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Show 1941 member 24 Page 9 .v Ratos Uaht-A- d C- vU 10. iifsertion per Be i ainitnuw . . . copy : ? ruodof with, bvkrjr: ' 5th run fre, Display advert tiiifig in Want-A- d columns pOi. per column .inch, , lOca Card of Thanks yih tl. line dayi. ladles adult Skmdey School class of the , First . .Baptist Chorda held a Thanksgiving dln-ne- r, turkay and all , the gpod things that go with wit, at ths : bwi . Store. Phone 0R FOR SALS - - .948 Jaap. Good Condition, .Fbr Information call Geprge Marion 6-2- 422, lid for subsdqailnt; eondteutiyo sam ';A',-r- , For Ueed Furniture1 and Applianbo bar. (Oina, Western .Autojltsooiats first SOt, alniisuaj ; for ; US--. '. - minimum, Fh,a07. hone, of Mrs, Ann Brasher on Tuesday night, . The evening was spent playing genet end. in do 'VlV -- SEWING RAWED Christmas lowing doneT Losllo' Harris, Mood S 0 or call for all your; sowing A BAYLES.. norning in the Manorial oonpaniod by his mother, who in- -' Hospital la Phopnlx, Arizona On hie leg. He get it hurt while Joyed a week with her daughters ;; Diane Harris arrived hone Tues ' Ihaaln- working in a nine down in Menu-ea- st to the opend evening Be will have to be giving holiday with her parent, Valley, damn for ten Mender vetional serviee.t 2977 i wending, - attlmding the eaae'hsne with Kleyd Perkins Moab Galvan 8-3- Perkins Apart- Alt of W. utilitieiffpold. Inquire W. Station, Chevron Simptfon Bluff, Utih, FOR SALBy;: 1955 4 StationsagonJ?. 6 cylinder, wheel drived Good oondition See Rebuilt : ,notdr, $895 K1 NaPaao Richard Bolton, ' Moab 8 tural Break, Gas Camp, Montezuma pm. Texas Zine vs . She non-governm- - ' Brown, Betty and. girls, Pear anoo, Jones, Wary Helen New . t all' Blaaling: '. Kathryn' .a n d; also In attend- -; left the Salt lako were I Jet airport Plane at 2 p,m, tides his parents, Monday to see him those the, off, were the Pease girls, Ila and Jlisdo Harvey and Hugh and Janet Harvey Hobinson, When Mr, and t Watkins returned ; Mrs, o landing, they brought with them Mrs, Vera Blaok for a visit, lives at Granger, Mrs, Blaok Admhsing ent t Doesn't Cost Blending 630 pja. indicated that the UIA has. a 2nd vs Montioello 3rd Blending larger number of qualified uran. re- They were thrilled' with h o Testimonial , Sunday Jullne IaWS'.- - Holon.. evening,' h e person "identified with " uranium industry It was alas at Blending 1st will visit at tho for an indefinite, home very muoh Missionary ths Uranium Institute, Weller has appeared as a witness bofors ths Joint Congressional Atonic Energy Condttee more frequently than any other at a trip to' nother-in-la- w, Zealand, 2 bodropm hone. Gall. 2257 or Ibited State Congress " see Bert Palmer, .During the testimony, it was disclosed that in his oapaolty CHURCH BASKETBALL 3? is - executive vioe president of Thursday,' Novesber 30 Meab 1st vs Mantioello' let students pis-sionto- uranium: SCHEDULE Jeep -- Legaa, and turned from Salt lake Monday evening, where they went to see their son, Clyde, off on a 652 olinato io odld. Modom 500. per week, ments,' to bring his holiday. un.-sua- - made is She Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Watkins ' Hunt, FOR RENT -- Partly tarnished class, Tleksts, reoorded ty 'Rodney Old or 2 bedroomnosm, See Mrs, M. N, 'Vesper bells, WANTED.... l Poos ok, Musio by. Ckthnar Rat-oll- ff, Madden, Blending. money, ,oo in or ourrtnqy.Ghll: Mrs, Alberta' Hirray, Joe ' J.D. Terrell OR .Hunt and JeaiuM Hunt, . hdth FOR SALE,,,,,.,,1 Good jisod. WST V Wesson K22 Coifcat Masterpiece Maytag conventional washer ft and holster, Reward offered. Gall Nancy Re&' double tubs If faund oontaot Bob Janet "throw eerioue doubt upon th at 0R Mezioaa Hat , . Utah, . . FOR taaiT . Spend standards whioh hava been esthe FOR RENT, Furnished tablished for ntnber of the tho viator ia Bluff abort .i a one . -- Mra. Uiwreno Johnson,. to Blending to apend the : Thanksgiving . 8-2- 056 -- 11. fren Montie period, FOR SALE OR'TRADE Perkins, Son jai Ue Sfaunway RC,A, 12 foot. TrudyConnie Montella. PregnunSf dooptf roots, Will soil 0 r, and Dolptdne Terrill) Props, trade; for good, used refriger- .Mrs, Bronson) Stage, Janes ator. See hlrs. M. N, Madden. Steven Phil Rollins and speeh Flan, Blending. 7- - - at A C ; ANNUAL PliAV. ; . Makeup, Lillian - Galbraith ' Harris, Mra,and'Mrs,.Ash r a . OPTOMETRIST,: Dr. B. A, Br oughta- ;Optone trie t , ii in For 'Blending eyeryThureday. - : appointmentrdall ' Blaokat 3531 TOR SALES, ju;. . nV-VS0ho- 1 ol Mr. i Edna a pn. pn. 8 Fkso Gasvs Highway ,at Blending 7 furnMeiBeaaonably prloed at Payne ol 450piSoqroneo FOR SALRV; Hatching eofa k bod Chair, & r i DxuLunQCOHpAnr a-- FRANK FRIGHT ? AUTO ofr o HlRRAT-sitBS- town BOX 2656 . ',4 . ' 504 8-42- RENT Poptact Merle Slaveno 61 BUNDING, UTJUI - 'V Cnrt Ptttj PHONE 3899- - A GN THIRD WEST STREET BETWEEN 3rd k 4th t Rot &r& Wanted 'at bur QABUTOD SDC7 AlMi Body Work, fc Gen.ral Repair elk judge Jtl INSURANCE IS OUR BUSINESS Hot a ' VO write all kinds U B 5 S T AGENCY. . BEP CLARENCE TREGELLA8 we ' no 034016 AT SKXRTTA1L CORNER BLANOING mm & JSEIPMIB-ABDJQJ)EK1T IS : FULLY EQUIPPED OUR SHOP MOTOR W ' -I V M, .t .a fp ,,, m IPCJ SEE US FOR o SOUTH; :: . v cape ton saU . ;Seuth;6T : . 08 DUL - and b, Ua Ad ; Glass 5 : . WATER WELLS SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION GUSO. . . . . Installation HOD S E S - red grey oonditon, . nylon firleze Cell Hrei Rcfi&ell ser- ving the industry. oali'2407 - nenbership Patrol, than any other organization fjeatker Courtesy its in ium operators Property diet riot. nod erh l&iweiri'th basenent and ; at Mantiaallo TUNE-U-P |