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Show Vu r . :, Si: ! ' ; 1 i ' 'i . 1 "Vt - it, .11:. . - . '( '','' - - &-i& " - 1 . -- ? -- V. . ' J ' ; ' .' ir-.A-- . ' ..:i., ' - y- - . v-i- .. ,I . 'I-- -. - - ''''' !' - 'X"-'- Aa&a xXA XX-:A ,t':. r ;.-- - '? T''''w.k'" Hint forth Farm and Garden ' , ..; H..-- . A lVr.i.:-i- ''AA1 'v : i,-- M;E JV:S v ' VY-,- ' v A:A' d" V- Lava-- XAA-:'-&- - XX .V- ' V;'5;'' kAA V ,' r O RAC L E ' '.if :-- , VoV U'-v-r.''V--- iSuiHCs. Bushes should never be al- -lowed' to rgrow Ini mowing fields. It in ., the case that ire see large and dense Dvarf Pesre. Dwarf pear should be No sensible, observing farmer wUl doubt ? et aboat eight feet apart. The ground that between ferding with, care and .good j of bnshes; tnd Aor pajehes even email trees .interspersed with brashes nuat ba cultivated yearly, and well ma judgment, on one hand, and a.carelsas; in the midst of mowing grounds, growing ;u'ed-.;-lp- r llie on random food dUtribution the ;of j.j-, or the sides of the fences, where they . by of there ii a difference in the feabtt CTn&e-The i l ... practice of. far- -sa other, land to no ddrartage, and operate eccnpy food. of least 20 at on the ?? value; mers meeting together on evenings, to percent, detrimentally upon the useful, vegetation In making aud storing crops is hard, agricultural and horticultural anb Skill influence the of both braccpea through. more important than skill in expending and roots. : Vigoroiie t jects, la a good one. Meeting at each others ly . II:; t oijbrhri bouses, and appointing your Lost chair tiicni so as. to get the best retain in the nd bushes are xften plantations seen in ' 'V: vege'.attng growth of animals o,nd in their product jnanaara eery agreeable way. the corners fields, as well ap. meat, butter, cheese, wool, labor, &. .. V-- l thistles deleterious and other to and productions aulmal-hereor e. fiMii.4)oD,t forget ( ox, oow,; sheep, ; i around aionss and stumpa. such new pigAny returns repair your fences or" to build, in order the te best even; give ' No fields correct will hir farmer; ones ae you require. permit for hie food, must be. made comfortable, to be defaced . ,!' by so slovenly a practice. ' f free from the extremes cl haat acd colJ, orrr. Look' weli to your vrorhfng shClteikd IV" A front storms, exempt from hard will few daysonelabor judiciously' directed, h hone In cold weather; aee that they are enable to put a new face on. his ' rubbed after working in'.a atomic Re usage by man, 'fearless of violence both fields in this, respect, and when the Imdry, a nd. from b is fell ew brutes, V snember tfi at i l j Ci they are suaceptible of taking from his keeper'.air,', has been'pnce fairly commenc? cold by drafts, yet require pure air for ret breathing pure drinking, wholesome provement there little but that is it .will ed, . r. ' water,' licking: salt jnat as Often and; as bs pursued -- N. danger piration. Farmer. he words nature muchxs cravW; in fewer S'-g id ' yi.-- ' must be a full fed, .contested and happy .; FauiT axD. 'WdoD. Therd are 'two; your horse and V together, asinacb as possible, when thrown .brute, or lie will not; as a .general result; principals, in. fruit trees: the growth, of . :.(;1 '' V. VV' into ; .4 the yard or. heap, as pure horse-dun- g pay well forbis keeping. . To suppose that fruit and; the ' growth of wood Il ls the ; bnrit by Ita own heat. to la liable animal can thrive as well ? under ai to attend to theseVJ, a ' V much urine ae possible,' and mif wi th the any abuseiwuffering and alam,- - when fear- and sen that they 'are properly .directed- - ' .manure.: Is virtues will all bo exhibited less contended and at ease. Is absurd . t divert the growth as-It ia in' bis lai crops. Indian meal and are conducive he wishes...!power He . v(j the reins of ths ssp". ; baa Arinc-Xilce so to speakjin hie hands.'. It is his;bnis-.'- . all other farm animals, to the richness of milk; Oat meal, rye meal, aborts and roots produce's mors co-p- i' ness when the. tree Is yobg to grow all the i hogs thrive best 'when N regularly, and flow. As the food generally selec- wood he csq. Bnt frhen the lime fer bear--l- eg kept clean:and well bedded ;wilh straw, ted us ' for not so heating - as fed.Cook, all grain.. comes, (and that may come early.) he. ta them;' .'after being that milch cows is to commonly given fattening jcaltle, Hisit give tL reins n turn, and di rset th ' ' ground. Carrots are good feed; ftd raw, . .. i and as. the draft of milk takes flesh from reins of the tree, to' grow frg fruit.- - To . v with a little ewill daily. 'S--j. (he cow it is. more important thst the cows this end, he Is to pinch -, tips of his Ttfofi.'Buy alI the tootti necessary to should have a warm stall over night. all the shoots If tie wishes main of shoots, i'. t do the many iltlle jobs that any man ought Oats ard .a muscle, making a general ; and generous bearing. This-wilto haabe;to do. Keep them ta order and f od. Hence'peculiarly their .fitness for horses eshave atnndency to develop fruit spurs iniheir piaces." Most poor farmers crn pecially., where fleetness is deslrod. For Then attention . is directed towards mater--oit- y; ; never find a. hammer' or saw, when wanted, mam lore and working oxen a provender, ext liters will be; is prospect. ,: year f olf oats is probably better of without; spending v half? if composed .'hunting partly ,tbe. fruit, tbidg Is not prematurely ' ' them up.,-. : Ahan . corn .meal alpne,' especially inhot I done; a tree cannot bear before it is fit to ' ''''j-iV.Rural Americas. ; weather', : Snioky hay ahouia.be avoided bear. fValley Farmer..