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Show . Page 4B March BLANDING OUTLOOK sandstone, Utah Proposal: Needles Park Utahs three Democrats in Congress Monday urged an investigation to determine the feasibility of adding the Needles area of southeastern Utah to the national park system. SEX. FRANK E. Moss and Reps. David S. King and M. Blaine. Peterson sent a joint letter to Interior . Secretary Stewart Udall asking that some basic decisions be made soon on creating a national park or a recreation area operated by the Park Service. They set .no boundaries to the area but described it as canyon lands extending from the Glen Canyon recreation area northward to Dead Horse Point on the Colorado River. THEY RECOMMENDED the Needles in San Juan County as the center of the development The Park Service Monday reported that in 1959 it had made a field survey of the Needles area. As a consequence, the National Advisory Board on Parks and Monuments last fall recommended that it be set aside as a recre- ation reserve. A RECREATION reserve was characterized by a Park Service official as a park land bank for future development. No such action was ever taken. The Park Service survey re port said the area is of national significance for its scenic and geological importance, notably for its sandstone minarets, arches and other forms of rock sculpture. PRE - HISTORIC Indian ruins and writings were discovered much as they were left there 900 years ago, the report showed. The Park Service survey covered 75,200 acres, including Salt Creek Canyon, Horse Canyon and Chesler arid Virginia Parks. THE UTAH- delegation letter to Secretary Udall, stressing the spectacular gorges cut deeply into the colored - Utahs state park program. 'THEREFORE, if a portion of this area is to become part of the national park system; or otherwise developed as a recreational area, suitable investigations should be carried out, and major decisions made, in the near future. Trade With Local Merchants READING THAN THROUGH ANY OTHER ADVERTISING MEDIUM! d &dby off the ect arid the development of TO BUY o o o o o summarized - TO BUY ybscirob 10,-196- .importance they attached to the idea as follows': "As: you are fully aware, many factors are combining to '" bring about greatly- increased activity in southeastern Utah in the next few years; among; these is the progress of the Colorado River storage proj- WHAT BY ,, y |