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Show . r- Wi .r-- ... :V; f ulrafe; A. - . fd t - yVV-- ' ' ! ! 'V- :r-Jm .r - . - s . . . . r' ' YhyX " ; , . - 7. . mss A $ ' Ab'lAV-'.v- - Hi ii - ... . f . p . . " ' r ' Ni.l7:' .' g J To Promote FriUtfttliicas in '' WhAt ..Trcci ; s ) .jv. J mahei o Bushel - - r, i tv-- Vine doc rafter ten feet or thirty--thnot flower till'it ha reached the1 whole ; rafter1 lengthy Then it sends oat its v ide shoots, and from these thc.flowers e I .. a . i V- - , - -- , ' .Jb Wheat Corn, shelled .''.TV COrnj 'on the'cob T--- " Ryev-- ; a- f 'p :hang. in wild profntion., The reason .of Oats iiarleyVf.'iVV-'Vthis is obvious.' Climbers only grow well Buckwheat when they h we something to cling to. When they reach thp' limit of their sup Irish Potatbcs - ' S weet port growth is arrested, and with arres-;- k OnioosPotatoes. tod growth comes the flowering condition Beans ,There is no doubt "that thia.ia.the real BnmVvr: "' ' i T w.eii reassa of grape-- hes fio ug so well hi-- ' hearing , such b o unti ful cr 6 p s of Clover seedV :. r frait. whenever a strong hranchTtnanages Ilempseed Peaches - V get on a neighbouring tree. .Their Dried V-- :.-;- - : ', S? - V V-- rta w- ' - V- ..I-i'- .'p - -- ?!70 - I 36. V' ' . XV V 52 GO "V'-V- : haygrown onuplan more-dusty.tha- h - ,... - j 20 A tho inaro picked the, hay ' from the rack, refuse wohld fall upon the surface ! A Lr'V.'4$ of .the waterin thc pail, which sho would Vt vI.W 33 e it cvery 1lew. minutes,, thus keeping hor i -- ';. Horses . . V .. f.- - Voi. - '" ' V-; - ETm - ; - 58 . , . 'v,-X- . : .?60 'V .i. - 1 V:i r 'Kata'-.-- tno'JZural vA, correspondent, of; Yorker sTjf: I have, for many year, j owned and takenleare of a favorite mare : that was, duHng tho winter months, sab. ject to d severe chronis congb. I tried 3k''. .U variety - of qouh , remedies; I, withheld j u hay and fehrer on oat straw'and damp- - V; ened Oats ; 'fthd fed bay ;sprinkled withrj water.:. I; tried each for .thread winters-- The next winteif l acci dentally discover- - ' ed .that o,pail of waer kfpt standing in v her inangcr was as good .u palliative as uny , 1 had' tried r although the hay fed was bottom' laud bay; and conscquently T . ; :.! i j. rrt- - Vt'rv fJ , - . f The jfoll owing table of the number' of. f r tenons articles to makera Ereiy gardener knows, Athat when he rond bushel be of interest to most of our may hi in a rafter train climbing vine.np readers be tht greenhouee or; conaerratory '".V- - ' T MAHn:j8L i864i ' SPIlING.LAKE yjLLV UTAU COUNTYUrAUrFniDAY : h M- - r, ' .. The hand oflndusliy nutlets the Desert to hud hloomand befriiitjidrectra theyroisi structures of Earth . ; i .. I - -- - r V 0 , 7 b?n y..5;tstre, growth is . 