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Show r:r-VV- 'il'i ,V tjiiv .'I 1.1 4' vV,. . ' :', '.11$ f i: V'-.Vv;- . ' ; : O- K 1 if :'v.' -- ; . -- A lvr- ; a TrvV:: ;"'..t;.-- Jl1 a..-.'h ' K r;-- - ' m: e;.r : r ' Vi . .v;.-.vv.v- v. v-:'- r ' :.'; a-v. ' ' : ;'l a . .t ' ' Cf J tiori, and we wculd recommend them to the attention' of those planting .out different sorts being oonsld- -. ered in raluo as they stand in order. It will be remembered that .the specimens tied were only of winter fruit, , ani of these we had.1 samples ' of but A part of ' W j the popfilar varieties no doubt there are :mEny other varieties hat have not jot coiqe in bearing, that .will prove very . . - - . ,n?v;,v .".l"4 l ' . . . ; 'a ... t : ' 1 - ;' Tlielf nrsjtry. How to.Plant - ytour-. Heeds. f - I you have fruit, timber or shrub seeds to plant ready prepared, by action of FALL AND WINTER APPLES.' a' Publishes. frost has ten'nnd prepare your grouad' V 4 W. D. JOHNSON:, k - - PiovaiKTo. Korthen Spy Valued 'for fine . sire, and ?! - ,. ' ' A V ; j S ,. .' by corcring i 2 or 3 inches with flnh or very high avor. ' .V;rV'.,.y,.V . Tstss- -i well-rotte;;, d SpitzenburgibHigh color,; gopd flavor, after clearing away manure, CASH - S3. SUBSCRIBER. Per'Ansne .i "eiss1 and bearing the best price la large ' 7V, V Grl fMitTi ablator Esbceriptioix. ; imarkrt.':. r.f... i ' all rubbish. Plowfine, carefully and - : ' 10 et p.r lln. JL ASTnTliniEKTSi.' - dv. i ; I. for Prized its size,, Greening very deep, and drag down smooth. ; Now B. ltn tbma Ob. IfcjlUr. baimtiioi. g lifio, ezcelleiit bbS OUtury Motiesa, nl,KefrU ! properties; take Tour garden rake, level and pulverBjanhlUurnfactariar BcJatiaa, od - flavor ..for easing aud cookieg, and '.for ! ,. y fJW ;. f ybeing a good, keeper. ; A general favor- - ize as finely as for onions. Place your, ite' in' market. linei and withlthe corner of your boo dig; " AD c?"4P4m mulb adlMued t.T.i'tto'Ziltoz -. k . VttlaJ v bearLk Bprfof and WinterPearmain, ,v prolific I an inch Early lf i.?.- "' ' ' ' deep. ; and long, keeper. a slight drill ' !' ! flavor, I1 highj musky erj T,1"1 g1 V haul up dirt to-- ' Newtown Spilzenburghr Early a ud prolific Sow in your t seeds, and i' i Fruit.' v . y bearen good flavor; high red , color. cover, same, as at first; leaving .a. small . 'i S;" ' lmericanGalden Jlureet Is an ear If and water-diti- h A Vr. r ; .The ecjoyment of en Abandanee of apd a ridge. ' Set your lino bearer; good size, and fine flavor. prolific .S ;. finest ; val.the in , fruity .of 't flewiown Pippin Bes; of keepers; goltL 2) feet distant, and repeat, after light-l- y qualitj, these J en yellow, and. rich flavor, r ; , matter a of labor is time, liesj j;ii .mly patting the dirt evenly all along over Golden . Nassef Good, bearer, and Nezlt f the the seeds.. Fun water down immediate'V:'-J j i;suid. jiatifeneb, ai past has amply profine' flavor,!V that: Our soil ana climate is. Jondr IFojaer. Swaar, happily Rawletj' Janntting, ly aftcrwards,and continually ao 'often . ' ' . desirable as and far f than t I ii:;. as ones In 2 or 3 days, till the seeds jted to the production ; of ; choice have-beeJ':- proven..; w of from Naples hardy tarietxe3ynot only la a small apple but of very are np and securely rooted. Limbertwig sub-aciI ; taste... One of the longest vftfees' anfi Tines, but also from slir&s ' rlch ; keepers tbat grows. ,. Bears profusely Pear . .... and ever. ; - "' .. In the first nlaerftheatiegti(Mi'everta Virfcina Greening - A. fine large gren ap It is with pleasure we notieo the inwill a easily keep year. back. to the people' to say whether they pie that' attention given by our pomolo-gis- ts Tollmens ,. $iceeiiig Is t a Con winter ' creasing yy that to the introduction and cultivation Kaye fruit, and in abandaneA isweetj, and s a long keeper. of the fine grades of peare and other If they determine affirmatively, end that ; SUMMER AND FALL APPLES. vine-fi to .:? Red June and jdatrackctn Ripen is, July fruits. they lrQl batten plant orchards, r and next When and the August. at would tie, city we were presented point gardens, yards Malden' Stout Ketwick, Bought Coifing,' 11 emeh best kinds the sorts or way, with a brace of huge by Mr. adapted to our ; Bluth, Summer Qneen, In August. j ' ''JParler-lr- i soil and climate. winter pears, :of his own growing.". This September.