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Show I F A ll M E U S T H E On' Monday, tha 3d inst., whilst nearly; alltha men ..in the neighborhood Were awaj to election, man, named Aaron S taker, came to the pond near ,lj Us, to bathe, only attended by a, email'-boy.In 'attempting to swim when near the further .Shore, ffttroas, either from cramp or somo other causo, he sank in about 7 feet of water gnd Was . ; 1'-- . '. ' , .. . V . .'.r, . r it . . col-lefe.ti- 4 oft . in-'Cre- onr. botanical collection. All he' oessair expenses will be paid by the Editor: fin bfy enough to gi re every citizen of the Territory, 3 or a pounds is nowgrewjng iuxgrianil y. Thus, cotton growing li Uiali is;no' longer a problem requiring ext season will doubtless a solution.; produce as apply sufficient for all our wants; in tin t time and we trust that cUterprisa'aUd Capital will; lefen this 1 . proyidaimlis lorits mlnufac-tor- cj thussaying ns frem want of of pa-- - reVanda(jaartcr-o- f annually,; of Imeabs to e ! ll i b.e '. i pr more,1 employed at .4- 1 . -- : we--hav- e kalf-Aa-ac- re ti -- - s - - - - " - vF-roi- .1: H n Iltrix-WiucK- xx r ryhjrrv,-- . i 5' l i - ; - lilhed, permanently, but a Uttieoyca year, quite an amount of cotton: proba- -. .home.75 o , r to observerthat all reports from our Son thyo Settlements concur In establishing the faict that wo ar producing (fine potton crop Uiia season. Although the colonies cn the jfcioyirgin ahd - the antaCara have heencstab- - scasonj'v w-vcr- ... 'jjto alo pleased . f- - Cotton. ? - . f V '..Fruirrhc. : " as a great fnVor if our friends in their several localities will at. the proper time, save and: send: us any fine naseeds, plants and shrubs-otive flowers, or beautiful or interesting plants and shrubs,1 to add to our eollec lion; as rro Irish to make it : as complete .: : ae it possible.' ...We also wish .to make a complete otediciiial plants: and. there-' -i. ' fore ask for' seeds and roots from every portion. of. tho Territory, of such to . 43 T : , :.i ,v I"; ted yield per acre of the cotton in their . '. Springville, Au. 0,183i. respective settlement. We should also J.: K ; JOltXSON: ' ?' - '( o, ;; -- 1 be .under obligation.: for' statistics of BfoW Dm Bko..t--I send' ; youi ,. by . s6rgo, .grapes, orchard and nursery Us Whiting,. h sample of .'aprioots' from al 'gardens one lot1 fro'm; IIoracj hear as may be conveniently obtained.' Fild-,onfrom John Mayeock.bne froni fi O. IIaymon, of :SpringviiIe, an &no Tdbacco. from Joseph Buxton, of lbrovo. !. .This .plant has been mt re 'generally . : v:.'.v' Wrlux sxDsniiv The above parcel came safely So hanVT experimented with this sew on than any heretofore So far ait we know, the crop a parcel of as delicious frui. as looks w611,1wheJe proper care has been eaten for years, .The variety apWo planted out taken. peared much the jsslme, buf there were fertilized six of the.largcstW.eerer saw; these, wo upon light sandy'eoil, properly. Commenced planting out thejftid learn, were from jluxtons orchard. Fro- -' die of June, and '.continued te put out Vo. Sid purple-gag- e plums .from. Esq.. middle of Jnl some plants till the y. Tho Whitings orchard ; Spring'll ie, were have very large,: bat not yet ripe; thty. will look ones fine, very early planted ji heavy growth, are lopped and give a bof luscious we iouht hot. f.st i those promise of a good crop.' We undertook rearing orchards,! look out in time;for( this as an experiment,, and. re now sat- - slips from the above named gent trees ;infied-tha- t tobacco ,'s will. make a stout fcso ii to have ruifrjof thet best. J. f ' ; , ' .. L , ' ' ' ' j KJf i r crop if put ou warm land, in Season, and ; SpabishForkj Jug. 7, 1863.' ;.,j properly cultivated ; ; rBao. Jobxsok: ; Sik:-- ! this sciid JJxae morning tbe Emigration.'