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Show .J. '. t. should Ibe winter and litter for horses aud cattle. very, On f4rnji stpqked. with cattle and sheep the great value of especially, tnq Jittar does not lie in the grajn and straw. so much as in the gt eat, amount of pastur-age it aifbrdi n season oft he year when all other kinds of pasturage fail. It makes feed in. the fall, long after graaa be11 . comes . fntlrley worthless; again ' In the apring, so soon as , the snow is off the raising of evergreens from teed, ' tufccesif ground, it makes good pasturage, and mar u Ft rad spl Auti a g them rhave be lisei. as inch un.il the grass is largo heretofore bCpu by moat people,." and are enough o. make. good- feed; nor does .this difficult' and gTll hyV'maay, dbemea Veryv ' Tall aiid spring feeding .injure thf.crop for " uncertain operations. grain. 't' Rye Is nsualltr. ready to out beforo rrtmxtpttot ttreear ly experiments in grow uut of the way before winter wbeatp-henc- e came tegJSvMgrtenafruin'seed, .which the hurrying leasou of harveet .tutelar my,berYatKi, , th seed was plan- -: s:frr ted. In the, open., ground, .with no', more FacH Tanks iw thbViciwitv or Baric-yiBbl- -ff care thau we Jheatovv upon fruit er other It. vould be well, a ay a tbe Sardec id UQU? tree seed i.'fJ u less the wbatlier ground designed for an evergreen atoga Farmer, if farrilora would surround contl nuej for' seraral sneceeasive Weeks? s With fruit and pig-pe4 wet and efijqdy,' I'hire never ' knot'll 'this nnrseryyor for their' permanent locatjod their barn-yardsbodld bo deeply pdlvnriieil. trees.' ; Such trees bear abundantly, and ifiodeof planting id succeed.' ' culture should be shallow, crops can orten be obtained in such in a j. The niter heavy Evergreens Cau' be TaidiIygro(jrn: ; a distance from the. body of tbfc tree placed, is the stdng; fruit; Is stire to be small way by . plan ing the-- latter, pxrt .'of - to-- , not .disturb .the ; roots. .Their vigor of. picked up and devoured as soon as' it falls, ; April-nea- rthe surface, barely- coveringgrowth U frequently '.retarded bydeep cul- - thus preventing the increase of. the wotms. the smaller. varieties, thellaignc pncsiioi ture J too 'near the, tide - In', j. over half an inch, in - boxes six inches tiedp Apples, pars, cherries, and all other fruit had been foUa it groWthj rapid ao .filldd well, for the same reason, and. tbeyars .with fan sandy boil, placed ntarley ous' to did,deeply; each spring also provided wltii a pleri'lfhl .Smouot of effectual er of other the side t$ aheUge of ' from the drainage' of the screen front' tbs direct rays of the sun.' A the termination of the roots. A top dress- liquid manure s' each vo.od winter of soil or or; moisture ing spring, eoveihg of moss to retain Lii f'i .l i -" ' slightthe leached ashed? wfell fepays' its cost iu; in; seeds are eptil creased growth. care'inlist'be taken to rembve Tiib New Vort '.Eveniiig Post ; sayst . in Jane' each ! Mulchiiig th'orongIily;earty he past .year We haVe - received Diirlnif prick1 ydungplats ; . . ; they aferory essily Uokou.If the weath---v season until .well estnbliaifkii; will' finattref eottom from India.t Smyrna; Siatti Hayti, ends attained by. good cuUivatioii, nmny Jamaica Brasil, Peril, HOnddras,' China ; shlald "be all isnot men- .of,' experience 9 detin it ,preferab!e-Neye- r aud The. largest airienut hs's beeu . Watered. slightly e each . evening.; iXue, .userank.aaintaL manure , for