-- 29 os. In- October and Gravenitten and V gentleman has a - fine collection, now We;w(mV then, Tarieties hardy and November. ( ; 1:? A prolific early. bearers (for; ere are in a large enonghrfor planting out. i gVJSTRAERRIES. . huhy, of oourse)f :fine flaVofgOod size, A, The' kinds' most prized among the most .( By sperial, invitation we visited the and long keepers.; In order garden of G. P. Watt, Esq., who showed experienced. grpwers ,i:i the city are us a nursery of some twenty Or more vaIhia subjeist rightly and set these ques . Excillentd, Fillbatket, Wilson tions al rest, we most refer to the'expeV Albany , end llooktr, 'Plants of these sprts rieties. of the best sorts of pears in Cu- lV . v rienoe of lrai t gTowere in this Terri teryj are plenty and may he easily. obtained. ; tivation. A , By continued perseverance of the few, ' and from 'amO the fruit already pro-- .- v &ca ; . Tlae Garden, selscil we msj hope soon .to have the moet.de- - .. the satieties that, hate been dueed .Now is tlio period for pr'eparing ybur. iieious of thid fruit as common and plen- J proven to possess the deeirsd qual i lies. Pears do finely and putting in hardy early yet ty as applea how Among the most experienoed nursery- -' hot-bed- s, in' Salt Lake City getables, such as 7 onions, radishes, let- -' in U tali, . and we have sera tw o ckoica men and fruit-growej may bo reckoned hlr. L.S. IIexnenway. tuce, 'peas carrots, io. Also sow in seedlings- - one in Provo and another in hot bedsV orin'open'moist ground over! Salt Lake City. Another- joaxa bear-- 1 : Whilst 'we wbee Cnthe ditV this'gentle . o! ''.i- ef.T- , ; or weedf:; heap hatr been ing will test them more fully.-... msu ; gave us; an inyitation . to' real I which a brush ,i I. ; :V -S ..w;;at hie residence cuid by fair jtriaf judge hair been burnt, your tobaodo fpr- .traus' WBKAt.--W- e under bo i shall bbligs...... Of the different ;kinds of aralea he had planting; or the Sbed may bo scattered Sl of the Oracle if they tions to. the.agents vTo-bac1 along the edges of awater-ditc- h, ; produced this1. lest; seaaion!L yvill give us the nahxds of all bf our eub- bere hi o d and aftw a; r m begrown ing! y ape upon wnj sbribers" who have paid-theisubserip- -. of the if plants are started early and1; enough tions in ;wheat, as per. agreement, since ; to stop off all .yTarious luscious Specimens spread be--' should be growp this year v the rjse in price of that article.;. . ; that forV oonolusion to uscamV the future importations'"Please let! us have the names as soon , ,.r ' ;..-tested The quality Of Utob tobacco, us the fqllowlng fruits succeed well in this possible : nee have 'a'good reason for4 ' 1' .. V V . Ieiiory,'tnl ars richly worth cuHivo.-- by eld manuXaoturei's.proTM that fori making this request. J -- JE.-JORNSONAEdi- to - -. j is equal to Missouri and Fen-tuc- k.' Thu9, the only thing Wanting to success is the raising and curing process, which,' of. oourse.' in this elimats: varies somewhat 'from ' those more damp and moist, and mjus.t be, learned by experi-ene- e. flavor-i- desirable.; M c-- ' s'ioR; a;c;lob ; M r. . !Foffima!p)racJ3; eennumthly. :Va. ' ; , " . . r-- - '-- 1 1 - '- ever-bearin- . Aj-iilt- inl, aad-Litw- rj -- -- . -- - . ' and-a-ha- ' ! W.. Is. ; . ? : -- J : . . V y V 4 r . . SB : y V . d . . - ( . -- . -- - y s' - - ,. -- . . . 0 i - -- . mm - : . ' y I are; . W-' ? . ' -- rs f ? v - y- - - J-- I'- . j - v . ! -- M . I p , eo -v --) . - 5'- - - . ?v -- u r '.h ' I. |