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Show cr i ii wrilcs from Bear ei, under date of 29th jlt.: "Weath.er it Tcry dry and has been all the season, the crocs wrt lieht in - consequence. Oar pew caraing macnine wjii gvnJ v"nofr'1 Jtowi tliVwhols aileytan, "ell1 the cards.. Ik is a good job and ewfcbc hest in thii.ceuntrj. r Tbe ivood worfc V: by a Scotchman, iron by anngheliman. .Elijah Elxxk i tfr , -- ' danoinsr. &c'?; Says there is a toWri'ih X i . ihatiBttal'ir StvGeorgj fcOG inhabitants supposed they'arej to bbbt V niid unable to take'be Vyaper. f Cotton f v-- Jtfos Voilr-ibertl are about" three acres ih'cottoh In this placed ani i looVsbettier, .as a general thing, than! 7 hun-urc- , " v . "! . look' 'trees arc flncU-Pe-icI- r . 1 i.a qo ' T9M.VP!rlnca " o 2d do . J2dd 100 ACTS. K. Thvibcr, 'J, E. Johnson J.r-FI-KE P0 .!5 i oo - . fV r . k f ; Class CtmmUUe-- -f- ;: - - est Saddle X - 2d do 50 2d do 50 2d do 50 (2d do iV 60 2d. do 60 2d db to 2d do 60 2d do 60 2d do 60 2d dd i i.t. i CUWJEBY,. HABDWABJEf bo. Best specimen StanciT jf l:0O; 'i Best co. Gildinr - l 00 Best, Transparent Bliudl C0; 1 00 Best Tyre PrinUrg ;Bes Lithographic do. 1 00 BnC Engraving r. : , , 1 00 Best Penmanship . 1 0C,r Best specimen of Paper 1 00 of Paris ) '''ntf'' Best Plai-.e, - oriuuncuu ci t i v. ,y. O. Bt ;2d 2d. do. ro r fte. .fc.ii :;-- - "f- - -- Patnting' .60 Beit Oil Painting i CO Best Pencil, Prawirg v ,1 00 iajdo - r 0 2d do 50 doing twolwt CApricots naTe uecn ripe BesGBridte 4 ;. l'00:'2d do ' 60 I Class' K. ' Best Carrlnge Harness 'v ,1. 00 2d do t! 50 " Best bearrrliamess , :1 00 2d do 50 Committee J. T-- Hardy, C.:J3arnesD.. : itt-wHteffon JarminfiUn Bist pairGehVs find Boots' SO 24 do Dip : Best palripea ;dotJk;ft;i &() 2d; do-iBoat 6 Knives ... . I 2 00 r. 2d do 1 00 IhM,charge,ptflock,o 2d do 2 00 Catf Cutlery - r"S 00 Best i ' f0 f: 2d do' Dip 00 he treats them- to a bath Bfest; Ladies SboeS v:- - 60 2ddo Dip BertaerFD4er'aJ;?jl0 2d do ' 50 Beet CuTrier's.Knif , 1 00 ' ClatS B!. PHY, GCOESj .if , : , l ..jW-;jfOOlS if.," i?. fl and 50 cents ILirrinzton, each jZ. Best i each I lVAnhlfnt a. wnsU in strone brine do aa Comyer-X).'tf arleiy j. ilaron Johnson. .. : . "' ' , size of cut IaUs: . ;.. . variety. Aip Bestsuitef Clolhe.lltOO' j Sddo L0 2 do ts Brads :inilft-j- 50 2d do Dip Kest suit of .Buekskia 1. 24 do 60 Beat 50 , Beat Hoop iron colored. c ,- o0 Best 5 yards 1 i 2d do Dip nuiL Best 60 Varda Rope : .' 50 Best jard- - wiiiie do'r to"111: 2a do 50 t- ' 60 , 24 do Best 5 vards- - Krseytl500 c.i 2 do 50 Best Brushes iy 60 J 2d? do. lip . Baskets Best J Cloth 1: 60 2d do Dip . Bust Sryds tu 00j:; :' .; r 50 2d Dili Bit Best do Bridle ; aa do 00 iuu lir.sey.. fcl Bet( yards 'JeanS so ; xio 2d Dlp'-2Sd.do Best 60' 00? 6 Best yards 8pur't 5 00 00 ,: 2 do ' hi Ml 2d Woolen J3taikH 50 Best jda U BftHiflovf;;v: B. Mikeb. Iltic.a, f)honthl edited by 5 00 2d do 2 00 Best Shot Gun '5 00 ' .2d do 2 00 Best Rag Carpet y. ri tOr ;. Sd do 50 Best Re vol vet. "!,.T v. 50 is ,; 2d :doDio " J t l 00' 6Q BeatAxe;Vii: v spirited joQTfial of agriculture and hpr-- 1 Best Coverlet ' ITioor Lock . 50K Runt rdo 2d, do Dip J, ; 60 )Jd ? p J,00 j to I BMtlilearth'Jlng i itic alfure. , Oar farmers ana gardeners V 60 and 2d do Dip Shovel 1 CO:, 2d "do :50 Best Tongs 'IT Brs: Woolen Shaw irould Te rmorathnflj ana, get' along, JS fete Llnen f1 t'0Q-'- ' 2d do r 50 Best wand 'irons 5 a i. au i 2d do DlpT 2d . do Dip u 2d do 50 Besv SadJroiia! ;.50 r r easier in the world did hev. read more Be4t15 yards Backbity - CO do Din DO. 60 2d . Grate Coal Best . do 2df Best 60 ' VSd'do Xlip 2d qo Dip 50 Best'I'iles' ;i !c '1 a do uip , 09 ,z 3d h' t 60 ItestiWbips iiiw ; Bes Cleilv 1 00 ad do Dip ' est comos , , - , w do 60 Best Fm Rluf U5;;V ; 5 00 ' 2d d6 2.0O '1 00 . 