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Show ..4.. .! I' THE 'PoataVInforniafibn ; , ted. Post Office Dersrtment,' Washington, .i: ,' ; , - :: - --- :; Jnly6,l863.: The fifth subdivision of the 42i Sr; E M O R A: K S n . Yours.., Respectfully ' s. F. Drsgs. ' 1 ; Inquiry, j- - " : 3 ' t ' Post Office Lawf EdITOK O SikCT.E: ; t:r ' froni ytfur nicls hereby amended by striking oiit the .word . Deak SiK: JudgJng are that desirous to dis in the be Oracle, and you, Insert1ng'thIrty-tw'twelve, . In semiufi.te formation.especjally 'fore ounces, so that it shall read; 'The h fine fruits in 'Deseret;: and ' weight of packages of seeds, pullings, roots in rtgard;!.1'ceigsry for the beneLt of myself .pud ypur readers, and scions, to be franked is limited to o i j generally . I wish' to know, through your ounces., ,V:? medium, :Mri Tenney's mode cr plain, Bjr order of the Postmaster General,. of-- , JLTX. W.f ItAirpALL, propagating, and. Cultiiro of J Jiis large si 1st. Asst: P.AJ.-.QeDeseret currants, .so that ire msy .nll have i Urge delicious currants Instead ,of poor it ' Department of Agriculture, WashingtonJ ones!' as I expecMl is as tnack trouble to ' J, July. 7, 18R3. y; ' plant and take care of the. poq. article as At the suggestion of tbs Post Office De- -. is for the good ones.. Wishing you success in your noble en partment that the above ocer. should; Dp all the ueipki and hope terprise: as extensively as. possible, you published you, and .diffuse tbelr will confers fever on this Department, aiid keadi will encourage wis ; lnay all have thq on the farmers of the country, by giving It knowledge, polbat' r' benefit.-.' ' a place in your paper. It will bs seen that One of the Fcsro-- fad) dfPjirsos. the right to send the usiial weight of seeds! De? the under? of thif frank cuttings, &c., : .PRESlflJlij hiST. has not been abridged. partmentj . . Z7ic following, it .a X.it of the Premium? to Very respectfully yours, , ' be awarded at the ensuing Jnnual Fair, qf ,V .,i ;! IslAC :NEwyotr',7'; urder the r-e- ; ' o - ty-tw- . j - n - tlt . ; - -- H : " - ft, i : ,. I ? the' Utah County Branch of the D.d-' .ciety loltt held at Profo. ;L Commissioner. Statistics of Fruity s Pleasant &cM Grore ; i at So- -. - Committee S . Hold away, D. Si ' Slfs-Th- is in full hlavt boidipg regular add doing all in their naer to raeetlftgg, enhance the interests of the. Association, .and. increase, th subscription list of the At' our late election,' S. F.Drigg) was chosen President of II e D. and Davis David Joseph West;1 Directors:' And at our last meeting, tb following- committees were appointed to jpspect-anreport fbecoaditienjoLinat-ter- s a'pd (hings connected with this place.' "Oh Mechanism W. Paul, If.Greeahalgh . , i. & ft Djjgga. J ..On Farm Crops and Fences D. Thorn. S. P. White, C. W.Moors. Qa Stock tIa Robison, T. Nurcjen J. i. '' vc: c' . ;;OnFouta-and. H. Sheep and Flax T, Wooley e ; M .'Society f. f; I d . 