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Show i .Ls ff t. ; Marehbl0vl961 . .4 - . by.MABILYHYRZ i Holds Banquet Gub: Paclt-312- ; BKitZFr . 4A Page BLANDING OUTLOOK Ronald : Harvey s on.-oMr and ; Veterans iHospti&l.. for addition Mrs Hilly, Harvey,- hasbeen-xa- l Jt reatwent . Mr." Black wife, led to fenrevrinvthr MexifcAftiMls- -s Eva;..', has-behospitalized here-bu- t; ion of the :? Church?" ofJ J ecu. waar r el eased to:.: her hone, Christ of- Latter rDayv Saints thisweek -Mr and Mrs a1 Grant Bronson and Headquarter xf. this jnission-ajr- e r at Mexico-r- City".. Elder:. Harvey children?? have ; returned from a will , report . to the iDS.Mission pleasant stay 7 of two weeks In. Home in. Salt. Lake. Cityron March Mesa and Phoenix, Arizona . They .20 , vislted: . Mrs Bronson's parents, f - --al- en - - -- - farewell .testlvonial meet tag A Mr- - amK Mrs - Albert --Tree,, and . . v will, honors' Elder.p Hanrey Sunday her mister, Mrs . Mrs.-.F. at the Coutny .Attorney .and Montioello-2nd.-iurd- . Bennion-Red- d are in Tucson, Ariz Speakers Lloyd-Bartthie.rweek- where Mr , Redd ' has will l include: j Black,:- - the misslonary1 his been attending a convention for parents,.--- and - Bishop ; Daryle M. prosecuting , attorneys Redd Music - will' be by a male Mrs: Donna: Abrams parents , Rawlin . Evans -- , f on - Palmer -- - . quartet' - of" composed;: Joe-- - Foy Lisle Adams j Grant "Bronson, and Doyle: Rowley Ronald, is a graduate, of Monti cello Hlgjh' School He has-xo- .. - at the tNatonal..EIctronca:In-stitut- tax Denver,' Colo.: The a . was-defeate- ' and Carter and-thei- r v : Cb-rte- -- . Club will.'' meet: s: evening' v at- the - homei- - of The this r s Fins-iArt- - Willie .Barton' is th - Madge .. - ess co-host- - d . were : called'--' to -Miners villa by; the serious ill'-ness of the r brothers , father, PuyCarter-wives-- The team In their first game A film - -- on oanoer prevention :will be shown Mr. and .'Mrsv Pudge r. Pehrson-:-toooe Mrs Pehrson? s father,- - went on to win 'tournament ming.- team..:: place ln.-th- Law-ren- first players in a seoond game-..- defeated-- , the Farmington jr. N. M . 3rd Ward by a . 71 S3 .r -- margin In.: the final won over Ran- earning them 62-5- third A s place-honor- former - . fellow, was. a member of N Bluewater, team-?- : took-- , s . are-"' -- jpecial recogniSoouts. of the Hoy Scouts of. and achievemAmerloa, March 1 in the Blanding tion,- v. advancement, wr.s conducted which The ribhon ent-' award: El ementary' S cho ol and Johnson awards .were given'' for ths best by Cubmkster Sylvan only Boyd Errett, , Uiairman of the articles : devised,-- using materials..: found . in a i. "genius Pack Committeeservice : stars were kit" of standard contents From Cub to Scouts Dale Blaok, left to right, the Cub. Scouts: given are Kerrj' Shumway of Den 4 with ussell Bradford, Lloyd Shumway, his model It 70 dream car; Curtis Mike iacy, Steve Lacy, Dennis dy?Lee 3ayles, Clyde Mahon of Den 2 holding his Abajo Hawkins, iiurdette Shumway Deryl fire tower .n.ioh featured the Helquist, Miar!: Shumway, phrase "Keep Utita Green"; Alan Kerry- Shumway,Jiurko fron-Den-Black, Bruce Errett displaying ian Johnson, . Uftrrel Comwell, Black, Darwin his wcoden-fis- h Larry Skinnn , and complete with hooks r and a fislr-erma- n; .Francis, A two-ye.. Burke Black of L)en 5, in Michael Terrell, service stF.r r presentation' ws.s possession of his bi plane j grvnd. made t a. Alan Errett . award winner Jef fery Lynn Black Bobcat achievement awards were of Den 4 whose - model merry- - go Thompson, Joseph movable made to round complete with iJennis ilradrord, and Eric music Black, horses and drun-beati- ng and.. Darwin Robinson took top honors; Volf rank badges, were presentFrancis representing Den 6 suped to Dennis; Bradford and Erio porting his raft. Blue of the sky, standing for Robinson Awards of Lion rank were made and-golretruth and Cub . I - Che-ye- ar . -- , Monticello Bill.: Halls, , recipients; J "llying saucer." a .. Cub Scout scngfe3t, of kit" project, awardsl After Mrs Lynn Le e , time was made at tlie Blue and Gold, ban- - led by for the evening's main quet held by Pack 312, Blanding given event that of Pictured above - . M, team second:-.