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Show ; fWhi t irYr-- V 71 w-- '' vJf j . 1. - tiV- ' J y -w . f". ! ? r ;';X ' .v.J v 4 r. '. ? II FI ' :f ..t I - . ir y; i ' i .a. A v "F-- . E R M Rv O R A C '' S. with luscious fruit, and gardens stored with abundance Hof fr uity Vegetables and "I '.- - s.rA . At j j&v : hundreds of dwellings, from the rural wot (d the' stately mansion, aro being ' reared, and machine shops, factories, mill, aa well as school-hottse- sj jihurches, public Edifices and f magni&oeat temdle are being built ; What has piade this great change lit a periodso short?' tTho stern arm of labor, atreilgthened by energy and persereranoo to -do Or djoj third Tuetdau fit with a fixed.W Metcminatioii . f f flowers r- - IvS V- r - it ;ajms FvbUtfied : f V ; Y:r ? J. 'EV I hojint JODXOt To-da- y, rao'l I mnlS . A monify Editoh PtfiuiHiiu (Pwiivloi. hat, s 4. piaoted us in an.enTiable position When tbs peppla' are 'reeled in wisdom; the natioirospcrcth and tho hoart is U, fvnscKirrioXr made gladi rj v i : ADVEKTISEXUITS, 10 writ MtllMMlIllll A Khnl tni. birtiwfiil ill jMfljitTtrtiwn. :. 0 (mn! tboa foal Mare kioti UU 1; j i IrauUl u ObitHr liriiMi ul IUmtU at kow ln, ul IbcuU i;, UipIriiflttauiN iliuniml. Nuriiitirlit Ejclitiw, ulUwrin fl hi ul : .Sciaaca fkw b1tm. Art, art reflow; ' .! r. ' pmiflihH wltiM tmln ' ' . (welling CMnuarca npea nllAir tertit j ' Tr rr.i j r. w.iiV f!.,J XlMl b th flu liriu wha gar as um," ' .All Cnriarulutl awl It tlttwri U tkt UUw, . . : , taka r TiUv J lt(Ul v Thus may our destiny for ward I up!i!.: t varies j: ward!; until .Cfsry nook' If.i ago Years, hail the of husbaiulihan reecho the song IMV . v.r?'v" "r ; and tho hum 'of industry,', and spice, t. iFM.UtA?: jAlbanrcni j i i 5. ' OAh.1 and tower and column flhaUTvie in height dNOlatt) sterile region,, inlubhcd bj tho with tho mountains around to axarkithe 1 . ' irolTei. lowest riada of Indians: rrMs- - home of ' LJ 'r' V industry; rirtue and happiness j ami crickets;, a region which heppert ' v' Brider ? (aq' bid man, who' had 1.' Cpf. tofKQfl riiTed in the Kooky loantains score 1 ' i & v iS ' few , since. .this suga 'Itis xmj years l5i . aainhobitable, an4 ; . r. jcrs)y'neonndered J.. OTeaC()Sorcd to giro a thoasand dollars producing plant was intcodu.ced into.the ths JJOrthern J j ' for the first bashel of corn grown: end y; S., at which'periodi tiheir supply oXchgar and irhatii fit to-d-.i ? Set )ed bj thoVilcd States reemved ddoriBOnSj Who enme in 1848, under eir- - jrup fronvthfl South, or imported;the ewasCaneot' the most disbpragine: sieki same from !,foreJgn cbuntries.v What a rh wesrjnd worn, externa lengthy joati-CiVo- f changtf j iow the orthicnd and portion abrt than a thodtand milos ? ef! WetertTSCates produce '' uvKisu-gar- .'' I bVwel las' m of used, A thaiy rup bst,antroddcii plain, strewintiie Bdt twd yeari sinocour Territory tested. witbtheir deadj hereihej waysidt i rj5-.haalcd.ftU .th9 - and commcneed 'as fierce 'edmbal with tie txs tneXpuijisLi jrupt M I' .1 tony Lores the plainrf, costing $4 and r $3 oatovardenietiU wiwmoliej w of' course; tai opuhd afford ' ' Aicorajas'sednoW battliiig with mjrriadV pert galAahd, iu. J tvl di. us? and of familjui.ibc' destraotire nwrj crcrj jnjJiiUfi insects, againiwih JH 'h&s it tabled and he territory " i ' j ; jded with compara tiyely j UtCs istrircing to prodaco meahs to sm'--j : f i D. JOHSQiit 'f.t Jii rw ; t - .- ?- k i , ! - - - .; il - i b' ! i' in-theb- e rifteei: . 