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Show November 24 v 1961 T Up & Down the Streak bli JOSEPH! KS BAYLES Phono 20i Uuhigg nd Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Cleont Ada Wednesday for Salt Udee officiated at a wadding ttw St and in j3oa; Friday praaohad Paul's CMKinity Methodist at Chur-- oh Society of .Christain Miss May at entertained Service Wonan's a Birthday party. a very serious operation in Salt j Lake;tty, Se . She Wednesday. is at Cross Hospital. . aooompanled Mr. and' Mrs. Bison 'Blaok"whtn they went to the (Xp-it- ol She' HOly. City for nedleal help. .It was, a groat surprise to Mrs Josephine Bayles Monday Morning to have a visit fron Mrs. Martha Mae Borchard, of Naturita, Col- ; arrived at seven in tht sorting on her way to a aoatlon in California. It was that Mrs.t the winter of 1936-3- 7 orado. She -- ll, Borohard, then Martha May lived at the Bayles hone She and attended high sohool. Mit-ohe- lived north of - Dove . Creek at that time.' Her husband, Louis , . and. mother, Mary Bllen accompanied her on tho nia trip. Mrs. Garda pre-forman- Adams Mitchell, Califor- has spent the all-scho- Shun-wa- Pearl t-te- nded Bon-temp- holMr. ft Mrs to spend the Thanksgiving - first six months and the will c o iplets sohool February 23. Seotion II will attend first three months and the tr- vey and Sonja Lee Shumway; a reporter, the Josie, last Palmer; Bob, Benton Shepherd; by a photographer, Lurlene Cindy, Laurei and Diok, the children's ward, Murial er three months, with a Rosooe from November 22 to February 26. Blaok, Billy Black and Voice intercom, Anna Seotion III will attend the Heyman. .ast six months, starting Nov -- Marie Hacking. Visitors Bill Rhodes, Norman lyraan and. ember 27 and finishing May 25 If there are any questions James Flom. Advertising, Kristine Carrol; please contaot Mrs. Carmen Coclay-ov- from are . . hran, CGH'T PAGE 9 COL. 3 the kindergarten te&oher. two-ye- Mr. and Mrs. Marion Blaok and daughter, Blaine, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruoe Black spent Saturday at Farmington, New Mexioo, visiting with parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blaok. Mrs. Blaok' s health' is mu oh bettor than usual, but Mr. Blaok so. well at the tine. Sunday. Calvin Cook represented the General Board from Salt lake City and was aooonpanied by his The wife and several ohildren. was theme of the convention "I " Am The Brother's Keeper. fy morning meeting was for tha Stake Board members. The afterpresent noon meeting ms for all Sunday Mrs. Blanohe Blaok Iras honored 1 on tho "Your Hymns and Mine" pro gram from Salt Lake City, Wednes- day evening, was sung by V. tHe soloist, William Burke. The Mrs. number was requested by Blaok s son, George, who lives in Salt lake City; he. wrote and told his mother to be listening. Elder Glen Jones reoeived his release from his mission at Dallas, Texas, Saturday morning. He o traveled to Odessa, Texas . - 25 - 27 28 Oz. Non-Su- ch oarrlad out - the oonvention. Usually the students one ease it George - ' oome home but in lias been reversed ' Beoause Stanley 4his year. Bronson eouldn't St. of the theme oome home from for the holiday, his Warren and parents, Ruby, and ft Qir-t- is Susan brother Steven, and Butt went , to St. George to a Thanksgiving dinner for their students there. They w ere make Stanley-an- Kermlt d Kathleen Bronson, and Butt. home t two . MINCE MEAT Nov. 24 of his brother Ted and ' Mr. and Mrs. Willard Guymon' and spent Sunday with and Mrs. and Mrs. DeVon Hurst family rs Another brother them. Georg turned from a reoently trip o was there and Sunday eveni n g went to attend California., 4ey . they left Odessa on their way to the funeral pf Mrs. Guymon 's and Blending, arriving here Monday Mrs. ftirst's brother, David, who at noon. Glen has served in tho was killed on November 11 at Texas i Louisana Mission the past the - t Specials. for Sohool workers. The instructions were followed by a film that in honor of her to spend Thanksgiving, the 17th of November Birthday on "Star, of the Sea" Rosamound, years. California, in a pe-dost- raln The Amoral aooldent Blending's Rook Club met Sun. was held at Tehaohapl, his horns evening at the home of Mr. and town, 125 milts "north of Los Mrs. Alma Jones and enjoyed' a Nov. 15. Those In at- - Angeles, Wednesday, pot luek supper. Williamson was 46 years M. tendenoe besides Mr, and Mra, old And loft a wife and Jones, were Mr. and Mrs. Doug ohildren, one married. He soyon was' jalbfaith, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill