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Show March .10 .1961 Page 7 MISSIONARY meeting. Going nia Rates Want-- Ad down to the Gulf of CaliforMexioo way the latter part of this week to vaoatlon cats & Barley in the sun and enjoy deep eta also Two Row barley seed. Call fishing were Gene Shumway, KathOR Norman Nielson. ryn Lyman, Tim and Iva Loo PerFOR- RENT Modem Apartments kins, Jerry Holliday and Dorothy in Bluff. $15.00 per week. Shumway. Hanson Boyles was able to reAll utilities .paid. Inquire' - FDR SAL- E. per v line ' with aininuB-- . for .firot 10c 50c insertion. 8c per minimum line with 40c for .subsequent . 6-2- 616, of W. W. Station . turn to his work out at Chevron Simpson, Bluff, Utah. the-mine- s on Monday after being laid up for a month with a leg inBedroom jury. His wife Ndine has been 3 runs of 'FDRRENT unfurnished, house. Hwy, 47 ill with the flu this week. same copy with every North. .See Dean Montgomery. Mr. Bill Skelton of Pioneer 5th run free. OPTOMETRIST.... Dr. B. A. Furniture spent 4 days in New Mexico on business Display advertising Broughton, uptometrist, is in in Want-A- d columns 80e Blending every Thursday. For this past week. Smocking on aprons and so forvoall Mrs. Sue . appointments column inch, per th will be demonstrated .this Graves at 2491. Card of .Thanks ,10c a SEE US at the Third Ward WorkFor Used Tuesday of the Relief line with 81 . minimum. Furniture "and Appliance bar- day meeting Vie. demonstration will be gains. Western Auto Associate FOR SALE.. Che given by Virginia. Seeley. This. Store. Phone OR consecutive - Qarri-'zoz- o. -- Soo-jie- ty. i 1 V- -4 8-2- 422. Wisconsin Engine, with., hand cluoh. Reasonably good shape.. Bargain prioe . Stevens Machine Shop. fORRENT..... one t Modem will start at 1:30 and after the lesson there will be a 20 minute Mki m FOR SAL-E- '3 ' Bedroom Home, FHA years ' Ph. OR will hold Defense day, according to area ohalrman, Minnie Johnson. 8-2- 317. SALE... and come and- - division of Civil went to California The women's open house at less than old. approved. Contaot Dan Pendl- the Blanding City Hall. from 2 to eton. Box 356 , Blanding, Utah. 4 p.m. .and from 6 to 8 p.m. to3 .find out about recognizing the sym- invited to be' a little more educated on the subjeet. Mr. and Mrs. Delores Uirst Phone .2016 Agency. shown by the Canoer Chair- -, man of San Juan Couhty. All are film more ptoms apartment. Nicely furnished and conveniently located... See or call Hurst bed-roo- -- Mrs. Arthur bles- sing of her baby daughter, The Hurst son, Elmer and daughter, Zatzke also accompanied eitizsns are invited to Margaret them on the trip. attend and learn of the -- Civil Frank Wright sjent two days pjn. Defense program for this area. this- week in the Aneth Field 2 Bedroom Apt FDR REN- Tarea .taking pictures of all the Contaot Furnished. A teen-ag- er their parents or sent hie girl her youngsters, Perkins, Pht 2337. orohid .with this notes pets. His wife, Dora, and sisfirst FDR RENT Office Space "With all my love and most of my ter, Nora Nielson accompanied Hwy. 47 North.: See Dean him. allowance." FOR Four Bedroom home brick with garage Call 2491 or. 2436 after 5s 30 All : . - Hilda Lake ; . CHEAP : RENT . 2 bedroom mpletely 34 .. foot, .SCOUTS. Vegas luoky going-.'