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Show Publtthtd in tho Int r rouias J t o Blanding(nnM th Surrounding Otl and Hining CoiuuinUitt BLAKOISa, UTAH, totems tt Scb nr t. FRIDAY j NOVEMBER 24, 1961 ftesab fflb Park Service Tags Acreage t For Hovenweep Center Site 1 Proposed withdrawal of 280 acres of public land located 40 air miles southeast of Monti-cellSan Juan County, for the purpose of building visitor and administrative facilities at Hovenweep National M on u ment was made by "National Park Service, it was explained by Dewane Jenson, acting Utah director for the Bureau of Land Management Proposed Improvements at Hovenweep to be made under the Mission 66 program will in-- ' ( o, t . ' . dude residences, campground, a utility area and access road. Objections or comments on the proposal may be made in writing to the State Director, BLM, P.O. Box 777, Salt Lake City, during the ensuing 30 days. THE WITHDRAWAL precludes all forms of land appropriations in the area, induding any made under mining law and mineral leasing laws, subexisting rights, ject to valid Jenson. Mr. to according 11 Su Jua Crab Tutaate in tha aantar of town during dear r, Pisturod above apa La Vail Their Job was not Just season. President of tha Blanding to seel tickets to win tha rifle, Hal Sportsman's Club and John to hunters but also let register of Montezuma Crook. so that tha sherriff's dept, Hr. Palmar is pras anting Mr. would know the area tha hunters ha won s- 4? NO. . Seals toed ' Pal-sa- : Halt tha rifla that for would be in, in ease of an emewith tha bagging tha daer largest rgency. And also giving out inf or 33 tha rag 78 in. during spread, Tho season daer hunt. rifla ;ular a Winchester is being presented 270 Modal 70.. Mr. Hale is a B plant operator at Anath compressor station. He stated that ha was vary happy to have won tha rifla sad now that ha has a good rifle9 ha will be able to bagg a larger one next year. - nation. tha Aeoording to Mr. Palmer, was Club tha Blanding Sportsmen's ram-r- od of our new Mayor res ervi or north Hurst was very of town. eager to follow through and with the Fish A Gama Department putting up tha money. Other projeots in planning by tha Club are tha of a rifle range ' Probuilding know ceeds made from the As many of you Sportsmen ticket sale Club the Blending Sportsman's during the dear hunt will go to sponsored tha ticket booth seen help build tha rifla range. is shomi have not roosiveu your Christmas ths Seals, oontaot Gens Foushee or 1961 ftboreulois Christmas Seals. Mrs. Joanna Pierce, offioers of Aoesrding to offioort of the tho T. B. Ass'n in Bluff. Every Son Juan County Itiberoulosis and one's helpful donation is needed Health Association, all San Juan to fight Tuberoulosis. County citizens should have received their ehristmas seals by Gucn Smith senting Post Master In a resent meeting with the County Csndssion, Mr. Dougherty County read superintendent, dls-ous- sad Navajo Parks Comm. Meets the If you havregular meeting of the Navajo of work to bo dona with now. Everyone is urged to conprospeets of the state taking tribute generously and use all their seals throughout over suoh roada. amount He farther, stated the lower dugsay be used that the H a Instead of the upper road. road from tha Hateh fradlng Post stated that ha had conferred to Hovenweep, cresses the wash with a Mr. Shimmy and Mr Powell il5 times, but oan bo. rolooatod of the San Juan Lumber Company , to oroeo the mash only onoe at and has found out that the lower Hatch wash if the oosadjsloncro ;dugway is a private road and ,so desire. the San Juan Lumbar Ceaqpany does Eddie Boyle A George Joaoo, not want the road taken over by representing the Golf club of the County because it will nec- Montieello, wore present in reessitate in their obtaining lio-on- so gards to their agreement to purchase the old Hospital building plates for vOhioles. was It unanimously agreed that in Montieello. They reviewed the County Assessor and County their agreement to purchase tha Attorney bo contacted in regards building for the sum of $3,000 ,to the above matter involving loos $190.00 or that portion of the use of lioenne pSatcs. the rental money that has been HP. Dougherty stated that the paid but had not bom used. They read between. Mcntczucai freak an presented the Cocdooloners with tha Sul Juan fridge is in need a shook in the sum of $1,81000 ' of caintcaanoo and desired the which will bring' payment to Oocdsslcners epinicn as to the ' $2,00000 m ths oentraoi. They . -- . , i aoovs pre- Hawkins . 1 Christmas Season. en't sent in please do so your at onoo. donation If , you asktd .that a survey oi ui perty bo made to determine pro- the mites and bounds so that transfer dad completion of. the co. ntrast oan bo mode. A notion sioner fry . was. made by Commis- seconded by fyrum T. Black and V. Redd, Cocsdsslonor unanimously carried, that San Juan County accept the , chock from ths Msntiosllo Golf Plub in the amount of $1,810.00 in partial payment of tho old Hospital building and a survey to bo mads to determine tho mites end bound A Tribal Parks Commission was held last Wednesday at the Tribal Museum. Attending the meeting were, Sam Day HI, Chairman. from Saint Michael's, Frank Bradley. Sr. of Kayenta, Frank Bradley, Jr. from Tuba City, Sam Taliman of the Cornfields area, Clifford Beck of Pinon, John Nelson Dee, of Tec NOs Pos, John C. McPhee, Parks Supervisor of Window Rock, Martin Link, Assistant Supervisor, and Charles ' Dmon, Chief Ranger. On the agenda for this meeting was the withdrawel of certain lands 'on the Navajo Reservation for use as Tribal Parks. This is in keeping with the Tribal policy of preparaof the property so that transfer tion for an Influx of tourists, cad and completion of the contract with sn aim to develop recreation can bo mode. 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