- , place Black,to- - Salt .. Lake .City tournament .the Friday where - here-enter. Wyo- The -- k Ward 44-4- gamer: Monticello Anderson dolph,- .Utah. 0- ; last weekend by. the Laramie, Vfyo. 2nd with-:- a 0score .The of-Denverv Calvin held Colorado in-Denve- been past ye&r and-- half, he thr.v. at: Morttarr.Missie. employed . Plant 'has-.- Jaiok.: Ward 2nd. basketball, team. won the ;onsol- atirav- third-plac- e at the Region f e 5 T Tournament. s visit . The -- Monti cello . : m pleted A. Wheeler, cams from. Layton for a brief Saturday, and : Sunday . - a course --i . ,.i'. Mr--aniIrs- : . . the This ln the ed 1, overs-ized-plug- , ej . - . . Postal-Patrons- Bland ing, Utah - :- .- . opportunity to:, ask all concerned --to. cooperate with us.rin better park tag .at the new Post Office I l : take.-this- . loyalty; Darrell Black (whose badge presenting warm sunlight,' hap- - to Included a gold arrow point) and piness, and good cheer are the t o Darwin Franc is Cub Scout colors, and. reason fer Cerxificates- of Appreciation colors of the occasion were ' made to. Den Mothers Helen cereAfter the opening F d, Please-?- - . park?-- at a forty-fiv- e -- degree.-- andri proper. a serlou:jaccldentrand save property baokr-oir- t eavs-.in-tht- lane-c- : f angl e and when leaving, travel. if damage , This not a may avoid life urger:your." cooperation In this:. matter to avoid possible embarrassment .. Thi City;- Pol ice": has advised Lhat after suffi-cie- nt - lt will tickets. start-Issuin- Lorenzo Hawkins Post Master in the United States Air. r'orce - The ?. Thre --Hard Drama Jest iv&l was held 'Monday- - and Tuesday ; at : 7 30 pmLarge nights crowds..: each? evening: enjqyed-th- Mr- - - Hemingway is rarried to a former. Blending. girl-- daughter of , Mary Law3 have. Donna Laws The six children Mem-;ingw- ays .. outstanding program". This event is. .sponsored? by .the . -- - MAKE YOUR In- HOME : LOOK offered by A pot-lu- ck with assistance from members of the dns. .Very special were official Cub Scout napkins place by Blanding mats, furnished Mercantile, t whioh contained decorated Mothers Den by - IV : SEE-RA- -nd . about - directs a hundred puzzles, with wings .each f COL. 2) - e e as., then w (TURN TO PAGE 7 Helquist, after which a delicious ..banquet was enjoyed in style Tables had been E. . - M.I.A. and Is under.-thion of ' the drama- heads-e- Star Spangled Banner." vocation - I la; which. was conducted by Den 4, outgoing. Cubma3ter Sylvan Johnson led the pack In singing mony "The Respectfully yours, LARGE:: CROWDS? ENJOY j - Me? waming -- : different such BTEBBINS: hun.or-o- ur FORPAINTING as a saucer attached to it for u ward one --act comedy jl'lhe-Troublwith Mothers11.? was presented by A e the 1st Ward, cflrected by .Velda Nielson "Star , and . Player" a - drama one-a- ct was given by..the 2nd Ward and direotedby. Nancy The 3rd WLtrd r. presented Redd e s veral short skits and . musical . numbers . directed.- - by;; Chloe: Ann Shumway rehearsal mat inee- was. given for the . children . on Saturday afternoon, at '4 pm v. - A -- Timo Saving; -- NEWSNOT&r HcXay President Davie vStake London new residing, the nuroh of Jesus Christ of: Latterwas c reate dlaaiSuniy Saints .0 With The new - Stake President": is Salt Lake ity Attorneyrwho tationed " in " London as a Major onald tly : . , Et&bber Stamps fumishod qviddy.at Idvrast 4 ' : tStock of Residential and v.Conoercial Wiring Supplies Buo .PHO .2676- Res. PGO. 2907 Area1. 8 .'Largest 1 - |