2d do.. 5b Bst Glass Best Fur Cap y f ,3S;pages? deyotea.tqtlic tarm4garr Best r ; 60 .2d do Dip-Be- st 5tdsCottoiiCIctli 1 DO" :2d do t0 Best iSarthenware Sand 2d '60V,v. fen:4wdhQUsehodditp Paper. fr Dip , " 2d do, ; ; ITOMOTTBJIi.ftoA'A.Clasa ; PesrrriclforilU atches . 1 50" dr Dip iishjd Obangi Jpdd, ' ,: ; do" Dip r Cowmiffrt Freir fFfg-iJVri- i 2d Clwfft J. Rest Shoe Lasts 50 Torki at $1 per TeariA'periodicdl wellj 2d dto Dip r Best ShdePegs s , d :,rr fiQ W b'rthVT (ha "attent i o A bFevery1 farm er 2d do Dip , Window . 60 . Beat. Sash . if r?i Wardrobe Beet r, . j .1 ,00. - 2d ,do 0 garaenw fiq (comoines Best Bureau. ,v t 5(?.v J":-?f.PI Beit 6 Chairs ASJQ : 2i 3o?'60 50 2d do Dip Slate Best and. Pencils v d: d '60 Rotkirtg CSieTr1 V rlfwjr ' C0:-.1 Bip i". 50 2 ido j r Beit Sofa or3ef.ee t.4l j amouirtrsreaaing.' . : 1 -- " . Class ! CominitUtJl. Joutt. 'B. F. Simons, Dan - i Johnson.) are doing crjrp GO:; do , 50 2d side Solecathcr ;l Bfst Jrell." and the fig is growing nicelyr-rth- e BeM suTeUrPr Cow hide 1 00 2d do 50 illahon harfhmer rind this- season: 3Me- - BtKJptikiiVisw?: ?U'Ca;2d do 50 ! do 1 W t-- -&0 Best Cair Skin : 1 00 0 2d do t DO HarncssXeathef side down ; 2d do 2 00 2d do 50 1:00 " "2d do 2 00 Best Sun Dial 1 00 v 2d do ' 50 Best Sign Painting 1 so Best Bauner ; ?d ?o 1.00. 2d do i' 50 vd do. 'r 2 00 BratOrsinfnjrPai&l'lrg . 1 f 0 Best 'ft'fir" Keener ;5 00 Sd'db 0 3 00 2d d 1 00 Best Bain' '2d do 2:09 5 00 BestPaiatrgPuhYally 3: 00 21 do: 1 tp BestView of Bf it Grain House anyOity) i ; CO Best Green or r- -: 2ddW2C0 5 do vl 00 , or , Settlement, iu 2J -..chard House ' y the'Cofnnty "' 1....' 2d do 2 CO T a. Cooking Store 5 00 .. .." l'2d do' 60 Beat Uoree or Ca i f . : 2d do ;;;60 .a.r.iiJ6 , ; J 1.; Best Water Color do 60 Best Kirsporator Best-RcbCaitiiT " wiihuitf' W Will harVifair 1 00 Best Centre Tajila 2d do 50 1 00 Best Diningrabls 2d da- - .50 Best Ladles Wcrk, ka 1 00 2d da 0 . 1 CO Best Bedstead. 2d do. 60 Best Office Desk 2d do 50 i 1 OO Best Wood Carving 1 CO 2d .do 50 Best French PolWuhg 1 00 2d do 60 Eett looking f Glass ' 1 ft 2d do 50 i J Silvering 4 Best Bulged Cooper ware 1 00 2d do "rp 1 00 do1 60 do. BestiStrsight '2d 00 Best Taijuelled work 00 . 2ddo vi-50 Best.Corni.e Molding 1 00 , 2d cio bit 0 - sThc,VwVan4''cor"iCTb'M jTcVa'w? r a c.:;:e Ainerican Phrenological Joyrndl, pub? lished by Tqwixx Weux- iSewjyorJc, at $1 50 per yeirj W- ipM6' tentipn to this1 jouma;I5' which is Qne of intellectual excellence, and is. the means of in-pa- rti ng much interesting .and . Taluable information- - : v tfrstPusar ,fonned'!fpt o r f : y": rme s s CO est Corn giiiller JRet Corn &.CoS Mill 1 CO Hepp Max J Calwroabwritcs from Wash Best Machine f I . .ingtbnj jatj 29ysnjfstheyiiad apleas-- i Best h.w Ilsy antVcelebration of the 24 tli full torn Cane Mill 5 00 ;.A ,V - a ' ?..- ' V ' ; f p tf&tftf ph - : ! : ".V f 5-D- as . ." -- f 5-j- . f - ' 5 : J i j, - i.4 v I Hi -- ; 2d-do- ; tflt sryds 1 frloxahklnd ofworksyT"::''! v -. Bii"JTdV-lIftt-t'rC."Tl''00- d'-'- r-j- : , r; - , Al, ;w j ' ''' c - fruit-greyrc- If t. -- 7- :V;li05-v;:- . . PY:?1? j. i jv-:- - .;5i'i-.ii-- ...soojM -- .f.t Ju'"'-'''':- . f " .5; . V |