.t- Las be- -, .to attend the fights Sugar Ray Robinson and house,, co- Shumway, Iona Errett, and Faye twen fulmer Gene furnished. $35. per Francis.. trailer men were. Jim. Terrell, Thirty-fir- st City and she Home at 630 of . be held Ward in Salt p.m. March 19, will enter the Mission the next day. Mias Jones is a former resi- of Blanding having attendall but her seniorryear of sehool here. She is a graduate of a Salt Lake High school,, a graduate of & Beauty Sohool and dent ed . - has .attended the Steven Henegar Business College. She is very well known here for her muslo&l ability. VACATION Mont-gome- iy. Other Church .i testimonial will in the , o North British Mission LDS Her (Nora there for the Yokajn and be inthe the Los to visit with their Angeles area daughter, in the Miss Dora Evalyn Jones, daughter of Marvin W. and Mary Ann Jones,, will fly from Salt Lake City on the ?7th of March to Hale, Cheashi re r England to serve the . V.. . oounty, including both elementary schools here, will re- main in session; San Juan High students will .attend ol&sses here tomorrow. Calvin Blaok, month. Contaot "Eddie duff; The Genius pro jeot awards were Sat. Maroh 11th, to make up a Box 1R4. next given to the boys in the, James Foster. Sohool will start day lost. as Page and oouldn't go on beas explained. already picture, ' SEEING MACHINES REcontinue cause of the storm, so they early Saturday' and Judges, of the projeots were Don drove the rest of the way. They without intermission so that PAIRED;: 30 TEARS Smith and Mrs. Butler. oan be ' dismissed at 1 the pupils to made enjoy in time, it CALL EXPERIENCE; Appreciation was expressed by p.m. Buildfight. Sylvan Johnson to Harvey OR Starting time1 Saturday will bs ers for furnishing the wood for READ THE WANT ADS at 8 a.m. the genius. kits 1 and to Blanding FDR SALE ? or TRADE . . for the napkins and (bis 1952 F7 Ford Dump Truck. Mercantile He also announced 5 yard box. one 6 foot. place mats. Brookmeier and They flew os far Tom 8-3- 811 : Moline one - .Also, way-Li- ke ; mothers and .assistants as follows 1 Mrs. Boyd Errett and . new.-Ji- den m : Wooten, Montloello. JU 'Mrs. Hoadloy Smith for Den 1; 2 -Bedroom House. Mrs. Phil Hawkins and Mrs. Carl FDR RENTin Bluff. Call OR Mahon for Den 2; Mrs. Helen Erva Shumway Blanding, Shumway and Mrs TOR RENT . House Den 4 and Mrs. E..A. Hel-qu- ist 32 for 7-2- 705. HEARING1 AID . : -- 8-3- 871 . Trailer. call; Bartlett at A 1 Bedroom, foot, or sea Gama. Cafe. and .Mrs. Me Kay Kiaz, un-- as signed yet. George H. Brad. Qr8-24- 12 WI ford is a and McKay SIGN PAINTING. ; .show card See Clyde; Thompson Auto .Supply. Lettering. at mer: new Pack Committeeman, Kunz : is a new Acting Cubmaster. A skit, "The - : . the banquet by S. Blanding. which had had a large attending FDR SALE. . 1956 Ford Pickup Custom Cab. 27,000 milts. Ph. orowd and was considered very OR 8 2042. successful, came to a close. Lyman-Bayles- . ) , T Keep Bettor Records withBatter BELTOHE-SEDVIC- E Artistio Genius," was .performed by Den 1 whioh . was followed by "The Space Ge- BICYCLE REPAIRS... also; 1tioyoles end small wbgons nius," another skit given by Den New ar. Used Bikes, for Salt. '4. With the closing prayer, given Lyman Conoco " Servioe Station . MONTHLY CLINIC You are cordially invited to attend a special one day consultation clinic on hearing aids conducted by without charge on all makes of hearing aids. If you suffer a hearing problem, you will have an opportunity to take a free without obligation electronic and to examine the aaazing improvements in hearing aids displayed in our wide range of re tractive new models. See the new Jubilei or people who do not wear glasses. This is a f roe. nonthly service conducted by the BELTONE UTAH GO. , 23 East Broadway, Salt Lake: City. Supplies for All nakes are available. Blanding Gateway Mated. W n Mar. 13, 2 p.m. 6 pjn. Monday, K |