Show ROUP IN FOWLS i boup in fowls which causes much serious loss in this country Is a very common and troublesome complaint in ireland where it has received very careful study an authority writing upon it in the farmers gazette of dublin has the following to say roup attacks the head and throat and Is generally the result of draughty roosts dirty quarters tainted water for drinking and sour badly kept food if you find a fowl with a wheeze in the throat and sneezing then you should start in with a cure for a cold is the forerunner of roup five drops of tincture of aconite to a quart of daunling water for a few days will generally cure cold if the cause Is removed it not it turns to roup when the face and head swell and there Is a discharge from the nostrils and round the eyes the disease is very contagious and it you don t take away a bird affected you will soon have them all smitten if the bird attacked Is valuable you can try to cure it but if it is not worth a good deal of ex and trouble wring its neck and burn the carcass some people will never breed from a fowl which has had the roup |