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Show Page 2 Novenber 24, 1961 DLANDING OUTLOOK THE Publish.) every Friday at Blanding; Donald K Rosa Alberta Reas - dis-tarti- Blondlng, Utah rather see a sermon than to hoar one. Anybody would rather oee what the book tells about, than to toil through For instances I had road muoh about Egyptian musmies, but. I learned more in ten mlnutos in looking at a. dozen of thorn than I could havo learned in ton days in road lag about thorn khat is shown in a museum ean bo made to appeal; to everybody, and tho display can bo slanted to tho caching of almost any subjeot It is well known that the most diroot way to the sensibilities and to the understanding of men is through, tho eye rather than through the ear People who are unable t o read, or who oan not understand vdmt the printed natter is trying to Oqslain, oan grasp with a relish the .thing which is before them to see "In the Smithsonian museum in feshlngton I of books Jin learned more in half a dey than I could have ths pages of the Tribal leaders. Ihcy will coor tain picnic areas and ocher conveniences for the tourist. Also under discussion at thia . . This--pla- n Gor-;.'- .n . dug-ou- a month. place with j - . p , W?ller stated that the exper-.n- ce "casts serious qiuostlan' on -- " baslo oonoepts of power and authority under whioh the Atomio Energy Connie si on was establishThen referring to Senator ed Robert S. Kerr, who holds a maj- that Notioeine;by?givon. 1961 Dfooafcar X, City (Winani BUading - N o eolleet-io- , ragiljttlag the, removal; ahi; disposal . of garbage and refuse, wlllbe la tho full initht of tho 1956-1- 5, on-foro- Ordinance . n, ad ther all sed against and .aonatltuto d the lion on the pr operty-involve. premises appurt- otr itruoturei prescribe must bo and refuse garbage from prendfes no than two times each week BY ORDER -- OF COUNCIL re- It it illegal to dispose 9Ubogo and refuse : other than the City The Ordinance at any Dump o . f Tnrtr Thur-Fri-Sat-- garbage It is Not. capas-ltya- ATBlOOOy AUDIE MURPHY GARY CROSBY WMMr MO SMOW TUESDAY quirement Aoeuaulation . , re-fe- ao . PARKS. areas that will be available to those tourists. Under discussion Is withdrawal of certain more of the Canyon de Chelly area. Also under study vras the land at Marble Canyon Gorge west off bago ia refer to garbage produced plaoos. . of J private rasldanoi ad dining hallo pot open to tho publio Oosaroial garbage re-fa- ro to produood la tea trolal jttags oStabllohawito, public or quaai-ptb- lif institutions ostablishnonta, .inoludlng or root- - br.,fara oonditlon dangirous to the health, safajr and woifrre tb-,11- li prohibited--- . W6? Ohofwhich ttabo Is an aonrnlatlch . .dr NfUsd, nr Uod-Th- ur Not. '29-3- 6 MISf ' Starring' CHRISTOPHER l&K gar mutt be lator tha t mpho Sls 1961 n y. such A M DOLORES MICHAELS of gtrbogw end Garbago;.vis- doflao6v: 'uv't till or interest in a f irn rnhftih do -imfuoo 4 ; animal; ia Nasto,:vogotablohi Hrmt.U prokibitod v eloped reserves during tho perM. other dr lRg,. att.tr..; attending putrtftring iod after limitation notices had qdorlfema suiting ;froa tho .propamiion. irbago Hall not bd alleicad to been given the lndustiy, Wller asserted that tho e x perlcneo, oooking, handling, consumption aoouBula.e on any premises, doaling la qaousulatlon of garble pi (TURN TO PAGE 9 CCL. 3) ' t: foods which .oonstltutos fool, fish, fruits,' n or vegetables Residential gar- IwbMago or nuiaaaoo r.,Atto-'--attw.ai-at- -27 nd lid as' it will U difficult to obtain ' thia type oantainar at abort notice, ' you will bo allied until Jaauiry, 1, 1962,to oomply with this re- . 23-24-25- BATHE cca-tain- or Inasmueh . Mon ds-arlb- od at being of g&lveniied metal of not more than thirty nor 1ms than ten gallons with a ; tiit-fittir- g THEATRE plte pre-hib- lta must be used Recorder Nielson, SALT permits burning e D SHOWING AT THE of refuse and trash but the hurding of garbage. A regulation-typ- BUNDDfG CITY Yoi are advised that you may either subscribe to tho available service and havo your garbago and refuse removed Tor you or ycu say remove the same yourself. . THE . sFranois fewer moved pj---'j- , - a . ?--; it The' Ordinance mm me oommenoltig countries.1 many from enant thereto and If you do not understand tta operation of a business) provid- terms and of tho regulations ed however, said term shall r,ut ' which Ordinance under this ordor. include either industrial ws?te to avail or waste natter resulting free is given,: you are urged information at the oonstruetlon, demolition or yourselveS of tho the Offices City repair of a building or . ? ? .'. that . 