1 I - . A . , t I s jA. ' "fcO" V ' - i c C ' lm- J 1 iI . j v . w y . Call,, m. it ' ' I from (he . Cast. . .. Very recently ws received a, letter of in terrogatioiiB from iY. N. Byers, editor of.tlie Rocky Mount Ain AViet, Dehrer Oity, Colorado;Territory,and;An oId r,i' 'r lie. wishes to frontier- acquaintance. know if fruit trees, sccde, ;khinbi and tioes can bd bad re: of whonx, and at what prices for such varieties as aro baft d here. Su5b, ho thinks'migLl dcTwell there, as that climate is similar to odr own. Ho., also ' inquires; what hardy here, and if seed can grapes s I bed. beobtai Had our nurserjmea &nd seedsmen shown an j. spirt.of .enterprise" or ; dcsiro to sustain an agricultural paper,.1 thslr advertisement woujdhar answered thb queries before: beihgi asked. As 'bnsv spaco is short wc aAswef tjocovdinglr' Apples, peaches, apricots, nectarine, pears, cherries,' strawberries, currants, gooseberries and grapes, have, .been' produced of excellent flavor and good size; and are consideredqnite hardy,-anoua soH aud cimut is .wel adaptedvtq their growth. at present; the'Californiagraps hi rather top tehder foy our,frosti:vahd a i i "il the peach-tre- e in f it i jured. 'Seeds of 'peacbpluin; aptfeotj; and nccturine are casiZy obtained, .gfow readily and produce fruit ! a from two to flte years from' se'sxf, butd&ality - W '.Ti. iw fjfliit would be uncertain. Tyccs of theso varieties can bc 'readify ' obtained from-opf 'nurser jmen,4 of from ;one io three . f .. - ; j -- ? - i k ,w also.--sometim- - - ; . es. I -- 1 : . F . . ? .1 I at-the'- - i''-- tdr-roomp- . ot a really. nice article?".:':' VtaJn their existencel'and toiling tpbnfii ; ll'he nxt' thing Will be the production streams 'their; ,of xboistoeo Sriior.rv' - famished .. ' pf'iiugarf:'Xhifl: season will, no doubt; cops forwent cfroin anddewJK; Thas the early pioheert tbiledi da thao? V ' i htinger; andi wiinfj1, till .hps(r lu 'V wbohaTO sarVired ihe great, trial hare krt' Last soasoniwo produced 160,000 bstcles m the gjljpns'of Bjrupj this season the crop is i i foudthci: eiraj-d- ' npt only broader bat much hoarier and.; better, anilVe famect. onr mahsfacitf TslUes enjoy tne peace; prosperity k? reports ril:foot nearly or quite up, j y these thermir:oi lastyeaS. t d comfort 'forwhith fhey-ha- re ;Hng i "Will m?nufactdrers. ; throughout:' ' labored "andvloikd. To dey half-a- d the goodnes to;.sendus 0 Jfoprns,! Tiilegeaand n tho .tbsir scsuRfcof labors after the cities teem with; hustle; industry add - : ' j . !:hlh ? seo-sb- i. it oren tA;.'UtpSnaxf If' yjl! ;. i-- J. loyal State .. ' hulf-a-dc- nt CutHfigi;&i3;ariety per Viidncc. of budding of grafting can also' be sent safo: by mail, an d fr ui to b tai p d quicker by : using larger Stocks, prorided lba peach,': t apple or thorn' Can be had to bud br gtaf y into.: cOf grassw we have flourishing! ta-- ",1V 0 a ii f ? -- - . . T topy seeds of tbess, as well us of choicer si an4apfejji transmitted' by mail.,vj.Ji ii' lf our gfcrdbptirs and n drscrymeh wi 11 not resppnd bj snowiug their advertise- -' r monts wowill undcttSkS to fill 'all' 1 i J . "II a million dollars is half (pS0ver iS I I i'J . as-- 1 - i fta workmen at the Pprirgficld Artpery. v! :.t. - 8 ounces, .and: smh to any: part, of :tha jof-7- y ear, wil r: malte hW' own syrup ond sugar, and some to send with waring grain, our ' orchards rich, abrbad. ?! - " 1 roi pLeaty rants, footed, 5 O 50 cents eacK7'SmalL rooted plants of any of the, sprig aovo namedj may rb ..packed ih oans, s taleifl, - " igvwr y oava ' yjevasga - ,f :s ' : |