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Show r - .i . t FAR T H 16 M Ell Oil AC S ROBERT. GREER, Advertisements. 1X.TI!AJX,:;;' OOTTAOr MOVO. ; is- CABINET - ELECTRIC MATCH ROBBS, kiiy mii rycsx.iT salt lake citt' . EXCHANGE Sf COMMISSION STORE Bast Hatch's Wholesale or Retail; d:- GRATEijf All aorta ot grain and count ry pre il wee '. imperttr of. Choice Sctdti Ptanttfii., bought. aold an dec charged.' Sales lovr for nrx T 1 LI TLiy fJrsaVr. about the eall. Also for sale. Greer Rat Destroyweek Jn September, upwards " Bvd-bn- g ' JofsOl: .1 ; " V.f 800 .SEEDLING YEA PLANTS, at er, ;; Remember, Greer Defiot of Exchange, '0. cants south side of Main street. ;t imparted next Sptiat np-- ;. TTrlLt V ward of 50, OOP choice APPLI7.PE AR MI -L X, " root-grafCHERRY-other trees PAYSON. ' 5 . per 100. YEARLING 'TREES'. 3 tJ. HANCOCKS LOG GBI3T MILL 'per 100: ,, CtiprTiBN.'Oiirranti, Gooje--I is in first-rat- e working order GeneIf aspbarrf ,' Black berries Ross, ral Satisfaction ertirs, .be guaranteed to all. ran 11 . fthrnbs, and kind eqnaliv pi it t of tenth bushel' The charged for. grinding. rheap. Ptrione wishing to obtain any ef Business at Ranged to that customers frtfui the above; will pleaee aemi their Ordera aa otlief: setileihents-Lcabe .'accommodated RAVE . G emrlr a poaaible. V' immrdiatefr-- ' '''Si-' Wv rev ; r. I J BENJAMIN. HANCOCK, miller. rtngrillo, Utah co. i pROS15theb,paatiwe.JBif A SORREL BALD-FACE- D HORSE i feet whi?e;o(M glass eve. supposed AT) TIIE CABINET gUOPrROVO, 'l- to b 10 or 18 years ohl.LlIad oft, - when 5,000 feet of 4x4 s.csnthng. .set of shoes, riaiu 'Sad- 5.000 fleet of 3 x 4 do taken, ' Diamond 5.000 feat of white pine. . dle, Harness and Collar marks. of2-inc- h' brand jon.lnd..)eftilhigh, '. It-feet cottonwood and qualc- 5.000 lappaoii s ing-fs- p i have been stolen by Indians. 'Any one lumber. I i . 'v ': '' ti inker. returning Tr giving notice of the where- - 10 cord of quaking-ae- p animal wHlbe- on Itahlr re- For which Furniture of any kind vrHl be about of eaid ; CYRUS ' . warded., 'f aade.jn payiasnt. SANDFOKjX' CLVFF BROS.- C TAKEN, .v : , STRAYED ' f or sbont the fieri .of: April, a three .i; brindlo COW, with a agojtLres abont.this oJdIijht year place, CALF. Marked .with ; alit. ia right, snr, FROM described, asiiear'as memory branded C M B on the lefthfp, One-and aide allows; as'foilows red and white liraivied N &' O. Th owner U re.' nested fonr-yewell shaped. One a brindle old, y par charges' end take from six to oighf! year oM ' One red fivo ilARRlSO.V OLIVER. or six years old Had A red heifer calf "i hr Swy,; with her a year go.- - .'Each row having on ; ;;; Santrq un, July tf. t the left rhouidcr a .brand cf a 5 or 1VIIO WANTS TO- - BUY F ' r with J in the centre. circle, ' same severe! Sashes Os brand with Straw Also, yearlhigs, 7 V Hats,. Bonnet B Jixra, Mountain Alum '.Also,- - a roan speckled row, three years Copperas- Saleratus, Starcli, Fine- fait, old, branded E D on tho-lefhip.' Shoe. Peg. - Shoe '. II tckir.g, Red:' Blue, . Any person giving information concern!' Black an-.- i Indelible Inks, ing any of the above rtcck to- the Editor, will be liberally rewarded. First -- riMIUMiKCI - .. t C . - -- S-t- - (. -- . - - r.-.- ) ON . a liianaounee ILtLUlT, to ihe ESTRAY-- ; NOTICE. wishing to know the AN person of a rrd fonr-- y ear-ol- d STEER, that haa with a crop and hole in escli-ear- j run upon this range for nearly wo year may inquire of the' Pound -- keeper of B. F. JOHNSON. V Saa-taqo- f'Y Bate you- any. Sheep - G-i- nc - - - P a - UTAH JtOYELTJES ABB OTHER ; of Native fiowera AjElV VAftlETlCS We can ai awefva'liinited fruits. Jaud number of order . 1 . JEsdionf s fcr !hrSk, L- - jioxn MDf'. - , .. ;; : Jenrings. Store.' He lnvitei h:a "agents , In all parts xfthe Tvritorv to' call or send . a ud recruit the'? v.