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Show . - jx f u ''.' v...' ' V a . ; .;.. , TRa Now ' i Impl&ee. .V-jW- e 'the -- .. : ,f ."a V '.4' 'yiy M THE r.-- .i '' S'S-- '. i , .i.' ' V8".' V'-- ' F A ;R M E -7 '' ' y- s- - . !" , " S ! 1 . E jR''OR'C and 'Tabss of subscribers import an :. ; Mr.; Gory,of Lima, Indiana ; - fThis variety! of caue is entirely dis and in evpry respect superior to ,tihct, "the Ooinaeeana,! with whioh it ia often confounded. The Otahcitsn has'a dif--, ferent ? shaped '' and sited . 'seed, grows much taller and larger, with fewer stalks and ripens earlier. In; yield it is ex ' celled by no dther fariety. The great attraction, ho weter, of the Ocaieitan cane we have f oand to be in its superior V -t c properties.' J -- In our first years limited experiments 'L with this ene,:uie syrup commenced gragulating on. the evaporator,' and portions, of it taken promiscuously from the '. lot, an'd kept in a warm room f of twelve ' :l i hours, became a solidmass of "well .f gar-maki- ng v rJ E j4 .1 15 . S'-- $ Tlie ;Future.V ' ,f Our. little Oracle . J Viv 'd fjk . - been - . A.' '"v- T. Barton, . i Pt 0. ersou, Il F.vans, ; rj nlton,;:. M. Clawson, ; : s W.Harlam, ;;v Wi Beebe; ; specimens of .minerals G. Brough, Ac." j sands, petrifactions, 2nd Specimens .of animals,birds, reptiles, yege table, curiosities - Ac, ; J,--' ; rt ;. . i S:BJ Hardy, ;t-. J." Ransom Hopkins :!? i - - V V A. P, HUrdy J. Jepson, l; J Cj Hinton,'-v- ; :M. Curtis, !J. Brown ;f Simpson, 7. R. Tenupy, - it ;jJ. Schofield,! !: JR. ' El E. Young in-se- cts, . j J.S. Bradshaw, Bradshaw, v, Little, - G. B. Gardner, LKoundy, hi. Burgess, ' every, kind curious rooks, earths ; . . . J. II. Jqhnson, v J. L. Wojkmah, rA.tl. Workman, - lstwe.want Coat, J..W. Rajri ;.V -- . Metcalf SJ E.'Johnson N. Johnson, ,t O. Barnes, W. Southw ek,. We shall esteem it a favor, and make- hi. Voci all dae acknowledgement onreceipt of O. EUingsonj,; W. H;Uui8h, : articles of interest or cariosity, to ad fail of Jlnarwood, to Our 'little oabinet.-TJtah.i;' curiosities and natural wonders. and we Q. Adair, jr r V Pectol,: and w- - LJ JolleV,U are anxious so fo collect that1-arboth, may be advanced W. H. Crawford1 science, either-oor benefitted by onr ebnntrys resonres. jEL Goddard f. J. McLean, ' Of the contributions sent we will give W. Slack, proper credits except where otherwise ' R. Gampbel desired. Finlay wh, JlP. Risleyi'C i i ; IW.Pahl, !H. B. Davidson, W. West,'-- ' 'W.; j. Hawley, i1- J.VR.WindeTr, ; intricate, or useful Hi LI Campbell : iG. H. A. Harris, . O. v would Kendall, that or in Nephi Library, model, , artielerrnaU i : f( Ki Swenson,-Reading Rm soien ie f show a deep research pf T. M.' S. Kenner, J. Adair, genius, or. aTtistib skili Wu H. Carpenter, 7. ;E. Edwards,' Gome alocgr now, and let us gather Hi Stocks, J. Wilkins, . P. Iverson, ; up the genu ofwhat.may.hq something niCoombs, ; K. B. Johnson, 7 J.jTerrv, at :;: uture. interesting a.f period. G.B. Hicks j G. A, Hicks, 4 m Baker W. s;: rr: Ford' Boots Native FlovrersSUrubs, ! t 7 ; I N.; ..v-v. ; Ji. ; Faux, ; and'. Prioe, & .i;' v Plantga ! ' O.. Mi Johnson, ' V Tyler, Wo have before announced efur; desire HHowoll, W. P.' Cooper, v:; :j('' collection ;'v. of MiHcywood to make a eompleta. pativo '"i' mliI medioinal and ;:T ornamental flowers if True Important, plants, sbLnibs &o., that might be' beauy.f 7 tiful,' dsefui. onrioas or wonderful' and t Through a letter from Jt friend In Ne friends in every brska, ; we ! learn' that a citizen of that! 'k:x we again r request us the to of has in discovered a Temtori Territory assistj portion processfiyj .9 this project by' trahsinitting fo us, by SvhLoh good tiiick sorgum molassesmay, oi U1 mail, or- - otherwise what ever might be in the space thirty minutes he changed the other1 above lf as di in their for nice sugar, the a found locality, whiobfwe willpajr' 'expense.1 Golden Belchers Syrupy syrtip equal tq A! few have responded ) to bur call j and all this.Wthouf other maohiherjr but i among which aye Ay L.