. .yow a sample of two vatiiefics 7bf spples. T ' writes from do not know thetr iiamjsi;' I als sent Friend Wood Riverj Julj Id Grp t. Murdocks an early wild pluinij Your,, Ae.,r yd j ? .'Thos 'Dav;.' on loaded thus their return, far trqin js wkh foreign; emigrants,"1 all in good . The above came to hsnd.aU' One of tho appesl.wus tha .sweet bough fpiritsand gepal bcaltb.. Had a gene- the other, was a ZargccXrl jraml ofx rich ral good time' hardships, of coarse. In- iavt fiaVoir' and' a very desirable fruit cluded. Had supped from 'roast .buffalo, We dont know its nauetut think it dined iippn 'antelope chop, break!astsd valuable eedting. PI ani smallj hut on on; fried Sage hens, ap'd had seen the Account of so early ripening would be a Elephant generally. Though the ecr-- ; desirablo ' addition' Xw 'tho ' orchard.' t3 PTetpondehce- - n 'interesting, itslength Thanks. 1 '. and c.ur short space crowds it .out. Dxsxxxt Gcxaxis..T1ic vefy lavcsi ' sii?T: and finest we ever Saw,vf.'rvi El alt Con n ty Fair-- . . wet a p nl ox j i inbiiti'tn .black ciiiiTaiits, ' i . ; In this mmer trt finish the list of sliinine j Premiums to be awarded at oar County circumference, xpD, 'LjLeBtroii) of It1; that. this !. k.na . Fair next autumn; The" Diyectors'have Salt Lake Citr. vi. seems csh of curf Snt tits Leiiinprovcd, 'variety not,- as ypt, signified tho time for.holding i J-- COnjt let 'Our hurierjdd infirii'zLni. jthe fair, but; doubtless,' yre shall ; be ?ach neglect bo bring ibjs; fruit uplto a poststl' in time. Tho premium list it' a I rcXceUcnce.' a tuf e ' ' quite extensive, embracing the ptatcrial higher f r:: ' RnxnBAitn ihO . finest The' of Plaxtjof every producer in Ihe.eOanty, and we j bv Air. WJ is a Jfisv plants grown hope fo see the spirit of couipetitiohea-nestl- y oeason : . k i jsj 'P ,, are S m. n u , 4)f Jar ; end They largo" vis, j taq honestly portrayed. Take hsld in time; prepsre yonrsol'Ves,' every and fine variety fj; ' V: ': Anti cots, from ;DJBowcd wexvrihoU ; one, with something ' useful, b'eautifu1, curious . or desfrablc, and; let uego in deHciouMJ.', His variety- is among thi best 'i lil and have a first-ra- te exhibitiondT. real to propagate from'.-'V I f Lvl' ' j ' ,j'; f V . .; valley tan. - f- . Kali vo Flowers We shall take G L fc . . ... When the fact became known, a large paffty gathered to seek the body, but night came on ere it was found. Next morning (Tuesday) vthe party found the Cbrpse which was interred oil WednesT day, at Fajson. .A general: oondol cnee is felt for the boreafed family, few cf whom'receiveJ the sorrowful ladings until after the interment. : U ORA m&tion, the number of acres and expec- Droyviicd. drowned.-..-- . - V Will' the bishops in'eachcottont grow- ing ward cause to bo transmittccL to us at e::r'itst convenience, for public inform k i . . - - ' tl - i i1, 'M-C--.- ..- --I. 7 W-- tj!-- . .. : ; -- ; raxff Cranisr C ybWwftntvth niisers Lie felon. tttrcd? Thcu taks s'.-- ' i op iomc1kilidinuhV Tho eighth Annual Exhibition., ef' the gill ofisstrong add to'It one tnblcsr ooijul best, soap D.;A.; Jb hE Society is to Oomhichcc ip of I'piritsbf'turpcntlfe ntid htiir Ixf flbnr Balt Eake City isn Friday ihs 2d Ceto t thicken if like-thitnuahr thiiTapply bef next, as announced by the President a poultice to coyer, the whole swollen surface; change Or add. to it iften, of the assoeiateon. Let our county be that, it does not become dry. Aug.-10.fairly represented.iii all excH'noies. 'j ,B. Fea sicujuV' ; iate : : - ?.4 ' j JP |