the first eounsslor in tJi e Ed Galbraith, Stevens, Jgrahoh Presidensy of Tohaohapl. Mr. ft Mrs. tas Pendleton, Mr. A For fifteen years, Mr Willlam-se- n Mrs. A. Shumhay, Mr Mrs. Har-vhas edmt to Blanding oaoh-deKartehner, Hr. ft Mrs. Ray season to' hunt. He was Ckhoon, Fay Janes, Leila Maimer, here again this past Oetober tad Vernon Rowley. The oooaslon . . Mr-ftt- os. ey er aq-C- ont .was Alma's birthday.' ini Mc-Cl- ean her parents, past Week in, landing, attending idayD.with She is- going. to Foster. She stayed at the J. to business. home o t Myrtle Hunt part of the sohool at IXxrango, Colorado, and time she was here. Mrs. Adams has a ten day vaoation. Ths Youth Missionaries were has spent tho time since her resoma of 4 oar loads of people quirement fron teaching sohool, went to Mexioan Hat, Sat working in the Genealogloal Li-- gr who The evening oonsleted evening. ary in Salt ake City. Cffon and Norma Burnham were in of danolng an d refreshments. new companBlending over the weekend at the Elder Gardner and his hone of their mother, Mrs. Ema ion Elder Miohaelson were in at Burnham. ey came to attend tendanoe. John SherldAn's orchestra furnished the musio. her missionary farewell, prior ar Blending's Sunday workers at to going to Manti for a tirrsn lives at Odgen, tended the Stake Sunday Sohool mission, .Convention at Montloello all day Utah, and Norma at Salt Lake. isn't oes take, as-oordlh- Mrs. K&thryn Stevens underwent , are ex-serv- ice Coppertoa in BlnAus Can- -', evening, tho Thursday yon. SAN JUAN HIGH , AMERICAN LEGION SETS MEETING PRESENTS ANNUAL PLAY ' Blending Post 97 of the Aner- -, Shusswy loan eglon is having a meeting By JOLINE HOLT The San Juan High Sohool pre, their six ohildrsn', sndf. Mrs. Saturday, Nov. 25 at 7 p. m. in afthe City "all. All members and sent! their annual Thanksgiving Aft on Stevens left Wednesday three act play toniit at the men ternoon to go to , Albuquerque, eligible New Mexioo, to spend tho Thankhigh sohool auditorium with urged to attend. starting at 7 30 p.m. sgiving holiday with Mrs. Jeen LOCAL GIRL PARTICIPATE Seoret The Play "Dr. Hudson's Stswart and family. .Mrs. StewJournal" was taken from the book art will be remembered ty Blend- IN COLLEGE ACTIVITIES dauwritten by Lloyd C. Douglas and acin ing people as Mrs'. Steven's sorority Participating Marion G. Nielthe on College of Southern directed by Mrs. ghter. At Thanksgiving time tivities son. TV station in that oity has a Utah Campus are 131 coeds, Twenty three students sptolal party for the children to Presiol Intersorority character parts in the and Mrs. Stswart has tickets for dent Cedar Virginia Brown, y City. play which promises to be her .five ohlldron and tho 6 Inoluded the among particioutstanding. 'youngsters to attend. They pants are Kartehner, Characters are Dr. Hudson of Sunday to return Blending will Mr. of and Mrs. daughter Harvey Brirfitwood hospital, George BaySix Blending Ward oouplas a Kartehner, Blanding. les Joyoe, his young daughter, ths Young Married Stake Ann 'Kuykendall; Nancy Ashford Temple Excursion Friday and. Sat., K I NDERGARDEN TIME his seeretary by La Rue Helquist; at Manti. They were Mr. & Mrs. Tim Watson, a high school boy, Bryant Jenson, Mr. ft Mrs. Lynn CHANGES Mark Lyman; Joel Kelsey an inLee, Mr. ft Mrs. Phil Rollins, Mr At the beginning of this sohotern; Lyle Palmer; Mr. Warner a And Mrs Carl Osborns,' Mr. ft Mrs. business nan by Gordon Harold; . Grant A. Bayles, and Mr. ft Mrs. ol year the kindergarten was divided into throe sections making Barbara, his daughter by Kay Bud Nielson. and Marion' son small possible for each seotion to Blaok; CynthiaB&tes it Little Jimmie Jones,Jones are played by had a have six months of school. Prentiss, nurses, of Mr. ft Mrs. Keith and Perkins A Lily Ilae HeThose ohildrsn now attending Trudy painful accident this week. a paTony Bonterapini door was slauned on his finger. in the morning are in Seotion I, lquist. tient Is Alan Nugent; Mrs. The bone was split on the end, those attending in the afternoon his. wife, Beverly Ann and was nearly cut off but ho are in Seotion II, and the ohildseems, to be making a' nioe re- ren who have not yet started Wright;andMiss Hastings, Mrs. Mrs. Armitage visitors sohool are in Seotion III. covery. horns Foster Grace is Miss Jimi by Lillian Galbraith, Jeanne Har Seotion I will attend . over tho weekend. Miss .gg Pajce 3 BLANDING OUTLOOK pageQ col, 4 CALL NOV. , HAVE A LARGER SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS TOTS t E 49c |