1 - Best I' 00 -- BcstStone dressing 'do b 1 Best Mortice... do Rest Shoe Peg do-- ' BestbfetaiFnmp' Best spagmipasting lc00;,2d,do. Bnfdu. - , la o'.Jiui v;ii., .s ...... F. rARiqgp IMBLEMBBTS, f. CO Committee ' Stephen Chipman Sen., J. Brockbanlt, Sen., Bishop. John prbwpi ' Best Wagon ' ? -- '' 5 !00 ir': Jddo ' Si bo . BeStJPlow' .OO 00 ; Beat aubseil dd. 2. Onv 2d do; jl 00 ' ' :. Davidson: 2 00 'fddo 1 00 Rest Field Roller' v -. Bast Ifknrnw H.i On S. fid do1 '1 CO 5 s, Fralts 2 00' Farmv M.i Wintsrs, t . Best Begd Planter. .2. 00. i t- 2d dojl OO worth, E. Mayhsw, ;; : On Vegetables, Best Corn Cnltirator 2 PQ fee. 1 2d do 1 00 ., Best Galn'i Cradle "2 00 W'.lH. Grsen,' J Bash. I 00 2Jdo At said meeting ma ny subjects of interest Best Horse.Rske .6vl BOi-- i 2d do 50 were "freely and ably discussed' and a Best Hay,. Fork , - . r ;5b , 2i do ; Dip ' 5 . 2d do'- Dip good feeling a wakened among the people ia Best Manure Fork . favor of ,tbe Association.;: Many new men Be'str Seythq enathe 2d Dip since .been added. Best set.Ga rd en Tools 3 .bare byrs 00 ' flu committee 04 Fruits 'reported ds Rest Shovel 60 2d do' r Weihave risitedM.brbardIn Besty8pkde .50 -' 2d do ' Di? this city, containing, in the aggruate, 656 Btitlnoe doi Dip i appletrsea, andan-2065 peach ticeSsjn hear-in- Best Whpelhajrrpw, .. 1 ; 0Q r ' 2 1 do , ' 5Q and about enal bumber m young Best Cheese Press 50 2d do Dip trees not yet In bearing, ;;; he apple. trees Beat Washing Macbh 2 Off 91 do -- l 00 d are mostly yedng of and Best' Board o' f Din approved 2d , Wash We ; think wiH' ber favorable Best Spinning Wlieel 1 00. 2d do .1 50 1 001'2d dp,!J' 50 comparison with an In theTercitory. We Best'smsll'ad.'1'-'4alse lind, inmsll qua ntt)es,; pears,- aprU Best Corn Brooms 2d' do'. Dip .. cdtsj plums, grants, English gooseberries Best 5fop Hsodlq ,; . 50 v and currsuts.u W eiwerevpleased te noiice Bsst Spinning Jenpy :5P0'' 2ddeDip 2Jidd"2 " 00 in aqveritl,..gardeiis 'improved Trietieaipf " AGRICULTURAL: H AbHUfES,' liei strawberries, such as tbs' Hooker Wilson brich.-; S 00 oiir committee' Best Reaping 5 00 and Hlrtey s seedling? Wore also pleased to had at.the nursery. of Beat Threshing doi 5! 00 2i.do- - 2 00 H. Winters a goof aupply of huddf 4 frees. Bsst Fanning Mill'. '' 0U 2d do 1 t 00 i , .. rtfclbaasand coNTimBn on pas 54. Mleamongwh Ifh' ' tfwt a''!1 t 1 y; O' ii'b .v -- -- . 2ddol . -- . -- - . G-rde- ns,' ' - T; 4 -- fo.l-Ipw- s: ;- ;60j'9J g, . H-- - rsriq-tfes,an- i - - . Ir m "-- If A JI 4 - , . - "r .fj, f i - !. 1 ; fi t. . , inch-aqd-ti- . alf . Oswegsit-clii- MAK!KPBcTTJA-Jf:Ztl- rf e, labor of erttinghis-milk- . N. T., eaves-thin.pans , akimmipg, and tiking care of the cream, by pimple Otralnlngthe milk chumvand, churning of one day, into . the milk next ; morning .by, horee-poweHe thinks being llien soar but not lp'ppened. he also makes'. xnpre hutter rInAthIs Mv m lk.'J Tbo milk ; from the same quantity. being ,sour, prod than if fresli. An eXperlMtnt,carefriUy made'' with cresifti-fripalis, and,byihe abova jnqthqdp resulted in, giving I0.PJ from the churned milk. cent, more batter If i Mps tj I UKVfi JA'iil of A correspondentIt; , Brrni Waviuxo the Boston Cultivator says ha.liie not bad spring for thirty yeaTkV rapeid blitter! . He wash p s it. Not wtth wat