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Show The hand N.17. 1 of Iydv&try makes the Desert to -- SPRING LAKE VILLA, UTAH COUNTY, UTAH. ' ' - WhAt male os ; ... Every gardener knows, that when he trains a climbing vne up a rafter in his greenhouse or conservatory be that ; rafter. ten feet or thirty 'the Tine 4oe not flower till it has reached the whole j.after's lengths Then it sends out its . , sid shooter an tfTrom, these the Cowers hang in wild profusion. The reason. c this is obTious. Climbers only grow wel when they hive something tu cling toi. When they reach th limit of their iup-po- rt growth is arrested and with atres- tod growth comes tlii Cowering condition , There is no doub that this is the ren reassn of grape-Tinfflowering so wel and bearing such bountiful crops,. of fruit'whensver a stipng branch manages to get on a neighbouring tree. Their gfowthis encouraged by the convenin' 4 support, dilVreachinjg.thesumiuit pf the stree, orperhaps son e branch, the gre?ii gfbwth is arrested ami a profusion of fruit isf the natural consequence.' . .The great vine at Ilnmpton Court, in England, is onVof the wonders of the IIow much.: nay not be owing to ,. worlds . es ' . ' ' .. s - $ the horizontal traioi ng that this one, Tine .'fills a large bouse? , :;i. The ad vantage, of 'making pears ;bear ... well by bending down th branches is well moTDj and the French hare one of their most.popular systems of fruit man .agem'ent founded onjthis practice, imPossibly the great trath rfill now -; on the ddllcst apprehension, r that horizontal, trailing is one of .the great secrets of productiveness. hnd that V that system of pruui jig,, whether it be of grape 'vine or any other fruit tres, which ; v-- s?1 . - . - rears the'prouaeistnietufes of Earth, FHIDAyI MAR. 181864;:;: - Frultl&fiic&s u To PromoteTree-- i Lloom and bnar fruii, md i .YwtiU: i t liluhel i Z . Cough I la Horses. correspondent of the Rural Ifeur Yorker snjF:- - I have, for many years," own6d andtakehcaro of K favoiritemare. thatwas during the winter months, sub-- s jecjtto u severe jehrenis cough- - l'tried variety, of cqhgh remedies;. I withheld; hay end fed her oa oat straw and damp- -: eneddats ; and fed hay jsprinkled with; watdr. 1 tried each lor threo .winters. ; The next winter I accidentally discover-e- d iljat n pail of water kjept standing in her monger wad os good.ii palliative as any 1 had tried y nithoqgh' tbs hay fed i -57: was bottom landhay, npii consequently GO : more dusty, thah hay grow n on upland- 20.1 tho As ia4rq picked the hay from the"' t GO woilJ fall upon the surface refuse rack,;' - . 45 j of tho water in the pail, Which she would 33 1 e it every few minute, tlins keeping her- - S3 throat, mouth ujud tustrls i.ioist. Tho i'yalliutioa almost aiiiounted to-- cure. The following table of thcnumbor.of pounds of: various articles' to make a bushel may be of interest to most-o- odr readers : -Wheat Corn shelled Corn on the cob -Rye - ' Oats Sarley - "... --llnckwhCat f Irish' Potatoes , 1 V i . Sweet Potatoes -Onioos Beans 7 - , Bran - . -Clover seed Ilemp seed Dried Peached -Flax Seed Dried: Apples -: There are seventy thoasandlcetnelMl V Tnw following, isaot down as the re-- V corn ip a lmsbel; .two hundred and fifty- four thousand apple Becd.v in a bashal,' lat,ve heating values of nliiiercnV kinds an.d ovqr fqurtoen thousand seeds in at ounce of tobacco. Farmer & Gardener . . - - I ; - - : 1 a 'V 1 Largest Hob CTK Sees i Aeebioe. ! 60 bir ! Ji immense ho. killed in 59J BlUoelm,5S; 'ed o-ecil.ple York city, Jin. 12ch, by Lippmeott &'lrd d Hartin, Uutchers.- Ils was.frce !v exhibi-- ; ,r 5j wridcSidrryjlosM: to . the public,' ,.u : ted, while alive, ! 1. k ted- much interest.. lie weighed 1355 j Plno pouuds, (thirteen hundred and .fifty fivo. ddrafttile animals are pounds,) which wits taken phd certified Am. Agriculturist. . to under. oaUx. Aii - - . : i . i. .t Farmer of , iniucV experience gives , penuyroyai Tutlbed over. the following temedy fi A A lice on calves, Ki0 0f V.the spink Dr-- . Dadd-an- d : other stocks One quart; fine salt!A - conduces most to vigorous horizontal di.-sred in - three quirts ,buttei milk. ) Tbses re less likely ttj' sprout if cut Will be most! popular and most Wash growth quite thoroughly one or twice . It. during the growing season-- .th at' any. ; Gardeners .. perfect. ' Monthly; never failed to be effectual, ; besides ' ias This most I dial time isjusfc-- ; 4' - s , i. fine a the skin and hair uvos:Jar6 whir developed. appear -giving - i.v ance. , areas grow-Some will Shkbp IIpsbam)rt Infahecp sprout if ut dovnat-Oiij'- ' Ing- three distinct sources of profit are time. To DaiVEa cut nail into seasonei hard . sought, viz : Increase of number by n?- -' Tns London Apectaor. says : Takw tuaf propagation, growth of, increase in. timber, nnd not have it break or bend, . ."wise and weight, andjthe annual product ju-- dip it into ali.ttleoil bcfare drivirg cabbage stalksy.&crupo thorny. ioure them f .tbe wool, The ewes used inbreeding and it will, never 'fail to go.tln straight- iu irgdtj .audj tbe nsxt day- j t be done pa Wood, cook .them Uk'o,':yegetabl0 m Arrow. It ... should possess, as ifcezr ns possible, the ening bid nails, " iron ..will be found .deiiciuus.. points of excellence jdosired in the off and with easy bio.W's, i: if done-o: j. spring, they should at least be two" years they will be sure t break r aL..n ' and old, of good constitution, d. Such owes, with tuck CotixoK molaases may be clarified" and .pthtfr management, wil 1 general ly re dike ili e rendered mudh more pitstabi&'.by heatfond, hopes of the shepherd for inerpase. ing it over the fire and pouring i n sweet ojinpost-tGloiin- y.;' :fy The prod cot of wool depends ranch upon niMk nrthe proportion of One. pint to a teheslthof the sheep, both for strength, gallon of molasses. VWhen the mouses It i slated ihit Mr Gampboll, of Ver- whd beauty of fiber and . weight of boils up once, carefully remove the e mont, sold his 12 prize sheep, exjii bi ted at Hamburg, fox the Ex. .fleeces. . 0f$5,0CG from the top. ol , - .4u,iv . ! : - -- . r : ' . foJ r.' well-sheltere- : :bilr v A |