OCR Text |
Show a;is-- il S 0 R T trt .. All persons bringing any of,lhe T H F A K I L.- - class .? LAD IX S' ' VOElf. 5 . ... ... . " g A tJ L E rl j 55 j?n ft -- ;rr New Advertisements. T artl 4-- r .W..UyLriir r ' either produce or 'clea rer competition D. ih (brnmitieeMr. Eliza TantKSmith.i fr be wilt expected to give the manufacture, Julid If. Jo.HiwffA, Lucy yood.ajnd; extfpaive HERD du writing, if required, 2J io Dip 'all particulars, OrnamentaliNeedlewark .50 sfewmiles south tli6 a of IAII), produce, Board; of. Director 2d, do Dip of itake BeitTabIe orTollet cover 50 reasonable, Mantl, any soil time'of v 24 do Dip way aUdinUhher frown I. W dumber CATTLE SHEEP: ind f5r Best WOolen" Mote 'of ..manufactured . rtldje, one.-e2.1 do Dip )lantingt &c.of ; 50 more yr arailnii aharca. For Beat Cotton Hose &c- - . . how nlde, description 2d do Dip H ?V 7- .titufars' inquire or Best Buckskin Gloves ; 50 ' premiums will be piid t either ' (pgAH 2d do Dip Best variety Crochet Work 50 KING.Co.V ' Y Vinea,' .plenty ;'cr trees..' bushes,', books, do 91 50 Dip Beat Straw Hat "J named iii the t 2d fr Dip' sueds, according to. the sum 50 Best Straw .Bonnet oirered. list of.PreipftiJni j '' 2d do Dip 50 Peat Millineryb FLUMIlko Wxw Daxiel Sectotary.v GslVes,. 2d do 50 cr Straw Braid Dip Beat ,GrarS VTTCtL send tfieir jricd 1C a t o n is.of ' 2d do Dip Beat Artificial Flowers 50 VV Trees'. Plaijtsi. Crepes, ,B ijbs - qpd de Dip Beat sample Raw Silkif J53 Seeds to all appIiaqtajAvho enclose stamps .i- - lS':. Class ai. HOME PRODUCTIONS. Tm rtla lapertmrat will b admitUd riial Enlpr -, ciopk a, SHE C. Moore, Jure. C.Tur Com millet $tr. ItiddliS, Charadta, Connartmm,. aeieBtiCa Kibum, u, aaS nran aad6wtlona ntr.A. Greta. ,; - T53t-l8HOPr;J, ; ala Aaecdotaa, Poetry, W it ad Uaioor. jNli; pitovo. v H Din do 50 2J Best pound Butter',' ' rf MiLRTLV AiNTHOJiV V respectfully 0 j j 21 do Dip Bast pound Cheese : ; flsHnciQiicei to tbet 'Inhabitants of ilA 2d 36 Dip 50 jAllAlYOrS, Best pound Ham Southern llortiop of the Tsrrftcry, that .he No. 30,f' Norlli America ., No. 31, Csbi. has. 2d do Dip Bast four Lotrei ; 50, No-Aopeneti a Shop, where he is Pi tierce. No. 2d do Dip net Maker. 33, 50. Best Preserves , .' x t execute 'aliroirdtrs In- the ;abaveClihe,' Ell- - No. U, Purport 2d do Dip 30 Beat Pickles, any kind .' fearless r j; , ofj competition; 50 2d do Dip Beat Starch . , Ail. kinds Ealgmss with.dilijL Job,'VYork;dpne 2d $o Dip 50 .' E.-P2tch.r-JPRIC;; N0.J35" M lieltSbi.SMp. ' ODER AT ' f y 1 :v; Class H'.- I am coni edoflt letters. . , . FLOB'ERIXtf a limse. a PLASTg. Y Committee IP jJiiler G. Wilkins, llr. My 1C, , 3, B..iaa. partg pf r.pit-plaaehoiifl W FE country. A 6, 2, 3.y:by d; iacluiling. ' , UaKley.y V,! 7 ctbenasi'Set'anitaoij, to 10ms a.iiiuiild. Ice 0. 10, 7, belongs 4, 00 hestSOifcsDrledSejar 50 .09 2d do 20 ciiblce ie found lix live trees.. Pansiesr Antirrjh5Euk, 4:c;,;alao pranti, 3, 2, 1, Best gallon Molasses in found is sometimes 7. Chiua JHi'dr viter. Carnations, , 2d do 50. 5,. 6, .grass and j qq : either Pink roots! tarn'ii' sample of. barrel f . Jr, 10, 3, 5, 4, increases vegetation' 50 I 00 Beat bottle 6f Wine J. E.JOHNSON, ; 2, 3, 4, necessary to.housowivei, 5'J Beat bottle of . Alcohol i 00 10, 11, an article of food. 0, .2, : 1. 00 rr- 50 Best Honey 1. agreeable to travel era, 6, 3,. , 5, .YYX 00 Y 50 ' Best Bees was j to fail.'?- , 5, . l,. n1 1 aeo 1 50 e. 00 BRiNDLE zid .7 a; Best dauiple Tetf OX, 5y' 2,- 3, 4, unpleasant.' ,, iJL , for aldpiug.crop la ' And my whole is a thriving settlement .xA.years Idld. AJhV t:. itf dtali- Class' 0. COLORS, i '?