Show THE CAMPAIGN Xvi evidence dence that popular opinion favors rep nicee nc cee although election day is still some weeks off it is not too early to review the progress of the campa agn and take note of the dr ft of popular op nion to doubt that the latter is setti g strongly in favor of the republican ticket would seem agnost ain ost to queston quest on the capacity of the amer can people to choose between approved competence in an government and N abbl ig incompetence along every line of adm n strat ve and leg policy from the day when the republican po avent on adjourned after adopt ng a pos tive live platform plit form and nom nat ng post tie t ie cand d dues ites upon it the cans have proceeded to organ ze the r cam laign with the unites tat ng confidence in themselves and the r prine pies that goes so far to jo assure success UBI ke the r adversary adv es they have had no in d to patch up before tak ing the field fhe the cans cams have simply gone be tore fore the american voters on the party a record wh ch eh is not a document artfully concocted for en u eq bit a scroll of asplend d achie veme it its s written i 11 i the I 1 fe of the rei rel ubi e d ir ng the past forty four years fhe the scroll stretches from esgo to 1904 and covers a period of nat 0 lal ial deve unparalleled lu in the annals of the world orld ahe story of h s development and the promise of ita its continuance un ler the lead lea dersh ergh p of a man wh is the incarnation of american energy courage and achievement ache ach has const coast buted the republican appeal to american voters the elect ons in vermont arkansas and maine have shown the natural re pon seto to an appeal based on things ac cimpl shed in the meantime the democrats have been trying to find it exactly where they are at all efforts to bury the h b tebet between the and silver aings of the party hae merely resulted in burying it in the beads heads of the leader of the respective factions william jei jet n bryan has no more affection for alton B parker now than he had the n when he denounced the nominee or ol the floor of the convention the brief enthusiasm created among gold democrats and in conservative business circles by judge parker parkers s gold standard telegram has entirely subsided as the convict on has become general that it was a brick artfully g aided to corn cona nut mit s party to the appearance of repudiating ting free and in ted s ivor iver the subsequent utterances ot of the democratic candidate have entirely dissipated any favorable impression made by his tele gram and proved him to be a juggler with obscure and meaningless mean ingles phrases his ills proffer of a comparison comp irison of govern mental expend tures turea under republican and democratic admin st rations has dis closed that he h was ill informed as to the details of those expenditures and the marvelous marve kras national expansion thai that has como come during the past twenty years but the most marked feature 0 of the democratic campaign has been its in la stab I 1 ty end and infirmness of purpose one issue after another has been taken up only to be dropped until now it looks as it if the party would have to fall fill back on the tariff and the trusts on both of which issues it has been tried and found wanting in legislative courage and ad effectiveness american voters know that the pro tariff is not robbery and they have more faith in the american anti statute in any curb ng ot of mod ern trusts under the old common law the democratic campa agn started with david B hill as its sponsor and boss bat but recently rece itly judge parker bought to recon str let its management go ng to new lork IL ork C ty and holding a number of f gum um shoe conferences at the astor I 1 house fouse w th se lator gorman and several tammany leaders it is reported that he succeeded ia ta P placating la cating tammany and t senator gorman will supplant tom I 1 lasart as the real d rector ot of the demo cratic campa ga what was the con t nm Min sed for the loyal sup port damn I any has not transpired r i 1 ij i j S wi JJ but if there is one thag th ag necessary to the success of the republican ticket it is that the democratic candidate shall deserve and get the loyal support of tammany hall V ewing the situation broadly never in the h story of campaigns between re publicans and democrats were the dis shing characteristics of the two parties so strongly emphasized as in ti t a one the republicans face the problems of the day without flinching from either the opportunity tunit es or the re spon sibil ties of action they have the necessary colv ct ons courage and re sources to remove mounta ns on the other hand the democrat democrats ex it bit all their 0 d failings sf st tion thee ct et cal a agarics garies lack of set ald convict ons and conal connoting acting councils that render them unfit to be entrusted with mith the control of the government at this stage of the campaign there seems not the sl reason to doubt thit that the popular drift is w th the party that marches forward than that v cheh h ch stands st li it c cr r in mirk iraq time in the footer nt nta the other has left in the path way of nat onal progress the best proof of th s is in the tact fact that t the he an people are going goin about the r daily b business bi siness without any y perplexing doul boults as to what will happen in no vember |