$iler,J. O.IIall, a press WeshouM be led to place this W. H.Crawford, S.Openshawund others, among the un exploded .humbugs, .only; to whom - our thanks are due. f" from this soureo Of the information.. i ilv'A we know is Sound.; which how our friends us Let 'hear from ' soon,"andpofitinaally.;. j j.i ,.We expect to be able togivefurthejr u 7 j .; "j v this matter next issue Mean Faxct Dsxss Ball aj Paovo. T7e light upon to time, prepare grow a heavy sugar-croacknowredge, with pleasure tbe. taeeipt this season. t of eomplimentiury tickets f?om ihbj gen- . ' I " ,':vv'! Any curious 3rd : ; ;-- ! in-vMt- ; iye ; . k-v- H ; : ' to . - . I -- V- . I ; : ; . r,-V m . - ne-ha- - is not dead, but has Bleepingfor want of paper. This necessity is at prepent supplied, so that we' expect to.- push' on' untiringly. 'and finish up the present volume in theshbrt-s- t possible .period. 'Tye Vrill, by that time determine whether we go on with you another year, or not. ; If the people of this Territory, wish to foster and anoe the science of agricultnre and kin dred. sciences, and Icoep up a periedioal osfavUf Rothschilds retires PaceiS; Nat-tal- l,' devoted to " these' matters. they must; do tlemanly managers-yiesarsbusiness with ' a fortune of 83UJ00, from f ,,if j, and rogret our inability to attend. 000: "" for better than has; been done by us. or 7r;V.;h si - O - ' - . - C ; : ; .' : Y p; ; .. , - ' farea , . . ,. - . ? .h vV'-v-.- -- v ,?M i - . 'rlvLi V . u k jT.B. Milner4 . : G. W Bean, r ,Vr. : --v M Meecham, .;! -- dsf i . t V;-- t --7s W. IT.! Warner, ' 7 W.Mutch,ii; Zf-S- i ohrystalized sugar. The remainder, dn-- I poorer treatment grinujatedto the yder dame extent. Our second years experi- r ments, notwithstanding extreme drought '..! and early frosts, have been equally suo- eeasful. ; Simple after sample that' we ? .hayeytaken from different lots of Otahei-tanyru- p at h the time of mapufacture, - and retained in a warm temperature, 4 have1 soon besotne 'solid with sugar, while; other portions . of ; the same lots have' extensively 'granulated without any ? further care of facihties. ,;: He alio stated Ithat in manufacturing it he used no ageidt exeept about two ols of lime,in eoidtion,to a bar- -' : xel of juice, applied while in the evapo-- r Tator, which precipitates the scum and other impurities fo the top. :.;& i Last season weimported seed of this aew variety, of Ixraxx (erroneously called 7 Otaheitan); planted late, ; but had the t seed ripen. .One ihing was portionlarly noticeable, and that was the great yield V?'of syrup'it gave., have some seed 1 to and ; distribute,' intend planting an acre the presem, season and hope1 to be ; abla. to give such; aocoont as will con-:- 'j vines others of ; what , wo ore already satisfied of that this is the .best syrup ' and sugar-pr- d ucing variety. ; f , txi. v J.Zimmermas, T.KaiTen,J-7;-- dec. Scieuce, ' j; E.Jetikins ; - 4 n. Bnxtbr, good, style our county wajcelup to her lntsjr--' ests, or sleep on tUi it is too lajie-We expcct now to push 'along jegular ' ly in thp office, and issue- the O dele im fntars without intermission , . 133 J. . ; 'n. - they will have to ; ..v , : ;V' ' . who have tp&d edjtor: bat who wear nor clothes. dont printers p since jmr last issue: ; to! but We is are it this,' from the? say sSrry bnljr p. Isaacson, W. Hupuy,. Michigan; Farmer clip . with-- ! F-Christianson : Utah' too J.T. Eardyi 1 true. laidbe-foralone, canj' e extract county,' of a following paper AV ,B. lIanien, . C.'Wlghtman, the Michigan Sorgo Conventienby out feeling itj support a vstekly jlikei the T. G. .Hadden,-LJ. Wrijtht, 'and flyifia bolors-W- ill Oracle in Sugar-Produci- ng f-- - .i, - ; - iv. . I-.- I',-- -. ; ' ji .b-- . y - ,h 'r i. 7 ' s , ' ." 1 ' - r - . - . .. s:; ... . ..t i! , . 1: . s' V-- I : ; A i i V; v ki& thf.'' 1 1 j " V v J- ' T 5 |