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Show r ' C ft - j ,' 4 . .' , . ff iw T H E F A TRUTH .v . Truth ' Truth : t. ' " :j .U - J. ii nobic frank and free, u hold and xiever fears, Truth Isold a$ land or sea ", : ' Truth hath stood the test of years. Truth upholds) tile man of State ' ' ' Truth supports in humble-life- . .Truth dooides'aJl issues grept Drawing tho line tsrixt ttosut strife.'. - - . - . . k " adorns the sprightly youth, ' Like wiso thosoj of riper ago ; , Men odmiro thp man of truth. Though in falsehood they engage.' Truth is best fyr hooks or trade, Truth will keep the conscience clear j E'on to court si blooming maid, will make ypu best appear. ' Truth ' Truth though prushed, shall rise again,1 L Rise, and take an onward course ; Hopo of conquering truth is rain j Tt has such a ast resource. ,; Truth is mighty, 'twill, prevail,' j . Truth will spread from shore to chore, ,, 'Truth by Time can never fail It willhe truthifor evermore. : ' - ft ' i . E ; f , I ' W: ri ir: y .. . ' i . . - ; y Proyo. bcAR OascLK. Considerable has boea said respecting thp; cultivation of medici: nal herbs, and it Is .evident much more needs to ' be said, not because their benefits aro not realised, but from the fact that many; : neglect the duty o( growing them, and in other eases, when they are grown, neglect-;.in-g .to' gather them in proper season. .It would he far better to hare a few 'well-knoherbs oa hand to administer in ca-yof aickuess, than lo Van begging of your neighbor,' often to 'no purpose, and at last '.lie compelled to us calomel, turpentine' or !..some each etaff.' Anyhow, away it goes; if tho child' gets relief, all right I no thought of the future, injury; to the system by,. the nee of Injurious minerals or liquids. fu Ihe history of jfosvph Smnh.he tati, April 19, 1843: aI hive been called to thou-- , aads of , eases of lsiekness,-anI j have neverfailtxl of aamiiiisteMug comfort where patient has thrown bhnelf uuresarved-o- n me ; and the treason is. that I never escribe anythiug that would injure the if it did lunf no good." i; ?itient, will" seldomi die of disease provided we know it seasonably . and treat it mildly." patiently aud perscverlngly, and . do-nt ase hash means.1 - . , - - 1a: J without loss;; Calivobhca , ; - s j. . T -- r k j 3 v- i 1 . T ' .'4 4 t i - - - , r tnuy,';;v; A. - - . CaxicvEa, .i " Mount Pleasant Qardebers Clul and Parmers akd .fileclauuicelnstitutb.""' ' V'n'.' :. t' ' '" 1j ' Editor1 Fabxxrs Oracle: Dear Sir. We have organized a so- -. clety here, styled the Gardener's Club and Farmers' and. Mechanic' Institute,'' which is designed for. thediffusionjof use fnl knowledge. Cyme II.' Wheeloek. was appointed President ; W. AIorrison,! Treasurer; Lucias If.iSeovil, Secretary .Duncan McArthur, John J3ar-tv- n, C. P. Anderson aud 'Fred.,- Nielsoiu f ' ' Diroctom. ; We nontemplats startinjg a : Reading Room, and obtain sopte of the leading papers, of this nation; tlie Loudon' Niwt and one Dauish'papcrj'KOOiO .papers .ahd periodicals onr agriculture liorticuliiiro and mechanism. i was resolved that we ahonld' send to the farmer Oracl 'a : uplidoVof Aur ' M for pubiioatlon. Any corespondence that w'ould help to oar undertaking wlli be ?romoto Most respectfully yours;''' r ? Loci cs N. Scovil. r. ' ' Bout Pleaaan, Sanpete, Feb. sol ISfii. -. s , i . ? - Vice-Presldent- - . " . - . r t ,: - p. and . - -- Potato Rolls. Boll two pounds rota -- pasa through a colander, or ::mftel them well; ftd two oifnnes of butter, and! a pint of milk; add. a little salt, one gill of yeast, and askmuch .flour as. will make oft dough; set them to'rlse half an hour, and bake. Sweet potatoes make beanii-f-ul above. es biscuits, mixed 1. "f - . 1 . boTTAex PpDinxa- . .' a. top a, v ' , - 1. i P - - for-wardn- esj -- ift 1 - t --V I m3 S. - es .l - k ., wn X'" I -- . . - Sours It la surprising how few iami-lie-a make usn of this moat palatable and economical article of diet. A bone of beef or muLton,apart of a fowl, or a pound of atiy fresh niat, properly prepared with' vegetables ahd aeasoaed, will; if nicely gotten up. strve more; satisfactory fora dinner than many a one that is served at greater , cost; . Of Whatever meat soup' ii tft be prepared , It should be, carefully washed; not awaked, 'and then placed in. water qViite c.Id, brii ging this very alowjy to ft eald.'.