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Show ' . Page 4 Down the Street Up & ctth UILM FfluQNS laft last homo H.O. and Mrs Mr. week Kellerhy to saki thsir In IXirango, Colo is Mr tho employed by Kiel-lsr- by School-a- y a prized poaeeealon For these who remesbor Funeral for GLollo they will be glad to hear that her son Pat Jividan will ba Black Truok Lina the North Western entering and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mosley In this same States mission family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Sadth mission is Otis Wrtght, Hyrtl and family and Mr. and Mrs Radd, Jon Hunt and Kenyon HarGeorgs Morgan and family spent vey. last Sat on Montioello the ski slopes They report at the John home skiing perfeot. Mrs. Mosley served a hot supper to the group Kartohner is oxpootod in the very near future South Aneriean million and Dean Shumway took father, Harold Butt, ; upon March 109 1961. BLANDING OUTDOOK their return. Causer Drive Workers CM at Bluff LoRoy Barnett services for LeRey were held in Bluff Burnett Bari on Saturday, Mar oh 4 at 10:00 a.m. with Bishop Soott Hurst of Funeral i 1 the Blanding let Ward Parents the family group of ladies from oello and Blanding met Sat wl Mr Wallaee Toronto, State oer Society Chairmen and LaVerda Martin State Field Representative Lunoheon was served to the group at the Elk Ridge Cafe, officiat- ing. The opening song, "In Mrs. was rendered fay Garden" Helen Bayles. Invocation was given by Franois B. Nielson and was followed by a double nixed quartet from the Blanding 1st Ward singing, "Sometime We'll The . whi oh they met at the home where of Mrs Grant A Bayles were talks given by Mr. Torento Mrs Martin as well and as ' County Cancer Society represent-ative- s Vera Hazelton, Servioe Chairman and Rath Bloomfield, Education Gahirman; Films were also shown. 'Mrs. Joe Adams was after of the on Mrs. Merle MoDon&ld who has The oz. baby girl bom Mon. been with her parents, the Alma of Blanding. Father" was eloslng lb. sung by ong, "0, My Jones family, loft this week for morning are Bill and Susie (Perbenediotion the with the quartet kins) Bowl and. Mrs. Perkins Provo where she will stay with by Grant Shumway. given Mrs will remain to help care for the her mother-in-laBetty was in Ogden with serBurial baby and visit for a few weeks. McDonald. Merle is not strong Moreturned enough as yet to care for her vices being held there on Supt. Zenos Black home Sun. night after spending own ehildren but is greatly im -- nday. Mr. Burnett was bom Nov. 23, several days in San Francis co proved. 1926 in Ogden, the son of A, G. where he attended National Super Miss Julene Laws spent 2 weeks and Jennie K. Burnett. intendents Mr. at horns with the Bill Laws famConference He attended sohool in Ogden Black stopped in Salt Lake on after finishing a course at and was ily a graduate of the Ogden his return trip to bless and the LDS Business College. She name his new grandson, son of has been interviewed for a Job. Business Sohool and a Veteran World War Tony and Aileen Nielson, who Other news of this fariily is ofHe married II. Maurlne Peterson was given the name of Kenneth that the Laws youngest child is 21, 1943 in Ogdon and to Milton. in the Montioello hospital with Sept. union was bora fivq ohild- this Mr.,, and Mrs. Milton Nielson a kidney infection. of Montioello recleved word last Lawrence Brinholt's son Larry ren. He is survived by his wife, week that their son and wife Mr. will be spending the next 2g Mrs. Riehard F. and-.'Mrs Steven Nielson have a years in the Spanish American four daughters Donna new" (Jennielean) Nielson, Steven is Mission. baby daughter; Sandra May and Janls Kayj Tomny May and Kirk Redd have Mario, attending school at the U of U. one also son, Ronald all of Harvey Gray was a guest of the been looking forward to being Jess Grovers last week end. He homo soon but Pep has bought Bluff. in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Pearl Bayles is chairman for the fund raising oampaign for the southern .part of the County, ahich will begin the 1st w, of . 