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Show . V November 24, 1961 Page 7 blandieg oonoo K OLD FOLKS BANQUET ; BIG SUCCESS BY JOLINE HOLT The Old Folks last big suooees a was Banquet even- Saturday -ing when ninety one young at heart from all over Blending and -- Bluff attended the Thanksgiving dinner some from de-llei- oue of turkey and all the trimmings at the LDS Church Rooreatlan Hall The Hall was deooratod in ths Thanksgiving theme with favors of nlnlature the tables fresh fruits inflation, particularly farmHis oost goes up faster ers thui his inooms and inflation on by v SaundraCarter, Donna 'Jones Sylvia Nielson, and Grctchen Redd Officiating at the bake . sale held at Parley Redd Hero last Saturday morning. ' sponsored by the ' Sohool Chorus money by who The sale was San Juan High is raising various projects to buy Chair Robot for. the ohorus Last year a oedar chest was raffled , The Committee for "Strengthen-'.-'vingJbneri- loaders Education" met Tuesday evening at a dinner meeting. held at. the Park Terrace It . Elementary. Sohool at 7 pm . : was. a ."Dutch Treat" Thanksgiving Dinner prepared and served by lunch (te.the Park. Terrace Sohool . Through filled with to the there, L. presented woman F - URGE "BETTER WAY" "A batter way" to bring prosperity to agriculture was outlined by both state and national oa were ner with Thrumsn Lowery as Masore than aver He playai off as part' of this projeot Frank Hoolty, field sen for. ster of Cqmonies The day before Thanksgiving Amerioan Msdioal Association end sang two numbers, "That Silthe ehorus sponsored a picture outlined the steps already taken ver Haired Daddy of Mine" and Ken Me "The Old Reeking Chair"show, "Arsenic and Old Lace", government toward socialthe by Donald played a saxophone sols; which. was shown to the sohoel in and warned that the direcism, two sessions, Jr High mad Sr Jones tion that wo are going now will Ellen Johnson and Mary Annaccomhomemade whioh and at High candy oompletsly soolallzc the country played their harmonicas, Nadine and popcorn balls were sold He pointed panied by Mamie Adame a few years within All members of the ohorus are out that socialism sad communism Baylos, Venioe Lyman and Jollne looking forward to having the are the same, except that no one Holt, singing " Ths Old Refrain" robes as they will add very muoh In this oountry will admit being was accompanied by Mabel Palmer Sharon Shunway brought on a lot to the appearanoe of the ohorus. a oomnmist The danger thereFARM BUREAU LEADERS StrcagtbonfDg America Through Education Mooting Held November 21 f plenty oldest Porter, end Hattie Barton The program followed the dinman and rioes us out of the world est with the result that our surplus stocks are increased Hey man, were Gifts mer- are Pat o with hankerohiefs for ladies and The large Homs of Plenty men inflation and everyone is nurt Shown above horns at the annual eau Convention in Salt 16,17, and 18 day convention Farm BurLake City major addresses by A President Utah State Federation, Charles and John Di root or, C Lynn, Amerioan . V Snoot, Farm Bureau B. Shuman, Legislative Farm Bureau of laughter .with a pantonine Mabel Shunway gave a Thanksgiving stery and Charlie Sipe played piano numbers Lucy Harris a Alberta ttirray, a viodanger that should be the oon reading oem of every person in the lin sols aoeonpanied by Kay Haoountry Mr the Woolsy rris) hillbilly susieal numbers 4pnt by Eva Lynn Perkins, Glsn stated further that Skinner, Amerioan Medloal Association a reoord of voting The of all Congressmen and Senators inoluded on Issues related to Amerieanism November three fore is that unsuspsotlng' persons nay be trapped into supporting the enemy without intending This is the real to do so was keeping tery told and Charlls Sipe; a Nel-d- on by Dora Buries and Jellao Holt sang Threads Among The Gold" "Silver Old