- If bojlud at all; it should onljr bb after a longlsimmering .This wil bring out all thei natural juice of. the mat !so that when ready: for the seasoning, and such vegetates as you Uiav .choose to add; the scr aps pf meat may all be skimmed ou l n . - i , I ar HXediciual Herbs,. V .7-- . I- , Correspondence ... .''a 1 4 thy guide ' ; Smile, aml.nejer. heed rna I c : But, when stars and twilight moot, And the dew is jailing sweet,- And thou hoorSt my coming foet- Them thou then, may'stneod mo! f' -- t V yp , -- Even If, with miideu prido, should bid thee quit my ITake this less on; for Objections are "used against ih simpli city of herbs, roots and. barlu; but. Is it because, they do not possess tin properties to eradica.e disease, or because we do not understand them-?It Is for .thd. want of understanding the properties of 'bur common plants which bloom and mature in such' profusion on the mountain aidea and Geheaie we in the vales. ' In the Book-oread thatGod.ereatedjxian. dnd seed bearing bei bs for the ase of man,- and so they reinaln till this day. Let go thoae'deadly minerals brought, in by.thosi whal with us po good, and ding to the good od way.1 ' .It would be a great help to bureeuiers if some ; ia Formed prrSon would publish' a Herbal adapted to these mountains,, which eivery family could poisses's end rad. Hoping that the editor of the Oracle will ' ;'! take this into consideration, C j M subscribe myself,' yours respectfully, ... Scnobino. v Springtown, Sanp-t- e. .7 ; '. , ' HI Housewife's Corner. f LE C . "Where's the use; that (hey should know If one's hoart beat fast or slow? 'Deepest love avpideth show ! ' Smile, and never heed me. .Lot our hearts, tiko stars of nighty ; " Shunning days intrusive light, .Live, but for each other's fight 1 i. gmile ahd never heed mo. . A -- I . O 'fc ! - ' ' RUB R'S :0.1 ; , . j . Though, when other maids, stand by, I may deign thee no reply Tnrn not then away, and sigh : , ' Smile, and never heed me! If our love, indeed, ho sueh As must thrill at every toach, should others learn as muohf Smile, and never heed mb! - . A v half-a-gallo- SMILE, AXD.pl EVER HEED ME ! v: ! ; . s Bcsa-rP- ut one pint mol&s n es In of water; let it remain Propagating Ctierry Trees. in ft warm rbom four days and bights and the yeaat will be. formed. Pot one pint ol r Daaa EniToa: Having noticed! .an artitablpspponful bf- molasyeast aiid one cle In the Ilth number of tile Ofod rela-- . this fnto.halfr&.-gallon ses jof water, let it re tive to propagating Cherry Trees tn Plum main room a. in tarm forty eight hoors stocks, I. tuought l would give y!ou some aod ;... ; you have .tbe beer. of my experience m the same fori the betlmfei the "beer is used out Every put in 1; nefit of your readers. tablespoonful of' molasses and Uli up .In the:. spring of 'S3 I procured same one ... with water, jj cherry scions, of different kinds, and not Wimter Bread. Boil ssme butterdiUk having cherry roots sufficient to use them on, 1 thought I; would experiment with iu the evening, stirring all the time, and them on diffefent roots. Thost which pour hot, over a little flour. . When cold succeeded beat. were grafted on two-yeenough' add soma good yeast, and if .toe old wild plum roots,. put in in the ideft thin add a little. more, flour so tho water; method; aoout two inchea'under the. soil. wlllnot rise-oit, , lu- the. morning add Some of these made, the.first season, hand-som- e, more butter-miland flour till stiff, am wflUbranched trees, from 4 jto 6 rtet at by .the fire. till. very light.' iIouid while those patiplo yearling in into joaves and rise again. - Bake an different modes made, but vefy little hoar, i in height; growth. Head-Wa9Work the yell It s heefeiaaryi in order to be sntcesiful, off AanSupers forma a Iaitisr hands in till the it egg to graft them veryearly say from the first Then rub it thoroughly through the hair to .the last of . March, accerdjug to the applying occasionally a small quantity 'o(j , y.-- ; V of the spring. : water to make it . roam. Continue- thin i." I might here add that I have no ' known i6ne "minutes,'.1 and tlien wasli operalioa ope to prove successful grafted, a ion the the 'head clean: C The hair will bs glossy '.I --V ? - sr. , y j. ,r v peach. r. r and .1 of Ufe. fall ,v : - ' , . - a , u - ; . . 1 r-- V. r - - ' ;5-- ' 4 , ' ' ' ' - yj1- If . One.egg;;l table-ppouf- ul of sugar; 1 tablespoonful of sour eresmsl cup df sweet milk; 2 of soda; i.piut of flours Bake half aa hour. iv.Servj with- any, sauce. Sweetey"-.ned-A cream: : is best.-,v S 1' Ti- -j,',- - . To Prx Scarlet. Yabji.- - One ounee ei cothineal; 2 Ounces uf muriate '.of tin; ; cnchlnea ounce ; cream), tartar;. put-thaand cream tartar in first, and 'when it is nearlv boilingthen Add tho tin. ;v Beil hai an hour in brass.'' . . , '' !t Djulioat Cake. On cup of battwsiwi caps Vof sugar; .'One; cup or. wetl milk; wiii es of, seven egfij. four cups of flear; two teaepoonful Of .cream tartar and one tea-spoonf- - - . . - - . , , .v-.-f-'- 5, l'-- 1 of poda. Ts Kbit thick" heels to stockings, vsr time the backward cross is knit taka otf . alternate ; s.itcb without knitting It very . j Indian has bden drafted asii TSTAu ; ;v iarthc'SdrMftihe distils, ; as-evp- V? ,VJ j'.' I!- .T rr 't.s 'V? teJ . i |