this ludl-Ut-Japan.; Surute--- of Wliich the imcotton i greatest jdii&cuUyia be. guarded, agkinst; is Estimated are purtosc at 30, into.this term the touutry. ports damping' what gardeners At any time froihr opening of the gronnd 0C0, Bales'..' stem of the scaldiugofftlie ythe.rottingor at. ihe.surfacd of the sprlrg to bursting of the buds', is generally ground.', in young plants tbe best for transplanting' mo A varieties. '? ' This can' be'bBvfated by. sowing Over the Satan axd tue Womex 'fihommed re- the buds are started muchgreat care fates If. 1 ft era 1 : n of. ti yotiifgt eprlnk pfan hug tho'lpUovvirif .story as an antlich'ie dry ' In'to' ' tinder eoou&s jay are seen kfiectea In the is required" handling1. them guard add veritable piece of traditi6n,lllustrative against breaking them' off, and thus deatoy of. the faet' tUat t msnnef described," ' J tan has duties to pe. f the future symmetry of. the tree. ..'Asbor formfh theWOrld;S.iand fTbe boiCd csii beremored to a cellarfor he was never known 1 prefet to YlitBsJunipersandRemlbck, ' A4 be idle viz: : In the day to thein or pfotefftiondh'e fititwinter La3 neglect set earlyl . k is an Arab who there in torowJthem rwas; of dcfjrabls Mahommed,. r.iyhen.l , If the weather is cloudy, and moist, ever-gree-ns transform-- wide, had at. very-prettSatan .Wife.. largo qua ntitie8r r,.bda fou canjbe shfely transolanted in Juhe ed Himself into &3 .accurate a likeness .of Dy secepusinqih.witii lath nailud and' Jilv. Tlftj" last half .of . August and one-thiof an inch spar tor .cross peices, husband, that she coal 1 nt tot the life first of September is a gooertime iff set her which canbo laid off tiliiad and replaced after o her, tell which of the two was her hns- -' the' tenth of the latter month, thorough band 1 'Both 'Claimed liertho' real husgood apian. as; I .sui'con- atsuurlsei$ as 'to protect the band and 'Is'iidispeneable Satan hrhis likenes s: yersant.wUh? ' h?a plan is dIo ppblidable mulchiiig' tender young" rootlets from injury by sud.The ease excited rmuch' Interest 'in ths fmpqrta-- ; den. tosihall.plahtt;frdjh:afot'br freezing rand "thawing the following neighborhood, but nd sdlutiOn of thedil&cnl- lions. from foriegn iiCTeiifsT They1 hkve '."'SiUl ' wiiiterij.f. cJ ated eucceded waLwhehiplanted uofth could be obtained. At length the easo differrfit-- . varieties of jauiper seem ty The was andti6rtheaatT,kidcs:o brought before- Ilia Majesty,' the Pfo- adapted to high, localities. dry Itchadh'Sen niy practice ta protect two ear especially ' .for solution, Stilionmeil, after Arbor . Vltaj j American Spruces', to low fihet, reflection, held up "a ceftafu earthen plants through the, winter by dicing pUn moist ones; ; wliilts ,'the nardy pines. Firs the depth of one ortws dnehes in hia right hand, witli a spout like a levpOftd pot, a Bing, theixi. . At fiw6 yea rs, transplant apdNojf waySpr&ce succeed; equally 'well, tejuketile, and Raid to them to nuf sbry f owsstwo.: or two and.ii half-.."f-ret in Idiy',ibr:rathea'ivetjhoil.',4'' tlfowj whichever is thfi feil husband, have proved to' be hardy a new variety willentec an art, tows running iiorth And south, this vessel by the spaut, and thus ' After of spruce fromPike! Peaki Pic Nordman-nian- a 7 eii to eight Inches apart In the row. claiin to the wottian.' bis estabhkh ' and ' remalAlng twnyeaTa.al'ernate plants,, aud be'autiful Pichtaj'Pi.lus pumills rand the Satkirbivlng;' more capacity in that way pkofutoflewarihgisbrub . the following; prtlie fourth year in nnrsrr the Arab of veal flesh end bones, enas tender Cryptonie-r- a than altetukto rowsshold be removed' Ever--t tered at once into tbe tea-po- t, as sugges-teNana. Retinoapora Ericoidcs, 'Pinus e rie v , should ' The moment he entered, Mahommed greena ia,air fobt-pfuplanted Beulhamiana and 8abiniana.. .. or threughljr as.firteu as once closed tbe top" of the spout, aud ' kept him 1 i:i 1 j yAf.ui.