felks eoBdttees were Mr and Mrs Leland Shummy; Mr and Mrs Clarence Perkins, Mr and Mrs Phil Aston, Mr and Mrs Glsn Mrs Mr. end Skinner, year Mr Mrs and Kenny urged Utah Farm Bureau to Hall-'ida- and continuation of the Amerioan These voting way of life be released to the will publlo during the coming elec- re-eo- rds tion He Federations Ezra Taft Benson, y, farmer Secret ary of Agricultural make a similar analysis of the Shumsay, Mr and Hrs Fred Mr Mrs and Frank Congressman M, Blaine Peterson; voting reoord of Senator BeMr Mrs and y, S and Frank (hnny Pieros, Secretary nnett, and Congressmen King and Mr Mrs and ddy Wetalak, California Farm Bureau Federa- Petersen, whose terms will exMr Mrs and Rill Black, Hr and Senator Moss1 s in 1962 tion pire Mrs Gene o f term The largest Bliokenstaff, and Hr attendanoe expires In 1964 and Mrs Cdrl Mahon, and Hr amd farmers on reoord heard PresiMors than 600 persons attended Mrs Rex Nielsen dent Shuman declare that during the convention Policies wars the last thirty years. Congress established for the coming year has tried almost every oonceiv-ab- le and A V Smoot, Corlrmo was reTrade With method of. controlling farm elected President! can People Beooming Soft!" Qlaf George Local. Merchants: After the banquet and program production and price fixing Kanosh, Vies President! and To Build the group was divided into three These schemes have with few ex-He Frank G Shelley, Amerioan Fork, Se or r committees, 1 Elementary Seo-- a ceptions, failed miserably Better Community' and out butter that 2 tion Secondary Seotion 3 pointed Each oommittee other dairy produots had oom- Adult Seotion guests were in-- s staff vltbd and 54 attended Hr Ken-no- th B. Maughan, General Chair man, conducted .. The program consisted of a .'double mixed quartet from the San Juan High Sohool Chorus directed jy Reva Redd and aocomp-anie- d by Sylvia Nielson! a talk laek by Superintendent Zenos L on the subjeot "Are We As AmeriAbout 65 H-te- Shum-wa- . . a etary-Thoas- ure moved from government eleoted a chairman and seoretary warehouses until this year when and a representative to the ste.Those elected prloe supports were again estabering oomnlttee Now ths government is as chairmen and secretaries o f lished the various groups were: Eleme- baok in the dairy business in a ntary, Prudence Oakes, . Chairman; big way Taxpayers urn are paying the bill and dairy farmers are Edith G Lyman , Seoretary Seeondary, Bryant L Jensen, getting less money for milk and real serious ohairmanj Etally Redd, seoretary. are headed Tor trouble were None, seleoted from Government Adult seotion Steering oomndt-- 1 dumping of surplus tee, Kenneth Summers, Chairman feed grain together with higher Rota Bart ell, seoretary support prloes is rssulting in The purpose of the meeting was exactly what Farm Bureau has Market to effsot an organization s o warned would happen Both tf IB abatier the that the art various oommlttees prloes depressed could work on goals for strength those who oooperate and those In enlng America in our looal scho- who do not are penalized ol' distriot, and to Inaugurate order to stay in business, farmers must turn thslr grain over , plans and an educational program for oarrying out the strengthen- to ths government and take the support pries, then buy it baok ing of the youth and adults in at lower prloes on the market, Americanism which has been depressed by govThe steering oommittee, set a ernment dumping Dumping e f meeting for Tuesday evening, feed surplus grain will hurt the November 28, 7:30 p at the livestock industry by encouragsohool distriot office. ing excessive livestock feeding through an artificially d spree -- IT PATS TO ADVERTISE ssd prloe for grain" Mr Shunan stated Deficit spending encourages, Come in and find out why SL PASO PRODUCTS SPECIAL - Wash Job $1.50 nith Grcaso Job at Rogclar Prico lla, |