- . Axolo-Aueh- i right ear end sl it ui fhe left.' cam. IV. -MENDENifALL, Mr. Pound Committee-i-- A. F. Noc, J. McDonald, " 'V'!' Keepar, No.3r ' Spri ag viile JyJjT I p ; Y vV," . ' Edwards. i am eoui'poaed oi 7 Iettcrs. 50 00 ltd Bast Madder SALiriliBA;M to hea'th. V.CO Beat Itfdlgo ifj d o 0 JMy .l. 3j 4, 7, Co restore a boat... to 6RKY br.TI BER. WIL, T7HITE, 5, 2, t, belonging Beat Home-mad- e ilye I 1; oo - 2d do 5Q V, LOW. Grows Rapidly, xmike i,goM.l'7! 2, 4, .7 a mineral..,'..., of any dolor, 'Hedge in ffveyekrs.. Spiitv wll,.and islhw7 tue centre.. .. Beat OilerTf a I Jr Co. l.;2, 4 7, best soft wood. fur Jfuel....Cutthigs seutJn 7 a violout Y '4,'5,'B, 2d do 50 passion lore,' Retire produce. ,100 the to fall, by mail, at $ I Si) ner hundred: press. 3, 4, B, 7, odCmakfY Seod I ef the CEANDTHC3 AMERICA-NIJ- S rockt 5, Beal Brimstone ; 50 1, 4, fij.arough do. jj4o' the great TEi! .pla.nt-5- 0 cents par"' ; ff, tattered 5, 50 oo: Hitrh 4, r do ganueat. 21 Beat ,1 dunce .I lie liiTulialka much 11a- . 5,, 1, 3, i, a' disease. Beal Muriatic .Acid ! 1 oo ' 2d do 50 j vo'rrfd like Old HywV ' of the 2d do Dip 7, 54. auorgm 50 , Best Glue y,y body. ; 7, :tf, 6, aometiiirig good to eht. .1- - CO ; 2d do 50 , Best.Visrbislir.' 1 00 4, 75, 4, tlioiiimtioost. ' ' Y :2d do 50 Best dil-4- 1 quart " And my whole is What- all shoals j)'c sj-e2J da 50 Beat Li&dJPeftcil Y, 1 OO T Famxa;,' 50 1 2d do Best iirpent!ne2ilirt. 0t) 0t do ; Cliaratieif.1 Best b. Resin-Y-- ' 'Y lfl0.,-2'AMILY;KNInINlfM'ACHINE. Beat' Lamp B!ack:.v? 1.00 2d; do 50 37 No.; Salt t nft- - ; 2d do 50 Beet kn A wprd of fi vo, letters I uften have aLr.,... .4o are all. t togatherTuu-outhey Best Refined Alum : ; i 00 . 2d d o &0 When; P ; .xnoanif?Y ; .v . . its tost iu' thirty 2d do : 50 J, 1 0Q,; Best Baleratus . Price somptatA day BeatC jpperaS .. 100 ' 2d do 50 But if you ' clip .one .ofif Uicrll bd cacugh . : Weight 45 poiiiids freight from 5P 'J Best Plaatar Paris -- 100 ' 2d do : 50 fiV'toirCularaLd sam-- ': 50.'S4cd Sl Will cer.tsitq a lake To yoa drug showf.you Best ) , ' . 2d do .50 p!es.fsejid.s,ainpa);' ;r:; regret.-- ' f( J i Medicine f & ELLIOT,;GeuerarAgehts VNSO-BR state ibill thi off shbiy. another To you clip I J; Class . T,.lpO) taqjatreet, Chicago II j? f AL XHSIBUMENTS. That you niust le in if this drug you take. il'ow qX this tiie tell reader Kindj Committee G. IVardle and J. E. Daviitl i NiiiiM y, . word . ' iJ ' 2d do ' 50 Youll find it in Walker, 3. noun and vSi Beat Matt'iali brtim:r 100 b. ; yL .MAIN TltEET, . PROVO. Vi . , 2d do : 50 Best Violin t , '100 G COOlt$LEY announces to the in' ) i 7. Beaf- Bias Viol 2d do ' 50 1.00 Ihe TerritArw (bathe will habitantsAf ' Pianoforte d' 00 2ddfV 5( )fths of the. loss official THH EYE of every treat DlfiEASBSLOF report (pgThe , J Batlnstrumonfcttl any J . t 2d ddi'5(i HatteVas " ; iyas descriplion-two f;v kind , ClATAR akUind 'with ACT tfhor It Hhffe woiildl do .well io jsonauit Mf C; ip relatieu1 . . I V: ton, tESSAYfh! . to the8a&ia 6bMmiitee-2h- e HYrY : .Board of Directors. There are over l,500 bantff I I t , (jSr y li 4' an .the. Sta out' United 0 ' IMays on AgricuitufeadaptedV; . tea, tiug SCnOOL - CADSV number but Tout pretcml'to pa Specie t this,country Home'Mnu- - $5cach large : notes. on their hadat ha.Farrfirra Oratle Office f . facturej Horticulture ) -f- rj to-Ih- cw Having e we-wil- l r - . . 1 . ypriScM&yW . i . . . Tok-K''l-'- J- - V Young Folks1 Corner f2J 3ET-1R0- Ad-Ki- . S N ui : At I . - j n ! f . - . - . - Q - - wine-growin- ts -- f . i. v 5 : ... fx. - 4,-'ll,- . - - DYE-STUFF-S, - - I - 1-- - : - . '- . . , I , i ! : - " , . a-te- a . i W, - .r-.'y-. 5-l- -- d - - . : 3-p- j homo-prepar- i Cd : . I. t,-.. ; V P.-MB- 6IC . deseketEt the-nam- e . : ak 'i - ? 5 31 i ' . 1 - f 1 . - . f . ' ;. V v-,v t.-- j ' ,v - H . W - , - , -; : |