Show thoroughly EXPOSED the weakness Xe ea akness knea of parker ani ant davis 1 growa grows I 1 lainer I 1 inch ach day ait it appears that jilge parker of esopus is going to new lork city to run h s own campa agn the on has cone con e but it has come more a bif vif virtly aly than most of us expected the cevela i tion is s amply this that the i lea ot of the country that the democrats Demo crits had nom bated a fine old bidge j idge chose character chanc ter led up to the standard of whit what a I 1 dge should be is shivered into aters awo years ago the country antry knew nothing of judge alton B parker of new york and I 1 atle of henry Gas gassaway saNy davis of NA est N V ir irginia inia two me i p eked up for a purpose by the men v aho vho ho controlled the democrat c natio lal ial convent on how cleir clear to everybody now n ut he be the s t 11 0 01 1 1 In instead tead of th s ju jule ie I e bho mho sent the stately tele helenm rim to st I 1 ou oil 3 appears and for all pern agency merely a decent creature of the f aimo imo IQ i new york pol t cian david benneta hill it is all queer it appears so uns b and ind efferent tint th it II 11 11 could have nom dated one of h a creat ons tor for the pre deney As the days piss pass in th s autumn of 1904 the eyes of the ai at e can people are ope ling as to the pol t cal s t lit rit on there is no ang sh folio follo ing the ope ing it is bract cally all over save tl e eh b ton t on of a certain exuberance nest next So vember it is immoss ble that a ich a people as are the voters of the un ted led states could vote ge brally to place the gov go v in the hinds hands of T timm iny and 1 weak bit crafty democh t tc c lea leiler ae r whose aims a d objects have seemed eier e er to be for h aselt alone one aho vho v ho has never heard or of the ex press on the greatest good for the greatest grei test number and who above all seems incompetent tor for the best manage ment of the un ted states |