vr ' ' r c? -- - " r , ' CROXALL, ,CART VRIGKT & Oo; t ' -; v ,.r'- - J TT - direr ; from Chef-- : Pmp 'i tiai'i;.ASSDnTEOiAi formerly, occupied. by Moore & Greened; .T7e tave on hand, and ar- J''- constantly a - - . ' f FIHfi' I hive5. ; ' .Vff f kr. k rcr sale, a . ; 6 IT SCCpapVSOCTII TBMPtB7sTi ' Opposite Hos; W. H IToopsas Resi-.:- -; I. Aer.ce, in the. asejkent of the Store ; f ; till! C 6Eit SiLJ ... ,fj. fy4,. m Kssyrsarcs r V-- 'cottage, pkoto,'. i ' - - 1- - " a'1 V. t'i :lact ha:' ;rrter of Choice GeedSi PlantSyfe TILL baVe'read7' for. kale' about the -- T T. DAY:. r cf . r:rcr i rreek in CREDLING .CO- ::i3 9 t s September;-npward- TA PLA'iTS, at k J ", . - I 1 r.' A, RORRRTr. the celebrated 1 1,3tir.f.30-.licil AtCen? till r l It t :;.,jrcf Utihfor ktr SErviceain county.' . Her un-- , 1 : c will te her, .': :c:3 , . T" IT:.::, cne docp-;- north .of - 1.1 c?Jl3 r --.ts - 1 .p -- . Z y'7 i r; . ,:l -- 1 r, C.rriryrillB, Deiireu T.1 GRIST-M- LLifn i Val.' y, i j C :ft a capital, busi- d ta five eoiiafactien'ii t::r; . r ft f;r yznrr:!re end erel , , CxsxrV czs If . - a.- "VVl.:Cri s.. ; tri ,1 "Is P . A t ' - lt: i - SOOOGfOdDBKEf er ULXT3 errr; ; vt tr nr t LA lASAAi VX.A-.eAAi'- -,, --rrH.- 7 TSTi-ji-. , crr.try licl ' r .1nwfnr - f w - , prod art ;H W v ?'V |