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Show J ' A Page 8 - 4 Hits. JOSH MONTICELLOWEUS t. S . RSTORM TO iJL Novenber 24 9 1061 r JOHNSON Naahrllla to spend a week, during Rhleh they attended the Grand CDs Opery, and a oonvantion of Throo , thousand' dioo jookloo frm BUMDIKa BY J0L1NE HOLT MARILYN RCK7LEY Mrs . John Johnson re Mr Mrs. Una Maughsn of Wsllas-vll- lo Jewell Adame. Refrashaants follall over tho United States, on the lQth to turned. Blandlng Thankla hart to spend the Thanksgiving thona of Novenber after being gone for whloh was very interesting AlbuFrom there they flew to sgiving with tha fanilles of har owing wars aarvad br the hostaMfs, two months on business and pleaw Diala Kannath and sons, Mahghan querque, New Mexioo to viait was brought Kara by 'i another son, Norman Doan Bugg ?So of they 10th September w, and VJ and family, and drove hone in daughter Mrpnd Cortez, Colorado by piano their own oar that Mrs, 011a Jaoobsen, whowtntVqe bean Row Yortt and then flow on to to Qklahsea to s pond tha holiday' Donald son taken their there by halp-plat- er by , to har san-ln-la- had with Harry Randall and daughter, baa, want to Prioa Wdn today to hava Aaaa'a ayas oxMdne& on They wara aooaapaniad tha Mrs toaNhlpple While In PrieOf .thay viaitad with by Mrs trip Elian Randall Chrbon Callosa is attanding who Us San and Mrs Mr and; cihlldrsn spant tha waakand in Salt Lake City shopping and visiting with rslativos and. Mrs Vaun Miekalsan Mr t o Mantl, ahd fasdly travalad Friday, whara they visitsd Mrs Mloke lean's parents, Mr and Mrs Jams Chajsan wy also want' on to Salina to see Mrs mother, A Mr Miokal-i- 's Fred Miokel- - good erowd 1 n LDS Saturday A o n g tha Montlaello people going ware Mr Mrs Temple UGrand Olsen Carles s Chapman, and and Mrs Mr feel Randall, Mr. and Mrs Fran-io- is Barton, Mr. and Mrs Jaa SalUton Mr and Mrs Robert Robert Andersen, Mr and Mrs Dalton Mr and Mrs Earl Randall, Mr and.Mrs Hyman Redd, Mr. and Mrs Burr, and Mr and Mrs 'ash 2wriyMallay Mr sad Mrs Bosnian Redd and sons Don tpft GMyson, wara in1 Salt Lake ity an business L Frank Badd .eleo sULe tha trip with than Assistant Superintendent Ke- nneth Haughan and Klonentary Baitall Rate Sait lodes Otty an seheol and Mrs torenos sad Mrs Rail Argyll want, to Ugan to gat his wifs, Mrs Argyll whs : S, Any V tou4 didn't return to tAcerioa ftp hoaw land for forty years and is pinoe then he has been hone ive times, the last being In xyd J frdfl left 1959 fepv'Palt'Laks Gity to They also visited in Gotonbergo haws Thanksgiving dinner with than flaw to Stoekholm t thalr s ci;ltfi wife, Mr and and Joan MS a how town girl, Berta SvwttltUn jAc ,Vs '$ an, whs is working in tho Mr and Wednesday ' 1,1 SiTS. Aeerloan EUbassy in Stoekholm They took har out and the trio viaitad and had a wonderful tin Tran thara they want to Gotland rto MraghwutsV fjj entertainment for asst years Stats. Fair '?:;v and Mrs frul Strong Jour wysd to Barstow, ChllforniaFcr ho Thanksgiving sill bs with thsir son and .4661 tor-in-la- Mr w, Strong, and thsir wMsh cad rats, to miins data holldvtbay ruto bach to tbs eleventh oantury and interesting and the and Mrs. Joryy wy maswara.baautiful two ohildro The niseis Bother, ni Mildred Mrs j . Blansh her sisters, Oertude and brother Ray of Npphrillo, Turn Irovs up to Virginia q0 get his aether and John and took than to Silly i ijrlnfifric never get 'into an argument with my dad if I can possiblyavold M1 r.ui 'Tie ' much. it. sighed John: Fathers don't change Neither do teenagers. But this might be a good place at which we adults can stop and take inventory. Are. you guilty of that routine?. It has been, qverused by most of us. Children need the advice and counsel of their When-I-was-a-- pathway by our mannerisms. Our better-than-th- ou attitude makes us unapproachable. Our children need to tow that we have experienced some