Show nellie holmes treasurer of the i young woman s temperance association of buffalo N Y strongly advises all suffering women to rely as she did upon lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound your medicine is indeed an ideal woman a medicine and by far the best I 1 know to restore lost health and strength I 1 buffered misery tor several years being troubled with my back ached I 1 bad bearing down pains and frequent headaches I 1 would often wake from restful sleep and in such pain that I 1 suffered for hours before I 1 could go to sleep again I 1 dreaded the long aghta as much aa the weary days I 1 consulted two different physicians hoping to get relief but finding that their medicine did not seem to cure me I 1 tried your vegetable compound on the recommendation of a friend from the east who was visiting me I 1 am glad that I 1 followed her advice for every ache and pain is gone and not only this but general health is much improved I 1 have a fine appetite and have gained in flesh my earnest advice to suffering women is to put away all other medicines and to take bydia E PInk hamS vegetable compound miss u no division bac buffalo NY hiss irene crosby prominent in docial life in east savanah ga adds her testimonial to the value of lydia E vegetable compound it always gives me pleasure to find an article of real value and unquestioned merit I 1 have found dia E vegetable compound well calculated to relieve and cure the various troubles arising filin irregular ties and menstrual pain much suffering could be spared if we only paid more attention to proper living and diet but as long as women do not do this your vegetable compound has come to the front as a true friend in need I 1 have been very pleased indeed with the relief it has brought me I 1 find that I 1 have perfect health now and that my mind is also more clear and active since I 1 used your vegetable compound it has been of great benefit to me and I 1 gladly recommend it very sincerely yours miss east charlton Cb arlton st east savannah ga remember that every woman is cordially invited to write to mrs pinkham if there is anything about her case or symptoms she does not understand mrs address is bynn mass advice is free and is cheerfully given to any ailing woman who asks for it P FORFEIT Kwe cannot forthwith prodoc the original letters bad of toab which will prove their WWW lyllae pinkham md co bynn o 0 THE HEALTH DRINK THE ONLY PERFECT COFFEE substitute made from pure BARLEY malted and roasted by a patent process which gives it a pleasing coffee flavor with health giving and invigorating qualities and no harmful effects may be taken any hour of the day or night without causing sleeplessness or any of the other ailments caused by the use of regular coffee which contains caffeine and poison may be used by invalids and children easily made costs less than either coffee or other coffee substitutes and is not a mixture or a mystery it s purity guaranteed call at Z 0 M I 1 south entrance during conference and state pair week and test this wonderful beverage free of charge howaad E burton V yi 1 hold la boli vr 11 ao 1 mo copper 1 1 el iiii arlo uit eat ippol irula control tid work 01 ol calel lead bulb buo cuo ua kil ibaan JOHN gofen ASSAY 00 heia copper i any two or led tl V any ahn SM bt biall 1 placer golu 1 arapalis Ara palio B le son for women jersey shore pa appt 26 special dodd s kidney pills have done worlds of good for me what mrs earnest of this place has to say of the great american kidney remedy I 1 was laid up sick mrs earnest continues and had not been out of bed for five eel s then I 1 began to use dodd s kidney pills and now I 1 am so I 1 can work and go to town without s if fering any I 1 would not be with out dodd s kidney pills I 1 have good reison to pral e them everywhere women who suffer should learn a lesson from this and that lesson Is curo the kidneys with dodd s kidney ellla and your suffering will cease woman s health depends almost en on hei kidneys dodd s kidney pills bave never yet tailed to make healthy kidneys linger longer TEA over it let it be steaming hot from the earthen pot and the s woman pour it s cure cannot be too highly spoken of a cough cure J W 0 83 third N minneapolis minn jan 1000 there is JEA uch a thing in the world as tea toper slave of the cup one can hardly imagine it the greatest TEA tea drinkers are full bottom dutchmen there isn t much nervous prostration in holland mrs e soothing syrup for achl dren teething efteni the reduce in bammah on allay pain cure 21 bottle tea is tea TEA sometimes and at some houses at other f W times and at other housea what do you think it 13 in every of bui amt T U kt how to good tu which do TEA you spend moat money on tea or coffee broco luire y oar if r kin kib shows the time to buy stocks it ll 11 a known tact to aryon vr yon tott gilt edged rom twenty to fitly dol r per hire in the past twelve month the market cow la stagnant stac nant what will tie the baxt movement up or down up re you are a foot high buy now wall are on the bottom for wit 81 nl dally arki letter mailed tree upon application commission CO BROKERS quo oni on nw yo k stocia nj chiago grain sail lalie S k and mining 22 D SALT LAKE CITY UTAH W tha WORLD LJ S THIS taape W w s f fy 7 AND A J TOWER CO M U A rower CANADIAN CO TORONTO CANADA COMBINED BUSINESS COLLEGES L D S and SALT LAKE the most thorough shorthand the moat rapid typewriting the most telegraphy the moat accurate ship the most awa couri a profession quickly 1 secured for graduates anta look to ue tor their employed emp loye in borit apartment teaching torce equipment perfect bot light progress cerialo come and ie or rite or salt lake city utah R H OFFICER S CO AND CHEMISTS M id hilj ctet rear admiral hichborn recommends peruna pe ru na philip hichborn nich born rear admiral united states navy writes from washington D as follows after the use of tor a short I 1 can now cheerfully becom mend your valuable remedy to any one who Is in need of an tonic philip no remedy ever yet devised haa re such unstinted eulogy from 0 o many renowned statesmen and military men as peruna our army and navy are the iKA turalf protection of our country peruna is the natural protection of the army and navy in the vicissitudes ot climate anu exposure if you do not derive prompt and aatu factory results from the use of peruna write at once to dr II artman giving a full statement of your cabo and he will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis address dr II artman president of the II artman bani tanum columbus ohio |