-.:.'- , '" : V, Examine carefully for vermin; n the feeding of horses. Jonlfry i 'New1 VaaixTV oviPotato. It is related ; T give the best feed' mainly to the fatV grease, or better, trhitewash the roosts. aud wo.king animals, kbut jn a Belfast paper, j that' a new variety .'of! milking -- Clean oiitthe tening, nests; pat infreshsraw,and to reserve enough of it to keep the common potato bae been, raised In Ireland, from-whitewash-tbwhole poultry hease. ;.; in pluck, and then to ihake them con- American i seed, ' thought by one of the-stock' a 's v',K't T ,,,f' ' Tv , . OwMniy be rut during mild weather sume the lefuse without much waste; even blockade : runners, j and tiampd Confed- : i:o In shape ithey rdsemble the nqw: Keep In a cool cellar in damp earth and of that, liaCiong seemed to me an Impor- - entes. tant point wfth the stock' lariner in Ihedis- almost unknown but once favorite ash-.- ' Vmoae;. :.---' r ff J a long oval with flat: bis crops advahtsgeoujiiy and I leaf kidneys, I s not well to wait until tools posai of ai) TooU.f-T- t I h!s sides. reference of .to the with e'ze due. if .Toe immense, many. weigh' V enriching re nreled, before supplying deficiencies. oil t I a pound each, and. the quality when VV future crops.- V for ing ' ' Dny'saly tbs beat Get. the lightest.. A . n Place salt within an anbnaiPs reach, and cooxed. Is exebilent. ; few ounces weight- - In a ..spade, or be will ta ke it if be needs it,' but otherwise A fork, other tool, make, a, great difference 'fit the not, andThe will take neither too little nor Ths .may cherry, here .called arlyV fcomfort of Using jtv too much. Am. Stock Jourdai is all the go, and every tree is ' Richmond, turhr k can be obtained. "We heard-,- ., set 'that Not ox toe Cui.TtvATiox o v Ox tons . wonderful slerles of the profile of this fruit ' ; Nerrrailow a squeak irg door,. A touch ' with an oiled feather- - wilt L. T Keith, sends an account of hta One man sold one hundred and twenty-siMr. core the wont ' ' management of this crop to tha Jlmeriza bushels from,, a young orchard of six hqn- - . , case.. His onion patch is near his died.trees, fpur years .set, at-adgriculturiit. storage ' Poele- In building fepees, ft. would be pea; and receives an abundant supply of over four dollars, a bushel; that is oferv hog U we to let the posts settle before putting of manure From that source. J He manures a hundred dollars sn acre. Nxt year he v Inrfiie the spring and plows; in the fall, and Me. Far- U will double the crop. ja'ls. r thorough harrowing. Auer Malt np a lot of fake-teetand hay 'caps, giv'eso a' the bed it ia' covered. with, straw, and pther things you will nSed this spring lug Peak trees are-- standing in. Detroit which is burned .over. V The seed is then V summer. n Jv.V (nd a dressing of Slantedi . by the French - settlers over ono sown, and the. bed ressives V;!V - Ife up young trees to and fifty iyears ago, they bear: an and four of ashes equal iquantity quarts prevent danger Tif broken,. Smooth over of--' hen; manure, to ; every two-- rods of profusely wHhbut preaenling. any sjmp- .from winde-aiid- . V .the searssnd apply waxed doth: to keep ground.; ibis applieatiohfs repeated four toma of decay, ths in ou of tns cracks; ' 'A.k. iimee before the onions begin to bottom V ' any extents Ho reports h is crop for the IpgTA babe.tiotold enough to speak or- i Ifct wouldvcall attention to lbs great to onions to .walk, was creeping on the floor. three hushels'of good last at year ' lV comfort apl convenience which'dry walks rod of ground.'. ' a bright ray- - off awnsbhw fell upon thoi i tussre about dwellings and : V-every f ' ' ' lr 'VC ..... carpet. Baby saw it, crept aU aroundface'.V ; 7 Farmer and Gardener. '-;tbs greatest interest inkier sweet 'Herhandes inhla History of Mexico, I '' ' then a as. and .in native tire Dahlia' the grows, putting down hex little lips. 1., . V A coyreepondent of the Iovz Hometlead iinys ' I it.'1 Now was not tbat.beamifui kissed andia called ins: of Quanhuae, says I have found the Ribstone Pippin mounts .Vi t Mexicans.;; Cavanilles eunbeam lighted up joy in ' little tbo Acocoltl bright by Applet hard y, and the fruit fully sustain- - flowered it first- in his , she expressed that joy and garden atMadrid, her baby heart, with a sweet kissel l . Vv . K 1i .li . dis-cu- K -- . - ... . . ,ci . i. - - cow-dnn- - -- :, v o m oil-ca- m i . ke r VI ;4 A A I -- 'i?, off!-th- J- - : e -- ! t C - - - jn-ho- ur . ; , - - . 1 : . e . , 4 V -- -- - , Jt m. . 3yV: ; b-l- ng , - : '; - - . ! -- Am-Agrle- u . -- x: - . : rak-(mg,- .,,. 1 . - h ! : r-- , jy. t: V - - - - By-aad--by : '"t. .t;r out-heus-es. d - - . h - - . - - w V |