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Show , U dau w O v i-- ' - y I ' : - l"i- ,vj TT i--f ?'' Jy afa''iLaKJtJirJa . ; J J ' ' ' ' ' ."! mU.., Jli V.:'; ; ;. i 5fv-- l t-3- . The handof Industry makes -- ' i s M ' -- pssert - ? J . - , vV , J Apples and Pears. ; ' i - . ' - ' ; tr"x . ....... t , . . AUGL - that is, the, Oil.e in Ihe dfotch and one or two above,. when only two . or three; inches apart; and. when the wood is quite short Joined,. 1 remove alternate, buds on the. whole cane to avoid the crowding of fruit. I always remove those 'buds at the joints of the old wood. To. prodfuce these in grc$t abundance hud 'perfection should engage the attention of the community. Let me; urge upon every person! who contemplates the growth 9 these fruits, to spare no pains iq commencing right.. With due carej ptqnitig is'donC'in the fallor trench,, trench-ploapply decomposed fore part of tjte winter po btids oil tenstable manure, lime, ashespotash, salt, der varieties should be icmoredjdntil tUe b.: The distance apart must Spring, for iin cases .'Qf extreme ..cold, thedepen 1; upon variety. Dig yout buds on- jvoung wood ..may;, become bples at least three feet m diameter for killed, while those on tho old wopd-rei- r smll trees; throw the. richest earth bit main loan. Cor. Rural N. Ycsker. one side and tho poorest on .the other. 1'lant them as neirlras possible at the Qroapa Corn.; same depth they gre'v. lifmore all lake Indian coni it requires deep; gen roots; spread those that remain eroua soil, and there is no material dif- id their natural position,, covering the ferenoo in the cost of cultivating the first lowest with rich earth, continue until' all are covered; then train p the two crops It may be grown upon either earth with youffoet to! press it n con- old or new land as safely upon freshly tact' with : every foot; or thee lfbecan broko'h ns upon land that has befen under be accomplished by thro vri njiq Water.' ithb plow for yeqrsfllfiwjptieast. four This may safely ho dose in ny tunings inches; deep; .haft 6 kWeIload a good harofaReiil Pears crop may be relied upon if f the laqd is paoq as tho At qi.ty usually be Xr an Planted .oarljer thin not afterwards oultivntad at:, all. eura makes but a fedblb growth apples, i Id proportion to the diminution broom r. as far as possible, be of; . ly transplanting t should the 7 onshould, frosh planted braqchei bs removed or shortened: it is plowing. This will best not to qutiofF the branches close tq enable it to start ahead and outgrow t)i tlic trunk, but allow an inch or more to woods. ; Planting may'! be . done, at any remain to be removed; when the tree has time; between the . 1st pi lay ,'.and the 25fh of Jdno. i reaino j its vfgor. 1 Alore than three Pea'groeqftr brush- always commands braiichfis, cqUally i the left-ihighest prioe, and this quality pan an' nater be annual tier.somo recommend only two,. on op- -, only be obtained: by cutting it while, in The moment it passes that stage posite sides, and the next year two inore bloom.: the fibre ' begins to redden and detiorate at right angles with these-- ; Plant largely that' variety von' know in T.alne. Bj-- a indiciolii sel3ction of to be productive, hardy ; and good; in secdeutting can WcWmrnoaJ ..on the 1st! of Aiugust anj continue till ; thb our eoiL r ' middlo of . October, thus rnaoling - thS m tm f ; t lie Grape. tl I Sower to gather and) cure, his brush at , of - maturity ; when ., it .will Very miny; .psrsoqs growing grapes weigh the .heaviest, and; .command the n "i idea how to go to work to prurio highest price. Cor. Prairie. Parmer. mi. A' ij. a good the yiaiov,' consequently thev many shootsl without reaily. kaoyriog r How to Grow sound: Peas. ;V w, ; ' p j - rm. V ill. !Z i: the real Java flavorix I s ... v ' .I SPRING IMKE VILLA, UTAH COUNTT, UTAH, TUESDAYl' H", 'SO of Earth. bud, llotw and bear fruit and rears the proudest structures 'I. :r,. ' p. .. tfo. 7. m AjVaXiy dj Vw 0 ct ..w a . tal beverage, On in a good degree' obiaihed from the lir-- ' gcrfwhite or'thejnatrciwfat pen.1 They should be thQrouglily parched,bui.