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Show t March 10 9 1961 f BLANDING 14 a Pago 5 OUTLOOK T.L Pond to Speak at Baptist Rev. Funeral Held for lVdl iinoivn Indian Mother of"8 Mrs. Kenneth Wagner was chairman of the Heart Fund in Mexican Hat Captains were, Anita G ralAnna lies , Pehrson and Joan Stavely The drive was k at a Cbtirch Fri Quest speaker at the Blending Baptist Chur eh three nights thin weekend is the Rev T L. Pend of Hale Center Texas Tonight meeting will begin at 7 30 an will noth ehureh nervissn on and Sunday night Saturday notioe. mWnents everyone Robert and Sylvia Nieves will take Bob's sister, Lena to Grand most successful Junction where Brooklyn, New she York. will fly to Lena enjoy- - and all the friends ed her to show her appreciation for she made stay while here. 'their help, Kay served the girls Bobby Nieves called his parand and Thursday presented the Lucky ents Sunday evening from North Carolina. He returned to bass from Puerto Rioo and now leaves ,jyening girls with a-Sif- t. in Cortez over for Afrloa, people the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. ; Gordon and Mrs. Crouoh, Mr. Ralph Cross, .Monte and Connie Rimside and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wagner and Prudenoe Oakes Also people who were in Blanding in visiting Mo Bob .and I doing some Gee has opened the Howard Conoco Station and says customers needed, no experience needed. ital Penny drive, Funeral 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray services were held at Bluff visited at the here yesthe LDS Indian Chapel vens home a short time Alvin Mrs. for (Sally) terday who was burned in evening. fatally Bailey fire that destroyed her here at 2:30 a.m. Tuesday & Mr. ning, when Bailey .was hogpn mor- at home Ernie and Lena in Farmington their daughter this and 21,896 Hunters skiing. Oot-of-Sta- family to reported to firemen !that they were unable to reaoh 'Mrs Bailey. - 11 was .1901 in Chinle Arizona and eduoated in the Ganada sohools She was the "in Ganada Arizona Smother of six ohildren by a for- Bailey was bom Mrs mer marriage Nov All six of the ohildren hold responsible professional positions and report that it was thru the efforts of their mother that they were able to receive their education She is survived by her ' Alvin band hus- Bailey and by one daughter Beeky 'Rose who is a registered nurse in Richmond, Calif. Her five sons are: Philan eleotrioian James a lip surveyor with the Indian Servioe sportsmen to a report stats last year, according nonresident on hunt- ing revealed Dove Creek and HOMES APARTMENTS of the wily Utah Mule deer The report shows a total of 21,696 nonresident regular licenses were purchased during 1960 by TRAILERS BOATS STATION WAGONS residents of 43 states, the Di- CAMPING . bird hunting, too, had its share of popularity with 566. Come Jim Hunt and Uiwyer. Mrs ! , .residents of 29 states the District of Columbia Venezuela and Saudia Arabia enjoying the' brisk fall Utah air in hopes of gun- ning down a swift-flyi- 7x30"x3S" ONLY MAKES FULL FOLDED STUDIO BED $299S state. Mrs. Williams and Everett Neff attended the funknown in was well Bailey eral of Roy Burnett in Bluff. Blanding having served on numerbe missed by everyone ous oooasions as an interpreter Toy will wonder- who knew him. He was a nurse and also as a praotioal ful person and ready to help Ideal for today by department of and fish gams officials Topping the list was the lure strict of Columbia and Venezuela Californians again rated first funeral of Louise's father. They in deer hunting license sales returned Sunday evening. of the total iwith purohase Don and Alice Douglass were in ' from 20,320. Participation Monticello Saturday having denwestern states other neighboring tal work done. ranked also high. Sterling White's mother, Ida Next in popularity to deer, was down last week and spent a was of the attraction week helping Clara with the care hunting Utah's reservoirs, lakes and! of their new baby girl. Waters of the state streams. Mr. end Mrs. Chuck Clingmans , hiosted a total of 16,108 tourist son was ill with pneumonia. from 49 states, Distriot There certainly has been a lot anglers ,of Illness in the younger set at of Columbia, Venezuela, Germany, Wee Tne measles are Chnada, Argentina and the Mexican Hat. sure hard on the little ones and Indies during 1960, according to the report. we do hope soon everyone will be Once again tourist apglers well again. soma from 6, 676, California, Guests at the home of the Bill number of made the up greatest Oakes for dinner Sunday were Dr. a from folk sister and Mrs. Louis Hasbrouck from fishing a Presbyterian Minister daughter. Frank a Meehanio and Peter a Fred Singleton, her people. -- out-- of fishing license sales and Howard among to attraction Sorenson were move Stowaway outdoor sporting seasons oontinued to be a primary Sunday .to te Utah's N&turita, Colo. the fire ooourred but was Mr. and Mrs. Bob McElwain went -resoued by two youths on the to Iowa last week to attend the, .jsoene who Made possible now ' with new materials and Metalcraft design . in Brown from Bruce Ste- week NEVER BEFORE! CMe Deer Attroet attending the Stake Primary preparation meeting. Also they wish to thank everyone for contributing to the Children's Hosp- Qbfi Local Merchant. New what 's snow? These lucky' who can ski. boys Glenna Stevens and June Brennan were in Monticello Saturday Snow S$0 were James 'Joe Trade With children are and Moab. Crain Anne Mrs. shopping, were Mr. and Bemie Woolard and the ChArles Squires family. Montloello morning Sunday School at 9i45 and Church servio as lliOO Training Union is 6s30 pm Sunday ; refreshments Sat & Sod. With Miracle, Polyfoam mattress. link springs. Double-resilie- White nt styron plastic casters. target ng the sales of these llotnses ind the resultant influx of nonresident ,, fishermen and hunters for deer and other forms of wildlife is an aspsot of outDepartment spokesmen noted umual standing eoonomio importance 'in providing Utah businessmen with annual revenues fish and nearly $60 game resulting from activities ' million CIVIL DEFENSE CITY HALL There of will MEET MONDAY be a STOWS OR CARRIES IN LITTLE SPACE IfT NIGHT Civil Defense Meeting sponsored by the Women's Division of Civil Defense in the Town Hall Monday evening at 7 1 30 pm Mar oh 13 This meeting will bs with the town board and all other, interested people who want to see the community plan for. Civil . Defense I ,. .Ji'Ti1'!1-- V. SaStaA READ THE PANT APS .77 WESTjJRN AUTO is at at |