'm arrested a apple-seed. . in a bushel,'! . fruit iathO natural .consequence.' V , fqur thousand . a fourtoeu thousand seeds ir au at (Hampton Court,, in The great-vin5 as thof hibist atan d ird,1 100V whito s., ' England, is one of the wondora of the oiinca 'of tobacco. Farm er & Cardeher, - V ;j-r Jf 't oak 70; red aj. whitobazel 72;fiS- applej World.' How much ju&y not be o.wing to ! r If IniiA' m.V nrhita r.Q. ; V v Vr tbehoricontal tniiaitig that this one, vine SiMn Hot Arttrn 1; house? fills it targe -A Smmin. h inSOT : 'The advantage of making-pearbear V troll' by bending doiwnf the branches .is ; JV'PXa. well inown,jind the French have' one of ' V-.f He ?' k- ' their most popular systems of fruit mqn- :f weighed t r pounds,' (thirteenhundrod nd. fifty-fiv-e Majiro'f ou doiaestie animals afaL a the great truth will no w im-- - pounds,) which was takeu nd certified r often sorely pestered with fleas; the best ' ;fV;X-presiUsei- f Am. Agricnlturis t. ,bq tne dullest apprehension', to. under oath. W ticket 'of lea reV-- f orS uehr ; as 3 training, is tono ..of the u: V; torments, '' is a f eW drapa of : the oil of-;- . .? Hgreal'sebret j.pf produotiveness, and that A FitutER of .inuoH eXperience gives i tiGnUvroval .''ini ha .''rufibsd over' the re- -: the follbwin ;: grape- - vino or, any ot,her f rnit tro?, which and, other v X V conducas most, to vigorous horisontal diissol vbd j i k 'growth Willbo mosti popular and most Vabb quite thoronghlyvone or twjce; It j;durfe the grovring! so3Spa,hah;hVahy A has never failed-to.vbeffectualj besides inostfafal the and: .a fine appear- , he leaves Farb "well tiitneisjusV skin hair, giving developed v ance borne treos wiU sprout iTcut down aVAliy-.- : 5A AT time. V; A V frrt' V aooghti vis r Increase of number by ac- To Daivs a cut hViirnto seasoned hrd V VT V ta&r propagationjgTOwthofjincrease in timber, and not Havo it. hreek or bend, j Tnx, Londbnf bpeciaiorjs ? Takw t SisQ xtnd weight,' .and the annual product1 ju-- dip itjnto ,a Jittle oil before drivirg Scab l):ige stal iis,.Scrapo thcmyicurethein the wboh . The ewes used in breeding yvaterj 4! flight, and iheitexc dayr. w vy. ,V should possess, as moar us possible', the enlhg old naili,Mel ? b8 drtne.on wood, co ok ; tb em like vgetablo marrow, f ley. .I :'U1 and w i th e n sy b 6 w. T I f dOn e oniron wiiloupdlijious. point of exeeUenew desired in the " T" T they should at least be twirye irs they will be ""j;.1 t "" one- - . '.'V y 'VVoldf good constitution, without kb. giving ;HKy plant pot '?' well- - s be tered.J-- Suohowes, with j bneh fourth' iv height Of crook. broken pots) A. v ; Ti anageni en t, wil I generally reilisVths rendered iriudh mOrepilxtatj'r by heat or pther drai nage to tha other three uf V T yVJ 'TViA-T'fond hopes of the shspherd fbrlncraie. inaj jt oVer the firo and podrihg in sweet'oompost'---'Glecny-'-'F-' '.::T wool V: The prodoctof of one pint .to a v?t V'..: rxr-'- ? depends mneh; upon mik Mr toted tbit Xthe of both for strengtbr gAlloh of molasses: x When the OiQasses ; thaheslth Compl)oll, of Ver eheep f d hi s 1 2 ze on so ? fiber ' of of toarfef and t, y: boile up once, vsiM beanty woiht pn 8hecp, cxsi bited ally remove the icnm. . ;r . s and-Qvq- ..... . r , . . . V. - . , Si ii 4- t:. fe WOT-iillr- f s V :: . ; : i t ; - ; ts T . - s. & . . E j .f " ' ; y- - . jtbw-time.'T- he , . V" - i . :. t ' ' off-spHn- 1 gf sureftu,-l)reftki::J- :V- ; " weLl-fpi-a- nd .invtli-proportio- - n T v. A:'' " n. 1 . . ! A '.a:1 v : "; t ,:-- ;'L ' ; L 1 j.. m f-- C-- ; '..y,vV . ; T I r. fcV-- 1 |