Show convention OF CLUBS low kate rate of fare b cured by leaguers Lea euers for india ial ol 01 a e meeting Mee tini U the est of the e officers of the nasonal republican league who nho are work ork ng up interest in the convention of Pe republican clubs at ind anapol a oct 5 and 6 the central passenger assoria t on oil has conceded a rate from all points in the territory of the association of one tare fare plus 20 23 cents tor for the round trip the sell ng dates aie ale oct 4 5 and 6 and the return I 1 in t oct 9 thus enabling a vis NIs t to st lou s it was v as agreed that these fares should be tendered other as soe soc at ons east and west no card or ders or certificates are required on the tile dates ment one I 1 pres dent moore of the rational national league after consult ng with pres dent C W alegn re of the ind ana league and reprise tat vea ves of the III nois organ I 1 it on ed to ph ladolph a UP sa d the brgan zat on of can clubs was being pushed n th v gor and that an atte dance darwe of at least 1 1000 dele gates froni from the various state and tern terri leases was mas expected at ind an apolis headquarters will be opened at the denison hotel in that city at once the league men are especially pleased with mith the low rates of fare secured and ant cipale large and ances to hear secretaries shaw and taft an I 1 senators fair banks and beveridge Beven dge and hoa hon george A knight ot of cal forma fornia |