1 g-- ; lots or areas in violations off this ordor. on January ?1, 1962, ' waste Refuse is all shall be declared a ttuisanodj' or attending excepting. garbage thell be oloanod.up by the. City roaultlng in tho oooupanoy of & and the oosts incurred by the roaidenoe, apartment, hotel or City in so doing, trill be assesof dwelling, t othar - pro-ry&- such as we oould have establishments. . ( V t in Blending, museum here aurants, hotels, ut the ' . display of interesting things from -'t -- t. and ought to have, would stimulate the interest of school? children and It would become a souroe of .... interest j. everybody in general T). kind of museum whioh wo eWld rousing other interests would to visit it if they oamd. within fifty bring people mvo,' A museum can be not only a ooneentrated exmiles of Blending hibit of what is to be seen. in' this oountry, but a profitable A ? i- book t . Parks Commission meeting was foro-ing aro ion" that a plan of Civil Defense organizarapidly him out of business would, be in cotion. The eharge was voiood by ordination with other agencies on me iceservaaon cue navajo roilce Weller, executive vioe pros C the Uranium a Institute at The United States Public Health Serviced the Tribal Utility Authorhearing at Moab before a sub committee of the Joint Congresity and other agencies. Inrhidod in sional Atomic Energy Cosnlttoo the talks were various other asN of Aspinall Congressman Wayne pects of Civil Defense. Sam Day IQ Colorado is ohairwan of the subChairman said In the case off any committee and presided at the type of attack on this country one. of the prime worries for the Nava-Fa- b. aring 7 Weller observed that on people would be the problem off jo j58, the AEC director of rawg fooJ, Over SO of the food eaten by Aerials told the industry that the Navjjcs comes from off the Re"In no other program has there servation. We need storage space been so suoh built-i- n protection of some type, so there will be c for the independent minor" But backlog of food on the Reserthe UIA offioial gays evidoaoe vation. Also under discussion vms that suoh protootidn was not in the possibility off an influx off fact given tho snail uraniua evacuees from the west coast, or aan. closer that would need food, shelHe said that when the AEC orter, medical care and other types ' iginally advised the industry of assistance.?- that its requirements were being ... On the food storage problem in .February of 1957, most was a discussion of ah easily built arjt3.ll operators discontinued no cost fall-otype shelter. This But shelter could be used for surplus bheir exploration aotivity - the sane tine larger firsts, food storage In normal times, Undl f irticularly in the Shirley a full study by experts is made, it ' tain of Wyoming vigorously push is- assumed that the higher land oil d their exploration and develop! the Navajo Reservation would he I ;ent programs reasonably free of fallout. Thia The reward would independent! show the need for a shelter, miners reoeived for their ooop- -l but not the concrete, specteUy conoration, Weller said, was am structed type needed In lower eleclosed door after April 1, 19621 vations. Plus for ..the shelter. If :ien the present guarantees ear approved; will be made available ?. ;ire He explained that, through soon. ?? Conamed issued the Sam DayQ was recently by regulation mmission on Nov 24, 1958, markCivil, Defense Goronttnator for the ets for uranium in the post '62 Navajo Tribe. U this capacity he eriod would bo based upon provwill work' with the BiA on Civil en reserves condition Defense matters that affect the a3 not required of independent Navajo Reservation miners in the former period anc vh'ich they did not develop because of their desire to ooopor-wit- h n. the Comttssien's re-r.u- Anybody would , by ons e interested learners as I have found with these exhibits I have been enlightening more In this bureau of information. and in a greater, range of people on a wider range of subjeots, Both children same length of time. 'ago thsn ever before in the and old people have asked questions and listened eagerly for an will be' a part off the vast rocrear tUra and tourism program planned tho Uranium of Amorloa has oharged inat tho indopondont uranium t.inar has boon oonfrontod with a series of "deoeptlona and under tho guiso of adlat ministrative proooduro and havo gono koonly. at Lafp, Arizbu; the Sooth !C Bscoptioa Gbcix! Falls tore off Lake Powell at GlaanCan-o- n Dam; and the Kit Carson Moor I docb Hearing ument east off Galliga These areas for I of-th- 4 a spokesman v in y 9 ! far out of uoh oould and fM iloh. :'tiw .Ire Interesting to soo, of people for odutlon fartor a potent 'tooamod. Au.kiib'1 than sohosli nays I In moral. It U nuoh nor. effoetlvo in mediums of information prinoipal horo text books aro one novor I school, taught as totho 27 ytars that 1 vas teaching 17 months as I havo. taught in our people of all ages in any lit tlT museum What is more I didn't find as great a percent of Subscript ton Pates:, San Juan County 9 'one year $4. 00 .San Juan County, six months... 2.25 Elsewhere in U'.Sti.' I year. ... 4.50 Elsewhere in V.&.A. 6 months .. 2.50 at fS Srh. PUBLISHER .EDITOR Second Claoa Pontage Paid "byALBEHT K.. LTOUJ MVall i havo been more intereoted j.n gwing wner --rt to b. loornod, than hro th.ro m. Just thtaga . SHOQ TIME 7:30 |