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Show 4 . Page 4 County ComUklun nc Council uf Defence of Ctialcrmi: ' ynn Hack Wane lw; Civil La Pat Deft Me Dircctoc leaandt-- r School If these Civil Defense organization' well as other things Alexander met with the County to reoeive Instructions from the things are not aiipiifioant snoui Corurds si oners Mona Nov 20 to die eounty and the reverse (It to warrant a distrust ivs bomb in ouss next years budget f to deter- should be noted here that each this area, let us eonsldor other Out of all of ths mine what to spend for and how town or community should have an pos slbll it las to a meeting with the Civil organization set up similiar much things that one can miscalculate one Defense. Dir eotors and staff .was the in navigation, a roeheted waifctmd .pictured above) Other things being needed are could idss a target several hunheld later that day and the problems of Civil Defense in our shelters both, public. and indiv- dred miles by Just mis calculating and the wind effect. Other things idual, the storing of food area, were disoussed means in whioh they can are radio active fall-ou- t, From this meeting there were water, a it can brought out the problems needing educate the people, education is travel as far as 700 miles down a very important aspect of Civil wind from an explosion attention, first: if an atomic A. survey imDefense most is needed to Does not the prevallng wind attaeV should ooour, the portant need was- a reliable means determine the avail lbillty o f come from the. southwest and is it of communication public buildings that tan be used not less than 700 airmilas to Conolrad system of warning and for shelters and first, aid sta- the Los Angelos, Calif shono-rn ete us not think that line?. Let informing is not reliable it has tions, We of has been the can many It and opinion happen to us buy been proved and each county thing area and. in that this means own the lnsuranoe of need premiums they pay people there will City need not prepare for attacks of for protection, but we hope wt eonm'inicatlons Civil fores because we are so don't have to collect It was suggested that small nuclear edwhere Defense here isolated is is protection, let us be But, transniting and receiving radios ucation oo'mes in San Juan Cou- prepared and hope we don't have be put in each community in the This would enable each nty la rich is o 1 and uranium as to oolleet County v County Defense Director, L&Ray City - . FOREST SERVICE RESEARCH flow." for vegetation conversion on a State-wid- e Forest Sen Service told basis STATES WATER YIELDS Moss that, following the origin"Ths growth of Utah is dependThe Forest Service is formal survey, a feasible, research ant upon our using every availUtah reof its program ulating program would oonsist of at able method of . increasing our search aimed at increasing the least these studies i useable water supply," Senator State's water yield through reDeterminations an experimental Moss said placement of useless "water hog" plots of increases 1 n water "Ths Stats is fortunate Indeed vegetation, Senator Frank E. available for streamflow. to have the Intermountain Forest Moss i The . has been informed (D-ut- ah) Intermountain Forest The and lianre Experiment Station at Ogden has reported that the first study to be undertaken will be a "comprehensive zonal survey" of Utah vegetation to determine the acreage, location, and density of those types that .have littli or no commercial value Determinations will then areas of greatest of. the made be potential for water yield . sions watersheds that a r readily of ths experimental adaptable to a rssearoh program Testing plot findings on entire exporl of this nature, " he said. mental watersheds . Development of rssownendatlohs t'Ja EL HST fi OT im- This survey will provement. a take about year, Senator Moss was Developments of- - methods of and Bangs Experiment Station converactual making vegetation with its experimental plots and told. entire program will take several years, the Forest Service said, and the present plan is to expand .the Utah research program in the fis sal year begin ning July 1, if funds permit The WESTSDE MARKET Where you can find all of your Dec. 8 Kir t land, Dec. 9 Farmington, Dec. 21 ' Net 1 Moab Dec. 22 Pagosa SpiQj Dec. 23 Bayfield, Dec. 28 South Emery North Emery Dec. 29, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Col 5 Green River 6 Durango, Col 12 Notre 18 Monticello 19 East Carbon 26 Moab 27 Navajo Missii South Emery i Dame Feb. 2 North Emery Feb. 3 Cortez Feb. 9 Green River Feb. 16 Notre Feb. 23 Monticell$ Mar. 2 East Carbon Dame Dee. 15 and 16 Sc Sc shopping needs "Plants of no commercial value which use large quantities of water do provide protest ion tc the watersheds," Senator Moss "And they can bs eliminsaid ated only if other protesting plants can bs substituted, "he said The Forest Strviee reported this example of how manipulation of vegetation can iaprove water the Davis County Watershed, the remowhile val of an aspen overstory, under-- ! retaining a dense plant water-1 story to provide adequate. shed protection against erosion, made 4 area inches more-- water within the top 6 feet of soil available for mantis yields "Ch ntal , . t and i HURST OIL CO. Where you con find ail of your automotive needs : Th9 only way you eon posolbly Iobb: nonoy on iio , to to tako your buotnoBB BlBBWhQrQ , UlivlivU UULAJIUm - |