- XX BAXD - U AN 0 WB- - , GO. - : - , D. CRENIR, HAKER AKD CONFECTIONER. Wityff BALE served ;rst VaR hours in his ItJL Dining., Room , ; Sweetmeats , , Ice ; V - i few othet desirable sorted Or. we will A (id 5 - ; things, a treasonable prices. A lo. in connection: n WOODXVORTUS PL AN INGM ACHING fox pi a uii-- floor ing apd. lumber effqny thickness from to and aur width up' to Prices forplanirgfl.mrfng, for any amount to 4 cents per j foot-,-- according to, !pm nount r.d qualitj of lumber. The floor- -. ingthat if planed by this machine- is of and thickness, and. any man equM width' can lay doi-tdthe ininoernt nnd-- better floor than : be caiiwith flooring that is ' v'-- ' lane d j;i:Grainr and1 cciinjrv produce-- . taken- in payment; and (he highest premia in alloweil ; 3-i- iu t)-i- u. ; - e e - : - - S. ITAlf WAGONERS' X FOR SALE OR TO RENt,': ja.v.V ; Ihe city of Provo, Ihe' STORE GRIST-MIL- L in formerly occupied by Birch fc is Stubbs, situate on Main street, cor .YTroTaiYslley, doing a capital . ?. : warranted to give eaiiafaetion. ner of Centre. ,' ; Try.Jt JuXLyourselres and ae! -Apply to Bishop W E. IfUTT ALL, ProTOi or to B. W. CLARK, Spring Lake Ssakk Cskkk, June Iff. Wasach Co. , Ur. busi-.nesaa- hd : '- mt 1 . v:-:vi,- - Ih garproliiir la a desirable shrub-foden, even for the beauty and fragrance of its bloom'. .The fruit is very excellent for or for eating,- for pastries, sweetmeats,; wine, Some grow to. a great sise- - from ladies Jar circumference. trroi There are three distinct soiie Red, Yeb-- ' low and Blulb 1 he cuttings and roots are by mail to easily and mfely transported any portion ofl the - Umted; Statue.- The. Editor haa some very- choice roots'- of the above; and will fill orders for feeds, roots or cuttings the coming autumn;- - er wBl make mht nge for roots j or cuttings of choice liirdy- grapes, jfine iroees ;or ether flowering bhfups; choice.1 fruit 'or : roots, bulbs and seeds1 ;of ' fare ' and beautiful flowers, v ", Orders ' sbculd b accompanied with or articles as above mosey, postage-stamAll roots or cuttings of the. currant, warranted to be receiVed' in good order, r .UV J. E. JOHNSON. r tv-ihre- ' ! e - ; . dell-cacyl- be . DESERET CURRANT. .. i-i- Creams, .Pastries Am? beat of Faults served cn Gold.P-In their sefcvoii-'-Ca- n A few good Carpenters apd;j Fruits, Oysters, and J?. daintres alwars other net makers wanted immediately. toady Every market affords; served up to order ' tTGlUfST-lHIL'C- . g .' cf pay' taken., i . . stock .of M atchesj Ac., for lliejiejnands of the Summer . Tcdlera and reliable persona upplied, whofesdl; on reasons hie.form.-GrainRigi, Old Bottles,; anil all kinds . A S, - .. 2 ! '3 Factory, south oJ SASH. FURNITURE, ; V If!1 IP3!n TENNEY A FINLAYSOY I for seed and Toots of T V . DESERET CURRANT, ILIA; LOKGAKLORA, Scarlet,, i SCARLET novciai DAY a beautiful native cVergrcen.'of drooping habit. ' Thousand-flowere- d CONH CAOTUSL A beautiful WHITE. VARIEGATED and beautiful for .other ds- exchange E at the old aten4 manufacturing the .for articles sirable garden, nursery; or-- ! PREMIUM SPINNING-WHEELlawn-- ! or. J. E. JOJIN SON, chard a hundred other ' t all at FIDLAVS Depot. h ThsFirsl-prizoXIatc- i;F irl & ail VtrinK Death7 Mixtures - . ' 1 , t Waterproof, Matches, ; e . i' - having located 'at .the THE subscriber of 1 TRI NO GREEN, letwcan Payson sikI Santaqr.in, upon cne.of the heat and most extent h-- sheep ianges in this Ter ritory. pioposes to take sheep, on shares, or herd a limited number for Che season. Ac commodation' good, and attentive shepherds. Fins mountain and bench range- Bring along your sheep from lliebara ran g s, damp 'bottoms ar.d .saleralos' bed, where your wool andlaiubs may not bs lest - nd beccme victims of the seals ' your sheep :. ;. B- - F. JOHNSON,. y V J ; Spring, Lake ViJla' June I.' ; y-- V- in, ' prove--propert- . 1 . aj , , in- -- iwanted v ! - GRIST ts, A SHOP habitants of Vah count 3T, tht thev .xro prep's redjofi Ik allonlorafor FUllljlTlJRB with dispatch at their shop if Prove rone block i block north-ea- st of tlic Tiihieg-oLce- e OH AIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS,- SOFAS, LOUNGES, Ac. made in god older. .. Cash, nil kinds of grain. and lumber. ta...... ken in enchauge. ETA good wanted, also two ' or. three good caLiuot makers. ; , , ? n Jr. .DAVID Iie VV-secon- i .1 U :- - - ps i. 1 t . |