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Show Page 6 BLAHDIHG OUTLOOK went to Cortez to visit with XMAS ily Mr. Slavens grandfather .who. is and then to Moab to visit YOUR & Down the Street tflhOnEClTare Salt lake in Today, Thanksgiving Bakes the spend Thanksgiving Mrs. Blain Bradford and Mr. and Mrs. Key Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Saun Bohn and son, and Gary tyman and family arrived yesterday from Salt lake City and Odgen to spend Thank- best season of all during the yearj a tine for our getting together with snow the and relatives friends week of the we had the first seemed to bring Christ pas Just that muoh oloser; the month a head will pass in a hurry; but even in the rush of things, .we should stop a moment and think opening of all for. of The City to with Mr. and family the sgiving with the Lyrn Lymans Bohn's daughter Margaret has been here for over a week visitiThe to be thankful ng with her grandparents Arland Esklund, Fred Johnson, and Ike Kuykendall went to Priee family of Ruth Redd is brouit back Thursday where we have planning a big get-to-get- they, to- her some Highway Department machinday for their Thanksgiving' din- ery. ner which will be held at the George and Mildred Hosooe of home of Vint and Reva Redd. Dr. guests four Farmington, N. M. were home and Mrs. Dean Wilson and of weekend the at over the boys of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Doris and Karr. George Humphrey and four ehlldren of Wayne buok. his got big Orangeville, and Mr. and Mrs. finally and Jay Hues, Harold Kuykendall Dale Redd and son Erio of Odger came Wednesday. Others joining both students at Logan, are home in the dinner are Mr. and Mrs. to spend the holidays with the L Gordon Redd and four ohildren, T. Kuykendalls. Jay Mrs . Bart Iyman and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Kent Redd and four Grand to Bart ao Ken Mrs. Mr. and companded Lyman ohildren, and on Tuesday. Mo Donald and two Junotion and children, ' Mr. Sunday" night Mr. and MpS. WiGuy Hurst, all of Blanding. With Ruth Redd and the Vint lbur Laws and Mrs. Kay Smith Mie haal. drove to Thompson where they met Redds, son Bryee and Richmond, there are thirty six Pvt. Jaok Smith, Kay's husband , in all . who had - Mr. and Mrs. Arbor Brlenholt and three ohildren o f Murray, Utah will be quests at the home of Lawrenoe and Luo 1 lie Wrifht Just Ord, California arrived from after eight weeks of baslo with the U. S. Army. TREE POLICY ON NATIONAL FOREST all those iptiresied ill, other relatives. training Tomorrow ill. ! ) celebrating the 25 i : t I ii y . ? . - , returned to Salt He Ray Lyman. Free --use Pin on tree tags oan to each family unit here for the holiday. desiring to; out a Plnon for Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Brookmeier their Christmas' tree. No Spruoe and children Tommy and Bonnie or Douglas" Fir trees oan be out and Mrs. Emma Esplin spent last for Christmas tree use. Lake and will oome today to b e bs issued . . Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake who City with Mrs; Tsllis Lee was in the hospital. Mrs. Lee is a sister to Mrs. Ssplin. Gregory Holt oelebrated primary class oome was with thi . d MAE HERES,THE Ms r ail-tn-o- na FAMILY MAN . E. HYRUM Invited to PORTER for the oooasion. Mr. and Mrs; Jimmy Bugg and Blan-ohar- ds. la, Dad. Mob, and present and future. or OME. POLICY diildreri, For further details about this remarkable- newplan Phone 2306 - BENEFICIAL LIFE Company Insurance th of Mrs. Joyoe Both i ,,v - Thomas for Mrs. of Wedding Anniversary Ruby Chadwick ( a baby shower) the couples, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. and Mrs. Betty Shotts who's hus- -; o band is ' being transferred Kuykendall Redd Irma arrived and Jack ladies Peoos, Texas. from Salt Lake Saturday morning thought they were going to suron the bus and took baok a new prise the other one and didn't, car that day. They visited with know the joke would be on them. the Ken Helquists and the LeLand A large number of firende atRedds while in Blanding.. tended. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Skelton went went Arizona to tc Mesa, to family EtgiloeNew Msxieo last Thurs Mrs spend Thanksgiving with day and returned to Blanding on Palmer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. (Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Looley and , George Sloane. ; The Frank Beasons went to O- d- ohildren, Kaylynh and' Donna, of, gen yesterday to spend the holi- - Murray, Utah are expeoted here days with Mrs. Beason's parents, today to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Irlando Adams and Mrs. Looley s mother, Mrs ...Leila Palmer. their son Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins and Sunday the James Slavens fam of one o . in-pr- couples i: x 1 the Smiths will leave for Jones -- six ohildren from Tueson, Arizfor Thanksgiving. They also ex- btto, Arkansas where they will ona arrived Wednesday to spend Visit with Mr. and Mrs .. Robert the next two weeks visiting hare, pect their son Melvin home. Mrs Fay Moreland and daughter Smith, Jack's parents. He is tr with Hr. and Mrs. John Johnson. Virginia Going to Spanish Fork to spend Judy of Montieello will oome to report at Ft. Eustus, of on Deoenfcer. Kay the first Thanksgiving will be Mr. and Mrs Blanding to spend the Day with Arkansas In her Norman until Lundell and three daugMrs Moreland s brother and will stay out what the husband finds Army' hters. They will go today and be family, the Robert Turners. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Skinner and has planned for him in the fu- guests of Norman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lundell for dinfive ohildren of Cedar City are ture . still-iAlice Aunt here to spend the holiday with Standiflrd is ner; they will also visit Mi . Mrs. Skinner's sisters, Mrs. the hospital, somewhat i Lundell 's parents, the Ora Garl Osbourne and Mrs. Clark Her daughter Vonda MFriday they have an apHers chi. of They arrived Tuesday cKinney and son Stephen, pointment in Salt Lake City .for came over the weekend to their daughter Pamela to receive and will leave Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Flom left see her. Ohe of her eons will medical attention. John Biaek underwent surgery Tuesday for Florida to visit come and take her to Arizona; with friends. They plan to stay when she is r eleased,so the lowCon't page 9 col. 3 until after the Thanksgiving er altitude will help to improve her health. holidays .Mr and Mrs Claude Lacy en ' A surprise ooffee was held several tert&ined Saturday night last Friday morning at the home ' Fre-don- r mt To Jason 'Holliday, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holliday, cutting their.vO ownirAlpine Fir was admitted to the San Juan Christmas trse on ;;tne movptain 2nd" Hospital on Saturday. The little . this year,iSatti'rjr..Deosmbdr 'will bs the bnljr day designate fellow is quits Ward Third for this purposa. Providing the Speakers in the Church Servloes Sunday evening roads a're r still open, . nFopsst Robert Gardner and of floor Mil bs ohthaJohnson were Elders , the . Michaels an; and Bishop . Grant Crsek road itO aooomejdat oh the North Bayles, who was representing the Bluing area and ' the Speolal number Creak road to aocomodate High Counoil. area between ths Mont io ell o was a dust " My Faith In Thee" sung by Helen Bayles and Joline hours of 8 a.n. and 5. p. m., Holt. Elder Mlohaels on is from Deoember 2, 196l.,i . Che tree' will be permitted to Salt Lake City and replaoss Eleaoh family (at the oost of $1.00 dsr Pooook. Curtis Hunt brought his wife each. Payments" oust bs mads in Cheeks or Marsha and three ohildren down advanos of cutting. money orders must be mads out ip . from Salt Lake City last Saturday to spend this week visiting Forest Ssrviea U.S.D.A., Ogden, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Utah. No epsh .can be aooeptad. fifth birthday Wednesday afternFt. oon with a party in whioh his completing November 24, 1961 t o Area's Largest Stock of Residential' and Coeaercial Wiring Supplies Bus. PRO. 2676 iUo. PGO. 2007 . Located in old Pay Day Sbop NORTH 0 F BLANDING 1 t ' Welding by Murphy o Mechanics hy o. G. Bradford GUARANTEED PORK AT REASONABLE mien The Best in Front End Work PRICES !j , r- - O |