1 D A 14 6 PERKINS E(y HILDA his trip to the Understand." The first speaker was Orrin week via bus for City. Washington where he Colby, a fellow employee of the She arrived in time to help welwill stay for awhile with Shir- deceased and this was followed come a new granddaughter into Winters. and Bill ley fay remarks by Bishop Soott Hurst left last fyrtle Perkins Oklahoma Mrs. I April. SENIOR CLASS SCHEDU BAKE SALE SATURDAY 1 . J3 Senior olass is sponsoring a bake sale Saturday at 10 a.m. raise at the Parley Redd Mere toaooord-in funds for olass expenses The to Ann Harvey. eakes, piss, brtad, of- Cookies, cinnamon and fered for sale. rolls will be ; is employed at Farmington, N. M. Mr. and Mrs. lynn Haslem were here from Roosevelt, Ut. to have their daughter s( Tonya) tonsils removed lynn took the boys more will home sheep to feed out so they too busy to think of until some time in June. be tossed salad, relishes, . CLUB NOTES Jeily roll . served Black Fir Lynette and Duane Lyman have ET CETERA been here with their grand parEven though Mr. Winter is . Marvin and ents Marge Lyman but Mrs. Spring is near. home after the operation here, still Finn and Marilyn Lyman took Ihe Et Cetra Club members were Joan and her daughter will stag Joe them baok to Grand Junotion and treated Thursday night at the with the Joe Hunts' for awliile. Swenson with of Connie was Mrs Lou Hunt spent Sunday with Francis and home Slnoe the children's parents. fashions from Helen Rays Dress Plant's birthday on Thursday the Denies, The A. E. Shumway family, nuThe lovely dresses plus Hunt women went to LaSal to help Shop. nt s&ora-meaccessories wera modeled by Mies her oelebrate Those going were mbering 31, attended the meeting of tho Montioello Nelene Parry, Miss Janet Vhitman Freda and Myrtle Hunt of BlandThe speolal Miss Ann Kuykendall and Mrs. 2nd Ward ing, Myrtle Davis of Mexican Hat, occasion Sunday.the being christening Carol Lee. A 1929 Catalog was and Nada Hunt of Montioello. Mrs of the infant daughter of Mr. on hand for the girls to see the Myrtle- Davis always makes the and Mrs. Elmo Redd. She was fashions of that day and age cake for suoh occasions A lovely name of lunoheon waa served Mrs; Graoe Shunsray left tor officially given the asby hostess Connie Swenson, Grand Junction Thursday where Cynthia fay her uncle Gary L. the meeting the sisted by Ann Marie Hersohi; she will care for the DeVar Shumway. After family all met at Shlrlie and Jerri Osborn and Jollne Holt Shumway family. of the program Devar and Madge Shuntey and Elmo's home for a buffet dinner were in oharge where tho family had the oppoLark and Arlea Washburn are takof meeting Gary's fiancee LAMODA. rtunity They a by little plane. ing trip Mrs. Ardell Black was hostess have planned for some time to go Miss Sandra Butlsr of Whittier to the LaKoda Club last Thurs. to Missouri to see Nhnda and Calif. Several of tho Laws family are evening at her home. The guests Milt Rogers but whether tha to Prioo on Friday to atspent a pleasant evening doing-trip materializes at this time going Delioious refresh Laws work. hand the tend Linden of wedding is uncertain ments of individual meat pie, The Rook Club will meet this and Miss Kathleen Marshall. Linden the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday night with Minnie and Wsyns isLaws. Lindsn will be remJohnny Johnson for a smorgasbord "and to meet Mr. Johnson's sister astered best by the people of as the baby who was so from Sweden. They will have to Blanding during World War invent more Saturday nights as eritloally II and how it almost took an aet they hare three birthdays tc of Congress to get permission oatoh up on was punch & by Mrs. Mat ... it LK RIDGE CAFE - A- -l DRILLING COOPsamr WATER WELLS SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION DIAL OR 8-4- 2(1 3 - BOX 504 BLANMKG, OTAff wup rvf . ill Miss Betty Reddye who was seriously burned last week is doing for his father to come home. family has rooslved as well as earn be expeeted The word that Mrs. Millard Haymore, Albuquerque physician informs sister of J. Wiley Redd, if in us she is a very brave patient. a hospital at Carlsbad, Calif. If anyone is going that way hex The Redd Approximately 250 parents, and children each day were served at the Blending Elementary Sohool mother would greatly appreciate a ride to see her Qeston Laws who is in the British Mission tells of the during the "Sohool. Nutrition added interest being taken in Week." The sohool lunoh room anticipation of the dedication ip under of the Hyde Park apel and the' tho direotion ofMrs. Ikggie She and hor able .Singing Mother's Qiorus help. Mothers of nissionarios who do wish to . thank all parents and eutsteunding work were named Minds of tho elemental? stu- Tfether of the Month" and Mrs for their cooperation in see so honored end Betty Iasi Wg this event suoh a received a eertlfleate whleh is dts ' BIANOINO OR 8-20- 1 81 IICENSED CONTRACTORS KHA LOANS LUMBER A BUILDING MATERIALS A FLORMAN PAINT ? i ( DOORS GLASS ROOFING HARDWARE ciAimv tmmos s&ppw HANDING WAN |