-The- 1 iatwoyears rfatil plantel thjfiu lo ini pJrUntfe' of shut iuj f. the time ..But V vv; M&homiped.had eaiehi be' by farider to this crop stood; If kpt ; jittlq . taken ihe is 'Oreat'cafe must-'valuble1 as fddd for both' man 'and beast." Hiaxxceliehoy.aiuit' up for a few days' ina the in lessbwliiletont of It makes .excellent feed foV stock, aUd is that, earthen' pot, it' was ascertained that f.: roots from drying ' of the gronudr as the sap soon hardens aud second hi' the .worid.wtu 7gettingT. Wrog . -in.r-its mac t I only; (aniiscarcety-that- ) ; iqthejn Grcu'ing in Its bread 'making ,;Vou i'hser the rootn iK.aanortar, madaby;mixingchty sss; cfhla substance qualities; seems to iacilitate di "Mahommed waV thirelofe7 constrained ' r wlhTwatef nd jestion, pn has a .singularly, strengthen-- to let Satan eutof his coiifinemenit, to take faering ahofild always bepmtieed wWtrftl Jpg, refreshlngand benefici ii.efiect on thk ?s 'neo'essary pla'ce in the nianagemenl of aretct'ho paekttd forrtranspOrtation, ?or the affairs of tha world? but befere restoring ' him tdhis liberty again, Mahommed dx jwhear If aasplanting. dndotie-- lateV.inr. the , Ryq r , pubjectr to fayrtifj 'casuhltieJ tnanT any other qrbtr,1ifiorutfb; rit is some- -' tortkd.a'. Bhlttnu prpmlsi from him that he tdar'be-y- . .times ' a fflsc ted.T v.rMfilchingihtfroegMytod-fdetor would never trqubl q the fair. . sex , any . .Tire traw-Mbyrusf.' nd the' ends 6f dhe roots as BOOn con fine himselffo what be could; ' iid morebuff strong'; whfctt.rendert it better do ! ted. Is certain protection ogfpst drought bright among the 'male scx;jr ; thin Wheat straw, bofh for feeding out" in LMi vV-A- ) What can work bo pferfeCt aid desirable the change, and more euetuley rediove iteinbai at go placed apod theueai ones as blasts tf whiter, chilling h.tneVvby' " , tbelibefalptentingsof svergreeM - r-- w ; . -- after dry, water at time 'of pIauting,neVer mulching' 1 fhav' known '' U eea kllleci .by too .frequent use of water. -V, . Branches shoUld-no- t Interlock, or at any rate,.treee In this condition shdulu be trans . at once. , planted ' For the based broad of very production specimens, the leader hnay be' removed, straighten np one of the bcstUmbs In the topmost whorl, suppertingf by a stick of feho tree; shorten ftiadafaat to the body the remaining upper branches aiid any others, except the designedleader , which may tend to assume a too ratnpant growth. ,.Plant thick and thin, qiiick. was the motto cf . one.of the mostdlstinguisbed English; planters .off the last gpntdry;. a rule which has lost nothing by age. '' ; thu crop -- . ex-ce'l- eut : - . . -- - - i.i r ! ; - 3 . ns ex-cept- fat . - barn-yard.'- -1 V . -- sprdutedi-.is.behefielai- i -'V' through.-themOssas- - - -- .j j- - . I i i . 1 - i ; r : eet - . -- - rd h -- , ; . 0-- -yj .large-.-evergreen- i s t - . y - , d. - - be-tra- us -- . ed & "V ? T-- . to'-whoa- iurperIoi-S-ta;mois"wre- . I- . - .s . I . . -- r .sdaaohstse'.-'S'liiw'tfjrffV.saifl- ? av-plan- -' . .: 1 |