er? which he, with most good butter makers, regards as . injurious .but wfthaweef onrtriaders-tried .of it .afterweril.:; Here any this way ;and with what :eaulta? There are :eome good butter 'tnikari that1 xvater sn'nilus a better art'cle than some bad mihufictdrer ; who'do pdt wasLJ it, But' qaal' ' AlCiTf , cleahlftessjand ckt'efui management,' wodld. doutleas t witk tUetCj make better batter witliom.wa8iilifg ' f Stepc fqk Cookino. Ip making ginger, Tte s, till E the soda' bread w i th s o I'gbro m with the snoInmejtbenfpratm.sitrlUl lights then mix with flour in thn ukual.way, vuek V will makejight Bread. . . Contaoioic. rnox Fxvxaa 5ir William . to erot ii' Temple'reeommenda timid people 11 raeulh-'lthe , in: shtalr piece lofjnyrrh eases- of danger, It haa provsd effectual " daring the 'plagnes of the'EasC 1 ri IJ TtiiL. Toothache Dr. Blake recommend , two drHcliina of alnm to be dijsol vodin1 seven drachma pt sweet spirits cOfultiTl dr to be piece of lint of a small bit tit anor gr. the: to and solution appllea pipped'in'the ei-lse. eklm-mtlkjjjtlin- g - . . . .. -- u ! - -. toothtT' . f.- . ...... ftJ v ' Jkiic-j . gTA sPsam pqgihjiwlilch popstfinf own smoke and steam, and makes no noise,, rt-r- r ' ia faorin successful Opetitfofirexr' a' horse' railroad in:Ncw.ysraey; fcix aseii ia saldilha whole Fewishytqlgki i gyit fn lg$6( waa.J 0,089. pd children, : I feT-7 Twi?f. SJrsi- - p ts.'ac I-- &.- - U . ; (fii 1 1 .. J'A , - n-t- inaVorkl 00' Ziio w1 25 cisis -- . .i-A- . d i'-. Shingle Maclihe 1 00 Plaiiing--dtf'k- 1 . .f Brst Garden Engine, 5 00 Det Balance , r i. ! . two quarts of green Stewed PrAS.-jTak- e wJth a. peas; puf them intoTa stew-pen- " of nch bu a a of pC lbalter,' 'pound quarter parsley, and the heart of s fina jettuce cut id pieces i a bunch of anint'thlree oflsor lamps or sugarf'sotpe salt ;and pepper1, And it a' vefiry little water Stir, all together, en the coals itnd stew gsojly Tor, an . hour pr an hour and h.balf.rfaving taken out tbs pKrsley,:dda picqe of bu'.ter 'rolled infio u r, andj afir in the yolks of wo . just before ybujsend ittd nthe table. Ihp ettnce i Yoa'raayjf- yourliiooeepul without' enttitigdt ia plBeesi tiestirp-wltthe hunch ' of !,paf dley and , two pnipns,aa4 withdraw the, wbe before you dish tne peas. ; lettufce Iii.suothax.dlsh..., Serve up the ; 1 ; .; ; . .T: , v i ii .J, ,jr Col. Prftt, .. H ihti ax B OTTkk 'Maxiw .of Pratts .tille. Greed-countyformerly the Celebrated" tannerj how eqmallyVuecessfjil with llic dalryi fidd that tile largest nv.ab.' madewhea the milk-i- ope. tity of butter is laCbhsiA and a quarter depth In hot weather in cool 'veather and an eCren or: eight quart pane .thus containing: but two and a half quarts for the first named ' depth, and threeqnarts for the litters : r . r, Editok F akmxk's ' 0k4.CX.EI e DCak Pleasant Grove Branch Best Eleam. Engine $2Q CD of 4heUtah County Branch of the DA: & Best Fire Engine .. 5 00 ' Housewife's Corner' . Clrtt; 35!- HACHlNEItY j ; . 01. E l apples, two thousand plums and tbree.huu .dred apricots i, The otbtr commiUpes have not yet repor Correspoiidencp. , i' l F I |