of the same problems that they ire now passing through and that we did not succeed In solving them in any betferfashion than they are. They need to feel sympathyfor Bugg our sympathetic patronage. Learn to cut out the long harangue and get down to basic facts. Tkd may 1 got out tonight 7" doesn't call for a resume of your entire youth. It does 'call for a direct "Yes" or 'Tb," and your reasons. When your child wants to hear about the good old days he'll ask you. There is nothing more stuffy than a parent who knows all the an-sw- era. My studenta are shocked when I confess that 1 am ignorant on some point of the lesson or that tt 1 how much1 1 be them with my infallibility: poor teaching. . ii. ito 15. Of.VlaiA T&t, Mason Redd two ounoso The seven young her appaaranoo at tha hospital in Salt Ink City ado sistar at lady LDS She - : ftddoiL Me TtpTnlt dfifl csfced cut Dr. Ml G2, Docpltd. A to Reek at to feaijddA op Mn.( ths - LDS STAKE CONFE REfitE TO BE 25 26 Ths Ssa Juan Stake at their tartarly eneo of the Churoh Confer as presiing Marilyn fegner. dent! Chrrle Falser, rise pre- - Jeeue Christ '.of Utter Day Marians hold has an oldar hows wewbers eleoted westing Wednesday even- TikonlSfClub HELD NOV. & - . aidant, Ad Semrvills, ' The eereiary-traaeur- er officers will assuno their 1 1 ties the first of the year etiring office: n vrt Jura new LDS Chapol, In to Mca-tioe- llo Noretber 25 du- and 26 R- President Ulaad V. Redd will be preolding . at tho Ocnforonoo The GaneraL seooiens .will be held a Sunday at 10 and' pm Efiiysao is invited; to 'attend M1 Hopkins preiidenti Bm.iy Thaoksr, Flos president and Jeanne Janes, Fallowing the elestisns a aandysaklag dsm onstrwtlca was presented b y U' Saints will bo ai boy parents. We should not block their swst. ili Wi lutB Ion. Wat do t & Mr in ago, 9 , fate kniag t3et oft flaf tri i Hfesror end for SSSEBBBSo B New ths Antique Fair, which is Jctocas to QEBaCF-JEQ- vary Ita pflotDcn EhSO Mwiafion'AiHscjf SmM! I2I4JI was attended two daya. toy ' toFt they flew, to Rnunke, they visitsd Mrs totofr tors " X& .teacri esean the Jorgest allowing of antiques end tia held only twits a year, ltbdki .ps. tb A The to 70 nilssaa hour 'Ths Ay, they landed in ted JSuch 1 stbicgr with . kurriosne winds up it (Scat fiber s h Alch Mimli will add to her York, flie ix. w adhjoir ta the us ss well ss to receive returned Soandenivian spinning Maliaiiea in Jchsscns states an a ship beoause of ths souvsnisrs thsy ware bringing sack Aasng than wm an old Alafiaa Sted Jin. 7oom is town as ths island sf fho reeeatly spant a few days with - thsir daughter, Mrs Dean fries, before returning to Montioolls Tully Harvey oanefreo Prss-oo- tt, Arizona to spend ths weekHe is end with his fanily hers engaged In the mining frailness Mr and Mrs A. Jay Redd hava' a daughter a new grandehild was born Nevetor 15 to lfr and I country. when he was h a Jctojan lefjt.Hedekas dysung nan of seventeen to oobo Georgia where' 'Nolan stationed pith the Hr.14 la risit with thoir fhnillee, Hell Argyles and. Tally H&nrays They will return next weak to It Banning of-ik- had suffered a atsaka He .has nada a great deal of Ths Argyles steppe in Cdan and pounds t in killed thipft sisters vdio onware 11th the ABjfiUte aoeidant Bugg helping ler father, Niels J Ursan, Mrs to la their .tha eatata of Molea ArpUtnd young son, Tony art here fee e and busi-no- ss the past weekend bean thara OCX Mr in ware Blask Wsndsll Blask Mrs and Mr.anl and family want to. Baavar to hava Thanksgiving with tha Pudge ' Fahraan add Calvin Carter f ani-li- es. Mpi thlserent iSrofe th Sih, Mirsia:alfc Sup-srvi- sar Caoil Janes had as 8a6y dinner guests Valca Me, Mr and Mrs Steven Eager, and Nr and Mrs Cospar Janas Mr Hilda Mr participated tha arourslon to the Manti ' dakas,' Sweden whara they fradriok-agaMtt- thalr daught ar there STOOD EOUQS 8 o.n to 0 pn TOsii |