-nburned. If treateji p lth ." crsam and sweetening, jt wift re ily pass among' rs for pu coffee, t.as , it' is. nine times, ouA of-- tei served up at the-o j ;; - cofice-drinlce- table. to-plS- Cor.TN. y.lV -rid-Rhubarh 'iFitfei " ; v ::i Vi: -- - .v'n; s .i j - iqsf-tilat- ed -- ni . , A very good beveragp can be made of U t; the juice of the com mo i it Is a- - wiee m that Vainty can strictly of come rnit. Marsh1 ; f ripened rDr; only gives tho following! r eeipt zdimaking! F rhubarb wine, wbien hi savs is the best, remedy for.;dvsentrT. 4nd diarrhf'eas? 'X and s! ice the leaf-stoc- k; yet Vxwwn.-Pee- l as fpr jnes; put a rcry imall quantity of ' water m the vessel, onlV just enouvh1 tSi i pie-plan- i j ; , I i -- - K-aire-s . ro-its- . ,! this liquid add an equal qyspflty of wi-ter; to each gallon (aftei mixed) add.four T: to six pounds of swcetc iing,: set aside,j V ferment qqd Akim likqjp irrsnt wine; putt, ,it in a cask and lcavditl in Knlki-alongt as possiblot lAH wine: r bettertkept ia ' casks.- - jOhio C alt! veto ' s , - ild ; - i . M Fpulnj . . -- . ct . In pruning grapes, the. proner,' if he uniersuinds his business,pricneawith the viowof obtaining so many pounds of fruit fromreacfh vine. - ' i In pruning- iny vinos, I leave f roiq t'vrOQ to six buds to ,thd cane, and a one ortwo number of spurs furnish buds, strongw.ood . for '.next . Whehsver u years bearing. larger number ef buds aye left-ta single cane, a Large portion; of i the shoots springing from them are of sickly growth, and the f rdit is i in ally and will often it; becomes; half ;ripe. Oa cutting the' eases I usually (db off. tbs lower buds,' whjr . r : - suf-ficto- o - wilt-befor- e nt. A farmer who has groirn' the best of sound white peas, says that his sftjd peas were full of bugs; befotd soyring he put thec&infto a basket and dippod it sjo wly the into.a.kettle of boiling water, basket was directly lifted andt the water drained-odt- , the animal and not; the. ve was life killed.- The seed was getale sown the next day prptty thick? in drills xwo feet apart; 'the fesdU.;wasthat be qad a large or,op, of. sound peas . fit for seed the next year without; eoaldingVi. iPeae are agood substitute for' coffee; the small grey pea is unfit but a capi- - Nearly.1 every good ! h ms e wife knows-;- . ' to make, a duthi q! leosa with oh-:- -isral milk, which, wheh skiifully han- - , . iled is a palatable dish fair the tsx table. 10 w. . , Iereis a receiptl for njeking-.- ere&m r; eheese which farmers- can a lf ui desired of or if'. creamy very quart pot rich,' add one pint of nSw inlkj iaaaki it.: a - ! o ttyt--Tak- r warm in hot water; 'add a tcaspoonful of rennet, let it stand tilltek,.thenabreak- - itelightlyivith aipoep and placeHlfta . frame eight inches sqaareand'fotiriftr.i ch os deep, in which a- - cloth has .bun:( placed. 'Press 1 1 slightly with aF. weight; ;v will Ohio Cultivator - ; ; G. Webster, i of Uolou Alills, hid..staier Dm t .after have- - i ing tried a mnnber of remediM-tndr'effect, he his since eifred tlaese ef his 'fleekTWhs I have .been affected-Witthis diseiisvby i giving them.red peppir jtaa. :.' Take tw erf three pods, put them with water and atep,a and when cooK give two doses a diy; if the first does not afford relief,- - Oo. Gent.', b : A h ! V v-wo. 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